(08/03 13:00:51) Claidi Song: Welcome to the 172nd All Guilds Meeting!
(08/03 13:00:53) rarified: Bahro-minutes
(08/03 13:00:57) skyisblu: hi rarified
(08/03 13:00:58) Attagoat20: bathandwells you should’ve seen when chiso preniv first opened. that was crazy
(08/03 13:00:59) Dreamer3: Woot woot ! !
(08/03 13:01:02) Claidi Song: By the D’ni calendar, today is Leesahn 26 9680 DE.
(08/03 13:01:12) Claidi Song: If you are new to the Cavern or returning after being away for some time: Welcome! You have arrived at an exciting time in MOULa!
(08/03 13:01:20) Claidi Song: All Guilds’ Meeting (AGM) meets from 13:00 KI – 13:55 KI on the first Saturday of each month.
(08/03 13:01:21) *Jodok*: shorah philip
(08/03 13:01:28) Claidi Song: Times are shown in KI Time which corresponds to the Mountain Time Zone.
(08/03 13:01:31) philipgr: Shorah Jodok
(08/03 13:01:39) Claidi Song: —————– AGM Rules —————–
(08/03 13:01:45) Claidi Song needs a moment to breathe!
(08/03 13:01:45) Claidi Song: I’m already breathless!!! LOL Because we have an amazing agenda today!!!
(08/03 13:01:54) ShilohOBrien: Oooooh?
(08/03 13:02:03) Claidi Song: To give each speaker all the time they need, there are Five Meeting Rules. Please:
(08/03 13:02:16) Claidi Song: 1. Keep chatter to a minimum while the speakers are talking. Occasional comments or emotes are fine, just be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(08/03 13:02:22) Claidi Song: 2. Today, There will not be any Q&A. Please, Direct Message speakers with all questions after they have left the platform.
(08/03 13:02:28) Robert O’Goobo waves hello
(08/03 13:02:30) Claidi Song: 3. Speakers: please indicate when you are finished with your presentation. Today Q&A will be opened by me at the end of AGM rather than after each presentation. If there is time for questions.
(08/03 13:02:36) Prad salutes
(08/03 13:02:39) Claidi Song: 4. If a question requires a long answer, please, DM the speaker after they’ve left the platform.
(08/03 13:02:46) Claidi Song: 5. A summary and the chatlog of this meeting will be published within a few days on the Guild of Messengers’ website – https://guildofmessengers.org/ Of course, you can start your own chatlog by typing: /startlog
(08/03 13:02:54) Claidi Song: Again, there will be no Q&A today. Please, DM speakers with any questions after they have left the platform.
(08/03 13:03:00) Claidi Song: —————– CAVCON —————–
(08/03 13:03:06) Claidi Song: Not to discourage anyone from donating but . . .
(08/03 13:03:17) Claidi Song: Today there is really GOOD NEWS: June 2024 donations completely covered URU live (again) costs!!!
(08/03 13:03:20) *Jodok* leans right
(08/03 13:03:26) Claidi Song cheers
(08/03 13:03:26) Claidi Song: CAVCON level was 4.1! Donations covered 115%! Reserve now at 607%!
(08/03 13:03:30) philipgr leans left
(08/03 13:03:30) *Jodok* leans right
(08/03 13:03:33) Thumbs up from rarified
(08/03 13:03:33) Emor D’ni Lap: URU LIVES!!!
(08/03 13:03:34) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:37) skyisblu cheers
(08/03 13:03:38) MindWalker cheers
(08/03 13:03:38) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:39) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:39) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:40) DapperAndy: Ka-CHING!
(08/03 13:03:41) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:42) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:03:42) Claidi Song: Round of applause for our MOULa community! ! !
(08/03 13:03:42) LividLiquid cheers
(08/03 13:03:43) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(08/03 13:03:44) Robert O’Goobo cheers
(08/03 13:03:45) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:46) ShilohOBrien: Donate more for more new stuff!!!
(08/03 13:03:46) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:49) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:50) uru348 claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:50) MindWalker claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:54) Murry cheers
(08/03 13:03:54) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:03:55) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:03:57) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:04:00) Theo cheers
(08/03 13:04:00) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:04:04) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:04:04) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:04:06) Jes’ka: Bahro approves!
(08/03 13:04:07) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:04:42) Dreamer3: Spirit of Yeesha smiles and nods
(08/03 13:04:43) Claidi Song: Still let’s keeep up the good good supporting CAVCON :))
(08/03 13:05:00) Claidi Song: —————– Getting Mixed UP —————–
(08/03 13:05:02) Claidi Song: I’m a firm believer in mixing things up every so often. Today’s AGM is the 1st of what I hope will be a series of ”Themed” AGMs.
(08/03 13:05:14) Claidi Song: ——– Drum Roll: Mysterium 2024 —————–
(08/03 13:05:31) Claidi Song: There are a number of MOULa people here to share their Mysterium experience this year. BTW Anyone can watch the 2024 Mysterium ”Myst Online Update” Panel on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gi7etlcKJU
(08/03 13:05:34) Telrov kneels down…
(08/03 13:05:45) Claidi Song: Remember, please, DM questions to these presenters after they have left the stage.
(08/03 13:05:58) Claidi Song beckons you
(08/03 13:05:59) Claidi Song: Presenters, please, say ”Next” when you are done to move us on as quickly as possible. If you would like to all come for ”safety in numbers”, you are welcome to do so! I’ll call each speaker in turn.
