All Guilds Meeting – September 2024 – Cleansed Chatlog


(09/07 13:00:25) Claidi Song: q/wave —————– !shorah b’shemtee —————–

(09/07 13:00:26) IwonK: *chug chug chug*

(09/07 13:00:31) Claidi Song waves hello

(09/07 13:00:36) Ereshkigal waves hello

(09/07 13:00:41) Claidi Song: Welcome to the 173rd All Guilds Meeting!

(09/07 13:00:48) Claidi Song: By the D’ni calendar, today is Leetar 25 9680 DE.

(09/07 13:00:52) ShilohOBrien: If this particular person ever finds their way to the Cavern, I’ll eat a firemarble.

(09/07 13:00:55) Claidi Song: If you are new to the Cavern or returning after being away for some time: Welcome! You have arrived at an exciting time in MOULa!

(09/07 13:01:01) Claidi Song: All Guilds’ Meeting (AGM) meets from 13:00 KI – 13:55 KI on the first Saturday of each month.

(09/07 13:01:08) Claidi Song: Times are shown in KI Time which corresponds to the Mountain Time Zone.

(09/07 13:01:38) ural: got a couple of new exploers coming

(09/07 13:01:59) Claidi Song: The latest I’ve seen is July. It is going great!

(09/07 13:02:38) Claidi Song: Donations covered 113%! Reserve now at 620%!

(09/07 13:02:49) Claidi Song: —————– AGM Rules —————–

(09/07 13:03:04) Claidi Song: Five Meeting Rules. Please:

(09/07 13:03:15) Claidi Song: 1. Keep chatter to a minimum while the speakers are talking. Occasional comments or emotes are fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.

(09/07 13:03:24) Claidi Song: 2. Please, hold all questions until after the speaker asks for questions at the end of their presentation.

(09/07 13:04:23) Claidi Song: Questions may be directly messaged to me to be added to the questions queue for Q&A after each presenter is done. Please, keep DM’d questions to me brief and on the speaker’s topic, as I need to follow the presentations, as well.

(09/07 13:04:32) Claidi Song: 3. Speakers: please indicate when you are ready for questions. And indicate when you’re ready for the next question.

(09/07 13:04:41) Claidi Song: 4. If a question requires a long answer, we may need to skip it to stay on track. In that case, please, DM the speaker after they’ve left the platform.

(09/07 13:04:50) Claidi Song: 5. A summary and the chatlog of this meeting will be published within a few days on the Guild of Messengers’ website –

(09/07 13:04:56) Claidi Song: Of course, you can start your own chatlog by typing: /startlog

(09/07 13:05:14) Claidi Song: —————– Mysterium and Announcements —————–

(09/07 13:05:18) Claidi Song beckons you

(09/07 13:05:18) Claidi Song: Calum! Is here with announcements about Mysterium and age creation! Welcome to the stage, Calum!

(09/07 13:05:19) Emor D’ni Lap: And: No flash photography at any time!

(09/07 13:05:28) Claidi Song starts to laugh

(09/07 13:05:38) Calum Traveler: hi all, two things i gotta talk about and one is mysterium!

(09/07 13:05:50) Calum Traveler: 2025’s THEME ANNOUNCEMENT!

(09/07 13:06:02) ShilohOBrien: *drumroll*

(09/07 13:06:03) Calum Traveler: 2025 is the 20th anniversary of Myst V, and so the theme Isss….

(09/07 13:06:08) Calum Traveler: unsurprisingly,

(09/07 13:06:12) Calum Traveler: Myst V: End Of Ages

(09/07 13:06:36) angelmyst: ooooooo going to have to play it again

(09/07 13:06:59) Ereshkigal: Me too, it’s been 15 years 🙂

(09/07 13:07:03) ShilohOBrien is currently replaying MYST IV.

(09/07 13:07:06) Calum Traveler: it’s encouraged to revisit the game if you plan on submitting content this year, although the committee certainly wouldnt frown upon anything Piranha Chicken related

(09/07 13:07:16) Calum Traveler: SUBMISSIONS!

