(01/04 13:00:03) Claidi Song: !shorah b’shemtee and RL HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
(01/04 13:00:09) Dreamer3 accidentally eats a firemarble cookie
(01/04 13:00:11) philipgr: anyone^
(01/04 13:00:12) rarified: HNY!
(01/04 13:00:14) Claidi Song: Welcome to the 177th All Guilds Meeting!
(01/04 13:00:16) *Jodok*: Hny
(01/04 13:00:20) Claidi Song: By the D’ni calendar, today is Leevosahn 3 9680 DE.
(01/04 13:00:29) Claidi Song: If you are new to the Cavern or returning after being away for some time: Welcome! You have arrived at an exciting time in MOULa!
(01/04 13:00:31) philipgr: Hny
(01/04 13:00:34) Claidi Song: All Guilds Meeting (AGM) meets from 13:00 KI – 13:55 KI on the first Saturday of each month.
(01/04 13:00:46) Claidi Song: Times are shown in KI Time which corresponds to the Mountain Time Zone.
(01/04 13:00:49) Cid.: only ask the veelay quesiton if doobes arrives
(01/04 13:00:55) Cid.: that makes sense
(01/04 13:01:02) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ AGM Rules ~~~~~~~~~~
(01/04 13:01:09) Claidi Song: 1. Keep chatter to a minimum while the speakers are talking. Be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(01/04 13:01:19) Claidi Song: 2. Hold all questions until after the speaker asks for questions at the end of their presentation.
(01/04 13:01:26) Cid.: oh im glad I left rtay on block so I dont see his spam
(01/04 13:02:09) Claidi Song: Not appropriate message to everyone. Please, use private
(01/04 13:02:09) Prad: but you see his cream?
(01/04 13:02:10) Dreamer3 keeps his thoughts to himself so that he doesn’t disturb the flow of conversation
(01/04 13:02:25) Claidi Song: 3. Speakers: please indicate when you are ready for questions. And indicate when you’re ready for the next question.
(01/04 13:02:33) Claidi Song: Questions may be directly messaged to me to be added to the questions queue for Q&A after each presenter is done. Keep DM’d questions brief and on the speaker’s topic.
(01/04 13:02:54) Night-Tripper leans left
(01/04 13:02:59) Claidi Song: Questions may be directly messaged to me to be added to the questions queue for Q&A after each presenter is done. Keep DM’d questions brief and on the speaker’s topic.
(01/04 13:03:03) Anatheia leans right
(01/04 13:03:14) Claidi Song: As an experiment today, before asking a question: stand and type /askquestion. Standing adds showing the avvie raising an arm.
(01/04 13:03:16) Anatheia leans right
(01/04 13:03:27) Claidi Song wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:03:27) Claidi Song: Couldn’t this help keep us organized?
(01/04 13:03:36) gwolffe356 wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:03:37) Ereshkigal: Oooh that is interesting!
(01/04 13:03:48) rarified: So polite! 
(01/04 13:03:56) Claidi Song: Do you gwolfe?
(01/04 13:04:04) SkipfordJ: Shorah, all
(01/04 13:04:07) Claidi Song: 
(01/04 13:04:08) *Jodok*: Gwolfe?
(01/04 13:04:15) gwolffe356: sorry, I thought you asked me to do that; I’m new here.
(01/04 13:04:18) Claidi Song: 4. If a question requires a long answer, we may need to skip it to stay on track. In that case, please, DM the speaker after they’ve left the platform.
(01/04 13:04:41) *Jodok* wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:04:48) Claidi Song: no problem you gave a good demo of asking question sitting down
(01/04 13:04:49) *Jodok*: What gwolfe means?
(01/04 13:04:55) neurovac: we love newcomers here, so don’t worry :o)
(01/04 13:05:11) Claidi Song: q 5. A summary and the chatlog of this meeting will be published within a few days on the Guild of Messengers website – https://guildofmessengers.org/
(01/04 13:05:13) Theo: sit
(01/04 13:05:21) Claidi Song: Of course, you can start your own chatlog by typing: /startlog
(01/04 13:06:01) Claidi Song: Let’s keep questions to very few. They could get interuptive 
(01/04 13:06:17) Claidi Song: Of course, you can start your own chatlog by typing: /startlog
(01/04 13:06:25) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Wonky Talks ~~~~~~~~~~~
(01/04 13:06:29) Claidi Song beckons you
(01/04 13:06:29) Claidi Song: Here to give us a sketch of her next episode, welcome to the stage, IwonK!
