(04/03 13:00:51) Korov’ev: Shorah, and welcome to the 132nd All Guilds Meeting!
(04/03 13:00:53) Grandbad: Shorah to all
(04/03 13:01:00) Korov’ev: In the D’ni calendar today is Leenovoo 16, 9676, and the time is 9:00:03
(04/03 13:01:10) Korov’ev: If there’s anyone new: welcome to the Cavern! You picked the best time to visit
(04/03 13:01:16) Korov’ev: As usual, I’ll remind you the 5 Meeting Rules:
(04/03 13:01:22) Korov’ev: 1. Please *keep chatter to a minimum* while speakers are talking. The occasional comment or emote is fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(04/03 13:01:32) Korov’ev: 2. If you have a question for a speaker, please don’t ask it directly: PM it to me. Be sure a “?” is somewhere in it to properly log the question in the queue.
(04/03 13:01:40) Korov’ev: 3. Speakers, please indicate when you are done speaking and ready for questions, and when you’re ready for the next question.
(04/03 13:01:52) Korov’ev: 4. If a question requires a long explanation, we may have to skip it to keep things moving. In that case, you can always PM any speaker once they’ve left the stage.
(04/03 13:01:59) Korov’ev: 5. A summary and a chatlog of this meeting will be published in the next few days on the Guild of Messengers’ site: https://guildofmessengers.org/
(04/03 13:02:06) Korov’ev: Of course, you can start your own chatlog with “/startlog”.
(04/03 13:02:25) Korov’ev: First, let’s hear about upcoming events – and more importantly, parties – in the Cavern, from Minasunda!
(04/03 13:02:29) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:31) rarified claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:33) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:02:33) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:34) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:02:34) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:34) Karel waves hello
(04/03 13:02:35) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:36) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:36) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:37) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:38) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:38) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:39) Briggs claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:39) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/03 13:02:39) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:43) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:02:44) Minasunda says hey
(04/03 13:02:58) Minasunda: April is the month in which D’ni New Year will be celebrated. We will begin the D’ni year 9677 with one of the famous light shows from our great MagicYoda.
(04/03 13:03:15) Minasunda: The place is Yoda’s secret – I don’t know either ;))) You need Mir-O-Bot in your buddy list to get to the event. His KI number is 32319 When the time comes, PM the word “link” to Mir-O-Bot and he will get you there.
(04/03 13:03:32) Minasunda: ahh yes – when will the event take place?— on April 21st at 14:00 KI – it’s a Wednesday – after Fil’s weekly live event.
(04/03 13:03:50) Minasunda: The month of April is also the month in which the Nulp Dance Group invites you to the Mother Earth Day Show.
(04/03 13:04:08) Minasunda: It’s almost a tradition. This will be the 5th Mother Earth Day with a show by the Nulp Dance Group. And it will be also the 17th show of the Nulp Dance Group.
(04/03 13:04:25) Minasunda: We invite you to Mir-O-Bot’s Ahnonay on April 24th at 12:30 KI. That means the show starts at 12:30. So there is enough time until the following story night.
(04/03 13:04:41) Minasunda: Like you know – Ahnonay is a bit difficult. We therefore have a few requests for the visitors:
(04/03 13:04:58) Minasunda: Link to Ahnonay and leaving Ahnonay can cause crashes for others. Therefore we ask you to come in good time before the show starts and if possible not to leave the show before the end.
(04/03 13:05:14) Minasunda: Also, if you come while the show is running, you may not be able to see the special effects until the next dance starts.
(04/03 13:05:31) Minasunda: And one more point: I shouldn’t really have to mention this, but experience shows that not for everyone this is self-evident. The ambience is part of the show – please respect that and don’t make any changes.
(04/03 13:05:51) Minasunda: A hint for the best spectator place: The show is concentrated in the center of the pool, where the sensor is normally located. Only the second dance is at the waterfall.
(04/03 13:06:07) Minasunda: On top of the rocks you will NOT have a good view of what is going on. We use fog for the ambience, which obscures your view a bit in the upper areas. I’ll post a picture on Facebook and Discord to show you the best places for a good view.
(04/03 13:06:31) Minasunda: The music stream for both events will be www.urutunes.com/Seeker — Danke ET for never saying NO when I asked you to stream :))
(04/03 13:06:49) Minasunda: For the Ahnonay Show we had more rehearsals than for any other show.
