(02/04 13:00:45) Calum Traveler: alrighty folks, it is now 1300 KI time, welcome to this, Feburary 2023’s AGM!
(02/04 13:00:50) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 13:00:55) Emor D’ni Lap: welcome back Hawu
(02/04 13:00:56) Hawu Meninp:
(02/04 13:01:12) Calum Traveler: if this is your first time here, youve chosen a great time to come, and for those returning, such as Hawu Meninp, you’ve chosen a great time to come back!
(02/04 13:01:29) Hawu Meninp cheers
(02/04 13:01:32) Calum Traveler: for those regulars, we’ve got a packed show for you this month
(02/04 13:01:39) skyisblu: hourray!
(02/04 13:01:39) Calum Traveler adjusts glasses and checks notes
(02/04 13:01:43) Calum Traveler: first up, the standard rules
(02/04 13:01:55) Calum Traveler: don’t press the blue button!
(02/04 13:02:25) Calum Traveler: while speakers are speaking, please keep idle chitchat to a minimum, and if you have questions, please either DM me them, or hold them until the questions section
(02/04 13:02:26) Patsy: no
(02/04 13:02:48) Calum Traveler: questions MAY be skipped if we’re short on time.
(02/04 13:03:33) Patsy: sorry, was not for you Calum
(02/04 13:03:58) Calum Traveler: finally, please keep the /clap spam at bay until the speaker is moving off of the stage.
(02/04 13:04:13) Calum Traveler: alrighty then…
(02/04 13:04:16) Caeser: Calum has the floor, so lets please cut the chitter chatter guys.
(02/04 13:04:21) Calum Traveler: i think thats all the rules to start,
(02/04 13:04:30) Calum Traveler: you’re fine, patsy
(02/04 13:04:31) Frobozz claps spam
(02/04 13:04:45) Calum Traveler: on a small story front update,
(02/04 13:05:08) Calum Traveler: for those keen to keep track of our friend Benavud, Jules recently receieved a message from him the other day,
(02/04 13:05:25) Calum Traveler: we’re expecting Ben to return on Monday the 13th, hoping for around 1300 KI time.
(02/04 13:05:38) Calum Traveler: fingers crossed his journey of self discovery has gone well!
(02/04 13:05:55) Calum Traveler: MYSTERIUM
(02/04 13:05:58) Calum Traveler shuffles notes…
(02/04 13:06:07) Calum Traveler: starting off with the simplest thing
(02/04 13:06:18) Calum Traveler: the Committee has released an Accessability Survey,
(02/04 13:06:23) Calum Traveler: you can find that here:
(02/04 13:06:27) Calum Traveler: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJYKiZ0Dy8WdjNJFrfHXRzRO8VnI321PnDm0o_EMaL35n9qg/viewform
(02/04 13:06:49) rarified squints
(02/04 13:07:01) Calum Traveler: yeah, i know, its a long url. google forms, what can you do?
(02/04 13:07:07) Doobes: (I’m sure it’ll be in the chatlog)
(02/04 13:07:14) Calum Traveler: it will be.
(02/04 13:07:24) My’key still copying
(02/04 13:07:25) Christian Walther: and linked from mysterium.net which is easier to type.
(02/04 13:07:38) Calum Traveler: yes, there’s a link in the blogpost on Mysterium’s website.
(02/04 13:08:00) Calum Traveler: speaking of: December Prompt Winner: redwoodrroad’s Gehn closing the trapbook animation can also be seen there!
(02/04 13:08:20) Calum Traveler: the February Prompt is “Heart”, deadline the 28th.
(02/04 13:08:35) Calum Traveler takes a breath
(02/04 13:08:45) Calum Traveler: now, for the big news everyones been waiting on
(02/04 13:08:50) Calum Traveler: REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!
(02/04 13:09:07) Calum Traveler: a few things to note
(02/04 13:09:32) Calum Traveler: the Committee is using a new registration software for this year, and possibly going to be using it into the future,
(02/04 13:10:27) Calum Traveler: essentially, you register an account, and through that, you can access the shop section to purchase your tickets, and other swag!
(02/04 13:10:34) Calum Traveler: and there is going to be a LOOOOT of swag this year,
(02/04 13:11:02) Calum Traveler: just in the recent news post is teased:
(02/04 13:11:17) Calum Traveler: lanyard charms! (Riven Dagger, Gehn Crest, Quab! Watermellon!)
(02/04 13:11:26) Calum Traveler: Myst Series Timeline Coffee Mugs!
(02/04 13:12:05) Calum Traveler: and a Poster Print with awesome artwork!
(02/04 13:12:22) Calum Traveler: more to come at future dates as we get things like pins settled and finalized
(02/04 13:13:25) Calum Traveler: COVID-19 Policy: is fairly identical to what we had last year with one caveat. Cyan themselves have a slightly different policy for the Saturday Visit to their headquarters in Spokane,
(02/04 13:14:09) Calum Traveler: for more information, wait for the next blogpost, or check out the existing covid-19 policy page.
(02/04 13:14:20) rarified Just checked: 17 hr 37 min 1,160 mile drive to Cyan. Long day.
(02/04 13:14:39) Calum Traveler: finally,
(02/04 13:15:03) Calum Traveler: a reminder that PIN and EVENT submissions are still open!
(02/04 13:15:22) Calum Traveler: you have until February 12th to submit a design for a pin, or an event.