(01/04 13:06:52) rarified munches his binary cookie.
(01/04 13:07:02) IwonK waves hello
(01/04 13:07:20) IwonK: I’ll be streaming my Wonky Talk on Friday, January 17th at 15 KI in the Guild of Cookies’ Hood (we sit near the heek table)
(01/04 13:07:29) IwonK: This month’s topic is “Racing Games”! I have some titles in my mind already but if you know any interesting games I could talk about (and draw), feel free to throw them my way 
(01/04 13:07:42) IwonK: join me on my Twitch channel (twitch.tv/yvonk), there will be cookies 
(01/04 13:07:51) IwonK: In other wonky news, I’ve made some games of my own as a gamedev challenge, if you want to check them out, follow this link: iwonk.itch.io
(01/04 13:08:04) IwonK: the challegne has slown down but I’m still working on it 
(01/04 13:08:12) IwonK: any Qs in the Q?
(01/04 13:08:18) IwonK: because I’ve got some As 
(01/04 13:08:24) Claidi Song shakes her head
(01/04 13:08:24) Claidi Song: questions
(01/04 13:08:29) IwonK is checking something out
(01/04 13:08:40) Claidi Song: No question
(01/04 13:08:43) IwonK bows
(01/04 13:08:49) Claidi Song: Thank you, IwonK!
(01/04 13:09:00) rarified: Bouncy
(01/04 13:09:02) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Ancient Stories ~~~~~~~~~~
(01/04 13:09:07) Claidi Song beckons you
(01/04 13:09:07) Claidi Song: Welcome to the stage, Ereshkigal!
(01/04 13:09:09) IwonK: the floor is lava, Rar 
(01/04 13:09:41) Ereshkigal: Hi everyone! At Ancient Stories, we have finished the tale of Bagoas and the tragic life of Alexander the Great, and have now started a new story!
(01/04 13:09:41) Dreamer3: Or the stairs are lava . . .
(01/04 13:09:48) Ereshkigal: A real ancient ghost story written two thousand years ago, it is set in Ancient Egypt and involves magic, court intrigue, and *mummies*.
(01/04 13:10:03) rarified likes mummies
(01/04 13:10:06) Ereshkigal: Come and listen every Tuesday at 11.30 KI on channel //ereshkigal.Caster.fm/ in the bots’ Eder Gira. You can get there by pinging “link” to Mirobot or Minbot
(01/04 13:10:21) Dreamer3 shivers
(01/04 13:10:21) Prad: mybe having some ‘brand’ based racing games on my stack like ‘Ford’ or ‘VW’ – don’t know if they fit or too problematic – maybe there are – so then ‘Flatout’ and alike may be more appropriate …
(01/04 13:10:25) Ereshkigal: Any questions?
(01/04 13:10:36) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(01/04 13:11:06) Claidi Song: Thank you, Eresh!
(01/04 13:11:11) Ereshkigal: Then thanks you, and perhaps see you next Tuesday! If you are new to D’ni, you are very welcome to join as well! I always give a short summary of the previous session
(01/04 13:11:16) Ereshkigal bows
(01/04 13:11:41) Claidi Song: q~~~~~~~~~~ Birthday & Classic with Babbel ~~~~~~~~~~
(01/04 13:11:47) Claidi Song: Babbel sent me the following announcements:
(01/04 13:11:59) Claidi Song: “Babbel celebrates her birthday in MOULa, Kirel 13 KI on Monday January 6. Not Classic music.”
(01/04 13:12:13) Claidi Song: So, let’s all come and celebrate with Babbel on January 6!
(01/04 13:12:22) Claidi Song: “Monday, January 20, Classic with Babbel in the Hall of Kings at 12 KIT. Theme not yet known.”
(01/04 13:12:35) Claidi Song: You’ll just have to come and find out what Babbel decides!
(01/04 13:12:51) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ “The Lost Art” – Korov’ev ~~~~~~~~~~q/amazed Wait! Someone by the name of Vittorio is here?
(01/04 13:12:57) Claidi Song is amazed!
(01/04 13:12:57) Claidi Song: Wait! Someone by the name of Vittorio is here?
