(11/02 13:00:32)Korov’ev: Alright, it’s time!
(11/02 13:00:33)Melm: good evening
(11/02 13:00:36)MichaelJO2: Don’t be nervous Korov. We’re only scrutinizing everything you say. lol
(11/02 13:00:42)Korov’ev: Shorah, and welcome to the 115th All Guilds Meeting!
(11/02 13:00:42)philipgr: Good eveing MirPak
(11/02 13:00:50)Korov’ev: In the D’ni calendar today is Leevofo 11, 9675, and the time is 2:03:03
(11/02 13:01:12)Korov’ev: 1:04:01, actually
(11/02 13:01:26)Korov’ev: If there’s anyone new: welcome to the Cavern! You picked the best time to visit 
(11/02 13:01:28)MichaelJO2: 
(11/02 13:01:35)Korov’ev: As usual, I’ll remind you the 5 Meeting Rules:
(11/02 13:01:43)Korov’ev: 1. Please *keep chatter to a minimum* while speakers are talking. The occasional comment or emote is fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(11/02 13:01:48)Korov’ev: 2. If you have a question for a speaker, please don’t ask it directly: PM it to me. Be sure a “?” is somewhere in it to properly log the question in the queue.
(11/02 13:01:58)Korov’ev: 3. Speakers, please indicate when you are done speaking and ready for questions, and when you’re ready for the next question.
(11/02 13:01:59)CaptainQuery (I’m on the surface, be back in a minute):
(11/02 13:02:06)Korov’ev: 4. If a question requires a long explanation, we may have to skip it to keep things moving. In that case, you can always PM any speaker once they’ve left the stage.
(11/02 13:02:15)Korov’ev: 5. A summary and a chatlog of the Meeting will be published in the next few days on the Guild of Messengers’ site: https://guildofmessengers.org/
(11/02 13:02:22)Korov’ev: Of course, you can start your own chatlog with “/startlog”.
(11/02 13:02:34)Korov’ev: Right!
(11/02 13:02:37)Korov’ev: Are you still struggling with the mouse bug in Win 10?
(11/02 13:02:45)Korov’ev: On Monday, Sirius announced his improved fix for the issue!
(11/02 13:02:54)Doobes: YES!
(11/02 13:02:58)Korov’ev: The UruHook is no longer required, you drop a DLL in a folder inside MOULa’s one and just forget about it.
(11/02 13:03:07)Korov’ev: Keep in mind, when the client will be patched, you’ll need to remove it or you’ll get the problem back.
(11/02 13:03:16)Korov’ev: It will also likely conflict with other hooks like ReShade.
(11/02 13:03:23)Korov’ev: Download and source links in the thread: https://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=430368#p430368
(11/02 13:03:38)Korov’ev: Meanwhile, Max is back with his Sunday Music Sessions!
(11/02 13:03:46)Max: uh…
(11/02 13:03:55)Korov’ev: Yes, your turn!
(11/02 13:03:56)Eternal Seeker: clap
(11/02 13:04:16)Max: So… The Sunday Music Sessions, each one with a different Theme, will continue… And as for now, the planned dates are as follows:
(11/02 13:04:45)Max: Sunday Nov. 3rd (tomorrow)… Themed ‘Chasing Ghosts…’ A Post-Halloween Party…
(11/02 13:05:00)Max: Sunday Nov. 17th… MO:UL (Prologue) Anniversary… A Dance Party with mostly music from the 2000s. As Prologue was released Nov. 17th 2003…
(11/02 13:05:16)Max: Sunday Dec. 1st… A X-mas Special Session… With Seasonal or Holiday Tunes, not maybe in versions you’ve been used to hear them…
(11/02 13:05:34)Max: Broadcast times 13:00 to 17:00 KI Time… Location: City & Hall of Kings… As always… Requests or suggestions for tracks to play are welcome…
(11/02 13:05:50)Max: that’s all for now… vielen danke
(11/02 13:05:53)Max bows
(11/02 13:06:00)Korov’ev: Thank you Max!
(11/02 13:06:16)Korov’ev: And now… a survey! http://bit.ly/uru_survey
(11/02 13:06:26)Korov’ev: The Guild of Writers would like to get a better picture of the Community and the game.