(02/04 13:15:36) Calum Traveler: er, wait,
(02/04 13:15:41) Calum Traveler: no, that feb 12th thing is just for pins
(02/04 13:15:48) Calum Traveler: sorry, sleepy brain missread lol
(02/04 13:15:55) Calum Traveler tosses a smudgy written note.
(02/04 13:16:14) Calum Traveler: hotel registration is also open,
(02/04 13:16:29) Calum Traveler: we’re aware that the price isnt the best, but spokane city is *pricey*
(02/04 13:16:44) Calum Traveler: it’s the best deal that could be gotten
(02/04 13:16:48) Doobes: That and July 4th.
(02/04 13:17:09) Claidi Song: 2023 is already zipping by
(02/04 13:17:25) Calum Traveler: alright, on that note, i’ve finished with Mysterium News
(02/04 13:17:30) Calum Traveler: ill move onto our first speaker
(02/04 13:17:36) Calum Traveler beckons you
(02/04 13:17:36) Calum Traveler: Minasunda!
(02/04 13:17:42) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:17:43) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 13:17:44) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:17:44) skyisblu claps her hands
(02/04 13:17:47) My’key claps his hands
(02/04 13:17:47) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/04 13:17:48) Hawu Meninp salutes
(02/04 13:17:48) Titus D’Ni claps his hands
(02/04 13:17:49) Claidi Song cheers
(02/04 13:17:50) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 13:17:53) Minasunda says hey
(02/04 13:17:55) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(02/04 13:17:59) jtrigg cheers
(02/04 13:18:00) Minasunda: shorah my friends
(02/04 13:18:06) Minasunda: on Monday starts the MOULa Anniversary Celebration Week so I will now tell you what is planned
(02/04 13:18:16) Minasunda: MONDAY 6. February
(02/04 13:18:24) Minasunda: 12 – 13 KI “Opening Ceremony” – hosted by myself – Entrance Hall New Messengers Pub – music: https://www.urutunes.com/Seeker – ok music and voice too
(02/04 13:18:37) Minasunda: 13 – 14 KI “Mystical Classics” – music event hosted by Babbel and moderated by Karel – New Messengers Pub – music: https://www.urutunes.com/Babbeltje40
(02/04 13:18:51) Minasunda: 14 – 16 KI “Wall Game 1” and 17 – 19 KI “Wall Game 2”- hosted by Dah’mpa – Gahreesen – for both games Meeting Point is the Watcherspub.Dah’mpa will tell you more details later at this AGM. You can still register for the competition until midnight 24 KI – do not hesitate to contact Dah’mpa KI 11223500 – Spectators are welcome (no registration needed)
(02/04 13:18:58) Doobes is very happy the Pub is still getting so much use
(02/04 13:19:14) Minasunda: TUESDAY 7. February
(02/04 13:19:16) Calum Traveler: (More from Dah later!)
(02/04 13:19:36) Minasunda: 12 – 13 KI “Explorer Memorial” – memorial service for our deceased friends hosted by Ghaelen – Veelay Tsahvahn – https://www.urutunes.com/KGOH
(02/04 13:19:52) Minasunda: 13 – 15 KI “Best of Relaxing” – relaxing session hosted by PodHopper – Veelay Tsahvahn – https://www.urutunes.com/Hopper
(02/04 13:20:06) Minasunda: WEDNESDAY 8. February
(02/04 13:20:17) Minasunda: 12 – 13 KI “Girastock” – music event, hosted, played and sung by Fil – Eder Gira in the secret cave – to get there PM “link” to Mir-O-Bot – https://www.urutunes.com/Fil
(02/04 13:20:30) Minasunda: 14 – 16 KI “EddieCompetition” – hosted by PodHopper – Podhoppers Hood – https://www.urutunes.com/Hopper
(02/04 13:20:39) Minasunda: THURSDAY 9. February
(02/04 13:20:51) Minasunda: 13 – 15 KI “Country Special” – music event, hosted and sung by Eternal Seeker (with guided dance – if you don’t want to be included in the dance, please let me know) – Ercana – to get there PM “link” to Mir-O-Bot – https://www.urutunes.com/Seeker
(02/04 13:21:11) Minasunda: FRIDAY 10. February
(02/04 13:21:22) Minasunda: 12 – 14 KI “Fraud, Trickster, Genius: Guild Master Kadish – a Speculative Look” – a lecture hosted by Owly – Kirel – https://www.twitch.tv/eulenkeks
(02/04 13:21:35) Minasunda: 14 – 16 KI “Among Friends” – music event hosted by Nosila and Dah’mpa – Library Courtyard public City – https://www.urutunes.com/Darimpa
(02/04 13:21:46) Minasunda: SATURDAY 11. February
(02/04 13:21:58) Minasunda: 12 – 13 KI “Show of the Nulp Dance Group” – dance show hosted by Minasunda and the NDG – Fahets Highgarden – the stage is the fish pond – to get there PM “link” to Mir-O-Bot – https://www.urutunes.com/Seeker
(02/04 13:22:16) Minasunda: The music is specially made for this show – but I know from my own experience that the stream arrives very differently at listeners. So I recommend to watch the video which I will make after the show – so you can see the perfect match with the music.