(09/07 13:07:31) Calum Traveler: t-shirt and pin design submissions are now open through February 26th, 2025!

(09/07 13:07:51) Calum Traveler: please go to the 2025 Submission Hub Page for more information:

(09/07 13:08:02) Calum Traveler: DOWNLOADABLES!

(09/07 13:08:19) Calum Traveler: By popular demand, the 2024 Puzzle and Coloring Packets are now available for download! Bring a bit of Mysterium home with you by heading over to the Downloadables page.

(09/07 13:08:20) Calum Traveler:

(09/07 13:08:41) Emor D’ni Lap: that’s nice

(09/07 13:08:44) Calum Traveler: also, if i may add, the 3d Print file for the KI model I designed is finally avaialble as well 😉

(09/07 13:08:59) Calum Traveler: finally, CREATIVITY PROMPT WINNER

(09/07 13:09:17) Calum Traveler: the, uh, winner for July’s Prompt, Serenia, was me. actually

(09/07 13:09:19) Calum Traveler: >>;

(09/07 13:09:27) Calum Traveler: i wrote a poem, “O’ Serenia”

(09/07 13:09:36) Calum Traveler: you can find it here:

(09/07 13:09:48) Ereshkigal: I read that poem! On AO3

(09/07 13:09:50) Calum Traveler: the August Prompt of Revelation has closed,

(09/07 13:09:58) AntDroid claps his antennae

(09/07 13:10:00) Calum Traveler: and we are now on the SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER prompt: “Falling”

(09/07 13:10:13) Claidi Song: 🙂

(09/07 13:10:16) Calum Traveler: “Maybe this means falling leaves, maybe the falling man, maybe falling in love, maybe something else. Anything that involves falling works here. “

(09/07 13:10:55) Calum Traveler: additionally, the CONCHAIRS for this year were announced a bit earlier…

(09/07 13:11:18) Calum Traveler: they are Drew Salad (Yuki) and Fant Steele (Curator)!

(09/07 13:11:29) Calum Traveler: alright, that’s it for Mysterium news!

(09/07 13:11:43) Calum Traveler: onto my personal project

(09/07 13:12:06) ShilohOBrien triggers her KI to play Loony Toons music.

(09/07 13:12:13) Calum Traveler: as I announced last AGM I’ve taken up Twitch Streaming, primarily Age Work,

(09/07 13:12:27) Calum Traveler: but i’m also dabbling in other things like Video Editing- I did a stream the other night for that.

(09/07 13:12:48) Calum Traveler: I’ll be doing random projects as I find time to, with no real set schedule, at…

(09/07 13:13:26) Calum Traveler: i’ll be doing another video editing stream later tonight, if anyone wants to jump in!

(09/07 13:13:38) Calum Traveler: that’s it for now!

(09/07 13:13:40) Calum Traveler waves goodbye

(09/07 13:13:42) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue

(09/07 13:13:45) Calum Traveler bows

(09/07 13:13:53) AntDroid claps his antennae

(09/07 13:13:56) Claidi Song: Thank you, Cal!

(09/07 13:14:03) Calum Traveler: 🙂

(09/07 13:14:10) Emor D’ni Lap applauds

(09/07 13:14:14) Claidi Song: —————– CAVCON Reprise —————–

(09/07 13:14:27) Claidi Song: Mina sent me an update!

(09/07 13:14:35) Claidi Song: CavFunding Update: August, 2024

(09/07 13:14:49) Claidi Song: CavFunding = 81% CAVCON = 2.8 Extra expenses = 0% Reserve = 611%

(09/07 13:15:04) Claidi Song: Population = 52,038 (increase of 238) Unique visits = 1,085 (running average is 1,288) Total visits = 10,945 (running average is 11,301)

(09/07 13:15:41) Claidi Song: Round of applause for our MOULa community!!! Keep up the great work!