(04/03 13:07:03) Minasunda: I would like to thank my loyal dancers Claidi, Calisia, tsuno, Thallane, ondine, Seeker, Mabe, Willy, vony and Roland for their patience.
(04/03 13:07:18) Minasunda: It’s not easy for you. In addition to investing your time, you must also fight against dizziness and other inconveniences. Thank you :)))))
(04/03 13:07:37) Minasunda: And I would also like to say thank you very much to Mirphak and Yoda. You are always there when I need you and you always have an open ear for my wishes – no matter how unusual they are ;))) MERCI
(04/03 13:07:53) Minasunda: Another event is planned for May 15th. But more about this at the AGM in May
(04/03 13:08:09) Minasunda: I have one more point: we’ve all noticed that Mir-O-Bot has crashed a lot lately. Maybe we can prevent that if we treat the poor bot a little more carefully.
(04/03 13:08:24) Minasunda: I suspect it could help if everyone deactivates the effects they have activated themselves before we leave the bot or send him to another age. This is just a suggestion from me. Let’s see if that helps.
(04/03 13:08:55) Minasunda: That’s all for now. thank you for your patience. :)) Any questions ?
(04/03 13:09:12) Korov’ev: None in queue
(04/03 13:09:16) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:16) Korov’ev: Thank you Minasunda!
(04/03 13:09:19) Minasunda thanks you
(04/03 13:09:19) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:20) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:20) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/03 13:09:20) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:09:21) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:21) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:21) rarified claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:21) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:22) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:22) Briggs claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:22) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:22) Christian Walther claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:23) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:09:23) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:23) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:23) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:23) Minasunda bows
(04/03 13:09:24) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:26) Adam {Hoikas} claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:27) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:32) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:47) Korov’ev: Time for some news on the open source front. Let’s welcome Hoikas!
(04/03 13:09:50) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:52) cjherkeless claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:53) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:53) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:53) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:09:53) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:09:54) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:54) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:55) rarified claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:55) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/03 13:09:56) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:58) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:58) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:58) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:09:59) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(04/03 13:10:00) Briggs claps his hands
(04/03 13:10:00) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:10:01) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:10:03) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/03 13:10:15) Adam {Hoikas}: Quickly this time, because I have no notes to drop =P
(04/03 13:10:35) Adam {Hoikas}: It has been many (many, many) moons since the last release of the Gehn Shard
(04/03 13:10:49) Patrick Dulebohn quickly drops his notes…then scoops them up
(04/03 13:11:02) Adam {Hoikas}: I am (supposed to be) happy to say that it will (finally) receive an update… hopefully this month =P
(04/03 13:11:05) Till Ameisenspiegel quickly copies them
(04/03 13:11:18) Adam {Hoikas}: The other team members gave me a deadline. We’ll see if we meet it
(04/03 13:11:31) Bobbie Soks: 2012
(04/03 13:11:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh.
(04/03 13:11:34) Adam {Hoikas}: The release highlights are too numerous to mention
(04/03 13:11:45) Adam {Hoikas}: er, all of them that is
(04/03 13:12:10) Adam {Hoikas}: Briefly: you get the new PhysX 4.1 physics engine, update to Python 3, and a fix for the Relto hut darkness bug
(04/03 13:12:27) Adam {Hoikas}: and of course, all the updates to Doobes’s Ages that have appeared here
(04/03 13:12:35) Adam {Hoikas}: and that’s all I’ve got Korov’ev
(04/03 13:12:45) Korov’ev: Nice!
(04/03 13:12:51) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:51) Korov’ev: Thank you Adam!
(04/03 13:12:51) Adam {Hoikas}: like I said, short and sweet =P
(04/03 13:12:52) Briggs cheers
(04/03 13:12:53) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:12:55) rarified claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:55) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:55) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:56) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/03 13:12:56) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:56) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/03 13:12:56) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:12:57) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:57) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:57) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:57) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:57) Christian Walther claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:58) cjherkeless claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:58) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:58) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:59) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:12:59) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:02) Briggs: Thanks for banishing the darkness
(04/03 13:13:03) claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:04) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:08) Marten: *applauds*
(04/03 13:13:15) Korov’ev: Now, some updates on the age restoration project. Let’s hear from Patrick!
(04/03 13:13:17) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:18) Till Ameisenspiegel: will more extensive notes be on the forum?