(02/04 13:22:34) Minasunda: 13 – 15 KI “Magic Closing Event” – Magic event hosted by Magic Yoda – Fahets Highgarden – to get there PM “link” to Mir-O-Bot – https://www.urutunes.com/Seeker
(02/04 13:22:46) Minasunda: followed by the regular events Story Night Europe, Karaoke and Story Night regular
(02/04 13:22:56) Minasunda: SUNDAY 12. February
(02/04 13:23:05) Minasunda: 11 KI – the regular Fan Age Tour in Deep Island
(02/04 13:23:14) Minasunda: 13 – 15 KI “Lace and Furs” – music event hosted by RFD – Aegura – Plaza – https://www.urutunes.com/RFD
(02/04 13:23:26) Minasunda: daily you will find specific informations for every event at the announcements – so check there to keep yourself up to date:
(02/04 13:23:35) Minasunda: At the Facebook page “MOULa : Anniversary – Holidays – Events” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1816103321947856
(02/04 13:23:42) Minasunda: At the Facebook page “Myst Online: Uru Live (again)” https://www.facebook.com/groups/mystonlineuruliveagain
(02/04 13:23:51) Minasunda: At the Discord server “MOULa Events #announcements” https://discord.com/channels/673564613849120829/673564614310625282
(02/04 13:24:00) Minasunda: At the Discord server “Official Cyan Chat #cavern-events” https://discord.com/channels/341414079673401346/666793573789859881
(02/04 13:24:10) Minasunda: I’ve already sent an KI mail with the event schedule to people I know who don’t use FB or Discord. If you want it, please PM me later.
(02/04 13:24:25) Minasunda: And we have a polite request to all of you: if Mir-O-Bot is present for an event, please use it solely for your travels. Respect the events and DO NOT use bot commands – thank you for your understanding.
(02/04 13:24:49) Minasunda: For those who cannot attend the events, I will make videos – please be patient. We have 13 events so it may take me a while to finish all of them.
(02/04 13:25:04) Minasunda: I end my talk with a big thank you to all hosts, streamers and helpers and especially to Mirphak for his constant support.
(02/04 13:25:13) Minasunda: Any Questions ?
(02/04 13:25:15) My’key cheers
(02/04 13:25:16) Calum Traveler: none in queue
(02/04 13:25:16) Hazado: The schedule is also posted in the Watcher’s Pub
(02/04 13:25:17) Frobozz claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:18) skyisblu cheers
(02/04 13:25:20) Emor D’ni Lap applauds Minasunda’s excellent copypasting job!
(02/04 13:25:21) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:25:23) Minasunda thanks you
(02/04 13:25:24) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:24) Hawu Meninp cheers
(02/04 13:25:28) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:28) Murry claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:30) Titus D’Ni claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:30) Christian Walther claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:31) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:31) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:32) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 13:25:32) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(02/04 13:25:32) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:32) Doobes: No question…just want to commend you all for creating another great schedule of events this year!
(02/04 13:25:33) Calum Traveler: thank you, Minasunda!
(02/04 13:25:34) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:35) uru348 claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:38) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:42) Li Burumi claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:44) Calum Traveler: its a jampacked anniversary this year
(02/04 13:25:48) Titus D’Ni claps his hands
(02/04 13:25:49) Doobes nods
(02/04 13:25:49) Calum Traveler: and WHAT an anniversary year it is too!
(02/04 13:25:58) Calum Traveler: this is the 30th anniversary year for the MYST Franchise as a whole
(02/04 13:26:12) My’key wunders where time went
(02/04 13:26:12) Calum Traveler: and this year is ALSO the 20th Anniverary year for URU as a whole, Ages Beyond Myst released in 2003!
(02/04 13:26:24) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(02/04 13:26:40) Caeser: Calm down over there, lol
(02/04 13:26:45) Calum Traveler: now then, onto our next speaker
(02/04 13:26:51) Calum Traveler beckons you
(02/04 13:26:51) Calum Traveler: Dah’mpa!
(02/04 13:26:55) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 13:26:58) My’key claps his hands
(02/04 13:26:59) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:27:00) Hawu Meninp salutes
(02/04 13:27:01) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/04 13:27:02) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:27:03) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:27:06) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 13:27:06) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:27:09) Dah’mpa: Thanks, Cal. Shorah everyone
(02/04 13:27:09) Titus D’Ni claps his hands
(02/04 13:27:13) philipgr claps his hands
(02/04 13:27:14) Ro”Jethhe cheers
(02/04 13:27:20) Dah’mpa: My first speech in AGM, I’m a bit nervous… and trembling
(02/04 13:27:28) Doobes: You got this.
(02/04 13:27:33) judyg:
(02/04 13:27:37) Dah’mpa: Jokes aside, I’d like to talk a bit about the wall game event, just a few remarks (4, to be exact)
(02/04 13:27:39) Ro”Jethhe: Don’t be we’re all family
(02/04 13:27:48) Claidi Song: we’re an excellent audience
(02/04 13:27:51) Dah’mpa: Before I begin, allow me some thanks.
(02/04 13:27:59) Dah’mpa: First of all, I’d like to thank Hazado and everyone else that work so hard to give us the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful game. You’re doing an awesome job fixing bugs and improving the game code in order to offer us a better play experience, thank you so much.
(02/04 13:28:10) Hazado blinks
(02/04 13:28:11) Doobes: Hear hear!
(02/04 13:28:18) Thumbs up from Calum Traveler
(02/04 13:28:19) skyisblu cheers
(02/04 13:28:20) Hawu Meninp thanks you
(02/04 13:28:25) My’key sips a whiskey on you
(02/04 13:28:25) Thumbs up from Caeser
(02/04 13:28:26) Isa =^.^= cheers
(02/04 13:28:32) Dah’mpa: I’d also like to thank Minasunda for organising the whole event and for her willingness to help whenever I needed.
