All Guilds Meeting – March 2025 – Raw Chatlog

(03/01 13:00:21) Claidi Song: !shorah b’shemtee
(03/01 13:00:27) Claidi Song: Welcome to the 179th All Guilds Meeting!
(03/01 13:00:34) skyisblu cheers
(03/01 13:00:36) shokhootahn Rehn: Woot!
(03/01 13:00:37) Claidi Song: By the D’ni calendar, today is Leevotar 18 9680 DE.
(03/01 13:00:51) Claidi Song: If you are new to the Cavern or returning after being away for some time: Welcome! You have arrived at an exciting time in MOULa!
(03/01 13:01:04) Claidi Song: All Guilds Meeting (AGM) meets from 13:00 KI – 13:55 KI on the first Saturday of each month.
(03/01 13:01:15) Claidi Song: Times are shown in KI Time which corresponds to the Mountain Time Zone.
(03/01 13:01:25) Claidi Song: ~~~ AGM Rules ~~~
(03/01 13:01:32) Claidi Song: 1. Keep chatter to a minimum while the speakers are talking. Be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(03/01 13:01:43) Claidi Song: 2. Hold all questions until after the speaker asks for questions at the end of their presentation.
(03/01 13:01:56) Claidi Song: 3. Speakers: please indicate when you are ready for questions. And indicate when you’re ready for the next question.
(03/01 13:02:07) Claidi Song: Questions may be directly messaged to me to be added to the questions queue for Q&A after each presenter is done. Keep DM’d questions brief and on the speaker’s topic.
(03/01 13:02:24) Claidi Song: 4. If a question requires a long answer, we may need to skip it to stay on track. In that case, please, DM the speaker after they’ve left the platform.
(03/01 13:02:44) Claidi Song: 5. A summary and the chatlog of this meeting will be published within a few days on the Guild of Messengers website –
(03/01 13:02:55) Claidi Song: Of course, you can start your own chatlog by typing: /startlog
(03/01 13:03:13) Claidi Song: ~~~ CAVCON ~~~
(03/01 13:03:19) Claidi Song: Latest CavCon funding update I’ve been able to find is still December 2024. CAVCON=4.1 Donations covered 110% Reserve at 719%
(03/01 13:03:26) Claidi Song: CAVCON donations keep MOULa open. Link for donating to CAVCON is in the right column of the website
(03/01 13:03:30) Thumbs up from rarified
(03/01 13:04:02) Claidi Song: On to business 🙂
(03/01 13:04:03) Claidi Song: ~~~ Cooking with Sky ~~~
(03/01 13:04:09) Claidi Song beckons you
(03/01 13:04:09) Claidi Song: Welcome to the stage, skyisblu!
(03/01 13:04:14) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:15) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:15) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:17) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:17) Cave woman claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:18) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:19) Nosila claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:19) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:22) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:23) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:26) Monterey Jack claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:26) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:27) Mevvah claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:28) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:28) Mishka claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:35) skyisblu: Hi everyone!
(03/01 13:04:38) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:04:38) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:42) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:04:47) skyisblu: I just wanted to remind you that every first Monday of the month, I host Cooking Sessions with Sky at 12 KI in the Guild of Caterers’ Hood. March’s session is this coming Monday, March 3rd, and I have a really impressive recipe to share with all of you.
(03/01 13:05:07) skyisblu: I will be making a Dutch Baby Pancake, which is a large, poufy pancake that can be made either savory or sweet, topped with all sorts of tasty things, and can be served for just about any meal. And for how amazing it looks coming out of the oven, it is really a very simple recipe to mix together.
(03/01 13:05:34) skyisblu: We meet in the Guild of Caterers’ Hood, and online for the livestream at – remember that the audio commentary is done in both English and French.
(03/01 13:05:52) skyisblu: If you’ve missed any of the previous Cooking Sessions, all of the recipes and accompanying videos are available on my website,
(03/01 13:05:52) angelmyst loves all things pancake
(03/01 13:05:53) EnnTee: just in time for Pancake Tuesday (Fat Tuesday)\
(03/01 13:06:09) skyisblu: I hope to see you all there!
(03/01 13:06:10) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:16) skyisblu: Any questions?
(03/01 13:06:18) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:06:21) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:06:22) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue.
