(11/04 13:00:38) Claidi Song waves hello
(11/04 13:00:38) Claidi Song: !shorah b’shemtee
(11/04 13:00:43) Claidi Song: It is time. All Guilds Meeting has officially begun!
(11/04 13:00:51) Claidi Song: Welcome to the 163nd AGM!
(11/04 13:01:00) Prad cheers
(11/04 13:01:01) skyisblu: Yay!
(11/04 13:01:02) Claidi Song: How is everyone today?
(11/04 13:01:04) judyg: Hmm! maybe able to go after all. Thank you SKYISBLUE!!!!
(11/04 13:01:04) IwonK cheers
(11/04 13:01:08) caver1: North of northern New York.
(11/04 13:01:11) Thumbs up from shokhootahn Rehn
(11/04 13:01:19) Calum Traveler: doing alright
(11/04 13:01:21) Claidi Song: Everyone got their cookies and drinks? :))
(11/04 13:01:21) judyg hushes
(11/04 13:01:26) Claidi Song: Now would be the time to pass those around.
(11/04 13:01:31) Claidi Song: Grab it quick as it goes by
(11/04 13:01:36) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(11/04 13:01:36) IwonK passes around fresh cookies
(11/04 13:01:45) Claidi Song: By the D’ni calendar today is approximately Leevofo 12 9579 DE 0:12:03:14
(11/04 13:01:52) judyg passes around a “yohoho” bottle of rum!
(11/04 13:02:07) Claidi Song: If you are new to the Cavern or returning after being away for some time:
(11/04 13:02:09) Prad: (glass of tempranillo-syrah wine and bag of tortilla chips)
(11/04 13:02:24) Claidi Song: Welcome! You’ve arrived at an exciting time in MOULa!
(11/04 13:03:02) Claidi Song: Got the drinks and cookies done. Thanks to all who brought this sustenance today :))
(11/04 13:03:12) IwonK bows
(11/04 13:03:12) Claidi Song: All Guilds’ Meeting (AGM) meets from 13:00-13:55 KI on the first Saturday of each month. All KI times correspond to the Mountain Time Zone.
(11/04 13:03:20) Claidi Song: To give each speaker all the time they need and have time for Q&A after each one, there are
(11/04 13:03:26) Claidi Song: Five Meeting Rules. Please:
(11/04 13:03:33) Claidi Song: 1. Keep chatter to a minimum while the speakers are talking. An occasional comment or emote is fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(11/04 13:03:40) Claidi Song: 2. Save questions until the speaker asks for questions at the end of their presentation.
(11/04 13:03:53) Claidi Song: Or DM questions to me to add to the questions queue for Q&A.
(11/04 13:04:01) Claidi Song: 3. Speakers: please indicate when you are ready for questions, and when you’re ready for the next question.
(11/04 13:04:09) Claidi Song: 4. If a question requires a long answer, we may need to skip it to stay on track. In that case, please, PM the speaker after they’ve left the platform.
(11/04 13:04:15) Claidi Song: 5. A summary and the chatlog of this meeting will be published within a few days on the Guild of Messengers’ website – https://guildofmessengers.org/
(11/04 13:04:21) Claidi Song: Of course, you can start your own chatlog by typing: /startlog
(11/04 13:04:29) Claidi Song: I hope everyone enjoys the news and has a good time here in AGM today!
(11/04 13:04:38) Claidi Song: So what are some of the events coming up this month in the Cavern?
(11/04 13:04:44) judyg: You forgot the most important rule #6 Do NOT press the blue button
(11/04 13:04:44) Claidi Song: First on the agenda, skyisblue has delicious information about her next Cooking with Sky show.
(11/04 13:04:56) Claidi Song beckons you
(11/04 13:04:56) Claidi Song: Please, come on up to the platform skyisblue!
(11/04 13:04:57) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(11/04 13:05:03) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(11/04 13:05:05) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:05:05) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:05:07) Mirphak claps his hands
(11/04 13:05:08) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:05:08) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:05:12) Massygo claps his hands
(11/04 13:05:26) skyisblu: Hi everybody
(11/04 13:05:37) skyisblu: I just wanted to let you know that I am hosting another of my cooking sessions this coming Monday, November 6th at 12 KI. That’s in 2 days This month, I am taking on a challenge – I am sharing a recipe that I only just learned myself. I am trying my hand at making homemade pierogi.
(11/04 13:05:51) Cave woman: Bon Jour
(11/04 13:05:55) skyisblu:
(11/04 13:05:56) IwonK:
(11/04 13:06:05) skyisblu: Now, if you don’t know what pierogi are, they are Polish dumplings, filled with a mix of mashed potatoes and cheese, boiled and then fried, and sometimes served topped with sour cream and other tasty things.
