(02/06 13:02:23)Korov’ev: Shorah, and welcome to the 130th All Guilds Meeting!
(02/06 13:02:30)Ovaron: spot on Koro!
(02/06 13:02:35)Korov’ev: In the D’ni calendar today is Leevosahn 29, 9676, and the time is 23:01:06
(02/06 13:02:44)AntDroid claps his antennae
(02/06 13:02:46)cjherkeless claps a hand with another hand
(02/06 13:02:50)Korov’ev: If there’s anyone new: welcome to the Cavern! You picked the best time to visit
(02/06 13:02:59)Korov’ev: As usual, I’ll remind you the 5 Meeting Rules:
(02/06 13:03:05)Korov’ev: 1. Please *keep chatter to a minimum* while speakers are talking. The occasional comment or emote is fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(02/06 13:03:13)Korov’ev: 2. If you have a question for a speaker, please don’t ask it directly: PM it to me. Be sure a “?” is somewhere in it to properly log the question in the queue.
(02/06 13:03:19)Korov’ev: 3. Speakers, please indicate when you are done speaking and ready for questions, and when you’re ready for the next question.
(02/06 13:03:25)Korov’ev: 4. If a question requires a long explanation, we may have to skip it to keep things moving. In that case, you can always PM any speaker once they’ve left the stage.
(02/06 13:03:33)Korov’ev: 5. A summary and a chatlog of this meeting will be published in the next few days on the Guild of Messengers’ site: https://guildofmessengers.org/
(02/06 13:03:39)Korov’ev: Of course, you can start your own chatlog with “/startlog”.
(02/06 13:04:06)Korov’ev: PSA: Story Nighe Europe is canceled for today.
(02/06 13:04:14)Korov’ev: it will be back next week
(02/06 13:04:24)Korov’ev: *Night
(02/06 13:04:35)Korov’ev: So…
(02/06 13:04:40)Korov’ev: The 11th anniversary of this iteration of MOUL is almost here!
(02/06 13:04:49)Korov’ev: And that of course means party time!
(02/06 13:04:59)Korov’ev: Let’s hear what’s coming up from Minasunda!
(02/06 13:05:14)TikiBear: DI VA DI VA DI VA
(02/06 13:05:32)Minasunda: shorah :))
(02/06 13:05:43)Minasunda: On Monday starts the celebration of the the 11th anniversary of Moula. We say thank you to Cyan for our wonderful cavern – especially in times of Corona a safe place to meet friends. :))
(02/06 13:05:59)Minasunda: The celebrations will last a full week. Thanks to all the hardworking people who host an event :))
(02/06 13:06:15)Minasunda: On Facebook and Discord you will find an overview as well as the details and the announcement of the daily events and also in the Guild of Messengers calendar.
(02/06 13:06:28)Minasunda: Here is the invitation link for the MOULa Events Discord server if you want to join:
(02/06 13:06:40)Minasunda: https://discord.gg/e2AQDN4SpR
(02/06 13:06:52)Minasunda: now the events for you
(02/06 13:07:03)Minasunda: Monday:
(02/06 13:07:14)Minasunda: — 12 KI – Opening Ceremony – in Chiso — hosted by ghaelen
(02/06 13:07:26)Minasunda: — 13 KI – Fashion Show Award – in Mir-O-Bots Chiso — hosted by myself
(02/06 13:07:36)Minasunda: we chose Mir-O-Bot’s Chiso because we can present the models there in a better light — but this is NOT a magic event — thank you for your understanding.
(02/06 13:07:49)Minasunda: and if here are someone who will be a model too – please let me know – still is time
(02/06 13:08:03)Minasunda: Tuesday:
(02/06 13:08:14)Minasunda: — 13 KI – Relaxing Session – in PodHoppers Hood – hosted by PodHopper
(02/06 13:08:23)Minasunda: Wednesday:
(02/06 13:08:34)Minasunda: — 13 KI – Girastock – in Mir-O-Bot’s Eder Gira – live concert by Fil
(02/06 13:08:45)Minasunda: Thursday:
(02/06 13:08:55)Minasunda: — 13 KI – Country Dance Evening – in Mir-O-Bot’s Cleft – hosted by Eternal Seeker
(02/06 13:09:08)Minasunda: from time to time “forced dance” could be posible – maybe – if all those present poeople agree. Until now only “everyone” or “nobody” works.