(09/07 13:15:58) AntDroid claps antennae

(09/07 13:16:08) Claidi Song: —————– September Monthly Events: ”Wonky Talk” and ”Classic with Babble” —————–

(09/07 13:16:17) Claidi Song: Some events in the Cavern are held monthly. Today I would like to expand beyond their announcing what they will be doing in September by having them share a little more about themselves. Today, IwonK is here and will be answering the list of questions I came up with to get to know her a bit.

(09/07 13:16:28) Claidi Song beckons you

(09/07 13:16:28) Claidi Song: IwonK, come on up!

(09/07 13:16:53) IwonK waves hello

(09/07 13:16:53) IwonK: shoraaaaaah! 😀

(09/07 13:16:59) rarified reaches for a cookie

(09/07 13:17:00) IwonK: lemme get my notes…

(09/07 13:17:06) IwonK: *cough cough*

(09/07 13:17:24) IwonK: so… the first question

(09/07 13:17:28) IwonK: What was the 1st Cyan game you played?

(09/07 13:18:11) IwonK: my first Cyan game was Myst 4 but it was not my first Myst game 🙂

(09/07 13:19:04) IwonK: it was Myst 3 but I had no idea it was not made by Cyan 😛

(09/07 13:19:05) rarified: Are you soliciting answers now?

(09/07 13:19:24) IwonK: I’m having issues with copy/paste so I’m working around it 😀

(09/07 13:19:36) IwonK: Nevertheless, those games had a huge impact on me and they still hold a special place in my heart

(09/07 13:19:48) Claidi Song: IwonK is answering questions I sent her

(09/07 13:19:52) IwonK: When and how did you get started in MOULa?

(09/07 13:20:11) Claidi Song: For us to get to know the person behind Wonky Talk 🙂

(09/07 13:20:34) IwonK: I became a regular in late 2020 but I’ve been lurking around for much longer 😀

(09/07 13:21:20) IwonK: I’ve been lurking around ever sinve uru Live but I didn’t get to experience it much

(09/07 13:21:37) IwonK: I wasn’t here during the GapeTap era for a couple of reasons

(09/07 13:22:16) IwonK: first, it required a third-party software download and I didn’t trust it

(09/07 13:22:24) Claidi Song: Copy & paste can be very aggravating in MOULa

(09/07 13:22:40) IwonK: second, I was a student back then and I didn’t have my own money or credit card

(09/07 13:22:47) IwonK: so, no subscription for me 🙁

(09/07 13:23:01) IwonK: about that time, I joined Second Life and explored Myst and Uru ages in there

(09/07 13:23:14) IwonK: in later years I kept popping in every once in a while but I was too shy to talk to anyone

(09/07 13:23:28) Claidi Song: Like many of us 😉

(09/07 13:23:35) *Jodok* starts to laugh

(09/07 13:23:37) IwonK: I bet we all went through such chy phase 😀

(09/07 13:23:52) Calum Traveler nods

(09/07 13:23:56) IwonK: in April 2015 I created a new avatar here after my first one got lost in the Great Scream

(09/07 13:24:04) IwonK: (or shy phase 😛 wonky fingers…)

(09/07 13:24:19) IwonK: Where are you from?

(09/07 13:24:40) IwonK: I’m from the shiniest country in the world 😀

(09/07 13:24:43) IwonK: Poland 😛

(09/07 13:24:50) Ereshkigal: 🙂

(09/07 13:24:52) IwonK: What is the monthly event you host?

(09/07 13:24:56) Emor D’ni Lap: highly polished, is that it?

(09/07 13:24:58) Claidi Song: 🙂

(09/07 13:25:03) IwonK: I host a video live stream called Wonky Talk once a month on Friday

(09/07 13:25:16) IwonK: during my streams, I talk about various games and I draw their main characters or vehicles

(09/07 13:25:29) IwonK: I pick a theme every month and ask my audience for game suggestions

(09/07 13:25:46) IwonK: When did you begin hosting this event?