(02/04 13:28:32) Emor D’ni Lap: cheers to Hazado
(02/04 13:28:48) Dah’mpa: Next, I’d like to thank all competitors already enroled (and those yet to sign up), without you this event wouldn’t happen, obviously
(02/04 13:28:51) Hawu Meninp thanks you
(02/04 13:29:01) Dah’mpa: Last but not least, I’d like to thank all explorers that helped me out with testing events, training sessions and stuff. A lot of people indeed, but I’d like to explicitly mention (in alphabetic order) Calum, IwonK, Nosila and Scharm. You all were really amazing, thank you very much
(02/04 13:29:22) IwonK:
(02/04 13:29:23) Calum Traveler: ^u^
(02/04 13:29:24) Hawu Meninp thanks you, too
(02/04 13:29:29) Dah’mpa: Ok then, first remark: about schedule. As you heard from Minasunda, there will be two wall game competitions. Any player can participate in either or even both competitions.
(02/04 13:29:42) Dah’mpa: The goal behind the idea of having two competitions is to have two different schedules, in order to provide opportunities for more players (as well as spectators) to participate.
(02/04 13:30:01) Dah’mpa: Second remark: there will be only single-player teams competitions (meaning 1 vs 1). It’s well known that multiplayer teams mode is available in wall games, so why not a multiplayer teams competition instead of a single-player one?
(02/04 13:30:15) Dah’mpa: Well, tests showed that even if multiplayer teams wall games are quite playable (and surely fun, have to say that), when it comes to play many matches in a row (like in a competition) things can get pretty messy. So I found safer to limit this contest to 1 vs 1 wall games.
(02/04 13:30:32) Dah’mpa: It has to be mentioned though that devs and testers are working hard to get rid of these issues, I’m sure we’ll be able to have wall games competitions in multiplayer mode soon enough. I look forward to it
(02/04 13:30:59) Dah’mpa: Third remark: about enrolment. You’ve also heard from Mina that enrolment ends today. That’s because the format of each competition strongly depends on the number of competitors and I’d like to have all set the day before the event. So, late registrations won’t be accepted, sorry about that.
(02/04 13:31:11) My’key: easy pls, i gotta read it.9
(02/04 13:31:19) Dah’mpa: ok, sorry
(02/04 13:31:45) Thumbs up from My’key
(02/04 13:31:47) Dah’mpa: Also, only players that really know how to play the game can sign up. You don’t actually have to be a skilled player, it’s sufficient to know how the game works and how to play it (including how to operate the Control Panel). But you do have to know the basics.
(02/04 13:32:15) Doobes: Yes, don’t let that pesky announcer get ya down.
(02/04 13:32:22) Dah’mpa: That’s because it’d be virtually impossible to explain how wall games work at the moment of the competition. You know, actually it isn’t hard to learn how to play it, but it isn’t straight forward either.
(02/04 13:32:38) Dah’mpa: lol@Doobes
(02/04 13:32:54) Dah’mpa: Finally, last remark: about how to get there and other related stuff. Both competitions will take place at Wally’mpa’s Gahreesen.
(02/04 13:33:10) Dah’mpa: As Minasunda said, meeting point for players and spectators will be the Watcher’s Pub. Wally’mpa will be waiting for you in his fancy maintainer suit, ready to share his Relto book (from there you can go directly to the Maintainer Facility through the journey link in Gahreesen book).
(02/04 13:33:37) Dah’mpa: There’s an important thing to have in mind though. Wally’mpa… you know, he’s me… or I’m him… I mean, we share the same puppeteer
(02/04 13:34:02) Kayara: lol
(02/04 13:34:03) Doobes: You…are…you?
(02/04 13:34:06) Doobes:
(02/04 13:34:10) My’key: uru?
(02/04 13:34:12) Emor D’ni Lap: Who would have guessed?
(02/04 13:34:12) Dah’mpa: hope so
(02/04 13:34:14) philipgr: Twins
(02/04 13:34:18) IwonK: I see what you did there, Doobes ;P
(02/04 13:34:23) Dah’mpa: So, you may find yourself in the Watcher’s Pub waiting (and waiting, and waiting…) for any life sign of Wally’mpa, because the other me (this one who’s talking to you right now) can be a bit busy in the competition. Please be patient, Wally’mpa will eventually share his book with you.
(02/04 13:34:33) Caeser: Less chatter please when they are talking
(02/04 13:34:45) Emor D’ni Lap: quiet, Caeser
(02/04 13:34:51) Dah’mpa: Besides (and even more important), as to minimize chances of bugs and other issues, I’ll avoid letting people enter Gahreesen during an ongoing wall game match. So, if you’re late, you may have to wait up to 10 or even 15 minutes before linking to Gahreesen.
(02/04 13:35:22) Dah’mpa: To make communication easier, Wally’mpa will be sit if he’s not available, and will stand up when he’s ready to share his book.
(02/04 13:35:32) Dah’mpa: That’s it, any question?
(02/04 13:35:36) Calum Traveler: none in queue
(02/04 13:35:41) My’key: quite a plan you got..
(02/04 13:35:44) Thumbs up from My’key
(02/04 13:35:47) Doobes: Seems pretty straightforward. Should be fun!