(11/02 13:06:37)Korov’ev: It won’t take you much time, it’s completely anonymous (so don’t cheat and answer more than once!),
(11/02 13:06:53)Korov’ev: and above all it will be of great help for the grey hats, to better focus their priorites.
(11/02 13:07:01)Korov’ev: The results will of course be made public.
(11/02 13:07:10)Korov’ev: If you saw a poll from me yesterday, sorry for asking again but please take this survey, it’s much more useful 
(11/02 13:07:19)Korov’ev: The link again: http://bit.ly/uru_survey
(11/02 13:07:28)Korov’ev: Also, last Saturday Korman 0.09 was released, with a slew of fixes and updates!
(11/02 13:07:32)Emor D’ni Lap: please let others know about this poll!
(11/02 13:07:37)Korov’ev: It has 35 commits and about 1000 lines changed, including:
(11/02 13:07:47)Korov’ev: * added the ability to create and link new Logic Nodes from each node socket;
(11/02 13:07:54)Korov’ev: * added the “GatherBuild” asset control file to exported MOUL age packages;
(11/02 13:08:01)Korov’ev: * changed Logic Node trees to be safe to reuse in multiple Advanced Logic modifiers without specifying specific nodes;
(11/02 13:08:11)Korov’ev: and many more I’m very convincingly pretending to understand 
(11/02 13:08:17)Doobes: LOL!
(11/02 13:08:22)Korov’ev: Korman is not yet compatible with Blender 2.80: it requires 2.79b.
(11/02 13:08:24)Claidi Song starts to laugh
(11/02 13:08:25)Agnar starts to laugh
(11/02 13:08:29)Korov’ev: For more info, check the thread: https://forum.guildofwriters.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7031
(11/02 13:08:33)Max: very convincing…
(11/02 13:08:36)Doobes: All I know is they fixed things well enough to where I can’t break ’em again.
(11/02 13:08:43)Max: can you take that again…?
(11/02 13:08:45)Korov’ev: Speaking of fan Ages, we have some news from: Doobes!
(11/02 13:08:59)Doobes salutes
(11/02 13:09:12)Doobes: Hey everyone! I’m back…and for once, I have news. 
(11/02 13:09:14)Korov’ev: WHo can also anwer questions about the last two things!
(11/02 13:09:16)Agnar holds his breath
(11/02 13:09:34)Doobes: The first bit is related to Chogon’s recent announcement of opening up the MOUL files for updating and modification.
(11/02 13:09:45)Doobes: https://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=29200
(11/02 13:09:56)Doobes: If you haven’t read about it yet, Cyan has given the go-ahead to modify their MOUL assets.
(11/02 13:10:10)Doobes: This is big news for those of us in the Age building community, as we’ve been wanting to do this for years.
(11/02 13:10:15)Claidi Song thinks wow
(11/02 13:10:24)Doobes: The only down side is Cyan has chosen not to provide the original Max files, which is, of course, their prerogative.
(11/02 13:10:35)Doobes: That leaves it up to us to reverse-engineer these Ages for modification.
(11/02 13:10:44)Max: that’s… not ‘me’!
(11/02 13:10:47)Doobes: So in that spirit, I have begun the process of converting some of the Ages to Korman-ready files for Blender!
(11/02 13:11:06)Doobes: I’ve experimented on two so far: K’veer and the original GoMe Pub.
(11/02 13:11:26)Doobes: I should mention that this was made possible by the work of Sirius, the aforementioned brilliant programmer who not only released the handy Windows 10 mouse fix, but also developed the next generation of PRP importer called the ZLZ URU Importer.
(11/02 13:11:45)Doobes: This handy little tool imports everything almost perfectly into Blender 2.79 for wiring with Korman. There are a few things that need to be adjusted, but Sirius has detailed all that in a handy wiki page on the Guild of Writers website.
(11/02 13:12:01)Doobes: https://www.guildofwriters.org/wiki/ZLZ_Age_Importer
(11/02 13:12:16)Doobes: Note that I have also successfully tested this on Myst V Ages as well. Even discovered there’s an Urwin hiding in Direbo. 
(11/02 13:12:32)Doobes: Many, MANY thanks to Sirius for the amazing work!