(04/03 13:13:20) Briggs claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:20) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:13:22) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:23) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:23) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:13:26) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:26) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:27) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:29) rarified claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:31) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:33) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:33) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:33) claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Shorah!
(04/03 13:13:35) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/03 13:13:38) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:13:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Here we are again at the All Guilds Meeting. I have some updates on our ongoing work to share!
(04/03 13:13:56) Patrick Dulebohn: As I said last time I was here, we have two Ages and a cavern location on deck to be reopened…and it will hopefully be starting later this month!
(04/03 13:13:58) Bobbie Soks claps her hands
(04/03 13:14:11) Patrick Dulebohn: We plan to release these Ages on a very loose schedule so as to keep each a surprise, and we’ll begin with the Age of Serene.
(04/03 13:14:27) Patrick Dulebohn: I’m happy to report that the snowstorms have stopped completely for now, and despite the high winds and freezing temperatures during that time, there was no damage to the surrounding areas that would require cleanup or repair.
(04/03 13:14:47) Patrick Dulebohn: So after a few checks, that will most likely be the first Age to be opened to you all.
(04/03 13:15:06) Patrick Dulebohn: While we don’t have an exact date in mind, again, we plan for near the end of this month. Sometime soon after, I would like to have a little get-together in the Age to celebrate Andy Legate, the man who restored it originally.
(04/03 13:15:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Next up will be the Age of Tre’bivdil, originally restored by Lontahv.
(04/03 13:15:43) Patrick Dulebohn: While the sea has calmed and the Age has mostly dried out, the “downstairs” area is still off-limits due to excessive flood damage.
(04/03 13:16:02) Patrick Dulebohn: We’re not sure if we’ll be able to fix it, but we’ll keep hoping. Lontahv knew the Age in and out, so we would need him to truly complete the work.
(04/03 13:16:15) Patrick Dulebohn: Maybe someday.
(04/03 13:16:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Lastly, we’ll be opening up the cavern location of Vothol Gallery, some of Rustee’s restoration work.
(04/03 13:16:44) Patrick Dulebohn: We were able to remove the debris from the entryway and, while one piece was too large to be rid of entirely, we were able to use it as a nice place to put the Linking Book back to Chiso.
(04/03 13:17:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Even so, there’s still plenty of stability checks that will need to be done to make sure another cave in won’t happen.
(04/03 13:17:20) Patrick Dulebohn: So it’ll probably be the last of the three legacy locations that will be opened.
(04/03 13:17:43) Patrick Dulebohn: That’s what I’ve got for now as far as new Books scheduled for imminent release. April and May should be an exciting couple of months!
(04/03 13:17:51) Bobbie Soks claps her hands
(04/03 13:17:53) Patrick Dulebohn: And I promise that that won’t be all in 2021. There’s more to come!
(04/03 13:17:54) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:17:54) Korov’ev cheers
(04/03 13:17:55) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:17:55) cjherkeless cheers
(04/03 13:17:57) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:00) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:00) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:00) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/03 13:18:01) Boywhith cheers
(04/03 13:18:01) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/03 13:18:01) PodHopper cheers
(04/03 13:18:01) MindWalker claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:03) Theo cheers
(04/03 13:18:03) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:03) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:05) rarified ‘s ears are still ringing from drilling and hammering.
(04/03 13:18:06) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:06) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:06) Patrick Dulebohn: I definitely want to thank the volunteers who has helped get things ready for these openings, and continue to restore new places to explore. We’re learning so much and we can’t wait to share it with you all very soon.
(04/03 13:18:07) claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:09) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:12) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:18:16) Briggs cheers
(04/03 13:18:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Speaking of volunteers, there is someone I’d like to formally introduce to you all.
(04/03 13:18:32) Patrick Dulebohn: She was a very big help in translating the Caltauc language in Chiso as she specializes in obscure linguistics and translates them accordingly.
(04/03 13:18:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Despite being a new face to our restoration efforts, she’s been a D’ni enthusiast for many, many years.
(04/03 13:18:54) Patrick Dulebohn: Please give a very warm welcome to Kelsei A.T.!