(01/04 13:13:02) Vittorio Brunetti waves hello
(01/04 13:13:02) Vittorio Brunetti: Yes, hallo!
(01/04 13:13:04) Claidi Song is waiting…
(01/04 13:13:04) Claidi Song: What did you do with Korov’ev? He better be safe!
(01/04 13:13:14) Claidi Song beckons you
(01/04 13:13:14) Claidi Song: Well, I guess whoever you are, you’ll have to announce whatever it is you are hijacking AGM for . . .
(01/04 13:13:14) Vittorio Brunetti: He’s guarding the medbay while I’m away (hopefully he won’t touch anything else…)
(01/04 13:13:16) Vittorio Brunetti says DOH!
(01/04 13:13:34) Vittorio Brunetti waves hello
(01/04 13:13:44) *Jodok*: Grande vittoriooooo 
(01/04 13:13:59) Vittorio Brunetti: Hallo everybody!
(01/04 13:14:05) Dreamer3 waves hello
(01/04 13:14:07) Vittorio Brunetti: Colonel Collins sent me to give a quick reminder that the premiere of episode 16 of The Lost Art, by MystiTech Productions, will be released shortly after Story Night Europe (about an hour from now).
(01/04 13:14:24) Vittorio Brunetti: This documentary series is a (somewhat fictionalized) retelling of the adventures of a motley expedition team sent to the Cavern to … find something to save the Earth!
(01/04 13:14:38) Vittorio Brunetti: The premiere of “The Growers” will start at 14:30 KI time (which I’m told is Mountain Time?), and the link is:
(01/04 13:14:47) Vittorio Brunetti: https://youtu.be/hfsWopvfyD8
(01/04 13:14:54) Emor D’ni Lap has never heard of “Colenol Collins”
(01/04 13:15:03) Vittorio Brunetti: The MystiTech team will be on the live chat about half an hour before 
(01/04 13:15:20) jtrigg: I knew his Brother – Tom
(01/04 13:15:21) Vittorio Brunetti: Any raised hands?
(01/04 13:15:31) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(01/04 13:15:40) Calum Traveler: cant wait for the ep premiere!
(01/04 13:15:44) Vittorio Brunetti: Thank you then, see you later 
(01/04 13:15:48) Claidi Song: Thank you, Vittorioaa!
(01/04 13:16:03) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Calum and/or Tweek ~~~~~~~~~~q/beckonsmall Welcome to the stage!
(01/04 13:16:10) Claidi Song beckons you
(01/04 13:16:10) Claidi Song: Welcome to the stage!
(01/04 13:16:51) Tweek: Hello everyone, just a quick announcement from me.
(01/04 13:16:52) Kayara recommends that Emor D’ni Lap watch the “documentary” then. It’s good! 
(01/04 13:17:02) Tweek: February will see the return of the RAD, Rapid Age Development contest. For those who are not familiar past RAD contests gave us such locations as Tre’Bivdil, Vothol Gallery and others. The contest is about building something that runs in Uru within a short amount of time.
(01/04 13:17:13) Tweek: The theme for the upcoming RAD will be “Pod Ages”. The contest is open to anyone who wants to work with Korman or 3D Studio Max. A Pod based on the Dereno Pod will be provided to start folks off with but what you do with it is up to you.
(01/04 13:17:23) Tweek: The contest is open to anyone, if you’re an established builder or if you’re new to Age building and you want to dip your toes. Everyone can participate.
(01/04 13:17:58) Tweek: Look out for more details coming soon. Doobes and I will most likely post info on our Age Building Facebook pages and we’ll reach out to the GoMe to post something too.
(01/04 13:18:12) Calum Traveler: ill also do promotion work where possible 
(01/04 13:18:24) Tweek: 
(01/04 13:18:28) Calum Traveler: ill be providing the .blend for the pod as well,
(01/04 13:18:36) Tweek: Any questions?
(01/04 13:18:41) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue. Any hands raised?
(01/04 13:18:57) Emor D’ni Lap: Anyone wanting the .max file for Dereno can DM / PM me
(01/04 13:19:10) shokhootahn Rehn wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:19:33) shokhootahn Rehn: When does it start?
(01/04 13:19:39) Prad: still undecided if I will participate. depends on real life. most likely I will – being still an age builder beginner might turn out funny how far I can get – having creative ideas in mind already …
(01/04 13:19:44) shokhootahn Rehn: (what date)
(01/04 13:19:50) Tweek: 1st of Feb is the planned start day.