(03/01 13:06:23) ural claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:24) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:26) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:26) skyisblu bows
(03/01 13:06:27) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:27) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:06:27) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:28) Augur claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:29) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:31) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:31) Nosila claps her hands
(03/01 13:06:33) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:06:34) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:06:34) Claidi Song: Thank you, sky!
(03/01 13:06:34) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(03/01 13:06:34) Monterey Jack claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:34) skyisblu: Thanks!
(03/01 13:06:35) Massygo claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:36) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:36) Ro”Jethhe drools
(03/01 13:06:47) Claidi Song: ~~~ Wonky Talks ~~~
(03/01 13:06:51) Claidi Song beckons you
(03/01 13:06:51) Claidi Song: Come on up, IwonK
(03/01 13:06:51) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:06:57) rarified: Cooookie!
(03/01 13:06:58) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:07:01) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:07:02) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:07:02) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:07:03) Ro”Jethhe cheers
(03/01 13:07:07) ural claps his hands
(03/01 13:07:09) Nosila claps her hands
(03/01 13:07:19) IwonK: I have two streams to announce today 😀 First one is a Wonky Draws on Friday 7th, 15KI in the Guild of Cookies’ Hood :)I did this once before and the idea is that I’ll pick a random technique and a random idea from my audience and then I’m going to make one drawing 🙂
(03/01 13:07:40) IwonK: I’ll be streaming my Wonky Talk on Friday, March 14th at 15 KI in the Guild of Cookies’ Hood (we sit near the heek table)
(03/01 13:07:52) IwonK: This month’s topic is “Love Stories in Games”! I have some titles in my mind already but if you know any interesting games I could talk about (and draw), feel free to throw them my way 🙂
(03/01 13:08:01) IwonK: join me on my Twitch channel (, there will be cookies 🙂
(03/01 13:08:11) IwonK: In other wonky news, I’ve made some games of my own as a gamedev challenge, if you want to check them out, follow this link:
(03/01 13:08:20) IwonK: any Qs in the Q? 🙂
(03/01 13:08:27) IwonK: because I have some As 🙂
(03/01 13:08:27) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue.
(03/01 13:08:31) IwonK bows
(03/01 13:08:35) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:36) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(03/01 13:08:36) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:37) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:37) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:37) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:08:38) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:38) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:39) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:40) Massygo claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:41) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:41) ural claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:41) Nosila claps her hands
(03/01 13:08:43) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:44) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:08:44) Claidi Song: Thank you, IwonK
(03/01 13:08:45) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:08:45) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:08:47) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:08:48) Prad: (Q beams in)
(03/01 13:08:52) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:09:00) Claidi Song: ~~~ Ancient Stories ~~~
(03/01 13:09:06) IwonK passes around omnipotent cookies
(03/01 13:09:06) Claidi Song beckons you
(03/01 13:09:06) Claidi Song: Welcome to the stage, Ereshkigal!
(03/01 13:09:08) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:09:11) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:09:11) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:09:13) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:09:14) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:09:14) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:09:15) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:09:17) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:09:17) Massygo claps his hands
(03/01 13:09:37) Ereshkigal: Hi everyone! Have you ever wondered what life was like in an ancient city like D’ni?
(03/01 13:09:51) Ro”Jethhe nods his head
(03/01 13:09:57) Ereshkigal: Have you ever wondered if our own world had places and people as mysterious as D’ni?
(03/01 13:10:05) Ro”Jethhe nods his head
(03/01 13:10:15) Ereshkigal: Then join me at Ancient Stories, where I tell stories from and about the Ancient World!
(03/01 13:10:18) Claidi Song: yes
(03/01 13:10:41) Ereshkigal: We have been to Mesopotamia with Gilgamesh, to India with Rama of Ayodhya, and to Persia with Alexander the Great
(03/01 13:11:11) Ereshkigal: Now, we are in Ancient Egypt, following the tale of a son of Ramses the Great, who was a sorcerer and a historian himself!
(03/01 13:11:26) Ereshkigal: Our story has mystery, ancient cities, magic, and mummies!
(03/01 13:11:36) Ro”Jethhe is amazed!
(03/01 13:11:40) Claidi Song cringes
(03/01 13:11:45) Prad: mum’s the word
(03/01 13:11:48) Cpt.Jericho wonders what about the daddies?