(02/06 13:09:21)Minasunda: — 15 KI – Eddie Competition – in PodHoppers Hood – hosted by PodHopper
(02/06 13:09:33)Minasunda: Who will move Eddie fastest on a set route through the Hood? That will be funny :))
(02/06 13:09:44)Minasunda: Friday:
(02/06 13:09:56)Minasunda: — 12 KI – Math Class – in the conference room of the New Messengers Pub – hosted by Shokhootahn Rehn
(02/06 13:10:07)Minasunda: — 15 KI – Door Run Contest – in Nosilas Hood – hosted by Nosila
(02/06 13:10:17)Minasunda: If you are interested – Nosila is still looking for volunteers :))
(02/06 13:10:23)Nosila: yep!
(02/06 13:10:28)Minasunda: Saturday:
(02/06 13:10:39)Minasunda: — 11 KI – Cavern Tour – meeting point in the Cavern Tour Hood – hosted by Larry
(02/06 13:10:51)Minasunda: — 13 KI – Nulp Dance Show – in Mir-O-Bot’s Jalak – hosted by myself and the Nulp Dance Group
(02/06 13:11:04)Minasunda: IMPORTANT: please come in time before the show starts !!! — as the linkin is on the stage we have to close the age as soon as the show starts – thank you for your understanding :))
(02/06 13:11:23)Minasunda: — 14 KI – Story Night Europe – in Mir-O-Bot’s Kadish – hosted by r’Tayrtahn
(02/06 13:11:37)Minasunda: — 16 KI – Karaoke – in the New Messengers Pub – hosted by DonahooDJ
(02/06 13:11:47)Minasunda: Sunday:
(02/06 13:11:58)Minasunda: — 9:30 KI – Explorer Memorial – in Veelay Tsahvahn – hosted by ghaelen
(02/06 13:12:10)Minasunda: — 11 KI – Fan Age Tour – in Deep Island Shard – hosted by Korovev
(02/06 13:12:24)Minasunda: — 13 KI – RFD Show – A’egura Plaza – hosted by RFD Team
(02/06 13:12:38)Minasunda: I try to make videos of as many events as possible for those who cannot be there at those times.
(02/06 13:12:54)Minasunda: It would also be nice if someone could stream live – but no one has answered my request so far. If here is someone who can do that please let me know. Then I can mention that in the announcements.
(02/06 13:13:11)Minasunda: that’s all :)) – any questions ?
(02/06 13:13:26)*Jodok*: yes
(02/06 13:13:36)*Jodok*: what is RFD Show?
(02/06 13:13:37)Korov’ev: none in queue
(02/06 13:13:43)Minasunda: Radio Free D’ni
(02/06 13:13:47)*Jodok*: ok thx
(02/06 13:13:48)Minasunda: its a music show
(02/06 13:14:06)Minasunda: other questions ?
(02/06 13:14:10)Melania: I thought it was Mayberry RFD
(02/06 13:14:25)Minasunda: no ?
(02/06 13:14:27)ScottMiller laughs
(02/06 13:14:33)Korov’ev: Thank you Minasunda!
(02/06 13:14:39)Minasunda bows
(02/06 13:14:56)AntDroid slaps antennae together
(02/06 13:15:01)Korov’ev: And like every month, next week there’ll be a Cavern Tour:
(02/06 13:15:07)Korov’ev: Saturday, February 13, at 10:00 KIT, starting in Cavern Tour’s Hood.
(02/06 13:15:13)Korov’ev: The host, Larry LeDeay, uses his Twitch channel for the presentation, so you will need to keep a browser or the app open in the background: http://twitch.tv/lwf58
(02/06 13:15:18)Korov’ev: Videos will be available for two weeks after the tour. The stream will be simulcasted on Facebook and Youtube.
(02/06 13:15:25)Korov’ev: Mir-o-Bot (KI# 32319) is employed for special effects and long-distance travel (and to avoid stairs).
(02/06 13:15:41)Korov’ev: And now…
(02/06 13:15:42)jtrigg (I’m on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/06 13:15:49)Korov’ev: Time for some news on the fan age front, from Patrick!