(01/04 13:20:07) Thumbs up from shokhootahn Rehn
(01/04 13:20:12) gwolffe356 wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:20:13) Claidi Song wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:20:14) Claidi Song: when does it end?
(01/04 13:20:34) *Jodok* wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:20:39) Claidi Song: Or submissions must be submitted?
(01/04 13:20:50) Claidi Song: Yes Jodok
(01/04 13:20:55) *Jodok*: Will the ages be in moula after the contest?
(01/04 13:21:15) Tweek: It’s going to run for four weeks. So basically the end of Feb. Submissions are still being worked out, but we’re looking to have them compatible with Destiny
(01/04 13:21:26) Calum Traveler: we’re not looking for MOULa ready at the contest’s conclusion, last i was aware,
(01/04 13:21:44) Calum Traveler: one month of dev time isnt nearly enough to be MOULa ready from my own personal expreience
(01/04 13:21:48) Daniel452 wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:21:58) Prad: Destiny registration required if you haven’t already as participant …
(01/04 13:21:59) Tweek: Ages may turn up in MOULa in the furture if the author wishes them too and if they pass the requirements to meet the MOULa standards.
(01/04 13:22:01) *Jodok*: Oh okay
(01/04 13:22:02) Claidi Song: yes Dabuek
(01/04 13:22:08) Claidi Song: Daniel
(01/04 13:22:27) Daniel452: Might they end up in DI?
(01/04 13:22:34) Claidi Song: Your question Daniel?
(01/04 13:22:38) Calum Traveler: that’s up to the age author’s submission, Daniel,
(01/04 13:22:39) Claidi Song: oops lol
(01/04 13:22:52) Daniel452: Right, thanks.
(01/04 13:23:16) rarified: May I add … Submissions can be made to any shard. Addition to that shard is subject to the shard standard review process.
(01/04 13:23:24) *Jodok*: Thx tweek, claidi, calum
(01/04 13:23:31) Claidi Song: Thank you, Tweek and Cal!
(01/04 13:23:52) Calum Traveler: i got nothing for mysterium, as an aside, except that this month’s creativity theme is “Rime”
(01/04 13:23:59) Calum Traveler: so yeah, take care all,
(01/04 13:24:01) Calum Traveler waves goodbye
(01/04 13:24:02) Claidi Song: If you have more questions see Tweek or Cal after AGM
(01/04 13:24:18) Daniel452: Bye, Calum Traveler:)
(01/04 13:24:20) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Message From Minasunda ~~~~~~~~~~~
(01/04 13:24:23) Claidi Song: “My dear MOULa friends,”
(01/04 13:24:31) Claidi Song: “We now have such a full calendar that there is hardly a free day to fit in a special event without stepping on someone’s toes.”
(01/04 13:24:47) Claidi Song: “An annual event that is tied to a specific date such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, D’ni New Year or even an opening of a new age or the MOULa Anniversary should take priority over a weekly event. But that’s just my
(01/04 13:25:02) Claidi Song: opinion
(01/04 13:25:13) Claidi Song: “You would think that it would be no problem for a host to forgo their weekly event once every 6 years or, at least, accept that another event takes place at the same time.”
(01/04 13:25:21) Claidi Song: “But unfortunately that doesn’t work without someone getting angry or offended. I’m tired of having to deal with it every time. That’s why I no longer feel able to organize or coordinate these events.”
(01/04 13:25:42) Claidi Song: “I would like to say a big thank you to the hosts who always reacted flexibly and with understanding for the situation and supported me.”
(01/04 13:25:54) uru348 is sad
(01/04 13:25:58) Calum Traveler: 
(01/04 13:25:59) Claidi Song: “I will be happy to continue to do the announcements. Please. remember that from now on I am only the messenger and not the organizer.”
(01/04 13:26:00) *Jodok* is sad
(01/04 13:26:02) shokhootahn Rehn: 
(01/04 13:26:11) Dreamer3 is sad
(01/04 13:26:18) Claidi Song: Mina has dedicated a phenomenal amount of time planning and organizing Special Events: Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, D’ni New Year and the MOULa Anniversary!!! These events involved additional time coordinating with Mir-o-Bot, Mirphak, Magic Yoda and Mister Magic’s bots.