(11/02 13:12:49)Max: we give him a Badge..?!
(11/02 13:12:50)Am Nesia is amazed!
(11/02 13:12:57)Doobes: We should, Max. 
(11/02 13:13:06)Doobes: My goal is to get these Ages 1 to 1 with their Max counterparts using Korman…or as close as I can.
(11/02 13:13:20)Doobes: Then…assuming Cyan needs to look at them first…I will release them to the public so anyone can take a crack at improving upon them.
(11/02 13:13:30)Claidi Song thanks you
(11/02 13:13:36)Doobes: My first goal will be the original Guild Pubs…as they’re “easiest”.
(11/02 13:13:41)Agnar: thanks very much Doobes
(11/02 13:13:49)Doobes: Which is a relative term when you’re rewiring Cyan’s good work. 
(11/02 13:13:56)Agnar starts to laugh
(11/02 13:14:10)Doobes: Also, I certainly don’t have the monopoly on this, so if anyone would also like to pitch in, I would very much encourage you to do so! Plus, if you find any Korman bugs in the process, you can pass them along to the GoW as well.
(11/02 13:14:28)Doobes: Note that there’s still a few things needed to get the Ages exactly 1 to 1 with their originals, so it might take time for the more complicated Ages (like Ae’gura).
(11/02 13:14:40)Emor D’ni Lap: yikes
(11/02 13:14:44)Doobes: Also, this is still uncharted waters, so we’ll be working as closely as we can with Cyan to make sure we’re doing all this according to their wishes.
(11/02 13:14:58)Am Nesia: M.D.G.A. Make D’ni Great Again
(11/02 13:15:01)Doobes: Next up, my own work!
(11/02 13:15:05)Korov’ev: Most likely there will be some kind of selection process.
(11/02 13:15:38)Doobes: Most likely, Kor. Presumably it’ll be up to the shard owners.
(11/02 13:15:45)Korov’ev is dreaming about: a working Wall, the Watcher’s Pub puzzle, proper D’ni on the Hood lanterns, perhaps access to the Palace courtyard and the Tokota II roof, maybe a rubble-free Kahlo pub…
(11/02 13:15:53)Doobes: As you may or may not know, I’ve been working on a little Age called Veelay Tsahvahn, aka the memorial Age.
(11/02 13:15:58)Korov’ev: Please continue 
(11/02 13:16:08)Doobes: It’s an extension of the memorial you’ve seen in Kahlo Pub in the city and is a place we can gather to remember and mourn those explorers who have passed away.
(11/02 13:16:33)Doobes: Recently, we’ve lost a few more good people…including one that hit rather close to home for me: Tai’lahr.
(11/02 13:16:46)Doobes: Tai was an irreplacable part of this community and was a perfect example of what was truly great about coming here.
(11/02 13:16:46)Am Nesia is sorta bummed…
(11/02 13:17:01)Doobes: She was active in a great many things, including creating a wiki page that greatly expanded upon the names on the aforementioned Kahlo Pub memorial.
(11/02 13:17:02)
(11/02 13:17:17)Doobes: Her input and encouragement was instrumental in getting Veelay off the ground, so it’s only fitting that it be one of the first Ages I plan to submit to Cyan for MOULa.
(11/02 13:17:33)Doobes: In this way, her name will be further immortalized in the game she loved…as will all the others who went far too soon.
(11/02 13:17:41) Agnar is sad
(11/02 13:17:48)Doobes: Names like Zardoz, CAGrayWolf, Gorma O’Conner, sil-oh-wet, oldmanjob…this will be another small token of our appreciation for what they all meant to us.
(11/02 13:18:05)Doobes: I’ve redoubled my efforts to finish the Age and plan to submit it to a few choice people to go over and scrutinize before sending things off to Cyan to test on the staging shard.
(11/02 13:18:24)Doobes: From there, it’ll just be a matter of figuring out how to allow access to the Age (ie where the book will go). We’ll see.
(11/02 13:18:40)Doobes: Until then, keep checking back at my website: http://agesofdoobes.wordpress.com
(11/02 13:18:50)Doobes: Or at my facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/agesofdoobes
(11/02 13:19:06)Doobes: And that’s all I’ve got. Any questions?