(03/01 13:11:53) Ro”Jethhe says DOH!
(03/01 13:11:54) Ereshkigal: Come join me every Tuesday at Mirobot’s Eder Gira at 11.30 KI! You can listen to the story on the Ereshkigal stream
(03/01 13:12:02) Ereshkigal: Any questions?
(03/01 13:12:06) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue.
(03/01 13:12:06) philipgr: I hope the mummies are not from the Mummy movies
(03/01 13:12:08) BIG thumbs up from Ro”Jethhe
(03/01 13:12:09) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:12) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:12:17) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:17) Ereshkigal: The mummies are even worse that Imhotep 🙂
(03/01 13:12:17) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:17) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:12:17) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:12:18) Claidi Song: Thank you, Eresh!
(03/01 13:12:20) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:20) ural claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:21) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:12:22) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:22) Nosila claps her hands
(03/01 13:12:23) Ereshkigal: Thanks you!
(03/01 13:12:25) Massygo claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:27) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:12:27) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:28) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:29) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:31) Monterey Jack claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:32) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:39) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:42) Claidi Song: ~~~ Classical with Babbel ~~~
(03/01 13:12:45) LividLiquid cheers
(03/01 13:12:47) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:52) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:12:53) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:12:53) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:12:54) skyisblu cheers
(03/01 13:12:55) Ro”Jethhe gives a big round of applause
(03/01 13:13:06) Claidi Song: Babbel says ” On Monday, 17 March, at 12 Ki time in the Hall of Kings there will be a Babbel’s with classical music. The subject is Classical Music and Films
(03/01 13:13:33) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:13:33) Claidi Song: Thank you, Babbel!
(03/01 13:13:39) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:13:40) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:45) ural claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:45) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:45) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:46) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:47) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:48) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:13:48) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:13:49) Nosila claps her hands
(03/01 13:13:50) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:52) Theo claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:53) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:53) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:54) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:13:56) Emor D’ni Lap applauds
(03/01 13:13:58) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:13:59) Claidi Song: ~~~ International Women’s Day ~~~
(03/01 13:14:13) Claidi Song beckons you
(03/01 13:14:13) Claidi Song: Please, come on up Nosila!
(03/01 13:14:14) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:14:16) skyisblu cheers
(03/01 13:14:16) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:14:19) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:14:20) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:14:21) Massygo claps his hands
(03/01 13:14:22) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:14:24) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:14:26) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:14:29) Nosila: hi everyone 🙂
(03/01 13:14:35) Ro”Jethhe waves hello
(03/01 13:14:45) Nosila: To celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day there are several events being held in the Cavern. I’ll tell you about the ones that won’t get a mention elsewhere at this AGM.
(03/01 13:15:01) Nosila: On Monday 3rd March, in Vothol Gallery at 14:30KI, Isa will be honoring the late singer, songwriter, pianist, and multiple Grammy winner Roberta “Rubina Flake” Flack.
(03/01 13:15:14) Nosila: On Wednesday 5th March there will be a marker game event, in MinBot’s Kalamee, at 12KI. If you want to join the race to see who finishes first, please be there at the start. You can of course complete the marker game at any time if you prefer.
(03/01 13:15:28) Nosila: Also on Wednesday, Isa will be gathering in The New Messengers Pub at 15KI to listen to the music of Marianne Faithfull, late pop icon of London’s Swinging Sixties, who later went on to forge a career of 50+ years.
(03/01 13:15:41) Nosila: On Friday 7th March, at 13KI, Babbel’s Music Stream ‘Music is a Female Word’, will be in the Hall of Kings.
(03/01 13:15:55) Nosila: On Saturday 8th March another marker game, this time in MinBot’s Bahvahnter, at 13KI. Again, if you want to be part of the race, arrive promptly. The game will be available to non racers as well.
(03/01 13:16:09) Nosila: On Sunday 9th March, I (Nosila) will be hosting a music stream at 9:30KI in Aegura near the Plaza, it will feature female music artists from A to Z.
(03/01 13:16:21) Nosila: Also on Sunday at 13KI, RFD will be holding an IWD special ‘Ladies of Metal’, in their usual place of Aegura Plaza.
(03/01 13:16:34) Nosila: All music streams can be found at, just click the name of the host. To attend the marker game events, PM ‘link’ to MinBot (KI9292763) and instructions will be given on the day.
