News roundup #17

  • Actor and runner John Keston, who played Gehn in Riven, passed away on February 13, due to complications from Covid-19.
  • Cyan’s 2nd Annual Cake Contest started on February 28 and will end on March 7. This year’s theme is “the artifacts of Riven”: choose your favorite artifact (e.g. a maglev, Gehn’s inkwell, the Moiety dagger, etc.), craft a cake, upload a picture of your creation and tag it with #CyanCake2.
  • A Firmament project update released on February 17 went into details about the use of “greyboxing” in game development.
  • A Myst Documentary project update released on February 26 noted they are ready to start “principal photography”, as they call in Hollywood.
  • The 3rd Deep City Lecture, about the D’ni legal system, will be held on March 5 at 15:00 KIT, in the Guild of Archivists’ Hood (Twitch, Discord).
  • There was another great set of submissions for Mysterium’s Prompt topic “glass”, with two short stories from calumTraveler and Talashar and two drawings from KellyC and laughingpineapple.
  • For March, the Prompt is about stickers for the Mysterium Discord server. The plan is to have multiple winner this time. The same rules as the normal submissions apply, so feel free to publicly discuss works in progress. Stickers can either be static or animated.


MOULa: 46116 • Deep Island: 194197 • Minkata: 132812 • Gehn: 137074

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