(11/04 13:06:21) judyg: yum
(11/04 13:06:26) Maurus is hungry…
(11/04 13:06:32) skyisblu: In my opinion, they make for a great big delicious bowl of comfort, and if you are willing to put in the work, you can make a bunch of them and freeze the extra for another time
(11/04 13:06:54) skyisblu: Every first Monday of the month, we meet in the Guild of Caterers’ Hood during the livestream, so if you have any questions relating to food, that’s the place to be – I try to keep up with the chatter while I am making a mess in the kitchen.
(11/04 13:07:18) skyisblu: The livestream can be found on Twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/skyisblu_is_me , and I explain my process in both English and French. The recipes and video will also be available afterwards, as well as all the other cooking sessions, at https://cookingsessionswithsky.blogspot.com/
(11/04 13:07:46) skyisblu: And as always, if you have any suggestions for any future cooking sessions, any recipes you want to learn more about or see made, I am always up for a challenge I hope to see you all on Monday!
(11/04 13:08:09) skyisblu: Any questions?
(11/04 13:08:12) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue, that I caught anyway
(11/04 13:08:29) skyisblu: Awesome Thanks everyone!
(11/04 13:08:31) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:31) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/04 13:08:32) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 13:08:32) Claidi Song: Thank you, skyisblue!
(11/04 13:08:33) skyisblu bows
(11/04 13:08:33) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:08:34) Christian Walther claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:34) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:35) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:35) rarified claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:35) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:08:36) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:08:37) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(11/04 13:08:37) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:38) ural claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:38) Theo claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:39) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(11/04 13:08:40) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:40) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:08:42) Frobozz cheers
(11/04 13:08:51) Claidi Song: Next, IwonK is here to talk about her up-coming Wonky Talk.
(11/04 13:08:56) Claidi Song beckons you
(11/04 13:08:56) Claidi Song: The stage is yours, IwonK!
(11/04 13:08:59) skyisblu cheers
(11/04 13:08:59) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:09:00) Massygo claps his hands
(11/04 13:09:00) rarified: Cookie!!
(11/04 13:09:01) judyg: yay!
(11/04 13:09:03) Mirphak claps his hands
(11/04 13:09:06) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:09:06) philipgr claps his hands
(11/04 13:09:11) IwonK: I’ll be streaming my Wonky Talk on Friday, November 17th at 15 KI in the Guild of Cookies’ Hood (we sit near the heek table)
(11/04 13:09:26) IwonK: This month’s topic is “horror games”! I have some titles in my mind already but if you know any interesting games I could talk about (and draw), feel free to throw them my way
(11/04 13:09:38) IwonK: join me on my Twitch channel (twitch.tv/yvonk), there will be cookies
(11/04 13:09:50) IwonK: In other wonky news, I’ve made some games of my own as a gamedev challenge, if you want to check them out, follow this link: iwonk.itch.io
(11/04 13:09:50) skyisblu: Truth
(11/04 13:10:02) IwonK: any Qs in the Q?
(11/04 13:10:07) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(11/04 13:10:10) IwonK bows
(11/04 13:10:13) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/04 13:10:13) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(11/04 13:10:15) skyisblu claps her hands
(11/04 13:10:16) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:10:16) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 13:10:16) Claidi Song: Thank you, IwonK!
(11/04 13:10:16) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/04 13:10:16) Diranda claps her hands
(11/04 13:10:18) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:10:18) rarified claps his hands
(11/04 13:10:19) Frobozz claps his hands
(11/04 13:10:19) Christian Walther claps his hands
(11/04 13:10:22) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(11/04 13:10:22) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(11/04 13:10:22) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:10:27) judyg: short and sweet. that’s IwonK
(11/04 13:10:27) Prad: respect the marbles and cones in the cookies hood during the streams
(11/04 13:10:30) Claidi Song: Babbel sends word that her next Classics with Babbel will be on November 20 at 12 KI.
(11/04 13:10:31) IwonK:
(11/04 13:10:33) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(11/04 13:10:36) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:10:37) Claidi Song: Theme is not yet known.
(11/04 13:10:41) Claidi Song: Whatever music she chooses, one thing for sure, it will be lovely.
(11/04 13:10:52) Claidi Song: shokhootahn Rehn is here to keep us current on his Story Night and D’ni Language Classes.
(11/04 13:10:57) Claidi Song beckons you
(11/04 13:10:57) Claidi Song: Welcome to the platform shokhootahn Rehn!
(11/04 13:11:05) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:11:06) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:11:07) skyisblu claps her hands
(11/04 13:11:08) rarified claps his hands
(11/04 13:11:08) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:11:09) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/04 13:11:13) Massygo claps his hands
(11/04 13:11:17) ural claps his hands
(11/04 13:11:28) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(11/04 13:11:40) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(11/04 13:11:51) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on weekday evenings on Tuesday through Friday starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule. There are daytime openings starting at either 12:00 KI time, 13:00 KI time, or 14:00 KI time, again, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time, KI mail me at KI# 80428, or on Discord at r’Tayrtahn#1317.