(11/02 13:19:25)Agnar: when do you sleep?
(11/02 13:19:29)Korov’ev: none in queue
(11/02 13:19:41)Doobes: Whenever I can, Agnar. Hehehe.
(11/02 13:19:45)Agnar starts to laugh
(11/02 13:20:02)Doobes: Things will continue to develop over the next few months, so keep checking around the forums and such.
(11/02 13:20:10)Doobes: Uh oh…did Kor pop?
(11/02 13:20:57)Korov’ev: oops
(11/02 13:21:00)Doobes: Well, uh…hmm…
(11/02 13:21:12)Doobes: Kor? Is that you? Do you see a light, my friend?
(11/02 13:21:15)Doobes grins
(11/02 13:21:18)Calisia: SSD???
(11/02 13:21:20)Emor D’ni Lap: wow
(11/02 13:21:27)shokhootahn Rehn: wb Kor
(11/02 13:21:28)Doobes is relieved
(11/02 13:21:30)Claidi Song: Wb
(11/02 13:21:31)Calisia: WB
(11/02 13:21:34)Emor D’ni Lap: impressive trick, Ko’!
(11/02 13:21:34)Root Beer: wb
(11/02 13:21:39)Korov’ev: Sorry, a passing train 
(11/02 13:21:44)Doobes: He’s doing magic tricks now. Hehehe.
(11/02 13:21:49)Doobes: Anyway, thanks everyone!
(11/02 13:21:54)MichaelJO2: Overload of the Matrix.
(11/02 13:22:19)Emor D’ni Lap applauds appreciatively
(11/02 13:22:27)Korov’ev: You heard about Tai’lahr from Doobes.
(11/02 13:22:34)Korov’ev: Tai’lahr’s passing was preceded by a few days by that of explorer June “JuneTMP” Shaputis.
(11/02 13:22:45)Korov’ev: I have been semi-officially put in charge of the memorial wiki page on OpenUru.org: http://wiki.openuru.org/index.php?title=In_Memoriam
(11/02 13:22:53)Emor D’ni Lap: Kor’ is still in schock
(11/02 13:22:54)Max: he froze..?
(11/02 13:22:59)Korov’ev: Having joined the community rather late, I’m unfamiliar with most names. If you have details to contribute (especially links), please let me know.
(11/02 13:23:13)Am Nesia: Net6 again?!
(11/02 13:23:16)Goren: kor must have internal client :))
(11/02 13:23:19)Korov’ev: mic test
(11/02 13:23:24): [ Auto Shout Disabled ]
(11/02 13:23:25)Doobes: There you are.
(11/02 13:23:29): [ Auto Shout Enabled ]
(11/02 13:23:38)Emor D’ni Lap: we hear you, Kor’!
(11/02 13:23:42)Calisia: Readable!
(11/02 13:23:43)Korov’ev: I’ll repeat
(11/02 13:23:50)Korov’ev: You heard about Tai’lahr from Doobes.
(11/02 13:23:55)Korov’ev: Tai’lahr’s passing was preceded by a few days by that of explorer June “JuneTMP” Shaputis.
(11/02 13:24:03)Korov’ev: I have been semi-officially put in charge of the memorial wiki page on OpenUru.org: http://wiki.openuru.org/index.php?title=In_Memoriam
(11/02 13:24:10)Korov’ev: Having joined the community rather late, I’m unfamiliar with most names. If you have details to contribute (especially links), please let me know.
(11/02 13:24:31)Korov’ev: More on the topic of fan contributions on MOULa: next Sunday (10th) there will be a second meeting about the testing shard, Minkata.
(11/02 13:24:43)Korov’ev: The meeting will be at 12:00 KI time, here in Kirel, for anyone interested in providing time, skill, and energy into getting the fan content pipeline in shape.
(11/02 13:24:51)Korov’ev: The plan is to make this meeting a monthly event.
(11/02 13:25:34)Korov’ev: mic test, again
(11/02 13:25:58): [ Auto Shout Disabled ]
(11/02 13:26:00)Korov’ev: mic test, again
(11/02 13:26:13): [ Auto Shout Enabled ]
(11/02 13:26:37)PodHopper: mic test?