(08/03 13:06:10) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:22) Claidi Song thanks you very much!
(08/03 13:06:22) Claidi Song: Thank you, in advance, to all of you for sharing here today!
(08/03 13:06:33) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:06:33) Claidi Song: Welcome, skyisblu! 1st Time Mysterium Attendee!
(08/03 13:06:41) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:43) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:44) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:45) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:46) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:47) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:47) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:06:47) IwonK claps her hands
(08/03 13:06:47) Christian Walther: And organizer too
(08/03 13:06:48) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:49) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:06:49) Doobes claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:51) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:53) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:06:54) skyisblu waves hello
(08/03 13:06:54) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:07:00) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:07:01) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:07:02) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:07:05) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:07:06) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:07:07) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:07:09) skyisblu: This was my first in-person experience at Mysterium, and I have to say, it was definitely everything I was hoping for, and more.
(08/03 13:07:12) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:07:27) skyisblu: It is so nice to be gathered with so many like-minded people, to be able to talk about such niche topics and know that everyone else just GETS what you are talking about. And not only that, is JUST AS EXCITED about the conversation as you are!
(08/03 13:07:50) skyisblu: I was thrilled to meet so many cavern friends in person, share stories and meals and hugs and car rides and long conversations with everyone – those are the moments that I will cherish the most.
(08/03 13:08:08) skyisblu: My experience was maybe a little different in the fact that everyone was travelling to MY home town for Mysterium, and so I felt like I was welcoming everyone to my little, construction cone-riddled, corner of the world.
(08/03 13:08:21) Calum Traveler: (so many cones)
(08/03 13:08:26) Claidi Song: lol
(08/03 13:08:26) Attagoat20: anybody flip the cones?
(08/03 13:08:31) skyisblu: I was so happy that everyone was having such a good time here. I think one of my favorite memories will always be from Sunday afternoon, after the official closing of Mysterium, when I found myself becoming the impromptu guide of a group of 25, all of us making our way through the tunnels of the Underground City, between Metro stations, on our way to the Olympic Stadium and the Biodome. And no one got lost! Success!
(08/03 13:08:59) skyisblu: And again – I’m still really sorry about all the construction.
(08/03 13:08:59) Dreamer3: : – )
(08/03 13:09:06) skyisblu: NEXT!
(08/03 13:09:10) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:10) Claidi Song: sky
(08/03 13:09:13) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:13) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:13) Christian Walther claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:13) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:14) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:15) IwonK claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:16) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:16) Prad: You’re an experienced Maintainer. Keyword Reischu.
(08/03 13:09:16) Doobes claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:16) IndustrialSludge claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:17) Ereshkigal cheers
(08/03 13:09:17) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:17) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:18) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:18) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:19) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:19) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:20) Emor D’ni Lap applauds skyisblu
(08/03 13:09:20) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:22) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:22) Claidi Song: Welcome Semjay! Age Creator! MOULa Panelist
(08/03 13:09:23) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:23) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:24) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:24) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:26) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:28) Doobes claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:30) IwonK claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:31) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:31) uru348 claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:31) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:32) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:32) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:34) skyisblu claps her hands
(08/03 13:09:35) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:38) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:40) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:40) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:09:44) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:10:13) Semjay: Thank you, Sky
(08/03 13:10:18) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:10:36) Semjay: It was my first Mysterium too and I had a fantastic time
(08/03 13:11:04) Semjay: I loved meeting everyone and was surprised that I fitted in
(08/03 13:11:41) Claidi Song: shared nerd vibe?
(08/03 13:11:43) LeneeMission: hello all
(08/03 13:12:02) philipgr: Hello
(08/03 13:12:03) Semjay: I asked a lot of questions about Ages and Age building but I did a LOT of listening too. I came away fired up with new ideas.
(08/03 13:12:36) Semjay: We show cased two of the Ages I am working on
(08/03 13:13:40) Prad: The Intangibles one hyper hyped me …
(08/03 13:13:53) Semjay: Venalem, from the Intangibles – which I think I will need to spend a long time on before it is finished. But it gave people a chance to see how I work.
(08/03 13:14:08) ShilohOBrien: And it was LOVELY!
(08/03 13:14:26) Thumbs up from Claidi Song
(08/03 13:14:56) Semjay: Then… the Explorers’ Emporium which I hope will be launched to you all very soon.
(08/03 13:15:05) skyisblu cheers
(08/03 13:15:07) *Jodok* cheers
(08/03 13:15:08) Claidi Song cheers
(08/03 13:15:10) ural cheers
(08/03 13:15:14) Thumbs up from Calum Traveler
(08/03 13:15:14) ShilohOBrien cheers
(08/03 13:15:16) Murry cheers
(08/03 13:15:16) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:15:17) GooberChilla cheers
(08/03 13:15:17) philipgr cheers
(08/03 13:15:18) Doobes cheers
(08/03 13:15:19) TGMChrist cheers
(08/03 13:15:20) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:15:21) Theo cheers
(08/03 13:15:22) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(08/03 13:15:22) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(08/03 13:15:23) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:15:25) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:15:26) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:15:28) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:15:29) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:15:35) Attagoat20: How much for the clothes there?
(08/03 13:15:39) Semjay: Thank you to all who have helped and encouraged me.