(04/03 13:18:56) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:58) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:18:58) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/03 13:18:59) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:59) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:18:59) Briggs claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:00) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:00) rarified claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:01) cjherkeless claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:01) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:01) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:02) Grandbad cheers
(04/03 13:19:02) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:02) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/03 13:19:03) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:03) Theo claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:03) MindWalker claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:03) Kelsei A.T. bows
(04/03 13:19:04) Christian Walther claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:04) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:05) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:05) claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:07) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:08) Bobbie Soks bows
(04/03 13:19:08) zyzzyva6998 claps his hands
(04/03 13:19:30) Kelsei A.T.: Hello, All. I’m Kelsei Taylor. Though I like to joke that the “A.T.” stands for “A Translator”
(04/03 13:19:40) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/03 13:19:46) Till Ameisenspiegel smiles
(04/03 13:19:55) Kelsei A.T.: As Patrick said I’ve been helping with the Caltauc language translations
(04/03 13:20:30) Kelsei A.T.: I’ve also been helping Calum with some interesting almost-D’niglish style documents discovered on the Island he’s calling Vertigo Cathedral.
(04/03 13:20:52) Kelsei A.T.: It’s quite a vexing paradox to say the least.
(04/03 13:21:03) Patrick Dulebohn nods his head
(04/03 13:21:16) Kelsei A.T.: I… didn’t really prepare anything else, so I’ll just leave things to Patrick to wrap up.
(04/03 13:21:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Thank you, Kelsei!
(04/03 13:21:26) Briggs claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:26) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:27) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:28) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:21:28) Kelsei A.T. bows
(04/03 13:21:29) cjherkeless claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:29) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:30) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:30) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:30) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:30) Christian Walther claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:31) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:32) rarified claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:32) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:33) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/03 13:21:33) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:33) Theo claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:35) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:21:38) Patrick Dulebohn: And on that note, I will take a couple of questions.
(04/03 13:21:53) Patrick Dulebohn: If there are any, of course.
(04/03 13:21:55) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(04/03 13:22:02) Korov’ev: none so far
(04/03 13:22:11) Patrick Dulebohn: OK! Thank you for your time!
(04/03 13:22:14) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:22:15) cjherkeless claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:15) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/03 13:22:16) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:22:16) rarified claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:17) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:17) Christian Walther claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:17) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:18) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:18) Korov’ev: Thank you Patrick!
(04/03 13:22:18) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:18) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:19) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:19) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:19) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/03 13:22:20) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:21) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:23) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:24) MindWalker claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:34) Adam {Hoikas}: Are you the milkman?
(04/03 13:22:38) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:38) Korov’ev: And now some news from OpenUru, from Rarified!
(04/03 13:22:41) cjherkeless claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:44) Briggs claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:45) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:46) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:47) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:47) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:48) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:49) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:50) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:22:50) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:51) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:52) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:54) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:54) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:56) Bobbie Soks: here comes the mailman
(04/03 13:22:57) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:22:58) rarified waves hello
(04/03 13:23:01) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:23:01) rarified: Shorah all!
(04/03 13:23:11) philipgr: Shorah
(04/03 13:23:21) rarified: Mostly news about the happenings in the Minkata world.
(04/03 13:23:33) Bobbie Soks claps her hands
(04/03 13:23:45) rarified: We’ve been busy doing stability checks with Patrick and others
(04/03 13:23:57) rarified: about the newly renovated ages.
(04/03 13:24:18) rarified: While this has been happening in the cordoned off areas,
(04/03 13:24:50) rarified: we’re going to open access to those who feel adventurous and wish
(04/03 13:25:01) rarified: to poke around on the main Minkata shard soon.
(04/03 13:25:20) Bobbie Soks claps again
(04/03 13:25:21) rarified: BIG SPOILER ALERT! If you join the testers, you’ll see things
(04/03 13:25:41) rarified: that may not be made accessible here for a while.
(04/03 13:25:46) rarified: But we need the testers.
(04/03 13:26:17) rarified: I’ve stated before that I’m hoping to notify Cyan about the readiness of
(04/03 13:26:39) rarified: the new areas so they can be introduced here, on a quarterly basis. More or less.
(04/03 13:26:57) rarified: April is the end of the current quarter, so things will happen here.
(04/03 13:27:17) rarified: In addition to opening new areas of the cavern, we’ve had some volunteer
(04/03 13:27:37) rarified: help in improving the game client. Those improvements will happen this month as
(04/03 13:27:41) rarified: well.