(02/04 13:35:50) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:35:51) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:35:52) skyisblu claps her hands
(02/04 13:35:56) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:35:56) Hawu Meninp cheers
(02/04 13:35:56) Christian Walther claps his hands
(02/04 13:35:56) Titus D’Ni claps his hands
(02/04 13:35:56) Dah’mpa thanks you
(02/04 13:35:56) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(02/04 13:35:58) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 13:35:58) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(02/04 13:36:00) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:00) Dah’mpa: I’ll be around for a while after AGM if anyone wants to talk about the event. Thank you very much.
(02/04 13:36:00) Li Burumi claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:02) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:02) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:05) Calum Traveler: thank you, Dah’mpa
(02/04 13:36:07) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:10) LividLiquid cheers
(02/04 13:36:15) Doobes: See? Piece of cake, Dah’mpa.
(02/04 13:36:15) Frobozz spams the clap
(02/04 13:36:21) IwonK: or a cookie
(02/04 13:36:23) Dah’mpa:
(02/04 13:36:24) Caeser cheers
(02/04 13:36:24) Doobes: That too.
(02/04 13:36:29) Calum Traveler: aaaaaaalrighty, time for some *dev talk*!
(02/04 13:36:33) My’key: piece of cookie
(02/04 13:36:33) Calum Traveler beckons you
(02/04 13:36:34) Calum Traveler: rarified!
(02/04 13:36:38) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:41) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 13:36:44) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:45) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:45) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:45) skyisblu cheers
(02/04 13:36:46) Hawu Meninp salutes
(02/04 13:36:48) Murry claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:49) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:36:49) rarified waves hello
(02/04 13:36:52) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:53) Titus D’Ni claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:56) philipgr claps his hands
(02/04 13:36:58) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:36:58) rarified: shorah all!
(02/04 13:37:20) rarified: pretty quick update. Our contributers seem to have caught their second wind
(02/04 13:37:34) Calum Traveler: (I apologize for all the naybree pushes lol)
(02/04 13:37:44) rarified: after last years huge update, and have been busy burning the midnight bits
(02/04 13:38:08) rarified: We’re right in the middle of forming the first quarter update for MOULa
(02/04 13:38:27) rarified: and have just this morning passed a milestone of making many of the
(02/04 13:38:45) rarified: contributions available for testing on the primary Minkata test shard.
(02/04 13:39:08) rarified: So, if you are not put off by spoilers, and feel up to finding and telling us
(02/04 13:39:34) rarified: about bugs, come visit the Minkata shard (and if need be sign up).
(02/04 13:39:46) Doobes: You get to see all the shiny new stuff first.
(02/04 13:39:51) rarified: The list of updates has just been posted to the OpenUru #test channel
(02/04 13:40:04) rarified: so you’ll know what you’re looking for.
(02/04 13:40:27) rarified: This quarter has a wide gamut of contributions, from fixing old cold bugs
(02/04 13:40:51) rarified: in existing ages, to (maybe) a couple of new ages. A lot of really
(02/04 13:41:03) rarified: good stuff, if I may make that observation.
(02/04 13:41:11) Doobes nods
(02/04 13:41:27) rarified: Thanks to all our contributors, and hope to see you soon. If not on Minkata,
(02/04 13:41:43) rarified: In MOULa after March 31st or thereabouts.
(02/04 13:41:54) rarified: That’s all I have… Questions?
(02/04 13:41:56) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(02/04 13:41:59) Calum Traveler: none in queue
(02/04 13:42:00) Hawu Meninp claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:06) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:06) Emor D’ni Lap applauds rarified for his 7-days-a-week volunteer work in keeping things moving!
(02/04 13:42:07) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:08) MindWalker claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:08) My’key claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:09) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:42:09) rarified bows
(02/04 13:42:10) Li Burumi claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:10) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:11) westar claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:11) Patsy claps her hands
(02/04 13:42:13) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(02/04 13:42:13) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:14) philipgr claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:14) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 13:42:14) Titus D’Ni claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:15) Christian Walther claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:15) Caeser cheers
(02/04 13:42:15) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:42:16) Calum Traveler: thank you, rarified!
(02/04 13:42:16) Murry claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:20) skyisblu cheers
(02/04 13:42:20) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:21) Hawu Meninp thanks you
(02/04 13:42:21) uru348 claps his hands
(02/04 13:42:27) Calum Traveler: before i call up the next speaker, a quick update on Mysterium
(02/04 13:42:35) Calum Traveler: while rarified was posting, a new blog post was published!
(02/04 13:42:50) Calum Traveler: you can find it hot off the presses at: https://mysterium.net/2023/02/updates-musical-chairs/
(02/04 13:43:37) Calum Traveler: onto our next speaker…
(02/04 13:43:40) Calum Traveler does a drumroll…
(02/04 13:43:46) Calum Traveler beckons you
(02/04 13:43:46) Calum Traveler: DOOBES!
(02/04 13:43:53) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:43:53) Caeser: clap
(02/04 13:43:55) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 13:43:55) My’key claps his hands
(02/04 13:43:56) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/04 13:43:56) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:43:56) Hawu Meninp salutes
(02/04 13:43:57) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:43:59) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(02/04 13:44:02) Titus D’Ni claps his hands
(02/04 13:44:02) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:44:03) Doobes waves hello
(02/04 13:44:05) Kayara claps her hands
(02/04 13:44:06) Patsy claps her hands
(02/04 13:44:07) philipgr claps his hands
(02/04 13:44:11) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(02/04 13:44:11) Doobes: Hi there!
(02/04 13:44:18) Doobes: Just wanted to breeze in to give you all a few updates.
(02/04 13:44:31) Doobes: First and foremost, barring anything catasrophic, I will for sure be attending Mysterium this year!