(11/04 13:12:08) shokhootahn Rehn: Sorry, Monday through Friday
(11/04 13:12:27) shokhootahn Rehn: All classes are Monday through Friday, only. There are no weekend classes available.
(11/04 13:12:50) shokhootahn Rehn: Though, daytime availability is subject to change with little or no notice.
(11/04 13:13:03) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, remember to inclue your KI #.
(11/04 13:13:21) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(11/04 13:13:51) shokhootahn Rehn: Now for some sad news. The Guild of Instructors has lost one of its own, last month. Guild Master shokhootahn shen (aka shenendoah and Kathleen) passed away, late last month. She will be missed by all who knew her.
(11/04 13:14:16) Calum Traveler:
(11/04 13:14:46) judyg:
(11/04 13:14:49) skyisblu:
(11/04 13:14:49) IwonK:
(11/04 13:14:56) ShilohOBrien: ;(
(11/04 13:14:58) Diranda:
(11/04 13:14:58) Christopher Therburg:
(11/04 13:15:02) shokhootahn Rehn: She as in the very first class I taught, back in 2008.
(11/04 13:15:05) ural:
(11/04 13:15:14) Claidi Song: Oh, that’s so sad. We will miss her
(11/04 13:15:49) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.
(11/04 13:16:13) Claidi Song: I’m sure it will
(11/04 13:16:24) shokhootahn Rehn: I have one request for visitors: Please do not post pellet points into the Hood imager…
(11/04 13:16:47) shokhootahn Rehn: One of my former students, Yutiel, is listed on that imager. I have refrained from posting pellets to maintain her name at the top as a form of memorial. It’s why I haven’t posted pellet points above 168345: it was to keep her name at the top of the list.
(11/04 13:17:07) shokhootahn Rehn: She was a great student and became a close friend in the process.
(11/04 13:17:18) shokhootahn Rehn: She was another explorer who left us way too soon.
(11/04 13:17:32) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(11/04 13:18:00) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(11/04 13:18:03) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…
(11/04 13:18:09) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(11/04 13:18:22) shokhootahn Rehn: In October, we started the story from the game, Myst III: Exile. There are three parts, total. We will finish off the month by starting the story from the game, Myst IV: Revelation. This week is story #84 of 104 in the story cycle of the history of D’ni.
(11/04 13:18:36) Prad: maybe next game update one will be able to ‘freeze’ pellet scores for memorial purposes
(11/04 13:18:53) shokhootahn Rehn: So, there is still plenty of history to go!
(11/04 13:19:01) shokhootahn Rehn: There’s an idea, Prad!
(11/04 13:19:10) shokhootahn Rehn: Eventually, we will cover all of the books and games, as well as the three human attempts at the restoration of D’ni!
(11/04 13:19:35) shokhootahn Rehn: I am recording Story Night for (eventual) upload to my YouTube channel (r’Tayrtahn). I have created an avatar for the purpose of recording. His name is “I’m a bot, do not message”. Please do not PM him during the story unless you want to see your message displayed for the entire internet.
(11/04 13:20:13) shokhootahn Rehn: oops, it’s rTayrtahn (no apostrophe)
(11/04 13:20:36) shokhootahn Rehn: Currently, I am caught up with video compression. Unfortunately, I have a sizable backlog of videos to edit and upload. To my channel subscribers, please be patient; I am slowly working through it and have uploaded a few more videos to the channel.
(11/04 13:21:05) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(11/04 13:21:20) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(11/04 13:21:41) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(11/04 13:22:09) shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.
(11/04 13:22:25) shokhootahn Rehn: Should I need to cancel one of the stories at the last minute, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news.
(11/04 13:22:38) shokhootahn Rehn: Minasunda is one of those members, as she runs the announcements channel on Discord.
(11/04 13:22:51) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(11/04 13:23:02) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender. Though the sender is added to the Recents folder, it is still a good idea to add it to the body of the text.
(11/04 13:23:34) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(11/04 13:23:39) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(11/04 13:23:42) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(11/04 13:23:49) shokhootahn Rehn bows
(11/04 13:23:51) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(11/04 13:23:52) Diranda claps her hands
(11/04 13:23:54) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/04 13:23:55) Massygo claps his hands
(11/04 13:23:55) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:23:55) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:23:55) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(11/04 13:23:56) rarified claps his hands
(11/04 13:23:56) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:23:57) Christian Walther claps his hands
(11/04 13:23:57) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(11/04 13:23:57) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:24:04) ural claps his hands
(11/04 13:24:04) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 13:24:04) Claidi Song: Thank you, shokhootahn Rehn!
(11/04 13:24:51) Claidi Song: Moving on to another topic, Calum has news about Mysterium activities to share.