(09/07 13:26:22) IwonK: it all began in 2022

(09/07 13:26:43) IwonK: Nosila asked me if I’d like to host an event for the International Women’s Day here in MOULa

(09/07 13:26:54) IwonK: I had never streamed before and I had no idea how to do it. I sure did want to do something

(09/07 13:27:08) IwonK: this community has given me so much and I wanted to give you something back

(09/07 13:27:18) IwonK: so while chatting with Nosila I came up, kinda accidentally, with an idea for a drawing live stream 😀

(09/07 13:27:46) IwonK: my first livestream was “Female Protagonists in Video Games”

(09/07 13:28:13) IwonK: it worked out, I liked it, you liked it, so I’ve been doing it ever since 😀

(09/07 13:28:42) IwonK: I have also started a kind of a new stream – Wonky Draws

(09/07 13:28:57) IwonK: I onlu did it once so far but I want to do it more often

(09/07 13:29:20) IwonK: in this stream I randomly pick topics, techniques and supplies and I make just one drawing 🙂

(09/07 13:29:24) Thumbs up from *Jodok*

(09/07 13:29:31) IwonK: All can be found here:

(09/07 13:29:38) IwonK: What is your inspiration?

(09/07 13:29:50) IwonK: well… you folks 🙂

(09/07 13:30:10) IwonK: in all kinds of ways 😀

(09/07 13:30:30) IwonK: if we are talking about my streams, I get a LOT of great suggestions of games to talk about and draw 😀

(09/07 13:30:42) IwonK: I often re-play some games long after my streams 😀

(09/07 13:30:50) IwonK: Where in the Cavern do you hold your event?

(09/07 13:31:23) IwonK: I’ve created the Guild of Cookies’ Hood where we sit around the Heek table while I stream 🙂

(09/07 13:31:32) IwonK: When does your monthly event take place?

(09/07 13:31:40) IwonK: I usually pick a Friday in the middle of the month but I change it sometimes

(09/07 13:31:50) IwonK: How do you plan each month’s event?

(09/07 13:31:58) IwonK: after I come up with a topic, I ask my MOULa friends for games suggestions and I also try to pick some on my own

(09/07 13:32:12) IwonK: sometimes those are the games I played or read about

(09/07 13:32:21) IwonK: then I complete a list of games I want to talk about (about 5 titles) and I research them online and in gaming magazines

(09/07 13:32:43) IwonK: if it’s possible, I play the games myslef

(09/07 13:32:56) IwonK: I write a script and make drawings digitally

(09/07 13:33:40) Emor D’ni Lap: that’s quite a lot of work, altogether!

(09/07 13:33:42) IwonK: then I print them out using a very light blue ink that it’s invisible for the camera but I can see the lines well enough to trace them

(09/07 13:34:03) IwonK: I also have to plan what kind of cookies to bake for the stream

(09/07 13:34:13) IwonK: I try to keep them at least somehow connected to the theme of the stream. I bake them the day before the event

(09/07 13:34:22) IwonK: What do you have planned for September?

(09/07 13:35:02) IwonK: unfortunately, I won’t be streaming this month due to an injury that often makes it hard for me to talk or eat

(09/07 13:35:20) Calum Traveler offers easy-to-chew cookies.

(09/07 13:35:29) IwonK: I have postponed the stream for another day, I’m not sire when I’m going to do it, probably in October

(09/07 13:35:30) Ereshkigal: Get well soon Iwonk!

(09/07 13:35:38) Jes’ka sends good vibes

(09/07 13:35:46) IwonK: I have a few medical procedures ahead of me

(09/07 13:35:52) Calum Traveler: good luck

(09/07 13:35:53) shokhootahn Rehn: :-((

(09/07 13:35:57) Calum Traveler: and get well soon

(09/07 13:36:02) IwonK: as soon as I’m well enough to stream, I’ll let you know 🙂

(09/07 13:36:16) Thumbs up from Claidi Song

(09/07 13:36:22) IwonK: I do know for sure that the theme of the stream will be the Myst games 😀

(09/07 13:36:30) Thumbs up from shokhootahn Rehn

(09/07 13:36:34) Ereshkigal: 🙂

(09/07 13:36:44) IwonK: Location: the Guild of Cookies’ Hood by the Heek table

(09/07 13:36:51) IwonK: Time: 15KI

(09/07 13:36:57) ScottMiller hopes you get well soon Iwonk!