(01/04 13:26:20) Daniel452 is sad
(01/04 13:26:39) Claidi Song: These events will continue as others step up to share their creative efforts with the community!
(01/04 13:26:46) Claidi Song: Let’s give a huge shout out to Mina thanking her for her immeasurable gift of RL time to the MOULa community.
(01/04 13:26:46) Emor D’ni Lap applauds Minasunda’s phenomenal service to the Cavern
(01/04 13:26:52) Daniel452 thanks all concerned for their tireless efforts.#
(01/04 13:26:53) *Jodok* makes a big applause to Minasunda 
(01/04 13:26:58) Calum Traveler: hip hip hooray!
(01/04 13:26:59) Claidi Song: Thank you, Minasunda!!!
(01/04 13:27:00) Ereshkigal: Applause for Minasunda!
(01/04 13:27:11) *Jodok*: thank you so much mina 
(01/04 13:27:12) rarified can appreciate being overwhelmed and needing some distancee.
(01/04 13:27:21) Kayara: cheer cheer cheer!
(01/04 13:27:23) Dreamer3: So glad Mina is still doing announcements. : – )
(01/04 13:27:26) Ereshkigal: It does work better if we organise the events together as a group, I think. It is way too much for one person to do alone
(01/04 13:27:28) rarified claps for Mina
(01/04 13:27:35) Calum Traveler: speaking personally as a former event organizer, sometimes you do have to step away when you’re doing it solo,
(01/04 13:27:52) Calum Traveler: it can be a thankless task, but i think everyone here can appreciate everything minasunda has done!
(01/04 13:28:08) Prad: I hope someone will at least overtake the organization of NULP dance shows … these are still exceptionally created by Minasunda to my knowing …
(01/04 13:28:09) Anatheia: Fantastic job from Mina! So much time, effort and energy has gone into the planning, organization and presentation of each event. Thank You Minasunda!!!!
(01/04 13:28:17) rarified: For sure… And I hope there will be more volunters soon.
(01/04 13:28:17) Claidi Song: I have faith in the community to keep Special Events going 
(01/04 13:28:22) Emrai: It is a demanding job, many thanks to all who have pitched in to handle things.
(01/04 13:28:23) shokhootahn Rehn: Exactly,Calum!
(01/04 13:28:31) philipgr: Mina has done a phenominal job organizing the evenst
(01/04 13:28:41) Dah’mpa: Deep thanks to Mina
(01/04 13:28:50) Ereshkigal: I can help if someone helps me with the bots! I can do a Holi or Diwali show
(01/04 13:29:03) Cave woman: Thank you
(01/04 13:29:12) philipgr: events^
(01/04 13:29:12) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ D’ni Language Class and Story Night ~~~~~~~~~~
(01/04 13:29:18) Claidi Song beckons you
(01/04 13:29:19) Claidi Song: shokhootahn Rehn, the stage is yours!
(01/04 13:29:21) rarified: We also need to help keep civil discourse with organizers!
(01/04 13:29:32) Finders: 1
(01/04 13:29:43) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(01/04 13:29:48) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(01/04 13:30:11) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on weekday evenings Monday through Friday starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule.
(01/04 13:30:23) shokhootahn Rehn: There are daytime openings starting at either 10:00 KI time, 11:00 KI time, or 12:00 KI time, again, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time, KI mail me at KI# 80428, or on Discord at r’Tayrtahn.
(01/04 13:30:39) shokhootahn Rehn: All classes are Monday through Friday, only. There are no weekend classes available.
(01/04 13:30:47) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, please remember to include your KI #.
(01/04 13:31:00) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager
(01/04 13:31:33) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.
(01/04 13:31:40) shokhootahn Rehn: I have one request for visitors: Please do not post pellet points into the Hood imager…
(01/04 13:31:54) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(01/04 13:31:58) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(01/04 13:32:06) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…
(01/04 13:32:12) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(01/04 13:32:26) shokhootahn Rehn: Tonight, we will continue with the stories of the kings with the 26th king, King Yableshan. The rest of the month we’ll talk about Kings Emen, Me’emen.
(01/04 13:32:41) shokhootahn Rehn: There weill be no story next Saturday, the 11th, due to family obligations.
(01/04 13:33:00) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night covers the entire 10,000-year history of the D’ni plus all of the books and games, as well as the three human attempts at the restoration of D’ni!