(04/03 13:27:50) Bobbie Soks: so more jalepeno in the works…? lol
(04/03 13:27:54) MindWalker cheers
(04/03 13:28:09) rarified: There has been a lot of work behind the scenes on Minkata to improve stability
(04/03 13:28:10) Till Ameisenspiegel readies Guild of Ants O2 bottles for expeditions
(04/03 13:28:38) rarified: and address the issues of introducing new age access that had not been
(04/03 13:28:57) rarified: initially designed into Minkata’s server. That work is ongoing, but shouldn’t
(04/03 13:29:10) rarified: delay handing off things to MOULa.
(04/03 13:29:38) rarified: Thanks to Marten for his help in improving the user interface with features
(04/03 13:29:48) rarified: designed by the Ghen team.
(04/03 13:29:58) rarified: And that’s all I have this time. Questions?
(04/03 13:30:09) Korov’ev: none in queue
(04/03 13:30:17) Briggs claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:19) Korov’ev claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:19) Korov’ev: Thank you Rarified!
(04/03 13:30:20) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:21) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:30:22) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:22) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:30:23) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/03 13:30:23) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:24) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:24) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:24) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:24) uwe claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:24) Christian Walther claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:25) MindWalker claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:26) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/03 13:30:26) cjherkeless claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:27) rarified: Ok. PM me here or on Discord.
(04/03 13:30:27) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:27) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:27) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:29) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:30:33) rarified waves goodbye
(04/03 13:30:53) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:30:59) Korov’ev: Continuing on the topic of fan ages,
(04/03 13:31:19) Korov’ev: (that’s this month’s theme!)
(04/03 13:31:27) Korov’ev: time for the usual Fan Age Touring Club update, from the Deep Island shard.
(04/03 13:31:35) Korov’ev: Recently, we visited the four parts of Elodea by Dulcamara, Gavster by Calena, Denkasen and Canyon by Sirius.
(04/03 13:31:46) Korov’ev: For April, the plan is to visit Shorah Pahts by Jhon J. Jaguar, Elsewhere by Denost, Lonirvan by Jhon J. Jaguar, and revisit Cathedral by DenDwaler.
(04/03 13:32:00) Korov’ev: The expeditions are on Sunday at 11:00 KIT, starting in the shard Hood (you can get there quickly with “/hood”).
(04/03 13:32:07) Korov’ev: There’s also a (mute) stream: https://www.twitch.tv/korovvannoort
(04/03 13:32:11) Korov’ev: Radio Free D’ni will start right after with the preshow, at 12:30 KIT.
(04/03 13:32:29) Korov’ev: Time for some quick Cyan and Mysterium news!
(04/03 13:32:35) Korov’ev: Requirement changes for macOS Catalina and higher caused Myst IV, Myst V, and Uru: CC to stop launching.
(04/03 13:32:41) Korov’ev: Cyan is still working with Codeweavers to make the games run on these versions again and will update everyone about the completed fix as soon as it is available.
(04/03 13:32:52) Korov’ev: For April 1st Cyan announced a revolutionary, never-before seen VR gaming experience called … Myst Sayber https://cyan.com/introducing-myst-sayber/
(04/03 13:33:03) Korov’ev: The last few posts and videos from Cyan have cyphers embedded; as you can guess, the text have been quickly decoded.
(04/03 13:33:18) Korov’ev: Let’s just say they don’t hide any crucial info, buuut…
(04/03 13:33:28) Kelsei A.T.: they tease us so!
(04/03 13:33:34) Korov’ev starts to laugh
(04/03 13:33:41) Korov’ev: As for Mysterium 2021, which will be held in Washington, D.C. on July 16-18:
(04/03 13:33:42) Till Ameisenspiegel: April 1st you say?
(04/03 13:33:52) Korov’ev: yes
(04/03 13:33:55) Korov’ev: To help with the uncertainty brought by COVID-19, cancellation policy for registration refunds has been shortened to 45 days.
(04/03 13:34:06) Korov’ev: The Triumvirate have put together a quick survey to gauge how people are feeling about this year’s convention (the deadline is tomorrow!): https://forms.gle/jDayZLFhp5FbqFAC9
(04/03 13:34:14) Korov’ev: They are still accepting submissions for events (through May 31), activity book pages (through April 25), and the writing and artwork table (through July 1) for this year’s convention.
(04/03 13:34:39) Korov’ev: We’re already at the summary of this month’s events (times in KI time)!