(02/06 13:16:05)Patrick Dulebohn waves hello
(02/06 13:16:17)Patrick Dulebohn: Hello, my friends!
(02/06 13:16:26)Patrick Dulebohn: Happy New Year to you all. I hope everyone has had at least a tolerable 2021 so far given how crazy 2020 was.
(02/06 13:16:36)Patrick Dulebohn: I’m glad to be back among you here in Kirel and out from behind the scenes of our ongoing restoration.
(02/06 13:16:50)Patrick Dulebohn: I know information has been a small trickle since the big opening last year, but trust me, we have all been working very hard on various projects.
(02/06 13:17:08)Patrick Dulebohn: I’m hoping our next Age openings will be part of what I like to call our “Legacy” collection.
(02/06 13:17:22)Patrick Dulebohn: I’m sure many of you are familiar with the Ages of Tre’bivdil and Serene. You may also know of the Vothol Gallery here in the cavern.
(02/06 13:17:40)Patrick Dulebohn: They have been available to the public for quite some time to varying degrees, but circumstances have caused us to close them…but only temporarily!
(02/06 13:17:54)Patrick Dulebohn: We’re hoping to reopen all three locations within the next few months.
(02/06 13:18:10)Patrick Dulebohn: Serene has been suffering from even more extreme cold weather than usual, so work on that Age has been the slowest. We’re hoping the ongoing storms will clear up so we can showcase the exceptional restoration work of the late Andy Legate.
(02/06 13:18:36)Patrick Dulebohn: Not sure how Andy did it with all that snow and wind all those years ago, but he pulled it off! One of many reasons he is sorely missed.
(02/06 13:18:58)Patrick Dulebohn: Tre’bivdil, restored by Lontahv, had some unusual high swells in the surrounding ocean recently, so its small island structures need to be rechecked. At the moment, we’re doing that plus considerable cleanup and some repair.
(02/06 13:19:27)Patrick Dulebohn: Lastly, due to some seismic activity localized in that particular area of the cavern caused the Vothol Gallery, a point of interest here in D’ni originally restored by Rustee, to be closed off at the Link in point.
(02/06 13:19:51)Patrick Dulebohn: We were barely able to get over a cave in that occurred there, but I’m happy to report that the artwork featured has survived and taken no damage. Most of the structure is still intact, too.
(02/06 13:20:14)Patrick Dulebohn: We hope to clear the rather heavy debris from the Link in point fairly soon.
(02/06 13:20:29)Patrick Dulebohn: All that aside, we’ve also been keeping in touch with Keith Lord, who has been keeping busy with further restoring Fehnir’s House, amongst many of his other projects.
(02/06 13:20:52)Patrick Dulebohn: He’s very methodical, which usually means more time before he opens up his projects for public visits, but those that have seen his work know the wait is completely worth it.
(02/06 13:21:13)Patrick Dulebohn: We hope to hear from him and get our hands on some Linking Books for you all soon.
(02/06 13:21:35)Patrick Dulebohn: Now, as part of our own group’s restoration efforts…another cavern location we haven’t mentioned yet. Located on one of the islands on the lake, it appears to have been a central location outside of Ae’gura for all major and minor Guilds to meet.
(02/06 13:22:03)Patrick Dulebohn: Even so, the main auditorium, with its large stage and ample seating could certainly be used for many other events such as dances, light shows…pretty much any event our industrious explorers can plan!
(02/06 13:22:32)Patrick Dulebohn: Surrounding the auditorium off the sides are several lounge areas for more private meetings, discussion and relaxation. They also each offer a lovely view of the cavern and the lake!
(02/06 13:22:52)Patrick Dulebohn: Lastly, we’ve been cleaning up and continuing minor repairs to the areas we’ve already released. We also plan to get more festive in the Ae’gura Guild of Messengers’ Pub on a more regular basis.
(02/06 13:23:11)Patrick Dulebohn: Expect it to “go green” just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. You may also find some “old friends” in there to kick around a bit!
(02/06 13:23:37)Patrick Dulebohn: Although please keep in mind some are there for your safety.