(08/03 13:15:57) Calum Traveler:
(08/03 13:16:07) Prad: The Emporium demo showed it much larger than I imagined – that is cool …
(08/03 13:16:09) Semjay: You can pay for purchases with chip and pin : )
(08/03 13:16:16) Semjay: NEXT
(08/03 13:16:17) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:16:17) Claidi Song: Semjay
(08/03 13:16:21) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:21) Doobes claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:25) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:25) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:25) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:25) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:25) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:26) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:26) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:26) skyisblu claps her hands
(08/03 13:16:26) neurovac claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:28) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:28) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:29) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:29) Christian Walther claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:30) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:32) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:16:32) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:16:32) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:16:34) IndustrialSludge claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:37) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:16:37) Claidi Song: Welcome, Calum! Age Creator! Storyteller! MOULa Panelist
(08/03 13:16:42) Doobes claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:43) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:45) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:46) Calum Traveler waves hello
(08/03 13:16:46) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:47) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:47) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:48) skyisblu: yay!
(08/03 13:16:48) IndustrialSludge claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:48) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:16:49) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:49) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:49) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:51) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:51) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:52) Emor D’ni Lap applauds Semjay
(08/03 13:16:52) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:16:54) Calum Traveler: Shorah, All! Before I say anything else, I’d like to let yall know one crucial thing!
(08/03 13:16:57) Ereshkigal cheers
(08/03 13:17:00) Calum Traveler: As Claidi briefly mentioned a few minutes ago: The Mysterium Committee have uploaded all of the twitch streams from this year to their youtube channel!
(08/03 13:17:08) Calum Traveler: You can find the playlist here:
(08/03 13:17:13) Calum Traveler: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxkV43WY77wFgeasjIiwdKXzhRuZ3jWLZ
(08/03 13:17:32) Calum Traveler: that out of the way…
(08/03 13:17:42) Calum Traveler: I’ve attended many Mysterium over the years, some as staff, but most as an attendee, and I have to say, this year was fantastic, and just the thing I needed after many long months of stress in my life.
(08/03 13:17:53) Calum Traveler: I met so many people I hadn’t met in person, and hung out with many of my old friends from past years.
(08/03 13:18:04) Calum Traveler: There’s so much I want to say, but I’d be here all afternoon if I talked about it all, so I think I’ll summarize it to this key point:
(08/03 13:18:13) Calum Traveler: Mysterium is one of those physical things that exemplifies the thing I love the most about our D’niverse: It’s community, and the love and bonds between everyone we know.
(08/03 13:18:23) Calum Traveler: Even if we may disagree from time to time, It’s good to have the reminder… we’re all family down here.
(08/03 13:18:29) skyisblu nods her head
(08/03 13:18:30) OHB cheers
(08/03 13:18:37) IndustrialSludge agrees
(08/03 13:18:39) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(08/03 13:18:40) Thumbs up from *Jodok*
(08/03 13:18:44) Dreamer3 wipes away tear
(08/03 13:18:53) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:18:54) Ereshkigal agrees!
(08/03 13:18:57) Calum Traveler: I hope you all enjoyed the teases of what’s to come in our Panel,
(08/03 13:18:58) Ereshkigal: clap
(08/03 13:19:05) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:19:10) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:19:11) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:19:13) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:19:16) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:19:17) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:19:19) Calum Traveler: and I hope that everyone gets the chance to come visit a mysterium in person some time in the future,
(08/03 13:19:22) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:19:24) skyisblu claps her hands
(08/03 13:19:29) Calum Traveler: even if it’s just the once, it’s a wonderful experience.
(08/03 13:19:59) Calum Traveler: to those who came, and are reading this now or later,
(08/03 13:20:03) Calum Traveler thanks you very much!
(08/03 13:20:06) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:06) Claidi Song: Calum
(08/03 13:20:11) Calum Traveler: it was wonderful to meet you all!
(08/03 13:20:14) Calum Traveler: NEXT!
(08/03 13:20:15) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:16) skyisblu claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:16) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:17) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:17) IndustrialSludge claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:17) Emor D’ni Lap thanks Calum for their good words
(08/03 13:20:18) Christian Walther claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:19) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:19) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:20) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:20) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:20) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:20) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:21) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:21) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:21) Doobes claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:22) Theo claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:23) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:24) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:25) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:26) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:26) Quill: hands
(08/03 13:20:26) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:27) neurovac claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:27) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:30) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:30) uru348 claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:31) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:43) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:43) Claidi Song: Welcome, Doobes! Age Creator! Storyteller! MOULa Panelist
(08/03 13:20:49) Ereshkigal cheers
(08/03 13:20:50) Dreamer3 cheers
(08/03 13:20:50) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:51) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:51) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:53) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:53) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:54) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:20:54) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:55) IndustrialSludge claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:56) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:56) Murry cheers
(08/03 13:20:57) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:20:58) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:21:02) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:21:04) Doobes: Bear with me as I’m typing this on the fly.
(08/03 13:21:06) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:21:17) Doobes: Hello, my name is Doobes, and I’m a Mystaholic.
(08/03 13:21:18) Doobes bows
(08/03 13:21:24) Calum Traveler: hi doobes
(08/03 13:21:25) ShilohOBrien: Hi, Doobes!