(01/04 13:33:27) shokhootahn Rehn: I am recording Story Night for (eventual) upload to my YouTube channel (rTayrtahn). I have created an avatar for the purpose of recording. His name is “I’m a bot, do not message”. Please do not PM him during the story unless you want to see your message displayed for the entire internet.
Also, please do NOT add him as a buddy. He has no special abilities and is there only to record Story Night.
(01/04 13:33:39) shokhootahn Rehn: The channel is current through February 27, 2021. Unfortunaterly, surface life this past month has prevented me from making any headway.
(01/04 13:33:46) shokhootahn Rehn: This coming week, I will have March 6, 2021 ready to go.
(01/04 13:33:53) shokhootahn Rehn: Like I said, I have a backlog to work through!
(01/04 13:34:13) shokhootahn Rehn: As an aside, I am also providing caption translations into several languages: French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Since I don’t speak any of those languages, it will be up to my viewers to tell me how well that is working out. 
(01/04 13:34:17) shokhootahn Rehn: Let me know if you would like to see any additional translations.
(01/04 13:34:31) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(01/04 13:34:39) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(01/04 13:34:56) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(01/04 13:35:27) shokhootahn Rehn: Today’s story will begin about 14:30 KI 
(01/04 13:35:35) shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.
(01/04 13:35:44) shokhootahn Rehn: Should I need to cancel one of the stories at the last minute, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news. 
(01/04 13:35:59) shokhootahn Rehn: Minasunda is one of those members, as she runs the announcements channel on Discord.
(01/04 13:36:06) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(01/04 13:36:18) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender. Though the sender is added to the Recents folder, it is still a good idea to add it to the body of the text. 
(01/04 13:37:11) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(01/04 13:37:13) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(01/04 13:37:20) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(01/04 13:37:25) *Jodok* wants to ask a question…
(01/04 13:37:33) shokhootahn Rehn: Yes, *Jodok*?
(01/04 13:37:35) Claidi Song: yes Jodok
(01/04 13:37:46) *Jodok*: Today is the premiere can we do the story later?
(01/04 13:38:08) shokhootahn Rehn: The “premier”?
(01/04 13:38:19) *Jodok*: Yes the lost art premiere
(01/04 13:38:34) *Jodok*: And it starts at 14.20 ki
(01/04 13:38:37) Claidi Song: The Lost Art – Episode Sixteen: The Growers
(01/04 13:38:50) *Jodok*: Sorry 14.30
(01/04 13:38:51) shokhootahn Rehn: Unfortunately, due to surface obligations, n. 
(01/04 13:38:53) Claidi Song: Sorry, cat on space bar
(01/04 13:38:56) shokhootahn Rehn: *no
(01/04 13:39:14) *Jodok*: Hmmm hard to choose… thx anyway
(01/04 13:39:15) shokhootahn Rehn: lol@cat
(01/04 13:39:27) Ereshkigal: Awww, give the cat some love
(01/04 13:39:32) Prad: I trust in r’tay the king story might be told in 30 minutes … 
(01/04 13:39:35) Claidi Song: :))
(01/04 13:39:36) IwonK: and space 
(01/04 13:39:47) Prad: and space, of course
(01/04 13:39:50) *Jodok*: Yes make a quick story LOL
(01/04 13:39:51) Claidi Song: Thank you, shokhootahn Rehn!
(01/04 13:39:53) Prad: ” “
(01/04 13:39:55) Vittorio Brunetti: the episode will stay online anyway 
(01/04 13:39:56) shokhootahn Rehn: Yes, Prad
(01/04 13:40:01) shokhootahn Rehn bows
(01/04 13:40:09) Dreamer3: Why is the premiere episode 16?
(01/04 13:40:16) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Open Discussion ~~~~~~~~~~
(01/04 13:40:21) *Jodok*: Yes Vittorio but a premiere is a premiere LOL
(01/04 13:40:26) Calum Traveler: because it’s the 16th episode of The Lost Art?
