All Guilds Meeting January 2019 Summary
Quote from Korov’ev on January 6, 2019, 3:16 pmHere is the summary for yesterday’s Meeting, along with the raw and cleansed chatlogs!
Ages of Doobes
Doobes was first, with an update on the Ages he is working on:
- The revamped GoMe Pub: a fitting start to the ‘Journey’ and Doobes’ first official release; the other Ages will be found somewhere in the Pub.
- The Library: Doobes hopes to feature other fan Ages here as well, but it will also act as a ‘Nexus’ of his own.
- Veelay Tsahvahn, a.k.a. the Memorial Age: a remembrance for explorers who have passed away, and a place to gather, mourn and celebrate those we have lost over the years; it will be available in the Library right away.
- The Vale: a mysterious garden Age that has distinctly D’ni architecture, but a bit of a mysterious origin; it is known that a D’ni Writer did not Write it, which was quite unusual at the time it was Written.
- Kotsahvosahn, a.k.a. the Waystation: the journey begins and ends right where it should, in the Cavern; this was a port used by the D’ni Guild of Messengers right up until the Fall and will be the beginning of Lothias’ journey (more on that in the future).
A couple of these Ages are just about ready, while some have several details that still need to be knocked out. The plan is for a tentative early 2019 release on Gehn Shard, The Open Cave, and Deep Island. Later, Minkata and (hopefully) MO:ULa!
To keep updated on Doobes’ work, check his blog and his Facebook page.
Next, Doobes announced the launch of the website you are currently reading! The GoMe site has been absent for over a year; the old “.com” domain lapsed and fell into the hands of some sort of... gambling thing. The new site now ends in “.org”, in line with the Guild of Writers’ site.
Some of the information pages need to be carried over; you yourself can help! The look is similar to the 2.0 site (WordPress with the ColorMag theme), mostly for consistency. The All Guilds Meeting chatlogs, which have been previously hosted on Doobes’ own website, will from now be located here, both raw and cleansed.
The new domain is hosted and maintained by Doobes, so it will not be going anywhere for the foreseeable future; the maintenance costs are fairly cheap to maintain, so he will not be looking for donations.
Videos will need to be linked to instead of being stored on the site, as the storage space has its limits; an RSS feed for the news page is likely, and the link is in the process of being updated.
Ages of Tweek
Tweek gave an update on Eder Fahsee, a familiarly unfamiliar garden Age that celebrates Myst and the impact it had on all of us. As such, he is inviting any one who is interested to contribute to the Age: he is compiling 25 books (and maybe another 25 later) to go within the library on the Age that will chronicle the first interactions the explorers had with Myst. It can be something short or long (but not too long!), expressing your thoughts, feelings, etc. Not all submissions will make it into the Age, but Tweek will try to fit in as many as possible.
To keep updated on Tweek’s work, check his blog and his Facebook page.
Myst25 deliveries
The discs for Cyan’s 25th Anniversary Kickstarter have been shipped, and in many cases already reached their destinations! If you are still waiting, check your emails for a tracking code to know where your discs currently are. For those living in the UK, if your tracking is showing a “failure to deliver”, you probably have additional custom charges to pay.
At the moment, it appears that only the Windows discs have been shipped; macOS users unfortunately will have to wait a bit longer.
The Cyan staff took a winter break from December 21 to January 2; if you sent inquiries at support[at]cyan[dot]com, info[at]cyan[dot]com or press[at]cyan[dot]com during this period, please allow a few days as they are preocessing them in order of receipt.
The Lost Art Season Two
MystiTech Production’s machinima is back for Season Two! Not one but two videos have been released on their Youtube channel: a Christmas teaser on December 16, and Episode 6 on Christmas Eve.
Around March some extra avatar operators will be needed for some special scenes; requirements will be the ability to use an internal client and a Skype account to coordinate acting. If you are interested, you can contact MystiTech on their Youtube channel or by email at enquiries[at]mystitech[dot]de.
Get well, Chiro
Korov’ev ended the speaker session wishing get well soon to explorer Chihiro.
And that was it for this month. Don’t forget to donate to keep the Cavern open! The CavCon status has not been updated yet; internal sources assured that the situation is good, but that can only continue with your help.