(08/03 13:21:26) *Jodok*: we all are
(08/03 13:21:27) shokhootahn Rehn: lol
(08/03 13:21:28) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(08/03 13:21:28) Murry: Hello Doobes
(08/03 13:21:29) DapperAndy: “Hi, Doobes!”
(08/03 13:21:31) OHB raises a glass
(08/03 13:21:31) Emor D’ni Lap: Hello DOoobes
(08/03 13:21:35) Prad: Mystaholic. lol
(08/03 13:21:39) Jes’ka: Hi, Doobes!
(08/03 13:21:41) philipgr: Hello Doobes
(08/03 13:21:42) DapperAndy hides his stash
(08/03 13:21:43) ShilohOBrien: D’ni Anonymous?
(08/03 13:21:49) Doobes: I myself have been to four Mysteriums…if you count me dipping my toe in during the Minneapolis 2010 one.
(08/03 13:21:49) Dreamer3: Must have very small fingers to type on a fly
(08/03 13:21:58) OHB: it counts
(08/03 13:22:20) Doobes: This one was also a few firsts for me: first time out of the US, first time to Canada…it was amazing.
(08/03 13:22:32) Doobes: Really glad I drove up from New Jersey with a friend though. XD
(08/03 13:22:52) Doobes: As you may have seen at the panel, two big developments coming from me.
(08/03 13:23:08) Doobes: One was Descent, which is *almost* ready to go again after some polish.
(08/03 13:23:28) *Jodok* cheers
(08/03 13:23:32) Dreamer3: : – )
(08/03 13:23:51) angelmyst: gotta make it shine
(08/03 13:23:59) Doobes: The other being a rather large expansion of Chiso, both in content and in story, thanks to pairing with my buddy AgeExplorer. He’s also designing new sounds for the occasion as well.
(08/03 13:24:09) Prad: Big project – absolutely hyped
(08/03 13:24:17) Attagoat20: more like gotta make it so the ceiling doesn’t fall on explorers heads
(08/03 13:24:19) *Jodok* cheers
(08/03 13:24:37) Doobes: All that aside, it was great to see friends from previous years and meet some new ones. As has been said before, Myst family is best family.
(08/03 13:24:39) Doobes cheers
(08/03 13:24:48) ShilohOBrien: The MOULa project is an OSHA nightmare.
(08/03 13:24:55) Claidi Song cheers
(08/03 13:25:00) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:25:04) Calum Traveler: “We don’t believe in OSHA, we just use cones :)” – Marie Sutherland
(08/03 13:25:04) philipgr cheers
(08/03 13:25:05) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(08/03 13:25:07) TGMChrist cheers
(08/03 13:25:09) skyisblu cheers
(08/03 13:25:11) *Jodok* agrees with Doobes
(08/03 13:25:13) GooberChilla cheers
(08/03 13:25:17) Ereshkigal laughs
(08/03 13:25:17) Murry cheers
(08/03 13:25:23) Doobes: Again, sorry for the delay in the most recent updates. It’s been a rough year for many, including me. We’re still toiling away though, so keep your eyes peeled for something very soon!
(08/03 13:25:30) Calum Traveler nods in agreement
(08/03 13:25:37) ShilohOBrien cheers
(08/03 13:25:41) Jes’ka: Please report all safety hazards to your closest Maintainer.
(08/03 13:25:55) Theo: We live and die by our Relto books. Forget OSHA.
(08/03 13:26:00) Doobes: On that note, I do have to leave for something else, but thanks for listening to me rattle on as you always do.
(08/03 13:26:05) Doobes salutes
(08/03 13:26:05) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:07) neurovac: Thanks so much for all your work on Descent etc.
(08/03 13:26:07) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:10) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:26:10) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:26:10) Claidi Song: Doobes
(08/03 13:26:11) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:12) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(08/03 13:26:12) MindWalker claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:12) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:26:12) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:13) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:14) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:14) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:14) skyisblu claps her hands
(08/03 13:26:14) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:26:15) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:15) Christian Walther claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:15) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:26:15) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:15) neurovac claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:15) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:16) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:17) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:19) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:19) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:22) uru348 claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:23) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:24) Theo: Always great to have you here, Doobes!
(08/03 13:26:26) IndustrialSludge claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:28) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:33) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:26:33) Claidi Song: Welcome, dpogue! Technical Developer! Storyteller! MOULa Panelist
(08/03 13:26:37) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:39) skyisblu cheers
(08/03 13:26:41) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:41) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:42) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:26:43) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:43) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:44) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:44) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:45) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:45) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:46) Murry cheers
(08/03 13:26:48) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:49) Theo claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:50) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:26:52) Darryl Pogue: Hi folks!
(08/03 13:26:56) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:27:04) Darryl Pogue: My second in-person Mysterium was great, and it was wonderful to have a chance to visit beautiful Montreal again! Thanks to everyone who made it a memorable experience.
(08/03 13:27:14) Darryl Pogue: As part of the MOULa panel, I gave some quick updates on work being done on Uru and related tools, including the macOS client. In fact, half the live demos took place on my MacBook laptop running the macOS client!
(08/03 13:27:25) Darryl Pogue: Also had a chance to show off some custom GUI work made possible by the latest version of the korman plugin for Blender
(08/03 13:27:38) OHB: (which was beautiful)
(08/03 13:27:39) Attagoat20: woot!
(08/03 13:27:41) Darryl Pogue: Still sorting out some remaining challenges with getting that macOS client available for testing, but fingers crossed for some news in the coming months.
