(05/02 13:01:01)Korov’ev: Shorah, and welcome to the 121st All Guilds Meeting!
(05/02 13:01:09)Korov’ev: In the D’ni calendar today is Leefo 10, 9676, and the time is 14:02:08:13
(05/02 13:01:16)TikiBear: Huzzah!
(05/02 13:01:30)Korov’ev: If there’s anyone new: welcome to the Cavern! You picked the best time to visit 
(05/02 13:01:40)Korov’ev: As usual, I’ll remind you the 5 Meeting Rules:
(05/02 13:01:46)Korov’ev: 1. Please *keep chatter to a minimum* while speakers are talking. The occasional comment or emote is fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(05/02 13:01:53)Korov’ev: 2. If you have a question for a speaker, please don’t ask it directly: PM it to me. Be sure a “?” is somewhere in it to properly log the question in the queue.
(05/02 13:02:12)Korov’ev: 3. Speakers, please indicate when you are done speaking and ready for questions, and when you’re ready for the next question.
(05/02 13:02:30)Korov’ev: 4. If a question requires a long explanation, we may have to skip it to keep things moving. In that case, you can always PM any speaker once they’ve left the stage.
(05/02 13:02:46)Korov’ev: 5. A summary and a chatlog of this meeting will be published in the next few days on the Guild of Messengers’ site: https://guildofmessengers.org/
(05/02 13:02:56)Korov’ev: Of course, you can start your own chatlog with “/startlog”.
(05/02 13:03:25)Korov’ev: Let’s start with a music event:
(05/02 13:03:32)Korov’ev: at 13:00 KIT, in Ae’gura Plaza, Nosila will play “Music of Mr Jones”;
(05/02 13:03:40)Korov’ev: the stream will be as always at http://mosilaradio.caster.fm
(05/02 13:04:04)Korov’ev: Of course, next week there will also be… a Cavern Tour!
(05/02 13:04:11)Korov’ev: Let’s hear the details from Susa’n!
(05/02 13:04:24)Jaytee claps
(05/02 13:04:39)CT Hostess Susa’n: “Cavern Tours” are a series of walking tours that cover every Age in MOULa.
(05/02 13:04:54)CT Hostess Susa’n: Each tour is held the second Saturday of each month from 11:00 to 13:00 KI time.
(05/02 13:05:05)CT Hostess Susa’n: Our next tour will be Saturday, May 9 – that’s next week!
(05/02 13:05:22)CT Hostess Susa’n: Please meet us in Cavern Tour’s Hood for a brief orientation at 11:00 KI time.
(05/02 13:05:46)CT Hostess Susa’n: Unfortunately, the Hood is still borked and does not appear in Public Links in the Nexus.
(05/02 13:06:03)CT Hostess Susa’n: If you PM me after this speech I will send an invitation to the Hood.
(05/02 13:06:35)CT Hostess Susa’n: Our host, Larry LeDeay, uses his twitch account, twitch.tv/LWF58, to broadcast our voices and to livestream the tour.
(05/02 13:06:49)CT Hostess Susa’n: A video of each tour remains on the account for two weeks.
(05/02 13:07:07)CT Hostess Susa’n: And so you will need to open your Internet browser for each tour.
(05/02 13:07:25)CT Hostess Susa’n: Larry will show some photos on twitch you may have never seen …
(05/02 13:07:50)CT Hostess Susa’n: and Mirphak will take us to locations in the Age you may have never seen.
(05/02 13:08:01)CT Hostess Susa’n: You won’t want to miss next week’s tour!!!
(05/02 13:08:07)CT Hostess Susa’n: Any questions?
(05/02 13:08:12)CT Hostess Susa’n is checking something out
(05/02 13:08:19)Korov’ev: none in queue. any?
(05/02 13:08:32)CT Hostess Susa’n thanks you very much!
(05/02 13:08:34)Korov’ev: Thank you Susa’n!
(05/02 13:08:45)Jaytee claps hands
(05/02 13:09:04)Korov’ev: And now, an update from OpenUru, from Rarified!
(05/02 13:09:09)Lari’el: Ooh.
(05/02 13:09:17)JamieM(2.0) is excisted
(05/02 13:09:24)rarified waves hello
(05/02 13:09:28)JamieM(2.0) waves hello
(05/02 13:09:29)rarified: Shorah!
