April 2022 All Guilds Meeting Summary

Here is the summary for the 144th All Guilds Meeting, along with the raw and cleansed chatlogs!


  1. Events in the Cavern
  2. A new era in D’ni
  3. Cavern Tours
  4. Fan Ages Touring Club
  5. D’ni Language Classes
  6. R’Tayrtahn’s Story Nights
  7. Bugged marker games
  8. Miscellanea

Events in the Cavern

Minasunda announced two events for April: the first is the D’ni New Year 9678 celebrations, on Thursday, April 21 at 13:00 KIT. Yoda cannot be available this year, so there will be no Light Show; instead, Seeker will host a Music Show in Mir-o-Bot’s Tiam (to get there PM “to mobtiam” to Mir-o-Bot, KI# 32319).

The second event is the Mother Earth Day Nulp Dance Show on Friday, April 22 at 13:00 KIT, in Mir-o-Bot’s Er’cana (to get there PM “link” or “meet” to Mir-o-Bot). Seeker will provide the music.

The show will take place at different locations in Er’cana; to follow the dancers PM “w” to Mir-o-Bot. The first change can be reached on foot (just follow Fog_man) but the following ones cannot be reached through normal means (please do not use ladders or the harvester, they will make you crash). There will be short breaks to give the audience time to regroup.

A new era in D’ni

Doobes announced the upcoming big MOULa update, which at the time of this writing was already moved onto Cyan’s staging server, where the final testing is done.

Doobes has teased some of the features in his Facebook page, including: an option to select either Relto or the Cleft when starting a new avatar; subtitles for all the in-game spoken dialog (including some newly-recorded voiceovers); the reactivation of the Gahreesen Wall; a new Cavern location from Dulcamara and Ametist. A full list of fixes and updates will be posted when the update will go live.

If you want to help out with testing (especially important this time), you can sign up for an account on Cyan’s staging server; note that this account is separate from your MOULa one, so don’t worry if something is lost, deleted, etc. The use of the staging server will require Cyan to utilize the CavCon reserve funds.

After testing on the staging server, it is strongly advised to delete your audio.ini file (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Uru Live\Init) before returning to MOULa.

In the meantime, work on the next quarter’s update has already begun! We will keep you updated as new features and fixes are announced.

To keep updated on Doobes’ work, check his blog and his Facebook page.

Cavern Tours

The Cavern Tour will be held on Saturday 9 at 11:00 KIT, starting from the Cavern Tour’s Hood. The host, Larry LeDeay, will use his Twitch channel for the presentation, so you will need to keep a browser or the app open in the background. Videos will be available for two weeks after the tour. The stream will be simulcasted on Facebook and Youtube.

This month the Tour will continue the exploration of the Myst V Ages.

The tours occasionally visit hard to reach places. Mir-o-Bot (KI# 32319) is often employed for special effects and long-distance travel (and to avoid stairs). If you arrive late, you can PM Susa’n (KI# 9122427) to join the in-progress tour – but do try to arrive in time!

Fan Ages Touring Club

Korov’ev gave a quick update on the Fan Ages Expeditions he is hosting on the Deep Island shard, every Sunday at 11:00 KIT.

In March they visited the entries for the DAWN Contest, two of which also took part in the 3rd RAD; they then visited SereneTiki’s creations, including the ever-changing Sprite Gallery; next they tackled the non-trivial puzzle age Oolbahnneea. The month was rounded off with the collaborative project Rell-too.

For April, the plan is to start with Jamey’s ages, like Tsoidahl Sheegahtee and Writers’ Niche; then they will start the grand tour of Geologica, starting in Dragon’s Tooth and witnessing the changes that occurred through geological eras. They will end the month following uncle Rebus’ steps in Botan and Moysenland.

More about the Expeditions (click to expand)
  • The expeditions are streamed (without comments), and the videos will be available for two weeks after. Be careful if you PM Korov’ev, as messages will be visible in the videos 😉
  • After the tour, those who still have the energy are welcome to Korov’ev’s Gahreesehn for some Wall training (feel free to send a message to #194197 for an invite).
  • A gallery of fan ages with some details is available on the Writers’ wiki. Setting up a Deep Island client can be a bit tricky in some situations; a quick guide is available in our Troubleshooting section.