(08/03 13:27:59) Darryl Pogue: One thing I mentioned during the panel is that we have “nightly” development builds of the H’uru client and 3DS Max plugin available for Age creators to download: https://github.com/H-uru/Plasma/releases/tag/last-successful
(08/03 13:28:08) Darryl Pogue: If you’re looking to get set up for testing your newly-built Ages on the Destiny shard, Adam (Hoikas) has written a one-click Destiny setup tool that is available here: https://github.com/Hoikas/GetUru
(08/03 13:28:23) Darryl Pogue: It’s great to have the chance to showcase our work and chat with friends at Mysterium. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you next year in Atlanta
(08/03 13:28:28) Darryl Pogue thanks you very much!
(08/03 13:28:38) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:28:40) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:40) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:40) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:40) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:41) skyisblu claps her hands
(08/03 13:28:41) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:41) Christian Walther claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:42) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:43) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:43) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:28:44) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:44) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:44) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:28:45) Claidi Song: Darryl
(08/03 13:28:45) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:45) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:46) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:28:46) Theo claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:46) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:47) Emor D’ni Lap applauds Darryl Pogue
(08/03 13:28:47) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:28:47) J’Kla claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:47) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:49) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:28:53) MindWalker claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:02) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:03) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:29:03) Claidi Song: Welcome, Murry! Storyteller! MOULa Panelist Moderator
(08/03 13:29:06) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:07) Prad: sad that I don’t own a mac. but when Linux testing comes up I’ll be yours- both debian and redhat based …
(08/03 13:29:09) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:11) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:29:12) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:13) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:13) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:15) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:29:17) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:18) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:20) skyisblu cheers
(08/03 13:29:22) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:29:23) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:25) uru348 claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:28) *Jodok*: I play on mac and am available as a tester
(08/03 13:29:28) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:30) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:29:38) ShilohOBrien: Go get em, gerbil!
(08/03 13:30:00) Murry: It was my honor to moderate our MOULA panel this year.
(08/03 13:30:21) Murry: What a wonderful group of talented folks.
(08/03 13:30:30) skyisblu cheers
(08/03 13:30:56) Murry: Much will be coming down the pike in the next several months.
(08/03 13:30:56) Calum Traveler:
(08/03 13:31:06) ural cheers
(08/03 13:31:19) Murry: We have a lot of new adventures in store.
(08/03 13:31:51) Murry: This was my second Mysterium and perhaps my favorite so far.
(08/03 13:32:35) Murry: I finally got to taste Skyisblu’s fabulous cooking. Not once, but twice.
(08/03 13:32:52) Dreamer3: : – )
(08/03 13:33:05) skyisblu:
(08/03 13:33:09) Murry: Thank Sky for hosting us in your Beautiful city of Montreal.
(08/03 13:33:16) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:17) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:20) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:33:22) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:26) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:26) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:28) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:30) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:30) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:35) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:33:44) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:33:57) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:34:01) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:34:19) Murry: We also had a surprise for her. In the upcoming update of Chiso, a new desk will be placed for SKYISBLU.
(08/03 13:34:31) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:34:31) Ereshkigal: Oh wow!!!
(08/03 13:34:34) Dreamer3 cheers
(08/03 13:34:34) IndustrialSludge cheers
(08/03 13:34:37) GooberChilla cheers
(08/03 13:34:39) TGMChrist cheers
(08/03 13:34:43) Thumbs up from rarified
(08/03 13:34:44) Ereshkigal: Will it have cooking stuff
(08/03 13:34:44) Dah’mpa cheers
(08/03 13:34:50) Rigil Kent cheers
(08/03 13:34:56) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(08/03 13:35:03) Attagoat20: IwonK might have a place to bake cookies if it does
(08/03 13:35:07) *Jodok* cheers
(08/03 13:35:18) Emor D’ni Lap: skyisblu deserves a kitchen
(08/03 13:35:32) *Jodok*: agree about the kitchen
(08/03 13:35:32) Murry: We feel that she has done an incredible job of streaming, testing, translating French, etc. as well as sharing in our adventures.
(08/03 13:35:46) skyisblu: Hoping for some sort of snacks, yes I was speechless when the announcement was made
(08/03 13:35:54) ShilohOBrien wonders if she can fit a fermente for her mead in the Chizo basement.
(08/03 13:35:59) Murry: We can’t wait to see what shows up on her desk.
(08/03 13:36:08) rarified: Crumbs!
(08/03 13:37:02) Murry: There will be eventually a book of adventures there from the journeys that Robert Murry and Skyis blu take.
(08/03 13:37:13) *Jodok* cheers
(08/03 13:37:52) Murry: The Mysterium staff deserve a well deserved round of applause as well.
(08/03 13:37:59) IndustrialSludge claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:00) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:00) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:01) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:02) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:04) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:04) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:04) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:38:04) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:04) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:05) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:06) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:06) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:07) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:07) ShilohOBrien wonders if she can set up brewing equipment in the caves of Eder Gira.
(08/03 13:38:08) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:09) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:38:11) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:11) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(08/03 13:38:12) Telrov claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:15) CaptainQuery claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:17) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:38:18) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:38:25) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:38:26) Murry: Take a look at the clips on youtube to see what you may have missed.
(08/03 13:38:29) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:46) Murry: And we look forward to Atlanta next year.