(09/07 13:37:01) IwonK: I hope to see you there 🙂

(09/07 13:37:02) *Jodok*: get well soon we all love your streams

(09/07 13:37:13) Claidi Song: Thank you, IwonK! Hope you are better soon!!!

(09/07 13:37:14) Lucario1829: best of luck iwonk!

(09/07 13:37:15) IwonK: Even though I can’t talk too much, you haven’t heard the last of me! 😀

(09/07 13:37:21) IwonK bows

(09/07 13:37:35) AntDroid claps his antennae together

(09/07 13:37:35) rarified sends cookies of healing.

(09/07 13:37:48) Emor D’ni Lap sends Liquid Cookies

(09/07 13:37:52) Claidi Song: I am doing this with event hosts to show just how much work they each put into doing them.

(09/07 13:38:18) Ereshkigal: I love it, Claidi!

(09/07 13:38:24) Calum Traveler: 🙂

(09/07 13:38:26) shokhootahn Rehn gives a thumbs up for Claidi

(09/07 13:38:34) Thumbs up from *Jodok*

(09/07 13:38:42) Claidi Song: I am going to mix aroung the agenda a bit due to time concerns.

(09/07 13:38:51) Claidi Song: shokhootahn Rehn is a host of two weekly events. He has been part of Online URU for a long time and dedicates an incredible amount of time preparing for his events. I hope you will be willing to share your experiences with us here in AGM in the future, shokhootahn. I will be pleading my case with you soon 🙂

(09/07 13:38:59) Claidi Song beckons you

(09/07 13:38:59) Claidi Song: shokhootahn Rehn, please, come tell us about your September events!

(09/07 13:39:15) shokhootahn Rehn waves hello

(09/07 13:39:18) AntDroid claps his antennae together

(09/07 13:39:32) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.

(09/07 13:39:45) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…

(09/07 13:39:55) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on weekday evenings Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule.

(09/07 13:40:17) shokhootahn Rehn: There are daytime openings starting at either 10:00 KI time, 11:00 KI time, or 12:00 KI time, again, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time, KI mail me at KI# 80428, or on Discord at r’Tayrtahn.

(09/07 13:40:38) shokhootahn Rehn: All classes are Monday through Friday, only. There are no weekend classes available.

(09/07 13:40:51) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, please remember to include your KI #.

(09/07 13:41:03) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.

(09/07 13:41:25) shokhootahn Rehn: Now for some exciting news…

(09/07 13:41:57) shokhootahn Rehn: Another victim… er, student… has finished the 101 lessons!

(09/07 13:42:10) shokhootahn Rehn: Please give a warm round of applause to Jes’ka!

(09/07 13:42:14) Jes’ka bows

(09/07 13:42:18) Lucario1829: WOOOOO!

(09/07 13:42:26) AntDroid claps his antennae

(09/07 13:42:42) Jes’ka: You should all sign up, it’s pretty fun!

(09/07 13:42:51) shokhootahn Rehn: 😀

(09/07 13:42:58) Jes’ka: And Rehn’s a great instructor

(09/07 13:43:04) shokhootahn Rehn thanks you very much!

(09/07 13:43:12) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.

(09/07 13:43:24) shokhootahn Rehn: I have one request for visitors: Please do not post pellet points into the Hood imager…

(09/07 13:43:35) shokhootahn Rehn: As I’ve said, before, one of my former students, Yutiel, is listed on that imager. I have refrained from posting pellets to maintain her name at the top as a form of memorial. It’s why I haven’t posted pellet points above 168345: it was to keep her name at the top of the list.

(09/07 13:43:56) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?

(09/07 13:44:08) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue

(09/07 13:44:12) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…

(09/07 13:44:16) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.

(09/07 13:44:41) shokhootahn Rehn: Tonight, we will continue with the storiess of the kings with the ninth king, King Solath.