(02/04 13:44:46) Doobes: Not only that, but plans to have a presentation are also in the works.
(02/04 13:44:46) Hawu Meninp cheers
(02/04 13:45:07) Doobes: (FYI, from earlier, event submissions for Mysterium end on April 29th)
(02/04 13:45:19) Calum Traveler: (yes, ty, i did flub that haha)
(02/04 13:45:20) Doobes: Specifically, I’ll be demonstrating Blender for Korman and the ZLZ Age Importer.
(02/04 13:45:31) Doobes: With the former, I plan to show how to build a basic Age right on the spot.
(02/04 13:45:46) Doobes: The latter will be to (briefly) show the ongoing process of converting the Cyan Ages into usable blend files.
(02/04 13:46:03) Doobes: Note that I’ve submitted the event to the Mysterium committee, but the final schedule is still very much in the works.
(02/04 13:46:21) Calum Traveler sweats a little, remembering the chaos of last year’s scheduling…
(02/04 13:46:24) Doobes: If you can’t attend, not to worry…as they always do, the event will be streamed live.
(02/04 13:46:38) Calum Traveler: and if you miss the stream, itll be posted to youtube sometime after,
(02/04 13:46:39) Doobes: I’m quite excited as this will technically be my third Mysterium and the first where I’ve presented something.
(02/04 13:46:56) Doobes: I hope to see you all there, whether in person or online!
(02/04 13:47:11) Doobes: Another bit of business is one that I’ve brought up quite a few times in the past:
(02/04 13:47:15) Doobes: Descent!
(02/04 13:47:22) Caeser cheers
(02/04 13:47:27) Doobes: I’ve gotten back to work on it in the last couple of weeks (I know…finally!). My main focus has been the relighting of the section we have now…namely surface to just beyond the bottom of the shaft.
(02/04 13:47:29) My’key listens up
(02/04 13:47:48) Doobes: Given it’s based on Myst V’s version, the lighting is…shall we say…a bit too bright.
(02/04 13:48:04) Doobes: The changes I’ve been implementing (and hope to implement in the future) will give Descent a much more natural and more atmospheric lighting scheme.
(02/04 13:48:22) Doobes: Like I’ve said, a midpoint between Myst V and the demo…or at least that’s what I’m going for anyway!
(02/04 13:48:42) Doobes: After that…those lovely mechanics of the Great Shaft and all the wiring they’ll require.
(02/04 13:48:44) Doobes cringes
(02/04 13:48:58) Doobes: If all goes well, I *hope* to get a new version of Descent, one that will replace the old one, onto Minkata before the end of quarter 1, with a tentative release after the Q2 update.
(02/04 13:49:23) Doobes: If I’m really lucky, I’ll be able to announce it’s re-opening at Mysterium.
(02/04 13:49:39) Doobes: Again, all this hinges on the work I get done soon and the testing needed up until the cutoff date for Q2, which is TBD right now.
(02/04 13:49:58) Doobes: So as always, be sure to temper expectations.
(02/04 13:50:11) Doobes: Another change that should be coming *this* quarter will be the ability to delete fan Age Books via Chiso Preniv.
(02/04 13:50:29) Doobes: This will be possible due to some fancy coding from our friend Hazado and graphical assets provided by Tweek.
(02/04 13:50:48) Doobes: So those of you that want to redo an fan Age with puzzles (so far only Elonin and Tiam, but that will change soon), you’ll soon be able to do so!
(02/04 13:51:12) Doobes: Speaking of Hazado, he wanted me to mention that he’s also been working on squashing more bugs with the Gahreesen wall.
(02/04 13:51:28) Doobes: As such, he’s asking for as many testers as possible to come into the Minkata shard to give things a proper stress test. The more, the better.
(02/04 13:51:29) Hazado gets his hammer out
(02/04 13:51:39) Doobes: Hey, isn’t that Saavedro’s?
(02/04 13:51:50) Calum Traveler: i was wondering where that went lol
(02/04 13:51:51) rarified gets his umbrella/bug shield out
(02/04 13:51:57) Doobes: The more time spent in testing getting things working better in Minkata, the less chance something may break when the fixes finally come to MOULa for Q1.
(02/04 13:52:00) Hazado: shhh, ill give it back before mysterium
(02/04 13:52:15) Doobes: That goes for everything else on Minkata right now as rarified mentioned.
(02/04 13:52:32) Doobes: I’ll finish by mentioning that the Guild of Writers’ H’uru team has recently released version 0.14 of Blender for Korman!
(02/04 13:52:37) Hazado cheers
(02/04 13:52:46) Doobes: To see what changed with this version, you can go to https://www.guildofwriters.org/wiki/Korman:0.14_Release_Notes.
(02/04 13:52:46) Hawu Meninp claps his hands
(02/04 13:53:02) Doobes: For discussion on the latest version, drop into the forum thread on the GoW forums: https://forum.guildofwriters.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7411
(02/04 13:53:05) Emor D’ni Lap: Applause to Hoikas!
(02/04 13:53:26) Doobes: Yes, our project lead, so to speak, plus other contributors.
(02/04 13:53:36) Doobes: Including, in small part, me!
(02/04 13:53:46) Doobes: And that’s all I’ve got for now. Questions?
(02/04 13:54:02) Calum Traveler: only one in queue is Kayara asking if your mysterium presentation will be recorded
(02/04 13:54:02) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:06) My’key is still processing
(02/04 13:54:07) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(02/04 13:54:12) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 13:54:13) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:54:13) philipgr claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:14) Doobes: Should be, right Cal?