(11/04 13:24:58) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(11/04 13:24:58) Claidi Song beckons you
(11/04 13:24:58) Claidi Song: Calum come on up!
(11/04 13:25:02) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:25:02) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:25:03) rarified claps his hands
(11/04 13:25:03) Massygo claps his hands
(11/04 13:25:07) judyg: Yay!!!!
(11/04 13:25:08) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:25:10) ural claps his hands
(11/04 13:25:23) Calum Traveler: hi ho, shorah and all such greetings
(11/04 13:25:34) Calum Traveler: ive got a few bits of Mysterium News… not too much
(11/04 13:26:00) Calum Traveler: in Addition to co-chairing this year, Annacat is once again operating the writing and artwork submissions table.
(11/04 13:26:20) Calum Traveler: the staff has decided…
(11/04 13:26:21) Calum Traveler: have decided to add a limit of 5 pages for any printouts to save the trees and wallets
(11/04 13:26:36) rarified: 4 point type ?
(11/04 13:26:42) Calum Traveler: If your piece is longer you may wish to direct people to a website or other location where they can read the full text.
(11/04 13:26:56) Calum Traveler: please See the Writing & Art Table Submissions page for details.
(11/04 13:27:02) Calum Traveler: https://mysterium.net/submissions/writing-art-table-submissions/
(11/04 13:27:32) Calum Traveler: two winners were chosen for September’s writing prompt!
(11/04 13:27:48) Calum Traveler: for “Back to School” we have…
(11/04 13:28:00) Calum Traveler: an artwork of Gehn at his desk by redwoodrroad
(11/04 13:28:17) Calum Traveler: and a fanfic, “The Linking Game” by Salvo Ludus
(11/04 13:28:30) Calum Traveler: you can find these linked from the most recent mysterium site blogpost
(11/04 13:28:41) Calum Traveler: (https://mysterium.net/2023/10/writing-artwork/)
(11/04 13:29:02) Calum Traveler: finally, october’s prompt, “Noir” has closed, and the November prompt “Found Family” has begun!
(11/04 13:29:27) Calum Traveler checks notes
(11/04 13:29:37) Calum Traveler: Well, looks like that’s it. Got to go! /SkyrimCourier
(11/04 13:29:40) Calum Traveler bows
(11/04 13:29:45) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(11/04 13:29:46) Diranda claps her hands
(11/04 13:29:47) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/04 13:29:47) Claidi Song: q/clap Thank you, Calum!
(11/04 13:29:48) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:29:49) rarified claps his hands
(11/04 13:29:49) Christian Walther claps his hands
(11/04 13:29:50) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:29:50) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(11/04 13:29:50) uwe claps his hands
(11/04 13:29:51) skyisblu claps her hands
(11/04 13:29:51) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:29:52) Theo claps his hands
(11/04 13:29:52) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:29:55) Emor D’ni Lap applauds
(11/04 13:29:56) Cave woman claps her hands
(11/04 13:29:56) ural claps his hands
(11/04 13:30:01) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 13:30:01) Claidi Song: Thank you, Calum!
(11/04 13:30:05) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/04 13:30:42) Sathopper claps his hands
(11/04 13:30:47) Claidi Song: We also will hear news about MOULa development and up-dates, rarified has this information for us
(11/04 13:30:54) Claidi Song beckons you
(11/04 13:30:54) Claidi Song: Please, join me on the platform rarified!
(11/04 13:30:59) rarified fumbles for his cane
(11/04 13:30:59) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(11/04 13:31:00) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:31:00) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:31:01) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:31:04) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(11/04 13:31:04) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:31:05) Mirphak claps his hands
(11/04 13:31:08) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(11/04 13:31:11) Diranda claps her hands
(11/04 13:31:12) Massygo claps his hands
(11/04 13:31:12) ural claps his hands
(11/04 13:31:18) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(11/04 13:31:22) skyisblu: yay!
(11/04 13:31:33) rarified: Shorah as well to you all!
(11/04 13:31:45) philipgr claps his hands
(11/04 13:32:14) rarified: It’s been long in time, but finally, once again, we have an update ready for MOULa.
(11/04 13:32:23) Anatheia cheers
(11/04 13:32:23) skyisblu cheers
(11/04 13:32:27) rarified: The Q2/Q3 2023 update has passed testing!
(11/04 13:32:29) Christopher Therburg cheers
(11/04 13:32:30) Prad cheers
(11/04 13:32:36) ShilohOBrien cheers
(11/04 13:32:43) IwonK cheers
(11/04 13:32:43) ural cheers
(11/04 13:32:46) Diranda cheers
(11/04 13:32:48) Calum Traveler grins
(11/04 13:32:57) rarified: I’m told on Monday there will be an announcement in the Cyan Discord server, probably on
(11/04 13:33:18) rarified: #moula-announcements, as to the date the update will be installed.