(08/03 13:38:54) Murry: Thank you.
(08/03 13:38:57) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:38:58) Murry: Next
(08/03 13:39:01) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:01) IndustrialSludge claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:02) Christian Walther claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:02) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:02) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:03) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:03) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:39:03) Claidi Song: Murry
(08/03 13:39:04) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:06) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:09) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:39:09) Claidi Song: Thank you Sky, Semjay, Calum, Doobes, dpogue and Murry!!!
(08/03 13:39:11) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:39:12) neurovac claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:13) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:39:15) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:16) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:17) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:20) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:23) *Jodok* says thank you
(08/03 13:39:26) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:27) Claidi Song: Watch the 2024 Mysterium ”Myst Online Update” Panel on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gi7etlcKJU
(08/03 13:39:43) Claidi Song: —————– Summer Festival / D’ni Palooza 2024 —————–
(08/03 13:39:43) Musica3 claps her hands
(08/03 13:39:48) Claidi Song beckons you
(08/03 13:39:48) Claidi Song: Please, welcome to the stage, PodHopper! Remember no Q&A.
(08/03 13:39:51) PodHopper: OMG!
(08/03 13:39:54) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:55) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:39:57) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:39:58) IndustrialSludge: clap
(08/03 13:39:58) Dreamer3 cheers
(08/03 13:39:59) *Jodok* cheers
(08/03 13:40:01) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:40:02) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:07) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:08) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:40:09) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:11) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:12) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(08/03 13:40:14) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:14) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:15) PodHopper: Dah’mpa
(08/03 13:40:16) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:20) PodHopper wants you to come over
(08/03 13:40:25) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:30) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:31) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:32) Ereshkigal cheers
(08/03 13:40:35) PodHopper: Shorah everyone
(08/03 13:40:38) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:40:46) PodHopper: Summer Festival is back in the cavern from August 5 – 11.
(08/03 13:40:52) Claidi Song: Welcome Dah’mpa :))
(08/03 13:40:55) PodHopper: This year it will include the D’ni Palooza, showcasing music made by players of Moula.
(08/03 13:41:07) PodHopper: Be it people playing music, singing or DJ-ing, we have a varied schedule to offer.
(08/03 13:41:21) PodHopper: Summer Festival has always been about games and contests.
(08/03 13:41:33) PodHopper: This year we will have 3 such events: Wall Game, Cone Race and an Ayoheek Tournament.
(08/03 13:41:43) PodHopper: Contact me or my website for info about Cone Race,
(08/03 13:41:57) PodHopper: BogusMeatFactory is the one to contact for the Ayoheek Tournament,
(08/03 13:42:09) PodHopper: and I hand the microphone to Dah’mpa for info about the Wall Game…
(08/03 13:42:19) Bogey Mystman: Also known as me, Bogey Mystman!
(08/03 13:42:19) Dah’mpa: Thanks, Pod
(08/03 13:42:25) Dah’mpa: shorah everyone :))
(08/03 13:42:25) Bogey Mystman: Ingame
(08/03 13:42:26) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:42:34) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:42:38) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:42:43) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:42:44) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:42:45) Dah’mpa: Ok then… let me tell you a few things about the Wall Game competition. I`ll do my best to be brief
(08/03 13:42:46) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:43:02) Prad: Nice to meet you, Bogey Mystman (greetings from Ayohiker from the TOC shard)
(08/03 13:43:02) Dah’mpa: First of all, I`d like to say that this event will be hosted by Nosila and I. She couldn`t be present today because of RL duties but I`m here talking also on her behalf.
(08/03 13:43:12) Dah’mpa: p
(08/03 13:43:17) Dah’mpa: That said…
(08/03 13:43:25) Dah’mpa: This Wall Game competition will run in the same way as we did in the last Wall Game event during the MOULa Anniversary
(08/03 13:43:35) Dah’mpa: The game format was conceived with the aim to involve all players interested in taking part, including those who have never played or watched a wall game before
(08/03 13:43:49) Dah’mpa: The main point is: in each wall game both players will face the same maze, created and input by the organizers
(08/03 13:44:02) Dah’mpa: Therefore, players will just climb the wall, leaving the Control Panel setup to the organizers
(08/03 13:44:14) Dah’mpa: In this simplified wall game format, new players will only have to learn a few simple rules and instructions (given at the beginning of the event), thus being able to play a wall game competition even with zero experience
(08/03 13:44:34) Dah’mpa: This way we hope to get new players involved with a Wall Game competition and have fun
(08/03 13:44:43) Dah’mpa: Last thing…
(08/03 13:44:47) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:44:55) Dah’mpa: Players can enrol at the beginning of the competition, that`s absolutely fine, but if you already know you`re going to take part in the game, please let us know beforehand
(08/03 13:45:08) Dah’mpa: This would help us to have an idea on how many competitors we`ll have
(08/03 13:45:15) Dah’mpa: To contact us:
(08/03 13:45:22) Dah’mpa: In MOULa: Dah`mpa (11225300), Nosi La (09902277)
(08/03 13:45:29) Dah’mpa: On Discord: Dah`mpa, Nosila
(08/03 13:45:34) Dah’mpa: On Facebook: Nosi La
(08/03 13:45:40) Dah’mpa: You can also join the Wall Game Discord server in order to find more information and talk to other wall game players (pm either of us to get an invite)
(08/03 13:45:48) Dah’mpa: That`s all, thank you very much, see you in Gahreesen!
