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MOULa update OpenUru#217

On November 12 MOULa got another update, with various fixes, improvements, and a new Age, soon to be unveiled! A full changelog is available at the bottom of this post. As usual, an audio summary of the updates was added to the Kirel auditorium podium.

Books with D'ni fairytales have been added to Elonin; new shirts (Mysterium 2024, Riven, Radio Free D'ni, and one for the new Age) have been made available. The Ayoheek scoreboards in the neighborhoods, and the female hands options colors, have been fixed.

A note on bugs (click to expand)

When an update hits MOULa it is almost inevitable that unexpected bugs will show up. For all the testing that can be done, Minkata never sees as many concurrent players as the official server, and not all issues can be catched.

When the servers have just been restarted, most of the early linking slowness and problems are from the database buffers refilling – and by an overload of concurrent logins 😉

No additions from Cyan are to be expected for the foreseeable future, apart from server updates, so all improvements and additions will come from fan developers, who dedicate their limited free time to at least try to let MOULa be the best it could potentially be.

So the best way to deal with bugs is to have patience and report them, mentioning where you were and what you were doing, be it on Cyan’s Discord or OpenUru’s Discord.

If you fancy contributing your work and/or helping with bug fixing, those places are also excellent starting points to be part of the Fourth Restoration 🙂

OpenUru Build #217 – Q3, 2024
  • [new] D'ni Fairytale books added to Elonin. {2}
  • [new] Explorers' Emporium Age added. {12}
  • [new] Kirel message for 2024 Quarter 3 added. {6}
  • [new] Linking Book cover for Serene Age added. {7}
  • [new] New Riven, Radio Free D'ni, and ExpEmp shirts added. {8}
  • [new] New Wardrobe Item added. {4}
  • [update] Chiso Preniv Age additions & improvements. {5}
  • [update] Cleft visuals, Linking Panel consistency, Music Update (With new attribution in Credits). {11}
  • [update] Eder Naybree Beach additions. {9}
  • [update] Elonin improvements (steaming hot). {1}
  • [update] Fixed Ayoheek Scoreboards in Hoods. {10}
  • [update] Highgarden Content and Lighting updates. {14}
  • [update] Kirel refresh, door activations, & Eddie! {5}
  • [update] New Messenger's Pub visual improvements. {5}
  • [update] New Mysterium 2024 Shirts. {5}
  • [update] Relto Page Combo: Storm + Veelay Visual Update. {11}
  • [update] Veelay Tsahvahn additions. {5}
  • [update] Wardrobe: Fix for the Female Hands Options colors. {13}
  • [client] (internal) Fix internal debugging commands {3}
  • [known issue] Someone has spray-painted one of the New Messenger's Pub Cones black. We're looking for some paint remover.


1: ametist, Ehren
2: ametist, Ereshkigal, Semjay
3: dgelessus
4: dgelessus, Ehren, Riccardo Salerano, Salvo Ludus, Sirius, TheScar(.fr)
5: Doobes
6: Doobes, DapperAndy, skyisblu, Tyion, Zaroth
7: Doobes, Tweek
8: dpogue, AlanD & Malaclypse, Semjay
9: Harley, Maurus, Hazado
10: Hazado, dgelessus
11: Maurus
12: Semjay, Doobes
13: TheScar(.fr)
14: Tweek

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Robert McOrmond