(11/04 13:33:35) rarified: It will be Soon. The “real” soon.
(11/04 13:33:40) Prad: lol
(11/04 13:33:47) IwonK: Soon (TM)
(11/04 13:33:47) Claidi Song: klol
(11/04 13:33:49) skyisblu:
(11/04 13:33:53) Calum Traveler laughs
(11/04 13:34:04) ShilohOBrien: Are you suddenly Aslan?
(11/04 13:34:07) rarified: I sensed that the contributors, testers, and all others involved in this release are
(11/04 13:34:23) rarified: as weary as I am, but also as excited. It’s been a long year.
(11/04 13:34:31) Prad: Aslan from D’narnia?
(11/04 13:34:33) Calum Traveler: that it has.
(11/04 13:34:48) skyisblu: but a fruitful one
(11/04 13:35:02) rarified: My sincere thanks to everyone involved in getting this release out the door.
(11/04 13:35:09) Emor D’ni Lap thanks everyone involved in the content, code and testing for the update…it’s an enormous and unseen undertaking behind the scenes
(11/04 13:35:14) rarified: Please give a round of applause for them!
(11/04 13:35:21) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:22) Christian Walther claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:22) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:22) Prad claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:23) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:23) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:24) skyisblu claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:25) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:26) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:26) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:26) Cave woman claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:27) Mirphak claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:30) Emrai claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:30) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:30) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:30) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:30) Musica3 claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:31) philipgr claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:31) caver1 claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:31) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:32) uwe claps his hands
(11/04 13:35:34) Diranda claps her hands
(11/04 13:35:35) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(11/04 13:36:01) uru348 claps his hands
(11/04 13:36:06) rarified: Soooo… there are many items in the update. Most fan ages have received some form of
(11/04 13:36:30) rarified: update. Many technical glitches, including very old ones have been fixed.
(11/04 13:36:51) rarified: And one new area will eventually be open for exploration. I’ll leave it
(11/04 13:37:00) rarified: to the author to announce that.
(11/04 13:37:10) Christopher Therburg:
(11/04 13:37:17) rarified: Now, to the future…
(11/04 13:37:57) rarified: Artists/contributors will be continuing to work with their art. But I’m going to undertake
(11/04 13:38:22) rarified: a task that has been put off for years. The merger of the existing MOULa client with
(11/04 13:38:43) rarified: the modern development the H’uru GoW team has had underway for a decade.
(11/04 13:39:12) rarified: This is going to take a while. We’re going to start with an entirely new testing Minkata
(11/04 13:39:27) Claidi Song: oops
(11/04 13:39:38) Anatheia: 0_0
(11/04 13:39:40) rarified: shard, and I’m not sure it’s going to be live before 3-4 weeks from now as I
(11/04 13:39:43) Prad: cool
(11/04 13:39:46) shokhootahn Rehn: O.O
(11/04 13:39:53) Christopher Therburg: O.O
(11/04 13:40:01) IwonK: ^_^
(11/04 13:40:05) Thumbs up from Calum Traveler
(11/04 13:40:07) Maurus grins
(11/04 13:40:08) ural: Wow
(11/04 13:40:15) rarified: work through logistical tasks to address vastly different build processes we are using.
(11/04 13:40:39) rarified: Once the shard goes live, it will likely only have a duplicate of the H’uru client, where
(11/04 13:40:41) Ro”Jethhe wishes enders could be with us now.
(11/04 13:40:50) Claidi Song: oh yes!
(11/04 13:41:09) rarified: contributors can begin to explore how their materials interact with the new client.
(11/04 13:41:40) rarified: Behind the scenes, I have a list of changes I feel are needed for more casual users
(11/04 13:42:06) rarified: to access MOULa with the same ease. So there will be some changes, but nothing
(11/04 13:42:19) rarified: that diminishes the core work H’uru has put in these many years.
(11/04 13:42:47) Calum Traveler: i know it’s work ill be eager to run through.
(11/04 13:42:55) rarified: As a tease, on my wishlist: A single Uru installation that can be used to access
(11/04 13:43:10) rarified: most shards, without a separate installation for each.
(11/04 13:43:21) skyisblu: OOOoooh
(11/04 13:43:28) rarified: Of course that will depend on shard operators agreeing that the client can and will
(11/04 13:43:34) ural: Wow!!!! at last
(11/04 13:43:37) Maurus: (Grins) That’s huge.
(11/04 13:43:40) CaptainQuery:
(11/04 13:43:46) rarified: be used, but the capability will be there to select a shard at the time you launch Uru.
(11/04 13:43:56) IwonK: :))
(11/04 13:44:08) Prad: H’Uru is the way to go to have multi platform support in the end (Windows, Mac, Linux)…
(11/04 13:44:11) Diranda: Neat!