(11/02 13:26:39)Emor D’ni Lap: uh oh.
(11/02 13:26:55)Korov’ev: can you still read me?
(11/02 13:27:00)Am Nesia: Korov’ev is scared stiff.
(11/02 13:27:23)Max: another Train approaching…?
(11/02 13:27:23)Emor D’ni Lap: poor Kor’. Post-Halloween heebie-jeebies
(11/02 13:27:43)MorganLapahie: He was filming all afternoon! He’s tuckered out!
(11/02 13:27:55)philipgr: A Bahro trick or treated him
(11/02 13:27:57)Am Nesia: Blame it on SEEKER’s sound effects.
(11/02 13:28:13)MichaelJO2: Halloween sugar hangover
(11/02 13:29:22)Am Nesia: and for Kor’s next trick…
(11/02 13:29:28)Emor D’ni Lap: wow, fast!
(11/02 13:29:33)shokhootahn Rehn: wb Kor
(11/02 13:29:37)Korov’ev: right, can you all read me now?
(11/02 13:29:42)Emor D’ni Lap: yaya
(11/02 13:29:42)Am Nesia says okay
(11/02 13:29:43)PodHopper: yup
(11/02 13:29:44)Agnar: yes
(11/02 13:29:44)Eternal Seeker: Y
(11/02 13:29:46)Claidi Song nods her head
(11/02 13:29:48)Max: once is a mishap… two times is a habit…
(11/02 13:29:50)Korov’ev: k
(11/02 13:29:50)philipgr: Y
(11/02 13:30:00)Am Nesia: third time is a charm
(11/02 13:30:00)Korov’ev: Now, some news about Mysterium:
(11/02 13:30:09)Korov’ev: The 2020 date has been finally defined: August 7th to 9th.
(11/02 13:30:15)Korov’ev: As for the venue, the Committee is in the final negotiations, and will announce it soon.
(11/02 13:30:22)Korov’ev: The theme will be, for the first time, about Revelation: ‘Haven and Spire’. Red and blue, Sirrus and Achenar, crystals and mangrees… a bit of everything brotherly.
(11/02 13:30:30)Korov’ev: As for this year’s edition, thanks to Taniith who sifted through hundreds of GBs of footage,
(11/02 13:30:36)Korov’ev: all the panels are now available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxkV43WY77wF7SzZ9cJXWCZv61wpvQWFL
(11/02 13:30:43)Korov’ev: Also, lyrics and poems from the Open Mic Night are now available here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OA75zPzvltcw6L653gaBszKgya56hX2t
(11/02 13:31:10)Korov’ev: And now, a message from r’Tayrtahn!
(11/02 13:31:39)Am Nesia stomps his feet
(11/02 13:31:52)shokhootahn Rehn: As always…
(11/02 13:31:56)shokhootahn Rehn: I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(11/02 13:32:09)shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(11/02 13:33:26)shokhootahn Rehn: I am still putting things away and finding forever homes for everything after my recent move. As a result there will not be any daytime classes until further notice. They *should* be able to return sometime in the winter. Night time classes, however, are unaffected.
(11/02 13:33:45)Doobes: I feel your pain, sir. 
(11/02 13:33:48)shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(11/02 13:34:16)shokhootahn Rehn: Also, I use Magic Bot’s (KI #27527) advertisements (when he’s on) to announce last-minute changes to class times.
(11/02 13:34:20)Claidi Song nods her head
(11/02 13:34:37)shokhootahn Rehn: You can get those advertisements by adding him as a buddy and then sending him a PM with the word: advert
(11/02 13:34:57)shokhootahn Rehn: If Magic Bot is not on-line, you can also PM Mimi Bot (KI #71459) the word, as well.
(11/02 13:35:25)shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes avaible on Thursday and Friday nights, starting at either 20:00 KI time or 21:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule.
(11/02 13:35:40)shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(11/02 13:35:49)PodHopper: those two bots are not often online anymore
(11/02 13:36:12)Claidi Song: When does a beginning class start?
(11/02 13:36:14)shokhootahn Rehn: It has been a few weeks since I last saw them on. 
(11/02 13:36:59)shokhootahn Rehn: Whenever you are ready, Claidi. As I said, I am only offering evening classes at the moment.