(02/04 13:54:17) Calum Traveler: and yes, it will be, as all streams at mysterium are, to be posted to youtube later
(02/04 13:54:18) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:54:18) cjherkeless claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:22) Kayara claps her hands
(02/04 13:54:24) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:25) Li Burumi claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:26) Calum Traveler: nothing else in queue,
(02/04 13:54:27) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:29) Hawu Meninp cheers
(02/04 13:54:30) Patsy claps her hands
(02/04 13:54:31) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(02/04 13:54:31) Christian Walther claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:39) Doobes: They may take awhile to post to YouTube though. Takes time to get ’em up there.
(02/04 13:54:42) MindWalker claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:46) Calum Traveler: oh yeah, its a slog of editing
(02/04 13:54:49) My’key claps his hands
(02/04 13:54:51) Calum Traveler: 3 days of streams lol
(02/04 13:54:54) Doobes: Hehehe, I don’t doubt it!
(02/04 13:54:59) Doobes: Any other questions?
(02/04 13:55:12) rarified: just fast forward the streams. Or cross them.
(02/04 13:55:16) Calum Traveler looks around… sees no hands…
(02/04 13:55:18) Doobes: Right then…thanks for listening!
(02/04 13:55:19) Doobes bows
(02/04 13:55:23) Calum Traveler: thank you, Doobes!
(02/04 13:55:24) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:25) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:26) Thumbs up from cjherkeless
(02/04 13:55:27) Hawu Meninp salutes
(02/04 13:55:28) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:55:28) Murry claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:29) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:33) philipgr claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:35) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 13:55:35) My’key does a dance
(02/04 13:55:38) uru348 claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:40) Calum Traveler: our second to last speaker now!
(02/04 13:55:45) Calum Traveler beckons you
(02/04 13:55:45) Calum Traveler: IwonK!!
(02/04 13:55:48) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:49) LividLiquid cheers
(02/04 13:55:50) Ro”Jethhe does a funky dance
(02/04 13:55:52) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:52) My’key: Cookie!!!
(02/04 13:55:53) Murry claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:53) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:55:54) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:56) rarified: Coookie! Coookie!
(02/04 13:55:57) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:57) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(02/04 13:55:58) IwonK waves hello
(02/04 13:56:01) Hawu Meninp cheers
(02/04 13:56:07) IwonK: hi everyone I’ll be quick
(02/04 13:56:08) philipgr claps his hands
(02/04 13:56:09) Caeser: lets get those cookie cannons
(02/04 13:56:22) My’key aims his cookiegun
(02/04 13:56:35) IwonK: I’ll be streaming my Wonky Talk on Friday, Feb 17 at 15 KI in the Guild of Cookies’ Hood (we sit by the heek table)
(02/04 13:56:49) IwonK: This month’s topic is cooking games!I have some titles in my mind already but if you know any interesting games I could talk about (and draw), feel free to throw them my way
(02/04 13:57:04) IwonK: join me on my Twitch channel (twitch.tv/yvonk), there will be cookies
(02/04 13:57:12) rarified: Gingerbread model of Uru?
(02/04 13:57:17) IwonK: hmmmmm
(02/04 13:57:23) IwonK: any questions?
(02/04 13:57:34) Calum Traveler: none in queue.
(02/04 13:57:39) IwonK is checking something out
(02/04 13:57:40) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:41) My’key claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:44) Karel claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:45) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 13:57:47) Caeser: Don’t let Cookie Monter know you have cookies ready, they’ll be gone fast
(02/04 13:57:50) Hawu Meninp brushes the cookie crumbs out of his hair
(02/04 13:57:51) IwonK: ok that’s all from me
(02/04 13:57:51) Patsy claps her hands
(02/04 13:57:53) IwonK thanks you very much!
(02/04 13:57:53) Li Burumi claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:55) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(02/04 13:57:56) Christian Walther claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:56) IwonK bows
(02/04 13:57:57) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:57:57) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:57) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:57) Hawu Meninp claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:58) MindWalker claps his hands
(02/04 13:57:58) Doobes: OM NOM NOM NOM…!
(02/04 13:57:59) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(02/04 13:57:59) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:00) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:00) Murry claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:01) cjherkeless claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:02) Sathopper claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:03) Calum Traveler: our final speaker of the night!
(02/04 13:58:09) Calum Traveler beckons you
(02/04 13:58:09) Calum Traveler: shokhootahn Rehn
(02/04 13:58:13) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:14) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:17) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:19) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 13:58:20) My’key: yay
(02/04 13:58:20) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:20) Sathopper claps his hands
(02/04 13:58:28) Hawu Meninp salutes
(02/04 13:58:36) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(02/04 13:59:01) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(02/04 13:59:23) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on weekday evenings on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule. There are daytime openings starting at either 12:00 KI time, 13:00 KI time, or 14:00 KI time, again, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time.
(02/04 13:59:43) shokhootahn Rehn: Though, daytime availability is subject to change with little or no notice.
(02/04 14:00:03) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, remember to inclue your KI #.
(02/04 14:00:24) shokhootahn Rehn: Also, I can be found on Discord at r’Tayrtahn#1317.
(02/04 14:00:46) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(02/04 14:01:46) shokhootahn Rehn: Currently, there is one student taking the classes, and has one more class to attend.
(02/04 14:02:00) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.