(03/01 13:16:48) Nosila: Everyone is of course welcome at these events, whatever gender you may be, and I hope an enjoyable time is had during the IWD celebrations and I thank all those who have events taking place, as well as those who will be joining us.
(03/01 13:17:01) Nosila: Any questions?
(03/01 13:17:06) Claidi Song: I want to add that the Bahvahnter marker game will be more challenging :))
(03/01 13:17:11) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue.
(03/01 13:17:15) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:16) Ro”Jethhe has metal, “Silver in my hair, Gold in my mouth, and lead in my butt.
(03/01 13:17:16) Nosila: oh yes, that too 😉
(03/01 13:17:24) RedUhuru cheers
(03/01 13:17:26) Nosila: thanks 🙂
(03/01 13:17:27) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:17:29) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:29) Emor D’ni Lap: Very excellent copypasting, Nosila!
(03/01 13:17:29) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:17:29) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:17:29) Claidi Song: Thank you, Nosi!
(03/01 13:17:30) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:33) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:34) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:35) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:37) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:37) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:38) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:17:38) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:17:43) ural claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:48) Claidi Song: ~~~ Book Club ~~~
(03/01 13:17:49) Mevvah claps her hands
(03/01 13:17:51) Prad: for uru karaoke singers a good opportunity to choose IWD themed songs if they want – IWD is a saturday …
(03/01 13:17:52) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:17:52) Claidi Song beckons you
(03/01 13:17:52) Claidi Song: Welcome to the stage, Augur!
(03/01 13:17:53) Cid. claps his hands
(03/01 13:17:53) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:18:01) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:18:06) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:18:07) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:18:08) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:18:09) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:18:13) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:18:14) Cid. claps his hands
(03/01 13:18:19) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:18:23) Mishka claps her hands
(03/01 13:18:26) Augur: Shorah, all! Just a reminder that March 15th at 12:30 KI time we will be meeting in the Eder Delin of Nezetahn’s Hood to discuss The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab.
(03/01 13:18:50) Augur: In honor of International Women’s Day, we will start with a bit of history about women in speculative fiction–including Mary Shelley the very first science fiction novelist!
(03/01 13:19:11) Claidi Song: Yay
(03/01 13:19:16) Augur: Everyone is welcome to discuss their opinions on the book (good or bad!) using either voice or text chat, whichever is easier.
(03/01 13:19:37) Augur: I look forward to hearing what everyone thought of the book!
(03/01 13:19:55) Augur: Any questions? 🙂
(03/01 13:19:56) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue.
(03/01 13:20:01) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:02) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:02) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:02) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:02) Claidi Song: Thank you, Augur!
(03/01 13:20:02) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:05) Cid. claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:05) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:06) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:08) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:08) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:10) Nosila claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:12) Mishka claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:13) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:13) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:13) Monterey Jack claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:15) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:16) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:22) Mevvah claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:23) Claidi Song: ~~~ Spring Celebration ~~~
(03/01 13:20:31) Claidi Song beckons you
(03/01 13:20:31) Claidi Song: Welcome to the platform, PodHopper!
(03/01 13:20:33) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:38) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:39) Ro”Jethhe cheers
(03/01 13:20:39) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:42) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:49) Nosila claps her hands
(03/01 13:20:51) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:54) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:20:59) PodHopper: Shorah everyone 🙂
(03/01 13:21:09) PodHopper: Spring Celebration is a special Relaxing Session held once every year in March.
(03/01 13:21:19) PodHopper: For this year that will be March 25th.
(03/01 13:21:30) PodHopper: As always, it will be held in Eder Tsogal of PodHopper’s Hood.
(03/01 13:21:55) PodHopper: Cookies are usually freely available 🙂
(03/01 13:22:00) Ereshkigal will bring some spring flowers!
(03/01 13:22:02) PodHopper: So, I hope to see you then 🙂
(03/01 13:22:04) rarified perks up
(03/01 13:22:08) IwonK: 😀
(03/01 13:22:16) PodHopper: Questions ?
(03/01 13:22:18) IwonK gets her springy cookies ready
(03/01 13:22:18) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue.