(09/07 13:44:54) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night covers the entire 10,000-year history of the D’ni plus all of the books and games, as well as the three human attempts at the restoration of D’ni!

(09/07 13:45:19) shokhootahn Rehn: I am recording Story Night for (eventual) upload to my YouTube channel (rTayrtahn). I have created an avatar for the purpose of recording. His name is “I’m a bot, do not message”. Please do not PM him during the story unless you want to see your message displayed for the entire internet. 😉 Also, please do NOT add him as a buddy. He has no special abilities and is there only to record Story Night.

(09/07 13:46:09) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.

(09/07 13:46:19) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.

(09/07 13:46:47) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later. (it’s usually at 14:30 on AGM Saturdays)

(09/07 13:46:59) shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.

(09/07 13:47:10) shokhootahn Rehn: Should I need to cancel one of the stories at the last minute, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news. 🙂

(09/07 13:47:19) shokhootahn Rehn: Minasunda is one of those members, as she runs the announcements channel on Discord.

(09/07 13:47:26) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.

(09/07 13:47:34) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender. Though the sender is added to the Recents folder, it is still a good idea to add it to the body of the text. 🙂

(09/07 13:48:00) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!

(09/07 13:48:04) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?

(09/07 13:48:11) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue

(09/07 13:48:18) shokhootahn Rehn bows

(09/07 13:48:26) AntDroid claps his antennae

(09/07 13:48:48) Claidi Song: Thank you, shokhootahn Rehn

(09/07 13:48:58) Claidi Song: —————– Host of Weekly Event: Ancient Stories —————–

(09/07 13:49:27) Claidi Song: ‘

(09/07 13:49:40) Claidi Song: I asked our host of Ancient Stories, Ereshkigal, to share a bit about herself with her announcement of Ancient Stories. Her event is the 1st regularly scheduled event in each week. I’m hoping the hosts of the rest of our Weekly events will be willing to do the same in future AGMs.

(09/07 13:49:40) Ereshkigal: Shall I start?

(09/07 13:50:01) Claidi Song: Yes, please. Copy paste issues, again lol

(09/07 13:50:12) Ereshkigal: What was the first Cyan game you played?

(09/07 13:50:13) IwonK: 😀

(09/07 13:50:18) Ereshkigal: The 2000 Realmyst! I played it back in 2008.

(09/07 13:50:25) Ereshkigal: When and how did you get started in Moula?

(09/07 13:50:33) Ereshkigal: I had heard of Uru, but for fourteen years I thought it had failed from the start and did not exist. Then in 2022 I bought a Myst collection on Steam that included Uru CC, and decided to check it out to see what could have been.

(09/07 13:50:41) Ereshkigal: It was beautiful, and so I started looking for blogs to see if people had written about it. I expected to find only old wordpress pages from the 2010s or earlier, but to my surprise I found a blog run by Calum that had timestamps up to the present day!

(09/07 13:50:51) Ereshkigal: I read all the posts and many of them mentioned projects Calum was working on with other Ages, and he sounded like he needed help. There were also chatlogs of community events with lots of people, including the release of Chiso! So I made an account to see what was going on, and if I could get involved with the community.

(09/07 13:51:12) Ereshkigal: Where are you from?

(09/07 13:51:19) Ereshkigal: The Netherlands

(09/07 13:51:28) Ereshkigal: Which weekly event do you host?

(09/07 13:51:35) Ereshkigal: Ancient Stories!

(09/07 13:51:44) Ereshkigal: When did you begin hosting it? What was your inspiration?

(09/07 13:51:51) Ereshkigal: I started Ancient Stories in early 2024. My inspiration was that I love archaeology, and have lived and worked near a lot of Roman remains, including an old burial hill where treasure was once found, and a remaining stretch of the Roman garrison road that once ran alongside the Rhine at the Empire’s northern frontier.