(01/04 13:40:36) Prad: lol
(01/04 13:40:58) Kayara: Dreamer3: It’s the premier of episode 16. There have been other episodes with premieres before that 
(01/04 13:41:05) Claidi Song: Since we have a few minutes, I’m opening up the next 15 for discussion. Please, before asking a question or making a statement, stand and type
(01/04 13:41:08) Dreamer3: Ah, thanks : – )
(01/04 13:41:24) Vittorio Brunetti: unfortunately we were a bit tied with the timing ourselves
(01/04 13:41:27) IwonK passes around open cookies
(01/04 13:41:30) Calum Traveler: id just like to say something in light of Mina’s announcement earlier,
(01/04 13:41:32) Prad: the premiere of the 16th episode, not the premiere of the whole series …
(01/04 13:41:39) Claidi Song: the /askquestion.qRaised hands will make it easier for me to call on you and keep things moving.
(01/04 13:41:45) Calum Traveler nods to Claidi and smiles
(01/04 13:41:52) Calum Traveler: running events and organizing things is a really hard task
(01/04 13:41:59) Calum Traveler: some of you remember that I ran Heritage Night many years ago,
(01/04 13:42:11) Dreamer3 has an open cookie and observes all boundaries melting away
(01/04 13:42:19) Calum Traveler: id like to give my thanks to Minasunda and Claidi for the work theyve been doing for their specific events,
(01/04 13:42:29) Thumbs up from rarified
(01/04 13:42:37) Thumbs up from *Jodok*
(01/04 13:42:40) Claidi Song thanks you
(01/04 13:42:47) Calum Traveler: and id also like to give my thanks to everyone running their own events as well. there are so many i’d be here too long listing them all
(01/04 13:43:15) Calum Traveler: for what its worth, running events are hard and it can feel like it’s something you have to standup for when you’re faced with an event conflict,
(01/04 13:43:32) Calum Traveler: it’s hard, to coordinate events and make sure nobodys stepping on anyones toes.
(01/04 13:43:46) rarified: And you (usually) have a life outside MOUL…
(01/04 13:43:52) Calum Traveler: but yeah. everyone who runs an event has an uneviable job,
(01/04 13:44:02) Claidi Song: Yeah, there is that pesky RL happening all the time
(01/04 13:44:07) Calum Traveler: please give your local event coordinator a hug next time you see them
(01/04 13:44:12) Calum Traveler leans right
(01/04 13:44:12) Emrai: Both you and Claidi have done a wonderful job; it’s really hard.
(01/04 13:44:13) Emor D’ni Lap: I’m sure we all understand and sympathize with Minasunda’s feelings
(01/04 13:44:15) Claidi Song leans left
(01/04 13:44:51) Calum Traveler: i dont really have anything else to say
(01/04 13:44:58) Prad: even if you planned an event well real life can hit in hard sometimes …
(01/04 13:44:59) Daniel452 absolutely agrees with that 
(01/04 13:44:59) IwonK: I do: cookies!
(01/04 13:45:04) Augur: It really is a feat and shows great dedication that so many have regular events here in the cavern. Thank you to all who coordinate and provide these times to socialize and enjoy company. 
(01/04 13:45:04) Calum Traveler: indeed, prad.
(01/04 13:45:06) Claidi Song: She couldn’t be here today because of the birthday party of a RL grandchild. Mor than worth missing AGM for
(01/04 13:45:12) Calum Traveler: indeed
(01/04 13:45:24) Claidi Song: Thank you Cal
(01/04 13:45:27) Emrai: I’m curious about the CAVCON numbers
(01/04 13:45:30) rarified thanks Calum Traveler
(01/04 13:45:39) Claidi Song: Anything anyone else has to talk about?
(01/04 13:45:53) *Jodok* announces
(01/04 13:45:59) Claidi Song: Latest CavCon funding update is November 2024;
(01/04 13:46:08) Claidi Song: CAVCON=2.6 donations covered 58% Reserve at 716%
(01/04 13:46:18) Dah’mpa: well said Calum 
(01/04 13:46:37) jtrigg: What is the Us Dollar value?
(01/04 13:46:47) *Jodok*: I fully understand Mina’s decision and I would like to thank everyone that does events
(01/04 13:46:48) Calum Traveler: even i dont know that jtrigg XD
(01/04 13:46:51) Claidi Song says DOH!
(01/04 13:46:51) Claidi Song: I’m not good at typing
(01/04 13:47:04) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(01/04 13:47:06) jtrigg: Would be good tohave an idea
(01/04 13:47:13) *Jodok*: there are also events outside Moula, e.g DI and TOC
(01/04 13:47:19) Cpt.Jericho: You’re getting one US$ for 100 US Cents.