(05/02 13:09:38)Claidi Song waves hello
(05/02 13:09:41)rarified: It’s great to see a crowd again.
(05/02 13:09:57)SandDoone waves hello
(05/02 13:09:59)Lari’el: Sure is 
(05/02 13:10:04)rarified: It has been a busy month. I don’t even remember where I left off last AGM
(05/02 13:10:08)JamieM(2.0): Thinking the same thing
(05/02 13:10:22)rarified: so forgive me if I retype something I said earlier.
(05/02 13:10:47)rarified: I had been buried in working to archive all of our source code from
(05/02 13:11:07)rarified: our public repositories on BitBucket, as they were discontinuing support
(05/02 13:11:25)rarified: for our “flavor” of source management. What is worse is that they were (are)
(05/02 13:11:44)rarified: planning to delete all of their copies of repositories at the end of this month.
(05/02 13:11:57)Lari’el: Ugh! 
(05/02 13:12:00)rarified: So I had to scramble to program a way to save the data.
(05/02 13:12:16)rarified: I finished that, and have secure copies of that information. I haven’t yet
(05/02 13:12:18)JamieM(2.0): (I’m very sorry to hear that)
(05/02 13:12:30)Lari’el wonders if it was Subversion
(05/02 13:12:34)rarified: promoted that to new repositories in the format they will be “supporting”
(05/02 13:12:43)Christian Walther: no, Mercurial
(05/02 13:12:54)JamieM(2.0): (For now)
(05/02 13:12:54)Lari’el: ah :/
(05/02 13:12:58)rarified: from now on. But I do have public copies of those repositories available on
(05/02 13:13:18)rarified: the OpenUru Foundry server, so life can go on, albiet a little awkward for now.
(05/02 13:13:29)rarified: But now fot the big step…
(05/02 13:13:50)rarified: After finishing that, I was able to go back to getting fan ages to be able to
(05/02 13:14:01)rarified: be loaded into the Minkata alpha shard for testing.
(05/02 13:14:15)JamieM(2.0): Neato!
(05/02 13:14:20)Doobes: 
(05/02 13:14:25)Lari’el: Good news indeed 
(05/02 13:14:27)rarified: We had a fair bit of work to do, since the (dreaded) PhysX physics engine had
(05/02 13:14:47)rarified: to be updated to a newer version. That change meant that old Cyan code
(05/02 13:15:09)rarified: that tried to “fix” errors in the previous version now “broke” the client.
(05/02 13:15:28)CT Hostess Susa’n: yikes!
(05/02 13:15:30)rarified: I was able (with help from Adam) to pick out a number of fixes that had been
(05/02 13:15:49)rarified: waiting for a time to be added to the MOULa client, and integrate them
(05/02 13:16:09)rarified: into the Minkata shard client. With that done WE NOW HAVE FAN AGES ON MINKATA ALPHA!@
(05/02 13:16:22)rarified: (Currently three from Doobes)
(05/02 13:16:28)JamieM(2.0): Wait! NOW! Like NOW NOW
(05/02 13:16:31)axenna flails
(05/02 13:16:43)JamieM(2.0): Thank you OpenURU team, I will check that out after this
(05/02 13:16:48)Doobes: Chiso Preniv, the PUB, and Veelay Tsahvahn…all working (almost) perfectly. 
(05/02 13:16:49)rarified: We have had a number of enthusiastic age testers on alpha and as far as Doobes
(05/02 13:16:55)EthanEver whistles
(05/02 13:16:59)rarified: tells me the ages are ready for wider exposure.
(05/02 13:17:23)rarified: I have one more server change to make in order to make the “library” age public so
(05/02 13:17:23)Doobes: Any fixes so far need to be done on my end…but yeah, go nuts. 
(05/02 13:17:28)Lari’el: That’s great news!
(05/02 13:17:40)rarified: it is shared globally like Kirel — everyone goes to the same library.
(05/02 13:17:53)JamieM(2.0): Oh that’s neat
(05/02 13:17:54)Doobes: Much like how it is in Gehn Shard at the moment.
(05/02 13:18:04)JamieM(2.0): Just going to ask that.