(03/01 13:22:19) uru348: Milk on request
(03/01 13:22:20) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:21) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:22) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:22:22) Thumbs up from IndigoMoon
(03/01 13:22:25) PodHopper bows
(03/01 13:22:25) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:22:27) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:28) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:22:29) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:22:29) Claidi Song: Thank you, PodHopper
(03/01 13:22:29) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:29) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:30) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:36) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:22:38) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:39) Ro”Jethhe just LOVES Cookies made with Spring Water
(03/01 13:22:39) Cid. claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:45) Augur claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:50) Claidi Song: ~~~ Mysterium – Misc ~~~
(03/01 13:22:54) Claidi Song beckons you
(03/01 13:22:54) Claidi Song: Welcome to the stage, Calum!
(03/01 13:22:56) IwonK springs into action
(03/01 13:22:56) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:59) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:22:59) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:23:00) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(03/01 13:23:00) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:23:01) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:23:01) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:23:02) Augur claps his hands
(03/01 13:23:04) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:23:04) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:23:04) skyisblu cheers
(03/01 13:23:06) Calum Traveler: mysterium news first!
(03/01 13:23:09) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:23:09) Calum Traveler: then the misc
(03/01 13:23:31) Calum Traveler: drum rollllll…. the hotel registration for this year’s mysterium is open
(03/01 13:23:33) rarified passes Calum Traveler oxygen.
(03/01 13:23:42) Calum Traveler: Mysterium 2025 will be held just north of Downtown Atlanta at the Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta Buckhead! We have negotiated a rate of $129/night with complimentary breakfast and discounted parking included. Both single and double rooms are available.
(03/01 13:23:56) Calum Traveler: Rooms must be booked via our group link by July 9th. After this date, rooms may be released back to the public and the above price is no longer guaranteed.
(03/01 13:24:12) Calum Traveler: Please visit our Location page for full information on the venue and how to book.
(03/01 13:24:27) Calum Traveler: If you have any questions or issues during booking that are not addressed on the Location page, please let the staff know on Discord.
(03/01 13:24:43) Calum Traveler: EVENT SUBMISSIONS are still open until April 30th
(03/01 13:24:56) Calum Traveler: now then, onto Misc things…
(03/01 13:25:07) Calum Traveler: we had a rough february. a lot of losses.
(03/01 13:25:27) Calum Traveler: a few of us are working to get the final details bundled up so their names can be added to Veelay’s journals.
(03/01 13:25:57) Calum Traveler: im just waiting on feedback on one of the obits before i pass it off to the book editor.
(03/01 13:26:17) Calum Traveler: in other Restoration News…
(03/01 13:26:31) Calum Traveler draws out a big ol’ sign with the word “SOON ™” written on it
(03/01 13:26:36) skyisblu: lol
(03/01 13:26:43) ShilohOBrien: Thanks, Aslan.
(03/01 13:26:56) Calum Traveler: i can personally confirm that something long awaited is coming, “Soon,” for public testing.
(03/01 13:26:59) Calum Traveler: it’s not quite ready JUST yet
(03/01 13:27:06) Calum Traveler: but essentially… watch this space.
(03/01 13:27:13) Esto: o.o
(03/01 13:27:30) Calum Traveler: ive done some of the early tests myself. so yes, i can confirm, this thing is happening!
(03/01 13:27:34) EnnTee: Enn Tee ia spaced out
(03/01 13:27:35) Emor D’ni Lap: oh you tease
(03/01 13:27:47) Calum Traveler waves the “Soon” Sign a bit
(03/01 13:28:03) Prad: excitement is an exciting feeling …
(03/01 13:28:13) ShilohOBrien waves a “Cautious Optimism” sign.
(03/01 13:28:19) Prad: lol
(03/01 13:28:22) Calum Traveler: i feel like i had something else to say, but i’ve forgotten what it was.
(03/01 13:28:26) Calum Traveler is a bit puzzled…
(03/01 13:28:41) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(03/01 13:28:44) Calum Traveler: and before anyone asks, i am sworn to secrecy on what the big thing is until it’s ready
(03/01 13:28:48) Calum Traveler: any questions?
(03/01 13:28:49) IwonK: probably: you guys rock! 😀
(03/01 13:28:50) Esto: new mobile game Link: Bahro Legends confirmed!