D’ni Language Classes

R’Tayrtahn gave two updates, one for the D’ni Language Classes and one for the Story Nights.

More about the D’ni Language Classes (click to expand)
  • Those who would like to attend the lessons should contact Rehn via PM or KImail (KI# 58324); be sure to include your KI number in the message!
  • The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session. Daytime openings are currently on MondayFriday at 12:00, 13:00 or 14:00 KIT; evening openings at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KIT, depending on the student’s schedule.
  • Last-minute changes to class times are posted on the left-hand imager in the hood.
  • Shokhootahn Rehn (aka r’Tayrtahn) can be found on Discord as r'Tayrtahn#1317.

R’Tayrtahn’s Story Nights

Story Night Europe and Original Story Night are in synch, and are telling the stories of the kings of D’ni, which will go on for the next 22 weeks.

R’Tayrtahn has restarted upload recordings of the Nights to his YouTube channel, and is in the process of uploading the backlog of videos from previous sessions. Be careful if you PM r’Tay, as messages will be visible in the videos 😉

More about the Story Nights (click to expand)
  • Story Nights are held in Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday, gathering at the fountain at around 23:00 KIT, with the story starting at about 23:30 KIT.
  • For Story Nights – Europe, the gatherings are on Saturday starting at 13:30 KIT, with the story starting at about 14:00 KIT. On All Guilds Meeting days, the event will begin at 14:00 KIT or 15 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
  • The stories are told using voice chat, so you will need to have your speakers, headphones or KI devices on. If you would like a reminder, please send r’Tayrtahn (KI# 58324) a KImail with your KI number included in the text, so that he can add you to his buddies list.
  • Last-minute changes to Story Night times are posted on the left-hand imager in the hood.

Bugged marker games

Calum Traveler mentioned the issue of marker games stuck in “LOADING: unfortunately, it seems like they are struck with a bug where, when a player is deleting their access node (the marker game KImail) from their KI, a permanent delete is propagated to the server, erasing the MG pointer and breaking the access nodes for all other players.

The devs are hard at work on trying to figure out a way to prevent this bug. One known trigger is the presence of duplicated entries of that MG: deleting the duplicate will break the MG. Renaming one of the entries also seems to be a trigger, as well as moving a MG to a folder then getting another copy.

They are trying to integrate the old Marker Editor client functionality in the H’uru client, possibly even integrating it into the main client, but progress on that has been slow and it was given a lower priority.


  • The Mysterium prompt for March “Discord Stickers” has concluded; entries were “Saav Bonk” by Kefrith, “Riven Pokey” by SqueeFruit, “Airship” by KellyC, “Fallen Cone” and “Bahro Stare” by Laughingpineapple.
  • The new prompt for April is “Atrus Family Roadtrip”.
  • Firmament will release for PS4, PS5 and PS VR 2: backers who selected PS4 as their platform will receive a single key that grants them all three version. Unfortunately it will not be released for PS VR (the first one).
  • Firmament is planned to launch on PC, Mac and PS “later this year”.
  • Cyan’s April Fools’ joke was the very limited Riven Fire Marble Hand and Body Soap. Hurry, they may still have one left! 😀

And that was it for this month. Please consider donating to keep the Cavern open!

March ended with the CavFunding at 75% (CavCon 2.8) and the reserve at 530%, with 20% extra expenses. Population was at 44,202 (⇑229), with 1177 unique visits. Extra costs were from the Q1 update.

The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday, May 7 (Leefo 14, 9678) at 13:00 KIT.

The role of Moderator is currently vacant, with Calum Traveler filling in for the time being; if anyone would like to take the role, it is your chance to step up 😉

Until then!


MOULa: 46116 • Deep Island: 194197 • Minkata: 132812 • Gehn: 137074

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