(05/02 13:18:06)JamieM(2.0): Neato!
(05/02 13:18:07)rarified: In the mean time the updated client has been available on Minkata for most of April.
(05/02 13:18:27)rarified: We’ve had a few regressions noted from our testers, the biggest is that you
(05/02 13:18:37)rarified: will trip over the bottom of stairs when you try to go up.
(05/02 13:18:52)Jaytee: stub your toes
(05/02 13:19:06)rarified: I have been holding off installing Doobes’ ages on Minkata as I wanted to find a fix
(05/02 13:19:08)Adam {Hoikas}: this is generally due to improper collision models by Cyan.
(05/02 13:19:32)rarified: for that physics issue (if I can), but I’m also thinking once I get the procedure
(05/02 13:19:50)rarified: designed for adding a new global age, I’ll go ahead and add the ages to the
(05/02 13:19:59)rarified: Minkata prime shard.
(05/02 13:20:10)Doobes: That and the Ages need a few adjustments and updates. I had a few things modified for a DI release that snuck their way in. 
(05/02 13:20:30)rarified: I don’t want to push the new client (which is needed for the fan ages) to MOULa until I’ve
(05/02 13:20:55)rarified: either found a fix for the toes, or discussed it with Chogon since it is a small step backward
(05/02 13:21:08)rarified: that new explorers may find uncomfortable.
(05/02 13:21:12)rarified: 
(05/02 13:21:14)JamieM(2.0): LOL
(05/02 13:21:36)rarified: In the mean time, I’m also doing a major upgrade to our automated build system for
(05/02 13:21:52)rarified: compiling the clients for Minkata and MOULa. Moving to a newer version of
(05/02 13:22:13)rarified: the Microsoft compilers (that still can be used on current Windows for debugging),
(05/02 13:22:37)rarified: as well as bringing the automated configuration into the current century.
(05/02 13:22:55)rarified: (It hasn’t been changed since OpenUru first opened Minkata back in 2011.)
(05/02 13:23:05)Lari’el: Interesting.
(05/02 13:23:21)rarified: With the new PhysX, the fan ages, the new build system, and whatever else I can
(05/02 13:23:37)rarified: stuff into the package, the new MOULa client should run much more smoothly on
(05/02 13:23:58)rarified: Windows 10. And yes, this time (I checked, testers checked, everyone checked) the
(05/02 13:24:16)rarified: Windows 10 mouse fix is finally in the client destined for MOULa!@
(05/02 13:24:30)axenna: YES!
(05/02 13:24:35)AnoraLD: Fantastic!
(05/02 13:24:42)EthanEver is excited
(05/02 13:24:45)Jaytee: works good too
(05/02 13:24:45)Boywhith: Wow!
(05/02 13:24:51)Briggs thanks you very much!
(05/02 13:24:52)Telrov: Thats a huge step forward.
(05/02 13:24:55)rarified: So, it’s been a busy month with nothing else I can be doing outside of house arrest.
(05/02 13:25:11)rarified: And that’s where I am, and I’m sticking to it. Questions?
(05/02 13:25:20)Korov’ev: oh yes…
(05/02 13:25:26)Korov’ev: Our next question is from Lutra.
(05/02 13:25:26)Korov’ev: [Lutra] Question for rarified: How much work would it be to move away from PhysX to Bullet or something?
(05/02 13:25:37)Karel leans left
(05/02 13:25:39)Doobes: Lots? 
(05/02 13:25:51)skuavi II: (leanright
(05/02 13:25:53)rarified: A tremendous amount of work. Adam can go into the details, but the Cyan engine “Plasma” was
(05/02 13:25:55)skuavi II leans right
(05/02 13:25:59)Korov’ev: more than updating PhysX, I’d guess 
(05/02 13:26:05)rarified: built assuming the PhysX interface.
(05/02 13:26:18)Lutra: ok.
(05/02 13:26:19)Korov’ev: Our next question is from Theo.
(05/02 13:26:19)Korov’ev: [Theo] These files from BitBucket, how big are they? How many of them should we copy from your servers for safekeeping?
(05/02 13:26:26)Lutra: thx.
(05/02 13:26:57)rarified: The repositories themselves have always been safely kept on the OpenUru foundry (which I run).