(11/02 13:37:36)philipgr: Where do you hold your classes?
(11/02 13:37:50)Calisia: You’ll have to set an alarm to get up for those! 
(11/02 13:37:57)shokhootahn Rehn: Classes are held in the Guild of Instructors’ Hood
(11/02 13:38:15)philipgr: Thank you
(11/02 13:38:30)shokhootahn Rehn: If you are interested in taking the beginning class, PM me and we’ll work out a tie.
(11/02 13:38:40)shokhootahn Rehn: *time
(11/02 13:38:46)Claidi Song: Thank you r’Tay
(11/02 13:38:54)philipgr: Okay thanks.
(11/02 13:38:57)shokhootahn Rehn: Yo’re welcome. 
(11/02 13:39:01)Korov’ev: be elegant, wear a tie 
(11/02 13:39:03)shokhootahn Rehn: *You’re
(11/02 13:39:14)shokhootahn Rehn has fat fingers, today!
(11/02 13:39:27)Am Nesia: use a clip on tie
(11/02 13:39:32)shokhootahn Rehn: Any other questions regarding the language classes?
(11/02 13:39:41)Korov’ev: none in queue
(11/02 13:39:51)shokhootahn Rehn: kk
(11/02 13:39:51)shokhootahn Rehn:
(11/02 13:39:52)shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(11/02 13:40:49)shokhootahn Rehn: Due to my traveling, Story Night – Europe is at a different stage of the history than is original Story Night.
(11/02 13:40:58)shokhootahn Rehn: For Story Night – Europe, we will finish with the story of the Restoration.
(11/02 13:41:06)shokhootahn Rehn: (tonight)
(11/02 13:41:26)shokhootahn Rehn: Next week, November 9, will be the start of the bi-annual Bahro Glyph Tour! The tour will last for two weeks, finishing on November 16.
(11/02 13:41:44)shokhootahn Rehn: For original Story Night, we will be continue with part 4 of the fan fiction “Jae’s Journey”.
(11/02 13:42:04)shokhootahn Rehn: Again, as with Story Night – Europe, next weekend will be the first night of the bi-annual Bahro Glyph Tour! The tour will be November 9 and 16.
(11/02 13:42:23)Calisia: Bahro Glyph Tour sounds awesome!
(11/02 13:42:27)shokhootahn Rehn: The tours will be held at the normal times for Story Night.
(11/02 13:42:40)Calisia: What times again?
(11/02 13:42:41)shokhootahn Rehn: I will lead a tour of all the Bahro glyphs found in the various Ages, giving a brief explanation of each.
(11/02 13:42:54)Am Nesia: 23:30 KI?
(11/02 13:43:02)shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(11/02 13:43:15)shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(11/02 13:43:32)shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later. Again, I use Magic Bot to advertise changes to Story Night times for both Europe and original.
(11/02 13:44:00)shokhootahn Rehn: Times for original Story Night (Saturdays at 23:30 KI time) are unaffected by my traveling. However, they are affected by power outages due to thunderstorms… which, unfortunately, ’tis always the season. Should this be the case, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news. 
(11/02 13:44:24)shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(11/02 13:44:43)shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender so it must be added to the body of the text.
(11/02 13:45:20)shokhootahn Rehn: Some have sent messages to be added but have not included their KI mail so they were unable to be added.
(11/02 13:45:43)shokhootahn Rehn: Again, Story Night – Europe will begin 30 minutes after the conclusion of today’s AGM or at 14:00 KI time, whichever is later.
(11/02 13:45:53)shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(11/02 13:45:59)shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(11/02 13:46:10)Korov’ev: none in queue
(11/02 13:46:22)shokhootahn Rehn bows
(11/02 13:46:24)Korov’ev: Thank you Rehn!
(11/02 13:46:26)Emor D’ni Lap thanks Rehn for his continuing service
(11/02 13:46:33)shokhootahn Rehn: .meoor
(11/02 13:46:48)Korov’ev: About Magic Bot, I’m just guessing, but currently Mister Magic is busy with Magic Skydiver
(11/02 13:46:58)Am Nesia nods his head
(11/02 13:47:03)Korov’ev: Maybe the regular bots are on vacation 
(11/02 13:47:14)Doobes: Hey, they’ve earned it. 