(02/04 14:02:14) shokhootahn Rehn: I have one request for visitors: Please do not post pellet points into the Hood imager…
(02/04 14:02:37) shokhootahn Rehn: One of my former students, Yutiel, is listed on that imager. I have refrained from posting pellets to maintain her name at the top as a form of memorial. It’s why I haven’t posted pellet points above 168345: it was to keep her name at the top of the list.
(02/04 14:02:54) shokhootahn Rehn: She was a great student and became a close friend in the process.
(02/04 14:03:05) shokhootahn Rehn: She was another explorer who left us way too soon.
(02/04 14:03:15) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(02/04 14:03:17) Claidi Song give r’Tay a hug
(02/04 14:03:22) Calum Traveler: none in queue
(02/04 14:03:26) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…
(02/04 14:03:54) shokhootahn Rehn: Thanks, Claidi :-))
(02/04 14:03:58) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(02/04 14:04:24) shokhootahn Rehn: About 15 weeks ago, we started the story of The Fall as told in Myst: The Book of Ti’Ana. Tonight, we continue that story which is part 13 of the sixteen-part series of stories of the Fall. It is story number 50 of 104 in the story cycle of the history of D’ni.
(02/04 14:04:48) shokhootahn Rehn: So, there is still plenty of history to go!
(02/04 14:05:07) shokhootahn Rehn: After that we will begin the story from Myst: The Book of Atrus, followed by the story from the game of Myst. Eventually, we will cover all of the books and games. as well as the three human attempts at the restoration of D’ni.
(02/04 14:05:45) shokhootahn Rehn: I am recording Story Night for (eventual) upload to my YouTube channel (r’Tayrtahn). I have reated an avatar for the purpose of recording. His name is “I’m a bot, do not message”. Please do not PM him during the story unless you want to see your message displayed for the entire internet.
(02/04 14:06:33) shokhootahn Rehn: Currently, I am caught up with video compression. Unfortunately, I have a sizable backlog of videos to edit and upload. To my channel subscribers, please be patient; I am slowly working through it.
(02/04 14:06:50) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(02/04 14:06:59) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(02/04 14:07:20) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 15 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(02/04 14:08:35) shokhootahn Rehn: Next week, 11 February, there will be no Story Night due to conflicts with the anniversary celebrations. As a result, I’ve chosen that weekend to be a travel weekend.
(02/04 14:09:03) shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.
(02/04 14:09:15) shokhootahn Rehn: Should I need to cancel one of the stories at the last minute, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news.
(02/04 14:09:29) shokhootahn Rehn: Minasunda is one of those members, as she runs the announcements channel on Discord.
(02/04 14:09:39) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(02/04 14:09:57) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender. Though the sender is added to the Recents folder, it is still a good idea to add it to the body of the text.
(02/04 14:10:35) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(02/04 14:10:38) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(02/04 14:10:46) Calum Traveler: none in queue
(02/04 14:10:50) shokhootahn Rehn thanks you very much!
(02/04 14:10:52) Hawu Meninp claps his hands
(02/04 14:10:54) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(02/04 14:10:55) rarified claps his hands
(02/04 14:10:55) Isa =^.^=: clap
(02/04 14:10:55) Karel claps his hands
(02/04 14:10:56) Doobes claps his hands
(02/04 14:10:56) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 14:10:56) Christian Walther claps his hands
(02/04 14:10:58) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(02/04 14:10:59) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 14:10:59) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:00) Calum Traveler: thanks, shokhootahn Rehn!
(02/04 14:11:01) westar claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:03) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:04) Dah’mpa claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:05) philipgr claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:06) Li Burumi claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:11) Calum Traveler: on that note, ill wrap it up for this month’s AGM
(02/04 14:11:15) Diranda claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:18) IwonK claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:21) Cave woman claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:22) Diggytal claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:25) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:25) MindWalker claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:25) uru348 claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:27) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:28) Calum Traveler: as always, dont forget to donate to the cavcon fund if you want to help keep the lights on
(02/04 14:11:28) Patsy claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:29) Claidi Song claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:30) IwonK cheers
(02/04 14:11:34) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:38) Murry claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:38) judyg claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:38) IwonK: see you later, everyone
(02/04 14:11:41) IwonK waves goodbye
(02/04 14:11:41) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:42) Claidi Song: Thank you Cal
(02/04 14:11:42) LividLiquid cheers
(02/04 14:11:44) My’key: Ty all speakers:)
(02/04 14:11:46) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(02/04 14:11:48) Calum Traveler: thank you all for coming, and thanks to all our speakers!
(02/04 14:11:48) IwonK: thank you, Cal
(02/04 14:11:48) Caeser claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:48) Christian Walther claps his hands
(02/04 14:11:50) Doobes: https://mystonline.com/donate
(02/04 14:11:56) Dah’mpa: thx Cal
(02/04 14:11:57) shokhootahn Rehn leans right
(02/04 14:11:58) Minasunda leans left
(02/04 14:11:58) Calum Traveler: ty, doobes
(02/04 14:12:05) judyg: Great job Cal! Thank you
(02/04 14:12:08) Eternal Seeker: thx Calum
(02/04 14:12:09) Claidi Song leans left
(02/04 14:12:10) Calum Traveler: alright then, take care all
(02/04 14:12:11) shokhootahn Rehn leans left
(02/04 14:12:13) Claidi Song leans right
(02/04 14:12:18) Calum Traveler: and ill see you all next month!