(05/02 13:27:17)Korov’ev: Our next question is from JamieM(2.0).
(05/02 13:27:17)Korov’ev: [JamieM(2.0)] I am sure all of us are eager to know if you have a timeline for when the new ages will be hear in MOULa?
(05/02 13:27:18)rarified: And are public for anyone to clone (at https://foundry.openuru.org/gitblit/).
(05/02 13:27:37)skuavi II: see you all have fun
(05/02 13:27:40)skuavi II bows
(05/02 13:27:41)rarified: But Metadata (like comments, pull requests, commit data) were never in the repository
(05/02 13:27:51)rarified: And are not currently publicly posted.
(05/02 13:27:52)JamieM(2.0): See yeah Skuavi
(05/02 13:27:59)rarified: I do have good backups though 
(05/02 13:28:13)Korov’ev: [JamieM(2.0)] I am sure all of us are eager to know if you have a timeline for when the new ages will be hear in MOULa?
(05/02 13:28:27)rarified: @JamieM I can’t speak for a timeline, because in part it depends on Cyan/Chogon.
(05/02 13:28:36)JamieM(2.0): Fair enough
(05/02 13:28:46)J’Kla: Cyan Sooon
(05/02 13:28:51)Korov’ev: Our next question is from Christian Walther.
(05/02 13:28:51)Korov’ev: [Christian Walther] Question maybe more for Adam than rarified: What (if anything) did H-uru/Gehn do about the stuck-on-stairs problem? I seem to remember we had encountered that before.
(05/02 13:28:53)rarified: He will have to do some server work as well because his server is different from Minkata’s MOSS
(05/02 13:28:57)JamieM(2.0): LOL just going to say taht
(05/02 13:28:58)rarified: or Gehn’s DirtSand.
(05/02 13:29:41)rarified: @CW I haven’t picked Adam’s brain since the stair problem was logged.
(05/02 13:29:54)rarified: Perhaps we’ll get some time to discuss it in the next week or two.
(05/02 13:30:09)Adam {Hoikas}: I wonder if it is framerate dependent somehow. I do remember visualizing the collisions and seeing they were built wrong…
(05/02 13:30:20)Adam {Hoikas}: I’ll post some thoughts in OU discord later.
(05/02 13:30:30)rarified: Good — thanks!
(05/02 13:30:44)Korov’ev: Our next question is from CT Hostess Susa’n.
(05/02 13:30:44)Korov’ev: [CT Hostess Susa’n] When you add the fan ages to MOULa, where will the Nexus terminal be located?
(05/02 13:31:17)Doobes: Right now, there’s more of a makeshift path that won’t include a fan Nexus or terminal yet.
(05/02 13:31:26)rarified: Right now, the link to the library age (ChisoPreniv) is available in one of the Pubs.
(05/02 13:31:31)Doobes: Or at least one I’ve proposed. 
(05/02 13:31:42)CT Hostess Susa’n thanks you very much!
(05/02 13:31:57)rarified: I think there will be a little back and forth (and maybe Cyan input) before that is set in stone.
(05/02 13:32:03)Korov’ev: also, CP is meant as an alternative to the Nexus for fan Ages.
(05/02 13:32:03)rarified: (so to speak)
(05/02 13:32:22)Doobes: Indeed. Any path will require at least a minor mod to one of their Ages.
(05/02 13:32:41)Doobes: Which is easier now given they’ve let us do exactly that.
(05/02 13:32:47)rarified: Any more questions, Kor?
(05/02 13:32:48)Korov’ev: So that’s basically the only one that will need a place for the book.
(05/02 13:32:56)Korov’ev: none in queue
(05/02 13:33:08)Korov’ev: A remainder:
(05/02 13:33:18)Korov’ev: To install Minkata, check /clap Thank you Rarified!
(05/02 13:33:19)rarified: Ok. Thanks for your time, and I’ll look for you on Minkata.
(05/02 13:33:22)Korov’ev: oops
(05/02 13:33:31)Korov’ev: ahhh
(05/02 13:33:36)Korov’ev: I meant http://forums.openuru.org/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=669
(05/02 13:33:51)JamieM(2.0): Click “Clap” LOL
(05/02 13:34:01)Doobes hands his claps
(05/02 13:34:02)EthanEver claps his head
(05/02 13:34:15)Korov’ev: Our next question is from Wyrm.