(02/06 13:23:41)Patrick Dulebohn winks
(02/06 13:23:55)Briggs starts to laugh
(02/06 13:23:59)Calum Traveler: XD
(02/06 13:24:00)Patrick Dulebohn: Again, I can’t thank you all enough for your wonderful feedback with all that we have done so far. Plus, your donations to the CAVCON fund have kept the lights on around here for 11 years now!
(02/06 13:24:15)Patrick Dulebohn: So please, don’t forget to donate as much and as often as you can! We’ll do our best to make it worth your while.
(02/06 13:24:32)Korov’ev: *cough* https://mystonline.com/en/donate/ *cough*
(02/06 13:24:54)Patrick Dulebohn grins, nods to Korov’ev
(02/06 13:25:03)Patrick Dulebohn: And of course, everyone contributing behind the scenes. We continue to make new progress thanks to their work too.
(02/06 13:25:23)Patrick Dulebohn nods to Hoikas, rarified, Calum…just to name a few
(02/06 13:25:37)Patrick Dulebohn: We have outlasted both restoration efforts and it’s because of all of you! I thank you for that.
(02/06 13:26:08)Patrick Dulebohn: So expect big things in the coming months! 2021 should be pretty exciting indeed.
(02/06 13:26:18)Patrick Dulebohn: Thank you for your time. Any questions?
(02/06 13:26:29)Korov’ev: the queue is speechless
(02/06 13:26:34)Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(02/06 13:26:37)Calum Traveler wants to ask a question…
(02/06 13:26:43)Melania needs a bathroom
(02/06 13:26:44)Patrick Dulebohn: It *was* a lot to take in, I’ll admit.
(02/06 13:26:47)Korov’ev: go ahead
(02/06 13:26:47)Ovaron: yes, speechless
(02/06 13:26:48)Calum Traveler: Will there be cake and cookies?
(02/06 13:27:12)Korov’ev: the cake is … well, there may be cake
(02/06 13:27:13)Ovaron: and popcorn?
(02/06 13:27:14)Patrick Dulebohn: I’ve been told the cake is a lie…I have no idea what that means.
(02/06 13:27:17)Patrick Dulebohn grins
(02/06 13:27:17)cjherkeless: can we liberate wherever the drc hid all the d’ni alcohol?
(02/06 13:27:25)AntDroid hopes for lots of droppage
(02/06 13:27:34)Melania: can you provide a bathroom anytime soon?
(02/06 13:27:44)Patrick Dulebohn: We’ve tried looking for it…and no such luck, cj. You’re more than welcome to try though.
(02/06 13:27:56)cjherkeless starts planning an expedition
(02/06 13:28:00)Patrick Dulebohn: Bathrooms are all over…you just need to find them. I believe you all are fond of puzzles, yes?
(02/06 13:28:01)Scharminius: This whole place is the D’ni cavern, Melania…
(02/06 13:28:02)Korov’ev: bring your own!
(02/06 13:28:05)Adam {Hoikas}: probably in the dunny
(02/06 13:28:05)Patrick Dulebohn giggles
(02/06 13:28:14)Ovaron thinking of a swimming pool
(02/06 13:28:26)Korov’ev: both beverages and bathrooms!
(02/06 13:28:33)rarified: Pack it in, Pack it out.
(02/06 13:28:35)Korov’ev: Thank you Patrick!
(02/06 13:28:36)Patrick Dulebohn: Alright, I’ll take my leave now. See you all soon!
(02/06 13:28:39)Patrick Dulebohn salutes
(02/06 13:28:39)jtrigg: i think they used special linkng books , that opened onto a void
(02/06 13:28:40)rarified waves hello
(02/06 13:28:44)rarified waves goodbye
(02/06 13:29:03)Korov’ev: More on the topic of fan ages:
(02/06 13:29:10)Korov’ev: Time for the usual Fan Age Touring Club update, from the Deep Island shard.
(02/06 13:29:18)Korov’ev: Recently we visited (or tried to): Relativity, R’oshanhnin Korvahkhn,
(02/06 13:29:30)Korov’ev: Hallway, Matte, ReGahlpo, and … Somewhere!
(02/06 13:29:39)Korov’ev: On February, we’ll start by visiting the sequel to Somewhere: Iceworld.
(02/06 13:29:45)Korov’ev: (Which is actually the same age)
(02/06 13:29:56)Korov’ev: Then we’ll start the exploration of the various levels of Elodea.