The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 13:00 KIT.
Until then!
Here is the summary for yesterday’s Meeting, along with the raw and cleansed chatlogs!
Ages of Doobes
Doobes was first, with an update on the Ages he is working on:
- The revamped GoMe Pub: a fitting start to the ‘Journey’ and Doobes’ first official release; the other Ages will be found somewhere in the Pub.
- The Library: Doobes hopes to feature other fan Ages here as well, but it will also act as a ‘Nexus’ of his own.
- Veelay Tsahvahn, a.k.a. the Memorial Age: a remembrance for explorers who have passed away, and a place to gather, mourn and celebrate those we have lost over the years; it will be available in the Library right away.
- The Vale: a mysterious garden Age that has distinctly D’ni architecture, but a bit of a mysterious origin; it is known that a D’ni Writer did not Write it, which was quite unusual at the time it was Written.
- Kotsahvosahn, a.k.a. the Waystation: the journey begins and ends right where it should, in the Cavern; this was a port used by the D’ni Guild of Messengers right up until the Fall and will be the beginning of Lothias’ journey (more on that in the future).
A couple of these Ages are just about ready, while some have several details that still need to be knocked out. The plan is for a tentative early 2019 release on Gehn Shard, The Open Cave, and Deep Island. Later, Minkata and (hopefully) MO:ULa!
To keep updated on Doobes’ work, check his blog and his Facebook page.
Next, Doobes announced the launch of the website you are currently reading! The GoMe site has been absent for over a year; the old “.com” domain lapsed and fell into the hands of some sort of... gambling thing. The new site now ends in “.org”, in line with the Guild of Writers’ site.
Some of the information pages need to be carried over; you yourself can help! The look is similar to the 2.0 site (WordPress with the ColorMag theme), mostly for consistency. The All Guilds Meeting chatlogs, which have been previously hosted on Doobes’ own website, will from now be located here, both raw and cleansed.
The new domain is hosted and maintained by Doobes, so it will not be going anywhere for the foreseeable future; the maintenance costs are fairly cheap to maintain, so he will not be looking for donations.
Videos will need to be linked to instead of being stored on the site, as the storage space has its limits; an RSS feed for the news page is likely, and the link is in the process of being updated.
Ages of Tweek
Tweek gave an update on Eder Fahsee, a familiarly unfamiliar garden Age that celebrates Myst and the impact it had on all of us. As such, he is inviting any one who is interested to contribute to the Age: he is compiling 25 books (and maybe another 25 later) to go within the library on the Age that will chronicle the first interactions the explorers had with Myst. It can be something short or long (but not too long!), expressing your thoughts, feelings, etc. Not all submissions will make it into the Age, but Tweek will try to fit in as many as possible.
To keep updated on Tweek’s work, check his blog and his Facebook page.
Myst25 deliveries
The discs for Cyan’s 25th Anniversary Kickstarter have been shipped, and in many cases already reached their destinations! If you are still waiting, check your emails for a tracking code to know where your discs currently are. For those living in the UK, if your tracking is showing a “failure to deliver”, you probably have additional custom charges to pay.
At the moment, it appears that only the Windows discs have been shipped; macOS users unfortunately will have to wait a bit longer.
The Cyan staff took a winter break from December 21 to January 2; if you sent inquiries at support[at]cyan[dot]com, info[at]cyan[dot]com or press[at]cyan[dot]com during this period, please allow a few days as they are preocessing them in order of receipt.
The Lost Art Season Two
MystiTech Production’s machinima is back for Season Two! Not one but two videos have been released on their Youtube channel: a Christmas teaser on December 16, and Episode 6 on Christmas Eve.
Around March some extra avatar operators will be needed for some special scenes; requirements will be the ability to use an internal client and a Skype account to coordinate acting. If you are interested, you can contact MystiTech on their Youtube channel or by email at enquiries[at]mystitech[dot]de.
Get well, Chiro
Korov’ev ended the speaker session wishing get well soon to explorer Chihiro.
And that was it for this month. Don’t forget to donate to keep the Cavern open! The CavCon status has not been updated yet; internal sources assured that the situation is good, but that can only continue with your help.
The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 13:00 KIT.
Until then!