(05/02 13:34:15)Korov’ev: [Wyrm] ?Any chance for a MOUL Moble – Android/IOS?
(05/02 13:34:24)Korov’ev: I’d guess “none” 
(05/02 13:34:31)Doobes: THat’d probably be up to Cyan.
(05/02 13:34:35)rarified: Ummmm, let me see if QEMU works on Android.
(05/02 13:34:48)JamieM(2.0): That would be a lot of work?
(05/02 13:34:58)Doobes: I imagine so.
(05/02 13:35:01)Emor D’ni Lap: sure, the smaller the screen, the better :p
(05/02 13:35:08)JamieM(2.0): Although I have heard some people have expermented with Wine for x86 Andirod but not really get anywhre afaik
(05/02 13:35:12)Doobes: URU on the go!
(05/02 13:35:17)rarified: Yeah, try door runs on phones.
(05/02 13:35:25)JamieM(2.0): URU to go! That would be neato!
(05/02 13:35:25)etelka: Lol
(05/02 13:35:29)Korov’ev: Reading the journals could be a bit difficult…
(05/02 13:35:31)Emor D’ni Lap: ugh
(05/02 13:35:33)CT Hostess Susa’n: lol @ rarified
(05/02 13:35:34)JamieM(2.0): LOL MOULa at work!
(05/02 13:35:59)axenna: kadish would be a nightmare…
(05/02 13:36:09)JamieM(2.0): LOL yeah it would
(05/02 13:36:19)rarified: The better option would be to have a remote screen from you PC on the phone.
(05/02 13:36:35)JamieM(2.0): Kadish would STILL be a nightmare
(05/02 13:36:36)Korov’ev: Yes, Myst and Riven are on mobile
(05/02 13:36:43)Doobes shuts up so Kor can continue 
(05/02 13:36:53)axenna: kadish is a nightmare under the best circumstances
(05/02 13:36:59)CT Hostess Susa’n laughs
(05/02 13:37:15)Korov’ev: but they use a different framework
(05/02 13:37:16)JamieM(2.0): They probally tweeked thing to make it work and it was 640×480 when Myst first came out
(05/02 13:37:22)Korov’ev: anyway!
(05/02 13:37:23)JamieM(2.0): Axenna, I agree LOL
(05/02 13:37:27)Korov’ev: Speaking of fan Ages…
(05/02 13:37:33)Emor D’ni Lap: let’s just turn URU into a 2D platformer
(05/02 13:37:36)Korov’ev: A little update about the Fan Age Touring Club, on Deep Island.
(05/02 13:37:42)JamieM(2.0): LOL EDL
(05/02 13:37:45)Korov’ev: Recntly we visited Nadnerb’s and Whilyam’s gorgeous Ages.
(05/02 13:37:55)Korov’ev: Tomorrow we’ll be visiting entries from the Rapid Age Development and Detailed Age Writing contests;
(05/02 13:38:05)Korov’ev: they’re small, but detailed, so we may end up continuing the expedition on the following Sunday.
(05/02 13:38:16)Korov’ev: Or Doobes’ Ages, whenever they’ll come out 
(05/02 13:38:25)Korov’ev: The week after that, we’ll visit a few (recently updated) Ages by Tikibear.
(05/02 13:38:29)Doobes would love to have a new RAD contest someday
(05/02 13:38:36)Korov’ev: Then, it will be time for… Geologica!
(05/02 13:38:41)TikiBear blushes
(05/02 13:38:47)Lari’el: Could use touch-sensitive devices into Linking Books…
(05/02 13:38:53)Korov’ev: Ohh, hi TIki!
(05/02 13:39:06)Korov’ev: The expeditions are at 11:00 KIT, in the shard Hood (you can get there quickly with “/hood”).
(05/02 13:39:14)Korov’ev: We often overlap with the start of Radio Free D’ni programs, so make sure to have the streaming ready 
(05/02 13:39:28)Korov’ev: There’s also a stream, if you really want
(05/02 13:39:33)Doobes: Tunes while you tour!
(05/02 13:39:44)Korov’ev: Also: after the tour, at 14:00 KIT, there will be door runs on Minkata, Gehn or TOC on rotation 
(05/02 13:40:01)Korov’ev: Any questions?