(02/06 13:30:02)Korov’ev: That will likely take the whole month!
(02/06 13:30:14)Korov’ev: The expeditions are on Sunday at 11:00 KIT, starting in the shard Hood (you can get there quickly with “/hood”).
(02/06 13:30:20)Korov’ev: There’s also a (mute) stream: https://www.twitch.tv/korovvannoort
(02/06 13:30:27)Korov’ev: Radio Free D’ni will start right after with the preshow, at 12:30 KIT.
(02/06 13:30:51)Korov’ev: Now, especially in the last few expeditions, we had various small groups or individuals splintering off and playing on their own, eager to prove their puzzle-solving abilities.
(02/06 13:31:02)Korov’ev: It’s nice to see this enthusiasm, but this behaviour makes it difficult to showcase ages properly
(02/06 13:31:10)Korov’ev: especially with puzzle ages where buttons need to be pressed in a certain order, or where mechanisms can be reset.
(02/06 13:31:18)Korov’ev: (Or when my client keeps crashing – but I think I found the cause of that)
(02/06 13:31:27)Korov’ev: The point of the expeditions is to visit them *together*; those who want to explore on their own, please use the rest of the Sunday or the rest of the week.
(02/06 13:31:40)Minasunda agreed and says it would be really great if we could stay together as a group on the excursions.
(02/06 13:31:50)Korov’ev: Unless they’re volunteering to explain what they’re doing
(02/06 13:32:05)Korov’ev: Now, Time for some quick Cyan and Mysterium news:
(02/06 13:32:15)Korov’ev: Firmament has now an expected delivery date of late 2022.
(02/06 13:32:25)Korov’ev: The story they plan to tell is bigger than they had in mind, which required a bit of going back to the drawing board.
(02/06 13:32:33)Korov’ev: A new team member was hired: Abner Coimbre, as senior engineer, to help with customizing the game engine, porting efforts and VR programming.
(02/06 13:32:40)Korov’ev: Creative Director Eric A. Anderson posted a tech video about hiding imperfections in models: https://youtu.be/N8wjdOLTUSM
(02/06 13:32:57)Korov’ev: No release date for other platforms for Myst VR has been announced yet. The Quest version should get a few bug fixes soon, if it didn’t already.
(02/06 13:33:08)Korov’ev: Jeff Dunham (of Achmed the Dead Terrorist fame) posted a video of himself experiencing the new game: https://youtu.be/-Z7eno5PGQI
(02/06 13:33:14)Korov’ev: As for Mysterium 2021:
(02/06 13:33:22)Korov’ev: Hotel room booking is now available at the Westin Alexandria Old Town. Rooms are available for $100/night with included wireless internet and discounted parking.
(02/06 13:33:33)Korov’ev: Bids for the Mysterium 2022 location are also open and will be accepted through 1st April.
(02/06 13:33:39)Korov’ev: Rollover registration emails were sent in early December. For questions or unreceived emails, feel free to contact the Triumvirate.
(02/06 13:33:49)Korov’ev: Links at https://mysterium.net/2021/01/hotel-booking-now-live/
(02/06 13:34:00)Korov’ev: And with that, it’s time to wrap up this Meeting!
(02/06 13:34:06)Korov’ev: Here is the summary of this month’s events (times in KI time)…
(02/06 13:34:11)Korov’ev: A calendar is also present in the left imager of the Guild of Messengers’ Hood;
(02/06 13:34:16)Korov’ev: if you find a mistake, please PM me here or on the forum so I can correct it.
(02/06 13:34:29)Korov’ev: Monday 8 is, of course, the 11th anniversary of MOULa.
(02/06 13:34:34)Korov’ev: Monday 15 is the 15th anniversary of D’mala and the 14th anniversary of Gametap MOUL.
(02/06 13:34:35)Melania: forum?
(02/06 13:35:03)Korov’ev: I meant Discord
(02/06 13:35:19)Korov’ev: Sunday 28 is 17 Leevotar in the D’ni calendar, the day of the abdication of King Kerath in favour of the Council of Elders.
(02/06 13:35:47)Korov’ev: Oh, about Firmament: no news yet on the minimum/recommended specs.