(08/03 13:45:52) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:45:54) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/03 13:45:56) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:45:57) Emor D’ni Lap: And thanks to Hazado and others for making the Gahreesen Wall functional!
(08/03 13:45:57) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(08/03 13:45:57) Claidi Song claps her hands
(08/03 13:45:57) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:45:57) Attagoat20 claps his hands
(08/03 13:45:57) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(08/03 13:45:57) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:45:58) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:45:58) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(08/03 13:45:59) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:00) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:01) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:01) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:01) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:46:02) Dah’mpa bows
(08/03 13:46:04) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:05) Bogey Mystman claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:05) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:46:05) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:07) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:09) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:46:10) skyisblu claps her hands
(08/03 13:46:10) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:46:25) Attagoat20: thanks to Hazado for restoring a lot of the non-functional stuff in the cavern!
(08/03 13:46:25) PodHopper: There’s a lot more I would want to say about the Festival, so many details, but it would become too long.
(08/03 13:46:38) PodHopper: The schedule for Summer Festival / D’ni Palooza 2024:
(08/03 13:46:46) PodHopper: (you may want to start chatlog…)
(08/03 13:46:58) Claidi Song nods
(08/03 13:47:03) PodHopper: Mo Aug. 5, 12:00-14:00 ki: “Cooking Session with Sky” by Skyisblu
(08/03 13:47:12) PodHopper: Mo Aug. 5, 14:00-16:00 ki: “Wall Game” by Dah’mpa
(08/03 13:47:21) PodHopper: Mo Aug. 5, 18:00-20:00 ki: “Cooking Session with Sky” by Skyisblu (rerun)
(08/03 13:47:29) PodHopper: —————————–
(08/03 13:47:37) PodHopper: Tu Aug. 6, 13:00-15:00 ki: “Relaxing Palooza” by PodHopper [featuring: Edison Rex, Jodok, Maurus, Mystler, Piboc & Semjay]
(08/03 13:47:54) PodHopper: ——————————
(08/03 13:47:57) PodHopper: We Aug. 7, 14:30-16:00 ki: “Cone Race” by PodHopper
(08/03 13:47:59) Claidi Song: WoWW
(08/03 13:48:06) PodHopper: ——————————
(08/03 13:48:14) PodHopper: Th Aug. 8, 13:00-14:00 ki: “D’Marnah/Lillo Minniti” by PodHopper [featuring: Turjan Aylahn & Lillo Minniti]
(08/03 13:48:36) Claidi Song: Another WOW!
(08/03 13:48:59) BIG thumbs up from Emor D’ni Lap
(08/03 13:49:02) Ereshkigal cheers
(08/03 13:49:27) PodHopper: i keep getting “must be text only…
(08/03 13:49:39) Prad: you used special characters
(08/03 13:50:05) Emor D’ni Lap: aren’t we all?
(08/03 13:50:10) Dreamer3: So many special characters in here. : )
(08/03 13:50:10) shokhootahn Rehn: lol
(08/03 13:50:10) Claidi Song: The sever is ascii I think
(08/03 13:50:12) *Jodok*: LOL
(08/03 13:50:12) Attagoat20: $pecial Characters
(08/03 13:50:15) Attagoat20: huh
(08/03 13:50:19) Prad: lol Emor
(08/03 13:50:19) Attagoat20: let me use that symbol
(08/03 13:50:41) ShilohOBrien: Gotta run. Will get the rest from the chat log. Have fun!
(08/03 13:50:45) cameo:
(08/03 13:50:47) Claidi Song: At least very plain puncutation
(08/03 13:50:48) Theo: We don’t support Unicode text yet.
(08/03 13:51:02) PodHopper: Th Aug. 8, 13:00-14:00 ki: “D’Marnah/Lillo Minniti” by PodHopper
(08/03 13:51:27) PodHopper: Th Aug. 8, 14:00-15:00 ki: “Karaoke Mix
(08/03 13:51:28) Theo: It messes with the ability to paste from Google Translate.
(08/03 13:51:33) angelmyst: have to scoot..Grandkids are here.
(08/03 13:51:41) PodHopper: Th Aug. 8, 15:00-16:00 ki: “Money Show” by AlanDJ [featuring: Music with the theme “Money”]
(08/03 13:51:53) PodHopper: Th Aug. 8, 16:00-17:00 ki: “Rock Music” by PodHopper [featuring: Jet Blast, Jodok & Skyisblu]
(08/03 13:52:04) PodHopper: Th Aug. 8, 17:00-18:00 ki: “Piboc (Part 1)” by Dah’mpa [featuring: Piboc]
(08/03 13:52:08) Claidi Song: So cool!