(05/02 13:40:21)CT Hostess Susa’n: Do we have any time for real life? 
(05/02 13:40:29)Korov’ev: Nope :p
(05/02 13:40:35)TikiBear: Does anybody still have one?
(05/02 13:40:37)CT Hostess Susa’n: good 
(05/02 13:40:43)Doobes: Real life? The heek is that? 
(05/02 13:40:49)axenna: is this the real life?
(05/02 13:40:51)Korov’ev: Real, virtual, it’s all mixed up these days 
(05/02 13:40:56)axenna: is this just fantasy?
(05/02 13:40:57)Claidi Song: Isn’t RL pretty at a standstill?
(05/02 13:41:12)Korov’ev: Time for some quick Cyan news!
(05/02 13:41:12)Doobes: For the moment, yes.
(05/02 13:41:23)Korov’ev: The Cyan Store now has a Free Stuff section, with a Myst Desktop Background Pack: https://store.cyan.com/collections/free-stuff
(05/02 13:41:31)Korov’ev: Indie Megabooth has a long list of games that will be on sale from May 5th to 12th,
(05/02 13:41:39)Korov’ev: which includes Obduction, Zed, and over 150 other indie titles.
(05/02 13:41:50)Korov’ev: Now, some quick news from Mysterium 2020:
(05/02 13:42:01)shokhootahn Rehn: @axe Caught in a landslide
(05/02 13:42:11)Korov’ev: If it won’t take place in RL, it will likely happen virtually…
(05/02 13:42:21)Korov’ev: The Triumvirate has opened location bids for editions of the convention outside the official one.
(05/02 13:42:28)Korov’ev: The bids will be handled a bit differently, and accepted year-round.
(05/02 13:42:35)Korov’ev: For 2022, that means bids will be due by April 1, 2021.
(05/02 13:42:41)Korov’ev: More info and links at https://mysterium.net/2020/04/location-bids/
(05/02 13:43:00)Korov’ev: And now, an update from r’Tayrtahn, aka Shokhootahn Rehn!
(05/02 13:43:17)TikiBear: His doo-***** name
(05/02 13:43:30)rarified looks for /clap click
(05/02 13:43:36)CT Hostess Susa’n: no escape from realityyyyyyyyyyyyy
(05/02 13:43:48)Adam {Hoikas}: don’t you be cussing on this here KI
(05/02 13:43:59)Doobes: LOL!
(05/02 13:44:05)Adam {Hoikas}: [trollface.jpg]\
(05/02 13:44:07)Lari’el: I reject your reality and subtitute my own.
(05/02 13:44:18)shokhootahn Rehn: Sorry, just got hit with a wave of lag
(05/02 13:44:25)JamieM(2.0): Jamie from Mythbusters?
(05/02 13:44:38)aqua: Adam I think!
(05/02 13:44:52)shokhootahn Rehn:
(05/02 13:44:54)Lari’el: I forget who said it, but I probably use it far too much.
(05/02 13:44:55)shokhootahn Rehn: I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(05/02 13:45:15)shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(05/02 13:45:36)shokhootahn Rehn: I am still putting things away and finding forever homes for everything after my recent move. As a result, I am reluctant to add daytime classes until further notice. They *should* be able to return sometime in the fall. If someone needs a daytime slot, contact me and we will work something out. Night time classes, however, are unaffected.
(05/02 13:46:06)shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes avaible on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights, starting at either 20:00 KI time or 21:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time.
(05/02 13:46:46)shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(05/02 13:47:07)shokhootahn Rehn:
(05/02 13:47:17)shokhootahn Rehn: Now for some exciting news…
(05/02 13:47:23)shokhootahn Rehn:
(05/02 13:47:41)shokhootahn Rehn: Last time, I announced that there were three students taking the classes: one set to take lesson 4, one for lesson 6, and one working on thier final exam.
(05/02 13:47:58)shokhootahn Rehn: The first two students are now both working on lesson 6.
(05/02 13:48:48)shokhootahn Rehn: Many of you have met axenna. She was the one working on their final. I am pleased to announce that axenna has completed her final exam and passed the D’ni 101 class. Please giver her a round of applause!