(02/06 13:35:58)Korov’ev: Now, for what’s going on in the Cavern itself:
(02/06 13:36:04)Korov’ev: The Guild of Greeters’ Hood is staffed Monday-Saturday 13:45-14:15, if you need hints or info about the Cavern.
(02/06 13:36:09)Korov’ev: Sun 14 @ 9:30: Explorer Memorial, in Veelay Tsahvahn [www.urutunes.com/KGOH]
(02/06 13:36:13)Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 11:00: Fan Age Expedition, in Deep Island [www.twitch.tv/korovvannoort]
(02/06 13:36:18)Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 12:30: Radio Free D’ni, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(02/06 13:36:23)Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 13:00: Meeting Place Gathering, in Meeting Place’s Hood
(02/06 13:36:36)Korov’ev: Mon 8 @ 9:00: Server downtime, right in thime for the celebrations!
(02/06 13:36:43)Korov’ev: Mon 8 @ 12:00: Anniversary Opening, in Chiso Preniv [www.urutunes.com/KGOH]
(02/06 13:36:47)Korov’ev: *time
(02/06 13:36:52)Korov’ev: Mon 8 @ 13:00: Fashion Show Contest, in Chiso Preniv^ [www.urutunes.com/Seeker]
(02/06 13:36:56)Korov’ev: Every Mon @ 20/21/22: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(02/06 13:37:00)Korov’ev: Every Tue @ 13:00: Relaxing Session, in PodHopper’s Hood [www.urutunes.com/hopper]
(02/06 13:37:05)Korov’ev: Wed 10 @ 13:00: Girastock, in Mir-o-Bot’s Eder Gira^ [www.urutunes.com/Fil]
(02/06 13:37:09)Korov’ev: Every Wed @ 13:00: Triosity Radio, in Messengers Pub [www.urutunes.com/Fil]
(02/06 13:37:13)Korov’ev: Every Thu @ 13:00: Seeker’s Country Evening, in Mir-o-Bot’s Cleft^ [www.urutunes.com/Seeker]
(02/06 13:37:17)Korov’ev: Thu 11 @ 15:00: Eddie Competition, in Podhopper’s Hood [www.urutunes.com/hopper]
(02/06 13:37:21)Korov’ev: Every Thu @ 20/21/22: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(02/06 13:37:29)Korov’ev: Fri 12 @ 14:00: Math Class, in Messengers Pub [voice chat]
(02/06 13:37:33)Korov’ev: Fri 12 @ 15:00: Door Run Contest, in Nosila’s Hood [www.urutunes.com/Nosila]
(02/06 13:37:38)Korov’ev: Fri @ 20:00: D’ni Language 101, in Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(02/06 13:37:42)Korov’ev: Sat 13 @ 11:00: Cavern Tour, in Cavern Tour’s Hood [www.twitch.tv/lwf58]
(02/06 13:37:46)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 12:00: Triosity Radio, in Mir-o-Bot’s Cleft^ [www.urutunes.com/Fil]
(02/06 13:37:51)Korov’ev: Sat 13 @ 13:00: Nulp Dance Show, in Mir-o-Bot’s Jalak^ [www.urutunes.com/Seeker]
(02/06 13:37:55)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 14:00: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night, in Tsahno’s Hood (Mir-o-Bot’s Kadish on the 13)
(02/06 13:37:59)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 16:00: Karaoke Party, in Messengers Pub []
(02/06 13:38:02)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 23:30: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night, in Tsahno’s Hood
(02/06 13:38:05)Korov’ev needs a moment to breathe!
(02/06 13:38:16)Korov’ev: And…
(02/06 13:38:19)Korov’ev: The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday 6 March at 13:00 KIT.
(02/06 13:38:26)Korov’ev: Please consider donating to Cyan, to keep the Cavern open: http://www.mystonline.com/en/donate
(02/06 13:38:30)Korov’ev: The CavCon for January was very slightly under but still pretty steady:
(02/06 13:38:35)Korov’ev: CavFunding 91%, no extra expenses, reserve 122%;
(02/06 13:38:40)Korov’ev: population 39,294 (+493), unique visits 1489.
(02/06 13:38:45)Korov’ev bows
(02/06 13:38:46)Korov’ev: And with that, this Meeting is ended. Thank you all for coming, see you next month!