(08/03 13:52:11) PodHopper: ——————————
(08/03 13:52:20) PodHopper: Fr Aug. 9, 13:00-15:00 ki: “Classical with Babbel” by Babbel [featuring: Classical music & music by Babbel]
(08/03 13:52:31) PodHopper: Fr Aug. 9, 15:00-17:00 ki: “Wonky Draws” by Iwonk
(08/03 13:52:36) PodHopper: ——————————
(08/03 13:52:45) PodHopper: Sa Aug. 10, 14:00-15:00 ki: “Story Night Special” by r’Tay
(08/03 13:52:56) PodHopper: Sa Aug. 10, 15:00-16:00 ki: “What’s That Tune?” by AlanDJ [Guess the name of a song by a few notes]
(08/03 13:53:07) PodHopper: Sa Aug. 10, 16:00-17:00 ki: “Turjan Aylahn” by Dah’mpa [featuring: Music from Turjan Aylahn other than D’Marnah]
(08/03 13:53:18) PodHopper: Sa Aug. 10, 17:00-18:00 ki: “Piboc (Part 2)” by PodHopper [featuring: Piboc]
(08/03 13:53:27) PodHopper: Sa Aug. 10, 21:00-23:00 ki: “Ayoheek Tournament” by Bogusmeatfactory
(08/03 13:53:28) Thumbs up from Claidi Song
(08/03 13:53:34) PodHopper: ——————————
(08/03 13:53:41) *Jodok* cheers
(08/03 13:53:45) PodHopper: Su Aug. 11, 13:00-16:00 ki: “Radio Free D’ni 255th Anniversary Show / Review of the Decade by Edison Rex” by RFD
(08/03 13:54:01) PodHopper needs a moment to breathe!
(08/03 13:54:09) PodHopper: A pdf with the full schedule will be available tonight or tomorrow on discord, Facebook, Guild of Messengers site and my website.
(08/03 13:54:23) PodHopper: That’s it!
(08/03 13:54:29) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:30) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:30) Bogey Mystman claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:31) Claidi Song thanks you very much!
(08/03 13:54:31) Claidi Song: Thank you PodHopper and Dah’mpa! Amazing line up of events!
(08/03 13:54:31) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:31) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:32) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:32) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:33) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:34) Christian Walther claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:34) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:34) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:54:35) PodHopper bows
(08/03 13:54:35) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:35) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:54:36) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:36) ural claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:37) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:39) thoekenem claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:39) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:54:44) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(08/03 13:54:44) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:46) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/03 13:54:48) Claidi Song: Skyisblu says the 2nd session will be the same recipe but she will be streaming it in real time so separate shows
(08/03 13:54:55) Claidi Song: —————– Mysterium Report and Announcements —————–
(08/03 13:55:02) Claidi Song beckons you
(08/03 13:55:02) Claidi Song: Calum!
(08/03 13:55:07) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:11) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:11) thoekenem claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:12) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:13) Calum Traveler: Hi Again!
(08/03 13:55:13) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:55:14) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:55:14) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:14) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:17) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:17) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:18) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:18) Calum Traveler: First off, the August Mysterium Creativity Prompt is “Revelation” as a theme, it can be anything not just the game itself
(08/03 13:55:27) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:55:33) Calum Traveler takes a deep breath
(08/03 13:55:44) Calum Traveler: next, something of a personal project.
(08/03 13:55:52) Calum Traveler: I’d like to announce the discovery of a New Age, called Gahlahno.
(08/03 13:55:57) Calum Traveler: I will be doing the odd and extreme thing of streaming the restoration process of this Age for anyone interested in the process.
(08/03 13:56:01) Quill cheers
(08/03 13:56:02) *Jodok* cheers
(08/03 13:56:03) Calum Traveler: You can watch the streams live at https://www.twitch.tv/calumtraveler
(08/03 13:56:05) Jes’ka cheers
(08/03 13:56:17) Calum Traveler: spoilers will be abound though lol
(08/03 13:56:22) Calum Traveler: And if you cannot watch it live, the videos will be uploaded to the following youtube channel playlist:
(08/03 13:56:29) Calum Traveler: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlXPy87zS0NCivvraKRZYvPQHHopymG0z
(08/03 13:56:36) Calum Traveler: I don’t have a set schedule yet for streaming beyond ‘as my free time allows,’ but I will be attempting to stream atleast once a week either on Mondays or Fridays, assuming no other conflict with another explorer’s stream event.
(08/03 13:56:53) Calum Traveler: I’ll also likely do other streams beside that. Like playing video games, or doing writing, if anyone’s interested in that.
(08/03 13:57:00) Calum Traveler: so, uh, yeah.
(08/03 13:57:02) Calum Traveler: that’s it from me
(08/03 13:57:07) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:07) Claidi Song thanks you very much!
(08/03 13:57:07) Claidi Song: Calum!
(08/03 13:57:07) DapperAndy claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:08) Calum Traveler: ty bahro.
(08/03 13:57:09) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:10) Christian Walther claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:10) GooberChilla claps her hands
(08/03 13:57:11) rarified claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:12) philipgr claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:12) Bogey Mystman claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:13) *Jodok* claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:13) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/03 13:57:14) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:14) Ereshkigal: clap
(08/03 13:57:15) TGMChrist claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:15) Mirphak claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:15) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(08/03 13:57:15) Jes’ka claps her hands
(08/03 13:57:15) thoekenem claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:16) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:17) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/03 13:57:17) OHB claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:18) Quill claps his hands
(08/03 13:57:21) Prad: First stream was about 3 hours long – can a bit strenuous to watch in one piece, but you can always consume it in parts …
(08/03 13:57:29) Murry claps his hands
(08/03 13:58:02) Claidi Song: shokhootahn Rehn we are out of time. I’ll make sure your Story Night and D’ni Language Classes get into the AGM Summary
(08/03 13:58:19) Claidi Song bows
(08/03 13:58:19) Claidi Song: ——— Remember, next All Guilds Meeting is on Saturday, August 3 at 13 KI ———