(05/02 13:49:01)axenna bows
(05/02 13:49:03)AnoraLD: Yay for axenna!
(05/02 13:49:08)Lari’el: Yer killin’ it, axe 
(05/02 13:49:13)axenna: thank you all <3
(05/02 13:49:26)axenna: rehn is an amazing teacher
(05/02 13:49:38)Lutra: congrats, axenna. Pop quiz: how do you greet a person in D’ni?
(05/02 13:49:45)shokhootahn Rehn: 
(05/02 13:49:52)Boywhith: Can you say that in D’ni, now? 
(05/02 13:49:53)axenna: .shorah Lutra 
(05/02 13:49:53)rarified: With pizza?
(05/02 13:49:59)Lutra: 
(05/02 13:50:12)aqua: “H’ello”, obviously
(05/02 13:50:16)axenna: thank you as well, rehn <3
(05/02 13:50:22)AnoraLD: If you’re greeting with pizza, you’re cooking with gas.
(05/02 13:50:35)Lari’el: Yum, pizza.
(05/02 13:50:39)shokhootahn Rehn: .meoor 
(05/02 13:50:52)shokhootahn Rehn: Now, back to the mundane announcements…
(05/02 13:50:53)axenna: .chev shem
(05/02 13:51:16)shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session. I will announce the availability of daytime classes here and on the Hood imager when they are ready to resume.
(05/02 13:51:54)shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions? Typing is slow on this PC so please be patient for my response. 
(05/02 13:52:12)Korov’ev: none in queue. any?
(05/02 13:52:17)Lari’el: You need speech to text, Rehn!
(05/02 13:52:24)shokhootahn Rehn: lol
(05/02 13:52:29)Lari’el: 
(05/02 13:52:33)JamieM(2.0): The one Andriod is not bad
(05/02 13:52:39)Korov’ev: Thank you Rehn!
(05/02 13:52:40)JamieM(2.0): *The one Andirod
(05/02 13:52:44)JamieM(2.0): Thank you
(05/02 13:52:45)shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(05/02 13:52:46)Lari’el: Imagine teaching it D’ni, though.
(05/02 13:52:49)JamieM(2.0) clicks clap
(05/02 13:52:54)Emor D’ni Lap passes around the collection hat for a new keyboard for Rehn
(05/02 13:53:11)JamieM(2.0): LOL@EDL
(05/02 13:53:12)shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is now at the same stage of the history as is original Story Night.
(05/02 13:53:14)Lari’el: Right? Good grief, I have spares upon spares…
(05/02 13:53:15)EthanEver drops a coin
(05/02 13:53:31)shokhootahn Rehn: We are continuing with the story arc of the D’ni kings. Today, and for the next 10 weeks, we will hear the stories of the kings
(05/02 13:53:50)shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(05/02 13:54:06)shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(05/02 13:54:31)shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(05/02 13:55:03)shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.
(05/02 13:55:19)Korov’ev: So, about 14:30 today
(05/02 13:55:32)shokhootahn Rehn: Yes
(05/02 13:55:37)shokhootahn Rehn: Due to the pandemic, I will not be traveling for the foreseeable future. As a result, times for both Story Nights will be unaffected by traveling. However, they are affected by power outages due to thunderstorms… which, unfortunately, ’tis always the season. Should this be the case, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news. 
(05/02 13:56:16)shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(05/02 13:56:22)Lari’el: ie, Rehn’s gonna phone it in.
(05/02 13:56:41)shokhootahn Rehn: lol
(05/02 13:56:45)shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender so it must be added to the body of the text.
(05/02 13:56:49)axenna: the stories re worth it
(05/02 13:57:12)shokhootahn Rehn: Some have sent messages to be added but have not included their KI mail so they were unable to be added.
(05/02 13:57:16)Thumbs up from Lari’el
(05/02 13:57:31)shokhootahn Rehn: Again, Story Night – Europe will begin 30 minutes after the conclusion of today’s AGM or at 14:00 KI time, whichever is later.
(05/02 13:57:51)shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(05/02 13:58:02)shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions? Aain, typing is slow on this PC so please be patient for my response. 
(05/02 13:58:20)Korov’ev: None in queue. Any?