(03/01 13:28:53) Darryl Pogue: 1 week left to get your Pod Age entries in for the GoW Rapid Age Development contest 🙂
(03/01 13:28:55) rarified: Something else about Cookies? 😉
(03/01 13:29:02) Calum Traveler: oh yeah, that was it, ty Darryl
(03/01 13:29:10) IwonK hands rar more cookies
(03/01 13:29:30) Calum Traveler: no qs? any qs?
(03/01 13:29:30) uru348 hands rarified a glass of milk
(03/01 13:29:42) rarified scatters crumbs
(03/01 13:29:43) Calum Traveler: alright then! thanks all
(03/01 13:29:44) Calum Traveler bows
(03/01 13:29:45) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:45) Augur claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:46) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:29:46) Massygo claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:47) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:29:48) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:48) Cid. claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:49) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:49) Claidi Song: no questions
(03/01 13:29:49) Mevvah claps her hands
(03/01 13:29:49) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:50) Quill claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:50) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:29:50) RedUhuru cheers
(03/01 13:29:50) neurovac claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:50) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:29:51) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:52) Theo claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:52) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:53) ural claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:53) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:54) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:29:54) Claidi Song: Thank you, Cal!
(03/01 13:29:56) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:29:57) neurovac salutes
(03/01 13:30:13) Claidi Song: ~~~ D’ni Language Class and Story Night ~~~
(03/01 13:30:23) Claidi Song beckons you
(03/01 13:30:23) Claidi Song: shokhootahn Rehn, the stage is yours!
(03/01 13:30:28) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:30:28) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:30:29) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:30:30) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:30:31) Augur claps his hands
(03/01 13:30:31) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:30:40) Cave woman claps her hands
(03/01 13:30:40) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:30:41) Mevvah claps her hands
(03/01 13:30:43) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(03/01 13:30:49) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(03/01 13:30:56) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on weekday evenings Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule.
(03/01 13:31:17) shokhootahn Rehn: There are daytime openings starting at either 10:00 KI time, 11:00 KI time, or 12:00 KI time, again, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time, KI mail me at KI# 80428, or on Discord at r’Tayrtahn.
(03/01 13:31:32) shokhootahn Rehn: All classes are Monday through Friday, only. There are no weekend classes available.
(03/01 13:31:41) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, please remember to include your KI #.
(03/01 13:31:52) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(03/01 13:32:05) shokhootahn Rehn: Now for some exciting news…
(03/01 13:32:22) shokhootahn Rehn: Another victim… er, student… has finished the 101 lessons!
(03/01 13:32:35) shokhootahn Rehn: Please give a warm round of applause to Augur
(03/01 13:32:38) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:39) Augur bows
(03/01 13:32:40) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:40) Mevvah claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:42) skyisblu claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:43) Monterey Jack claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:43) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:44) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:44) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:45) Quill cheers
(03/01 13:32:46) Sestra claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:46) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:47) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:48) Prad claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:50) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:50) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:50) Mishka claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:51) Xynix claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:51) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:52) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:52) ural claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:53) jtrigg claps his hands
(03/01 13:32:55) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(03/01 13:32:58) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:33:04) Augur: It was such a joy getting to learn from you! 🙂
(03/01 13:33:04) Cid. claps his hands
(03/01 13:33:12) shokhootahn Rehn: 😀
(03/01 13:33:16) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.
(03/01 13:33:28) shokhootahn Rehn: I have one request for visitors: Please do not post pellet points into the Hood imager…
(03/01 13:33:35) shokhootahn Rehn: As I’ve said, before, one of my former students, Yutiel, is listed on that imager. I have refrained from posting pellets to maintain her name at the top as a form of memorial. It’s why I haven’t posted pellet points above 168345: it was to keep her name at the top of the list.
(03/01 13:33:52) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(03/01 13:33:57) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue.
(03/01 13:34:03) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…
(03/01 13:34:09) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(03/01 13:34:26) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(03/01 13:34:34) shokhootahn Rehn: oops lol
(03/01 13:34:42) shokhootahn Rehn: Tonight, we will continue with the stories of the kings with the 33rd king, King Rikooth. The rest of the month we’ll talk about King Kerath, the years between Kerath and the Fall, and D’ni culture that existed up to the Fall.
(03/01 13:34:49) Prad: which of the second ones lol … ?