(11/04 13:44:14) rarified: This work will take a while. Probably more that one release will happen before
(11/04 13:44:27) rarified: this client makes it to MOULa. But the work is beginning.
(11/04 13:44:51) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(11/04 13:44:54) rarified: Testing is going to be brutal for this, as every single age will need to have changes
(11/04 13:44:54) BIG thumbs up from Calum Traveler
(11/04 13:45:02) rarified: to work with the updated client.
(11/04 13:45:25) rarified: So there will be times I (and others) put out a call for help on Discord or here
(11/04 13:45:48) rarified: for people who can spend time to help with testing and reporting.
(11/04 13:45:51) Anatheia: Wow, wow, wow!
(11/04 13:45:56) Thumbs up from skyisblu
(11/04 13:45:56) Anatheia: So exciting!
(11/04 13:46:03) Christopher Therburg: Very nice.
(11/04 13:46:16) rarified: Ok. That’s all the words I have, I have to suck air for a moment.
(11/04 13:46:18) ShilohOBrien cheers
(11/04 13:46:24) skyisblu cheers
(11/04 13:46:26) rarified: Questions?
(11/04 13:46:27) Anatheia cheers
(11/04 13:46:31) ural cheers
(11/04 13:46:34) Claidi Song: Several
(11/04 13:46:35) Maurus: You’re the MAN Rarified!
(11/04 13:46:35) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 13:46:42) Claidi Song: Emor: please, Remind everyone how to view the list of updated items
(11/04 13:46:42) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 13:46:43) Frobozz claps his hands
(11/04 13:46:43) Maurus cheers
(11/04 13:46:45) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(11/04 13:46:46) Sathopper claps his hands
(11/04 13:46:47) uwe claps his hands
(11/04 13:46:53) ural: how tough is it to swich?
(11/04 13:46:59) CaptainQuery claps
(11/04 13:47:00) Emor D’ni Lap: Profuse thanks for this undertaking, rarified
(11/04 13:47:05) rarified: Let’s get through the Q first ural.
(11/04 13:47:24) ural: Oops
(11/04 13:47:30) Claidi Song: Emor: please, Remind everyone how to view the list of updated items
(11/04 13:47:34) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(11/04 13:47:54) rarified leans right
(11/04 13:48:08) rarified: You mentioned several questions, Claidi Song?
(11/04 13:48:13) Claidi Song leans left
(11/04 13:48:18) Claidi Song leans right
(11/04 13:48:27) Theo: I would expect major issues if a single client is to include both everything here and everything in the Deep Island shard.
(11/04 13:48:29) IwonK leans wrong
(11/04 13:48:32) Claidi Song: Theo: Minkata Beta
(11/04 13:48:44) Claidi Song: That may need some context, Theo
(11/04 13:49:07) Calum Traveler: i think the ‘every shard’ ideal would only work with MOULa-type shards,
(11/04 13:49:11) Calum Traveler: DI is CC based, isn’t it?
(11/04 13:49:17) rarified: Yes? Alpha will still exist. For the time being Prime and Alpha will be MOULa clients.
(11/04 13:49:25) Theo: Testing Shard for H’uru compatibility will have to be named something.
(11/04 13:49:32) Calum Traveler: iirc its Minkata Delta?
(11/04 13:49:41) rarified: NextGen will be the new client, and initially it will have an internal client.
(11/04 13:50:00) rarified: … new “Shard”!
(11/04 13:50:31) rarified: Next?
(11/04 13:50:32) Claidi Song: I’m sorry I don’t seem to be getting the hang of these questions. Please one at a time address Qs to rarified
(11/04 13:50:56) rarified: ural, you had one?
(11/04 13:51:17) Claidi Song: Then Emor’s comment
(11/04 13:51:24) Claidi Song: Then Theo
(11/04 13:51:29) Claidi Song: Then Caver1
(11/04 13:51:38) Claidi Song: Then ural
(11/04 13:51:50) rarified is checking something out
(11/04 13:51:54) Emor D’ni Lap: just wanted to make sure everyone knew how to view the items in each update
(11/04 13:52:08) Claidi Song: Oh, Ural ask the Age Players
(11/04 13:52:13) Calum Traveler: Patch Notes, Emor?
(11/04 13:52:15) rarified: There are two ways Emor D’ni Lap
(11/04 13:52:22) Emor D’ni Lap: wrench icon, then “Release Notes” button
(11/04 13:52:34) rarified: On the Cyan discord announcements channel, Chogon will post the changes.
(11/04 13:52:54) rarified: Then, in-game, if you bring up the “settings” (wrench) window, you can
(11/04 13:53:04) rarified: click on “release notes” to see the changes.
(11/04 13:53:14) Emor D’ni Lap nods his head
(11/04 13:53:31) rarified: Next?
(11/04 13:53:58) rarified: Theo, anything else?