(04/03 13:34:46) Korov’ev: A calendar is also present in the left imager of the Guild of Messengers’ Hood;
(04/03 13:34:52) Korov’ev: if you find a mistake, please let me know so I can correct it.
(04/03 13:34:57) Korov’ev: (Some events already presented by the speakers might be missing.)
(04/03 13:35:06) Korov’ev: Tuesday 6 is the anniversary of the release of the CWE Source, i.e. MOUL’s client;
(04/03 13:35:20) Korov’ev: it is also Leenovoo 18 in the D’ni calendar: the Day of the Circle, a celebration of the Guilds.
(04/03 13:35:33) Korov’ev: Wednesday 21 is Leefo 1st in the D’ni calendar: the D’ni New Year!
(04/03 13:35:38) Korov’ev: Now, for what’s going on in the Cavern itself:
(04/03 13:35:43) Korov’ev: The Guild of Greeters’ Hood is staffed Monday-Saturday 13:45-14:15, if you need hints or info about the Cavern.
(04/03 13:35:50) Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 11:00: Fan Age Expedition, in Deep Island [www.twitch.tv/korovvannoort]
(04/03 13:35:55) Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 12:30: Radio Free D’ni, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(04/03 13:35:59) Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 13:00: Meeting Place Gathering, in Meeting Place’s Hood
(04/03 13:36:03) Korov’ev: Mon 5 @ 19:00: Unwritten Hangout, in Unwritten RPG Hood
(04/03 13:36:07) Korov’ev: Every Mon @ 20/21/22: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(04/03 13:36:16) Korov’ev: Every Tue @ 13:00: Relaxing Session, in PodHopper’s Hood [www.urutunes.com/hopper]
(04/03 13:36:20) Korov’ev: Every Tue @ 20/21/22: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(04/03 13:36:24) Korov’ev: Every Wed @ 13:00: Fil Live, in Messengers Pub [streetjelly.com/-fil-]
(04/03 13:36:29) Korov’ev: Wed 21 @ 14:00: D’ni New Year 9677 Light Show
(04/03 13:36:33) Korov’ev: Every Thu @ 13:00: Seeker’s Country Evening, in Mir-o-Bot’s Cleft^ [www.urutunes.com/Seeker]
(04/03 13:36:38) Korov’ev: Every Thu @ 20/21/22: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(04/03 13:36:45) Korov’ev: Every Fri @ 20:00: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(04/03 13:36:49) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 10:00: Fil Live video, in Messengers Pub [streetjelly.com/-fil-]
(04/03 13:36:54) Korov’ev: Sat 10 @ 11:00: Cavern Tour, in Cavern Tour’s Hood [www.twitch.tv/lwf58]
(04/03 13:37:00) Korov’ev: Sat 24 @ 12:30: Mother Earth Nulp Dance Show [www.urutunes.com/Seeker]
(04/03 13:37:01) Frobozz (I’m on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/03 13:37:14) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 14:00: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night, in Tsahno’s Hood
(04/03 13:37:18) Korov’ev: Sat 10 @ 14:00: Unwritten Livestream [www.twitch.tv/unwrittenrpg]
(04/03 13:37:25) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 16:00: Karaoke Party, in Messengers Pub []
(04/03 13:37:29) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 23:30: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night, in Tsahno’s Hood
(04/03 13:37:31) Korov’ev needs a moment to breathe!
(04/03 13:37:45) Korov’ev: And with that, it’s time to wrap up this Meeting!
(04/03 13:37:53) Korov’ev: The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday May 1st at 13:00 KIT.
(04/03 13:37:54) Grandbad claps his hands
(04/03 13:37:54) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/03 13:37:58) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:37:58) cjherkeless claps his hands
(04/03 13:37:59) TGMChrist claps his hands
(04/03 13:37:59) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/03 13:38:00) Korov’ev: Please consider donating to Cyan, to keep the Cavern open: http://www.mystonline.com/en/donate
(04/03 13:38:00) IwonK claps her hands
(04/03 13:38:00) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/03 13:38:01) Till Ameisenspiegel claps his hands
(04/03 13:38:01) philipgr claps his hands
(04/03 13:38:03) Thallan claps his hands
(04/03 13:38:04) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:38:04) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/03 13:38:05) Karel claps his hands
(04/03 13:38:08) Korov’ev bows
(04/03 13:38:08) Korov’ev: And with that, this Meeting is ended. Thank you all for coming, see you next month!