(03/01 13:35:09) shokhootahn Rehn: Though, for next week, and in honoor of International Women’s Day, I will be telling a special story: Strong Women in D’ni History.
(03/01 13:35:25) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night covers the entire 10,000-year history of the D’ni plus all of the books and games, as well as the three human attempts at the restoration of D’ni!
(03/01 13:35:47) shokhootahn Rehn: I am recording Story Night for (eventual) upload to my YouTube channel (rTayrtahn). I have created an avatar for the purpose of recording. His name is “I’m a bot, do not message”. Please do not PM him during the story unless you want to see your message displayed for the entire internet. 😉 Also, please do NOT add him as a buddy. He has no special abilities and is there only to record Story Night.
(03/01 13:36:15) shokhootahn Rehn: The channel is current through March 6, 2021. Unfortunaterly, surface life this past month has prevented me from making any headway.
(03/01 13:36:25) shokhootahn Rehn: v
(03/01 13:36:41) shokhootahn Rehn: As an aside, I am also providing caption translations into several languages: French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Since I don’t speak any of those languages, it will be up to my viewers to tell me how well that is working out. 🙂
(03/01 13:36:46) shokhootahn Rehn: Let me know if you would like to see any additional translations.
(03/01 13:36:55) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(03/01 13:37:05) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(03/01 13:37:17) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(03/01 13:37:30) shokhootahn Rehn: Lately, it’s been starting at 14:30 on AGM Saturdays. 🙂
(03/01 13:37:34) shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.
(03/01 13:37:41) Claidi Song: 🙂
(03/01 13:37:41) shokhootahn Rehn: Should I need to cancel one of the stories at the last minute, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news. 🙂
(03/01 13:37:46) shokhootahn Rehn: Minasunda is one of those members, as she runs the announcements channel on Discord.
(03/01 13:37:53) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(03/01 13:38:04) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender. Though the sender is added to the Recents folder, it is still a good idea to add it to the body of the text. 🙂
(03/01 13:38:27) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(03/01 13:38:31) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(03/01 13:38:34) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue.
(03/01 13:38:39) shokhootahn Rehn thanks you very much!
(03/01 13:38:42) Augur claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:43) rarified claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:43) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:43) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:38:44) Mevvah claps her hands
(03/01 13:38:44) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:38:44) Claidi Song: Thank you, shokhootahn Rehn!
(03/01 13:38:44) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:45) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:45) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:46) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:47) IwonK claps her hands
(03/01 13:38:48) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:48) Sestra claps her hands
(03/01 13:38:48) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:38:50) Cave woman claps her hands
(03/01 13:38:50) jtrigg claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:53) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:54) Xynix claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:57) Monterey Jack claps his hands
(03/01 13:38:58) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(03/01 13:38:58) Cid. claps his hands
(03/01 13:39:07) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:39:08) Claidi Song: ~~~ Information Resources ~~~
(03/01 13:39:14) Claidi Song: The Guild of Messengers (GOME) Calendar website. AGM chatlog and AGM Summary will be on the GOME site within a few days, as well.
(03/01 13:39:22) Claidi Song: The left imager in the Guild of Messengers’ Hood has a calendar of events. It may not include everything mentioned here today.
(03/01 13:39:31) Claidi Song: Minasunda posts event information daily: On Cyan’s Official Discord Server – D’niverse channel – cavern-events; and on her discord server, MOULa Events, announcements channel;. Also on Myst Online: Uru Live (again) on
(03/01 13:39:39) Claidi Song: You may also, request info from Minasunda, KI# 5667000, by PM or KI mail in the Cavern. Include your KI # to receive her reply, if using KI mail.
(03/01 13:40:03) Claidi Song: ~~~ Open Discussion ~~~
(03/01 13:40:10) Claidi Song: Since we have a few minutes, I’m opening up the next ___ minutes for discussion. Please, before asking a question or making a statement, stand and type /askquestion. Raised hands will make it easier for me to call on you and keep things moving.
(03/01 13:40:19) IwonK passes around open cookies
(03/01 13:40:29) uru348 passes around open milk
(03/01 13:40:31) Claidi Song: lol Raise hands for a mic and let’s go!
(03/01 13:40:43) Claidi Song: Anyone?
(03/01 13:40:48) Calum Traveler shakes their head
(03/01 13:40:51) Claidi Song is checking something out
(03/01 13:40:53) Cpt.Jericho hopes no one is passing gas.