(11/04 13:53:58) Claidi Song: Ural
(11/04 13:53:59) Theo: What difficulties must be overcome to include both Dusty’s UAM Shard and Adam’s TrollLand Shard?
(11/04 13:54:06) ural: How will do the install got 3 folders
(11/04 13:54:26) ShilohOBrien has to go and waves bye.
(11/04 13:54:27) rarified: I can’t yet speak to Dusty’s shard, having no experience with it.
(11/04 13:54:40) ural: 1 moula, 2. minkata prima, 3 minkata alpha
(11/04 13:54:47) Claidi Song: Bye Shiloh TC
(11/04 13:54:56) rarified: Trollland, if it uses the H’uru client unaltered, will be able to be configured into the single install.
(11/04 13:55:14) ural: Oops
(11/04 13:55:19) Emor D’ni Lap: TrollLand has specific, limited purposes and should not be included
(11/04 13:55:26) Cave woman: I will have to attend a funeral. /wavebye
(11/04 13:55:32) philipgr: Will TOC be included?
(11/04 13:55:41) shokhootahn Rehn: tc Cw
(11/04 13:55:52) Claidi Song: I’m sorry Cavewoman TC
(11/04 13:55:53) rarified: Probably not. I don’t think TOC’s client has tracked either fork of development.
(11/04 13:56:19) Calum Traveler: TOC requires very outdated copies of MOULa’s files to even run at this point
(11/04 13:56:22) shokhootahn Rehn: PLus, TOC is no longer being updated
(11/04 13:56:31) rarified: We will, of course, with the updated client have to work with all Bot owners to get
(11/04 13:56:36) rarified: them up and running.
(11/04 13:57:08) Theo: Both TOC’s version of DI and the original clients are huge, maybe three times the size of MOULa.
(11/04 13:57:22) Darryl Pogue: I think rarified mentioned at the start, it will depend on shards to opt-in to being included, so it’s probably too early to confirm or deny inclusion of any particular shard except Minkata
(11/04 13:57:31) Calum Traveler: yeah,
(11/04 13:57:31) Theo: Well, if you update them completely.
(11/04 13:57:32) rarified: Correct.
(11/04 13:57:33) Calum Traveler: that,
(11/04 13:57:34) Calum Traveler: dotgif
(11/04 13:58:02) Claidi Song: Anyone’s question gone unanswered?
(11/04 13:58:05) rarified: caver1 you were on the list for questions?
(11/04 13:58:10) Theo: And I don’t think you will get Adam and Dusty to work together on anything in the foreseeable future.
(11/04 13:58:18) ural: Me
(11/04 13:58:27) rarified: Ok, ural.
(11/04 13:58:29) caver1: Do you have a simplified over view?
(11/04 13:58:31) Claidi Song: That’s for another discussion somewhere else Theo
(11/04 13:58:33) Calum Traveler: i also dont believe any shard based on URU:CC would be compatible with a MOULa shard,
(11/04 13:59:15) Claidi Song: Simple is not a word associated with MOULa development lol
(11/04 13:59:16) rarified: Could you elaborate a bit caver1?
(11/04 13:59:27) Calum Traveler: i think> “New shard for testing out compatibility issues > testing commences > eventual migration”
(11/04 13:59:52) Emor D’ni Lap: good simplified overview
(11/04 13:59:55) caver1: I’m not up on age creation.
(11/04 13:59:58) rarified: And… “shard updates as client development proceeds.”
(11/04 14:00:00) Claidi Song: But I understand where you are coming from Caver1
(11/04 14:00:24) Prad: that sentence used ‘loanwords’ lol
(11/04 14:00:29) Claidi Song: Any questions?
(11/04 14:00:30) rarified: Ahhh. Age creation has a whole other set of experts here, and I don’t
(11/04 14:00:33) Prad: so much about simple
(11/04 14:00:39) rarified: consider myself a member of that Guild.
(11/04 14:00:56) Calum Traveler: yeah, age creation’s a separate branch to client side stuff
(11/04 14:01:07) Calum Traveler: similar, but different.
(11/04 14:01:20) Prad: (just joking – am a techie myself)
(11/04 14:01:24) rarified: ural, you listed the Minkata shards. Is there a question in there?
(11/04 14:01:37) Claidi Song: Wow! A lot of information!!!
(11/04 14:02:02) rarified: A lot of anticipation. There’s a lot of work to be done.
(11/04 14:02:22) rarified: Ok, I’ve taken us over the hour mark. Thank you all. I’m always on the
(11/04 14:02:32) ural: How will the install work, will i keeep current moula, mess eith my minkata folders?
(11/04 14:02:33) rarified: OpenUru discord channels if you have more questions.
(11/04 14:02:41) Claidi Song: Thank you, rarified!
(11/04 14:02:43) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(11/04 14:02:45) rarified: ural, I don’t know yet.