(09/07 13:52:14) Ereshkigal: D’ni was an ancient civilization that had a sizable Empire of its own, yet in the games and novels I saw very little of it. Mostly we get to see Ae’gura, and we hear a little about the changes and divisions within D’ni society rather than see them for ourselves. My purpose with Ancient Stories was to give a sense of how alien, yet familiar, the distant past can be, in the same way D’ni is alien yet familiar.

(09/07 13:52:45) Ereshkigal: Where and when do you hold your event?

(09/07 13:52:51) Ereshkigal: Ancient Stories is every Tuesday at 11.30 KI, and can be reached by bot. I change locations when I start a new story: I was in the magical garden of Kalamee for my reading of Gilgamesh, at the lotus pond on Fahets Highgarden for my reading of the Ramayana, and now I am at the fountain in Eder Bahvahnter for my reading of Mary Renault’s Persian Boy.

(09/07 13:53:22) Ereshkigal: How do you plan each week’s event?

(09/07 13:53:35) Ereshkigal: I have sections marked out in my text that I will read, and usually some message that these chapters convey. Persian Boy and Gilgamesh are easier, since there I read from only one text; for the Ramayana I found a lot of parallels to other texts, and so read from multiple sources, one of which I wrote myself. That required extensive reading notes, which I had open next to my Moula window at every session.

(09/07 13:54:09) Ereshkigal: What have you planned for this month?

(09/07 13:54:20) Ereshkigal: We continue the story of Bagoas and Alexander on their way to India! I will be travelling to India myself on Sept 27th; then there will probably be a three-week hiatus for Ancient Stories, since the 12-hour difference between that timezone and New Mexico would make it a bit impractical. I will be sharing pictures on the chat 🙂

(09/07 13:55:11) Ereshkigal: After that, I have a lot of other storis lined up, including an real ghost story from ancient Egypt!

(09/07 13:55:17) Ereshkigal: An that’s it for me!

(09/07 13:55:22) Ereshkigal: Any questions?

(09/07 13:55:25) Claidi Song: q/clap Thank you, Eresh!

(09/07 13:55:34) Ereshkigal bows

(09/07 13:55:46) AntDroid claps his antennae

(09/07 13:55:53) Claidi Song: Next week, please, look forward to hearing about Babbel and her work to provide us with Classic Music!

(09/07 13:56:07) Claidi Song: The Guild of Messengers (GOME) Calendar website.

(09/07 13:56:15) Claidi Song: AGM chatlogs and AGM Summary will be on the GOME site within a few days, as well.

(09/07 13:56:20) Claidi Song: Minasunda posts event information daily: On Cyan’s Official Discord Server – ”D’niverse channel” – in ”cavern-events”

(09/07 13:56:34) Claidi Song: On Myst Online: Uru Live (again) on Facebook q You may also, request info from Minasunda, KI# 5667000, by PM or KI mail in the Cavern. Include your KI # to receive her reply.

(09/07 13:56:41) Claidi Song: You may also, request info from Minasunda, KI# 5667000, by PM or KI mail in the Cavern. Include your KI # to receive her reply.

(09/07 13:56:50) Emor D’ni Lap: Have a GREAT trip to India!

(09/07 13:56:55) Claidi Song: Thank you to all of today’s participants!

(09/07 13:56:55) Ereshkigal: Thanks!!!

(09/07 13:57:09) Claidi Song thanks you very much!

(09/07 13:57:09) Claidi Song: Thank you to everyone for coming!

(09/07 13:57:10) -Babbeltje-: l/clap

(09/07 13:57:17) Ereshkigal: Thanks a lot Claidi!

(09/07 13:57:19) fayers: claps

(09/07 13:57:25) Eternal Seeker: thanks Claidi

(09/07 13:57:33) thoekenem: thank you, Claidi Song

(09/07 13:57:34) -Babbeltje-: thnks Claidi Song

(09/07 13:57:37) shokhootahn Rehn: Thanks, Claidi!

(09/07 13:57:44) Claidi Song bows

(09/07 13:57:44) Claidi Song: That’s it for today. Remember, next All Guilds Meeting is on Saturday, October 5 at 13 KI