(05/02 13:58:30)shokhootahn Rehn bows
(05/02 13:58:30)Korov’ev: Thank you, Tayrtahn!
(05/02 13:59:06)Korov’ev: And with that, it’s time to wrap up this Meeting!
(05/02 13:59:12)JamieM(2.0): Thank you
(05/02 13:59:12)Korov’ev: Here is the summary of this month’s events (times in KI time)…
(05/02 13:59:18)SandDoone: thank you
(05/02 13:59:18)Korov’ev: A calendar is also present in the left imager of the Guild of Messengers’ Hood;
(05/02 13:59:24)Korov’ev: if you find a mistake, please PM me here or on the forum so I can correct it.
(05/02 13:59:30)Korov’ev: (Some events already presented by the speakers might be missing.)
(05/02 13:59:39)Korov’ev: Monday 4 is Leefo 12, the opening of the first Common Library in D’ni, in 233 DE (7424 BC)
(05/02 13:59:48)Korov’ev: Friday 8 is the anniversary of the release of Myst III: Exile, by Presto Studios, in 2001
(05/02 13:59:58)Korov’ev: Tuesday 19 is the anniversary of the Gametap first episode “Scars”, in 2007.
(05/02 14:00:04)Korov’ev: Now, for what’s going on in the Cavern itself:
(05/02 14:00:15)Korov’ev: The Guild of Greeters’ Hood is staffed Monday-Saturday 13:45-14:15, if you need hints or info about the Cavern.
(05/02 14:00:20)Korov’ev: Sun 3 & 17 & 31 @ 14:30: RFD Remastered, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(05/02 14:00:27)Korov’ev: Sun 10 & 24 @ 12:30: Radio Free D’ni, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(05/02 14:00:32)Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 11:00: Fan Age Expedition, on Deep Island
(05/02 14:00:37)Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 13:00: Meeting Place Gathering, in Meeting Place’s Hood
(05/02 14:00:42)Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 14:00: Door run, in Minkata, Gehn or Open Cave
(05/02 14:00:46)Korov’ev: Every Tue @ 13:00: Relaxing & Balancing Hour, in Guild of Healers Hood’s Delin [www.urutunes.com/KGOH]
(05/02 14:00:52)Korov’ev: Every Wed @ 20 & 21: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(05/02 14:00:57)Korov’ev: Every Thu @ 13:00: Seeker’s Country Evening, in Mir-o-Bot’s Cleft^ [www.urutunes.com/Seeker]
(05/02 14:01:02)Korov’ev: Every Thu @ 20 & 21: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(05/02 14:01:07)Korov’ev: Fri 8 @ 13:00: Music of Mr Jones, in Ae’gura Plaza [nosilaradio.caster.fm]
(05/02 14:01:11)Korov’ev: Every Fri @ 15:00: Triosity Radio, in Mir-o-Bot’s Cleft^ [www.streetjelly.com/-Fil-]
(05/02 14:01:17)Korov’ev: Every Fri @ 20 & 21: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(05/02 14:01:22)Korov’ev: Sat 9 @ 11:00: Cavern Tour, in Cavern Tour’s Hood [www.twitch.tv/lwf58]
(05/02 14:01:26)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 14:00: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night, in Tsahno’s Hood
(05/02 14:01:31)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 16:00: Karaoke Party, in Karaoke’s Hood []
(05/02 14:01:37)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 23:30: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night, in Tsahno’s Hood
(05/02 14:01:39)Korov’ev needs a moment to breathe!
(05/02 14:01:47)Korov’ev: And…
(05/02 14:01:49)Doobes hands Korov’ev some water
(05/02 14:01:49)rarified: Mask on!
(05/02 14:01:55)Korov’ev: The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday, June 6 at 13:00 KIT
(05/02 14:02:22)Doobes: So about 738 days away from the way things feel like they’re going. 
(05/02 14:02:26)Korov’ev: Info in the CavFunding should come up soon, but it seemed good
(05/02 14:02:41)Korov’ev: Please consider donating to Cyan, to keep the Cavern open: http://www.mystonline.com/en/donate
(05/02 14:02:48)Korov’ev bows
(05/02 14:02:48)Korov’ev: And with that, this Meeting is ended. Thank you all for coming, see you next month!