(11/04 14:02:45) Christopher Therburg claps his hands
(11/04 14:02:47) Calum Traveler: i dont think we can answer that at this time yet, ural
(11/04 14:02:48) rarified bows
(11/04 14:02:48) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 14:02:49) IwonK claps her hands
(11/04 14:02:51) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/04 14:02:51) Calum Traveler: ty rarifed
(11/04 14:02:52) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 14:02:52) Christian Walther claps his hands
(11/04 14:02:53) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 14:02:53) Massygo claps his hands
(11/04 14:02:54) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(11/04 14:02:58) Darryl Pogue claps his hands
(11/04 14:02:59) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(11/04 14:02:59) philipgr claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:00) ural claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:02) Theo claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:03) Sathopper claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:03) Mirphak claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:03) uru348 claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:04) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(11/04 14:03:07) Emrai claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:10) Claidi Song: Now as rarified hinted
(11/04 14:03:13) rarified claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:14) neurovac claps his hands
(11/04 14:03:31) Claidi Song: Christopher Therburg has an IC presentation about the age he created.
(11/04 14:03:44) Claidi Song: You will need to be brief
(11/04 14:03:52) Christopher Therburg: Okay.
(11/04 14:03:57) Christopher Therburg: Hello and Shorah everyone.
(11/04 14:04:12) Christopher Therburg: It’s finally time. As rarified slightly noticed, the Fall of D’ni Memorial Island, or Bahn’tefoonet in D’ni, is finally ready to open and I want to invite all of you to the opening of the island in Chiso Preniv, hopefully next week or the week after that if it fits in the time.
(11/04 14:04:29) Christopher Therburg: So, what is planned for the opening day?
(11/04 14:04:46) Christopher Therburg: At first, the opening ceremony will be at Chiso Preniv as usual. It’s the first time for me to do something like this. Then I, and maybe Tweek if he wants too, will give a tour on this island. After that, a speak and a minute’s silence is also planned on the island to commemorate the deceased D’ni who died at the Fall of D’ni.
(11/04 14:05:06) Christopher Therburg: Afterwards there’s a little chat and so on and then that’s it.
(11/04 14:05:25) Christopher Therburg: The exact opening date is yet to be announced. I still have to discuss it with a few people. Don’t worry about it, it will be sooner then you think. Eyes open.
(11/04 14:05:29) Thumbs up from Calum Traveler
(11/04 14:05:47) Christopher Therburg: But does that mean I’m done with the island? No, not by a long shot.
(11/04 14:05:47) Thumbs up from Sathopper
(11/04 14:05:56) BIG thumbs up from Prad
(11/04 14:06:09) Christopher Therburg: The main thing is finished, but I still have some plans to make some small changes to the island and the memorial itself so that it will be preserved and being in a good shape for a long time hopefully.
(11/04 14:06:22) Christopher Therburg: As an aside, I will soon add telescopes near the docks at a later date, for closer views of certain D’ni islands and Ae’gura itself. I don’t want to say anything more about it yet. I will let it surprise you.
(11/04 14:06:33) Christopher Therburg: Until then, I will rest for a few months to regain my strength.
(11/04 14:06:48) Christopher Therburg: Man, it was quite tiring for me and it’s the first time I’ve taken part in a restoration in the history of D’ni. I’m still a newbie at this.
(11/04 14:06:54) Calum Traveler: rest is good.
(11/04 14:07:01) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 14:07:01) Claidi Song: Thank you, Christopher Therburg!
(11/04 14:07:03) Christopher Therburg: Any questions so far?
(11/04 14:07:10) Claidi Song: no Q
(11/04 14:07:15) Christopher Therburg: Then I thank you all for listening to me and I hope I see all of you on the island soon.
(11/04 14:07:17) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/04 14:07:20) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:21) rarified claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:21) Claidi Song: And we are over time.
(11/04 14:07:21) Christopher Therburg bows
(11/04 14:07:22) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 14:07:22) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:23) Emrai claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:23) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(11/04 14:07:23) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:24) Sathopper claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:25) Christian Walther claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:25) ural claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:25) philipgr claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:26) Prad: see you Fall
(11/04 14:07:26) angelmyst cheers
(11/04 14:07:26) Massygo claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:26) neurovac claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:27) Minasunda claps her hands
(11/04 14:07:27) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:28) Diranda claps her hands
(11/04 14:07:29) Prad: *all*
(11/04 14:07:33) Theo claps his hands
(11/04 14:07:52) judyg: Thank you Claidi!
(11/04 14:08:01) judyg claps her hands
(11/04 14:08:02) Thumbs up from rarified
(11/04 14:08:06) Claidi Song: You are all very welcome!
(11/04 14:08:07) shokhootahn Rehn: Thank you, Claidi!
(11/04 14:08:15) Claidi Song claps her hands
(11/04 14:08:15) Claidi Song: Thank you to all the participants! Thank you all for coming.