(03/01 13:41:02) Mevvah: (Bueller?)
(03/01 13:41:04) rarified looks for crickets.
(03/01 13:41:05) Calum Traveler: anyone need a door run?
(03/01 13:41:09) Calum Traveler: probably the time to speak up if so
(03/01 13:41:13) PodHopper: c’mon people, she won’t bite… eh do you?
(03/01 13:41:20) Prad: someone on discord needed one …
(03/01 13:41:21) Monterey Jack: I need door run
(03/01 13:41:22) Mevvah starts to laugh
(03/01 13:41:28) Claidi Song: Not hard anyway
(03/01 13:41:29) Mevvah: jack needs a door run?
(03/01 13:41:33) PodHopper: lol
(03/01 13:41:33) rarified: Maybe people are so shocked at being asked… 😉
(03/01 13:41:43) Monterey Jack: Yes jack does
(03/01 13:41:49) Augur: I’ve never done a door run.
(03/01 13:41:52) IwonK: I’m in for a door run 😀
(03/01 13:42:10) Claidi Song: From caver1: Is there a place in URU to post questions?
(03/01 13:42:18) Cave woman: I can press a cloth but cannot call
(03/01 13:42:18) Ro”Jethhe: I’ll help,
(03/01 13:42:21) Mevvah: I’m in, if I can keep from net6ing every five minutes
(03/01 13:42:25) Calum Traveler: imager boards?
(03/01 13:42:25) Prad: the discord name being ‘rcgldr’ ,,,
(03/01 13:42:27) Claidi Song: I didn’t say I know the answers 🙂
(03/01 13:42:32) IwonK: I suggest Guild of Messengers’ Hood and Guilf of Greeter’s Hood for door runs 🙂
(03/01 13:42:33) Calum Traveler: ill help with door run as well.
(03/01 13:42:42) Ro”Jethhe: a bit rusty but I’ll give a shot at Door Caling
(03/01 13:42:47) IwonK: Greeters first 🙂
(03/01 13:42:48) ShilohOBrien: Well, I gotta run. Have fun,folks.
(03/01 13:42:50) neurovac salutes
(03/01 13:42:51) IwonK: I can call, Ro
(03/01 13:42:53) Prad: he posted in moula-tech-support I think …
(03/01 13:42:58) IwonK: I’ll open GoG 😉
(03/01 13:43:01) Claidi Song: Alright
(03/01 13:43:04) Claidi Song: ~~~ AGM ~~~
(03/01 13:43:08) Claidi Song: ~~~ AGM ~~~
(03/01 13:43:13) philipgr: Byse Shilo
(03/01 13:43:20) Calum Traveler: alright, let’s do GOG first for door run
(03/01 13:43:21) philipgr: Bye^
(03/01 13:43:21) rarified: Thank you Claidi Song!!
(03/01 13:43:22) Claidi Song: The next All Guilds Meeting will be Saturday, 5th of April 2025 at 13 KIT.
(03/01 13:43:27) Claidi Song claps her hands
(03/01 13:43:27) Claidi Song: Thank you to all of today’s participants!
(03/01 13:43:30) Calum Traveler: thanks for the hosting, claidi 🙂
(03/01 13:43:32) Ereshkigal: Thanks so much Claidi! It was great
(03/01 13:43:33) Claidi Song thanks you
(03/01 13:43:34) Claidi Song: Thank you to everyone for coming to AGM!
(03/01 13:43:34) Verna claps her hands
(03/01 13:43:35) Sestra claps her hands
(03/01 13:43:35) Xynix claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:36) shokhootahn Rehn: Thank you Claidi! :-))
(03/01 13:43:39) TGMChrist claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:40) philipgr claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:42) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(03/01 13:43:43) Monterey Jack claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:44) uru348 claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:44) RedUhuru claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:46) Korov’ev claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:48) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:50) Quill claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:51) Securicor claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:53) uwe claps his hands
(03/01 13:43:54) Claidi Song bows
(03/01 13:43:57) PodHopper claps his hands
(03/01 13:44:02) Cid. claps his hands
(03/01 13:44:06) Claidi Song waves goodbye
(03/01 13:44:27) Verna waves goodbye
(03/01 13:44:34) Korov’ev waves goodbye