(01/04 13:47:28) *Jodok*: it is really hard to not step on others toes
(01/04 13:47:29) RedUhuru: lol
(01/04 13:47:29) jtrigg: Ha !
(01/04 13:47:30) Emor D’ni Lap: jtrigg: Cyan has never divulged $$$ figures for CAVCON
(01/04 13:47:30) Prad: lol
(01/04 13:47:35) Dreamer3: Cavcon funds are only negotiable in Explorer’s Emporium
(01/04 13:47:40) Night-Tripper: 1 US=1.43 CDN
(01/04 13:47:41) Claidi Song: Those who know the US dollar value don’t have enough to do lol
(01/04 13:47:57) *Jodok*: i am sad that mina gives up but as mentioned I understand it completely…
(01/04 13:48:01) *Jodok*: thnks
(01/04 13:48:05) jtrigg: Nobody likes a SA ! lol
(01/04 13:48:07) rarified: $1 US = 1000 S&H Trading Stamps. (this dates me!)
(01/04 13:48:10) Calum Traveler: indeed, part of the reason frequent story events are so hard to pull off is coordinating between other people’s events, *and* real life.
(01/04 13:48:21) Claidi Song: Anyone else?
(01/04 13:48:36) Prad: maybe this month having something spare to donate … not much steam games on my tobuy list and nothing else really urging …
(01/04 13:48:38) Calum Traveler: only other thing i have to say is real life often sucks. lmao.
(01/04 13:48:52) Calum Traveler: but sometimes it is good.
(01/04 13:49:05) RedUhuru: I have vaguely heard about that thing.
(01/04 13:49:08) rarified: Being here counts as RL too Calum Traveler
(01/04 13:49:08) Calum Traveler: sometimes we all need breaks away from a place,
(01/04 13:49:10) Claidi Song: The alternative to RL is . . . not great :)))
(01/04 13:49:15) Emrai: We’re under 3.0 – donate if you can.:)
(01/04 13:49:27) Calum Traveler: mmh, true, rarified
(01/04 13:49:47) Augur: Is 3.0 fully funded, but with no extra for reserves?
(01/04 13:49:47) *Jodok*: true Rar
(01/04 13:49:51) Calum Traveler: may the new year give us all enough breathing room,
(01/04 13:49:54) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ AGM – February 1, 2025 ~~~~~~~~~~
(01/04 13:49:59) Claidi Song: The next All Guilds Meeting will be Saturday, 1st of February 2025 at 13 KIT.
(01/04 13:50:12) Thumbs up from Ereshkigal
(01/04 13:50:13) Claidi Song: Thank you to all of today’s participants!
(01/04 13:50:19) Claidi Song thanks you
(01/04 13:50:19) rarified looks for help with thee ventilation fans for fresh air.
(01/04 13:50:19) Claidi Song: Thank you to everyone for coming to AGM!
(01/04 13:50:20) Daniel452: Thanks Claidi!
(01/04 13:50:20) Calum Traveler: thank you for coordinating, claidi 
(01/04 13:50:21) Ereshkigal: Thanks you so much, Claidi!
(01/04 13:50:22) Kayara: Augur that’s how I remember it, yes.
(01/04 13:50:26) *Jodok*: thank you all
(01/04 13:50:29) neurovac: See you next month. Be well everyon e
(01/04 13:50:30) Babbeltje.40: Thank you Claidi Song
(01/04 13:50:32) rarified: Thank You Claidi Song
(01/04 13:50:34) Claidi Song bows
(01/04 13:50:34) Dreamer3: If you take lots of Ivvonk’s cookies and bathe in your relto waterfall, you don’t have to ever go back to RL
(01/04 13:50:36) Emor D’ni Lap: thanks to Claidi for her excellent work
(01/04 13:50:37) *Jodok* thanks you
(01/04 13:50:42) shokhootahn Rehn: Thanks, Claidi!
(01/04 13:50:46) Claidi Song needs a moment to breathe!
(01/04 13:50:50) Calum Traveler: happy new year, everyone
(01/04 13:50:51) Prad: wise spoken Dreamer2
(01/04 13:51:03) uwe: thx Claidi
(01/04 13:51:04) Calum Traveler: may 2025 be less of a mess than 2024 was
(01/04 13:51:11) Claidi Song: Happy New Year!!!
(01/04 13:51:21) shokhootahn Rehn: Happy New Year!