(11/02 13:47:14)Am Nesia: NP Mirphak
(11/02 13:47:25)Korov’ev: Again, the survey: http://bit.ly/uru_survey
(11/02 13:47:30)Mirphak: yes kor
(11/02 13:47:32)Korov’ev: Especially non-English speakers, please lend a hand if you know explorers who have difficulties with English.
(11/02 13:47:46)Korov’ev shrugs
(11/02 13:47:46)Korov’ev: And with that, it’s time to wrap up this Meeting!
(11/02 13:47:53)Korov’ev: Here is the summary of this month’s events (times in KI time)…
(11/02 13:48:13)Korov’ev: A calendar is also present in the left imager of the Guild of Messengers’ Hood;
(11/02 13:48:18)Korov’ev: if you find a mistake, please PM me here or on the forum so I can correct it.
(11/02 13:48:21)Doobes: Hang on, still some meeting left.
(11/02 13:48:26)Korov’ev: Yesterday was the anniversary of the 2007 Gametap fifth and final episode “Exodus”;
(11/02 13:48:32)Heart: lol
(11/02 13:48:38)Korov’ev: Tuesday 5 is the Day of Yeesha, who appeared for the last time in 2007 in K’veer;
(11/02 13:48:40)Am Nesia: Is it time to pay our annual dues?
(11/02 13:48:48)Korov’ev: Monday 11 (Leevofo 18) is the Third Feast of the Maker, a holiday that dates back to Garternay, almost 10,000 years ago;
(11/02 13:48:55)Korov’ev: Monday 11 is also the anniversary of the 2003 release of Uru: Ages Beyond Myst;
(11/02 13:49:13)Doobes: Cyan really likes those Fall releases.
(11/02 13:49:26)Korov’ev: Sunday 17 is the anniversary of the 2003 Ubisoft incarnation of MO:UL, aka Prologue;
(11/02 13:49:42)Korov’ev: Yeah, a lot of events this month!
(11/02 13:49:50)Korov’ev: Friday 22 (Leevofo 27) is the day of the coronation of King Kerath, the last King of D’ni, in 926 BC (6731 DE).
(11/02 13:49:56)Korov’ev: Now, for what’s going on in the Cavern itself:
(11/02 13:50:09)Korov’ev: (don’t worry, I’ll go quick 
(11/02 13:50:12)Korov’ev: The Guild of Greeters’ Hood is staffed Monday-Saturday 13:45-14:15, if you need hints or info about the Cavern.
(11/02 13:50:18)Korov’ev: Sun 13 & 27 @ 13:00: Radio Free D’ni, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(11/02 13:50:20)Am Nesia: Karaoke
(11/02 13:50:22)Am Nesia does a dance
(11/02 13:50:22)Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 13:00: Meeting Place Gatherings, in Meeting Place’s Hood
(11/02 13:50:28)Korov’ev: Every Tue @ 13:00: Relaxing & Balancing Hour, in Guild of Healers Hood’s Delin
(11/02 13:50:35)Korov’ev: Every Thu @ 13:00: Seeker’s Country Evening, in Mir-o-Bot’s Cleft
(11/02 13:50:40)Korov’ev: Every Fri @ 16:00: Triosity Radio, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.streetjelly.com/triosity]
(11/02 13:50:46)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 14:00 (AGW WP): r’Tayrtahn’s Story Nights, in Tsahno’s Hood
(11/02 13:50:51)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 16:00: Karaoke Parties, in Karaoke’s Hood []
(11/02 13:50:56)Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 23:30: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Nights, in Tsahno’s Hood
(11/02 13:51:05)Korov’ev: And…
(11/02 13:51:10)Korov’ev: The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday, December 7 (Leevobro 9) at 13:00 KIT
(11/02 13:51:17)Korov’ev: Please consider donating to Cyan, to keep the Cavern open: http://www.mystonline.com/en/donate
(11/02 13:51:18)Am Nesia: Radio Free D’ni?
(11/02 13:51:24)Korov’ev bows
(11/02 13:51:24)Korov’ev: And with that, this Meeting is ended. Thank you all for coming, see you next month!