(07/06 13:01:46) Korov’ev: Shorah, and welcome to the 111th All Guilds Meeting!
(07/06 13:01:59) Korov’ev: Nice number…
(07/06 13:01:59) Mirphak: Shorah
(07/06 13:02:02) J’Kla: sixth of a beast
(07/06 13:02:09) Korov’ev: In the D’ni calendar today is Leesahn 3, 9675, and the time is 14:03:08
(07/06 13:02:18) Wyrm: I’m on time for once 🙂
(07/06 13:02:36) Korov’ev: As usual, I’ll remind you the 5 Meeting Rules:
(07/06 13:02:45) Korov’ev: 1. Please *keep chatter to a minimum* while speakers are talking. The occasional comment or emote is fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(07/06 13:02:55) Korov’ev: 2. If you have a question for a speaker, please don’t ask it directly: PM it to me. Be sure a “?” is somewhere in it to properly log the question in the queue.
(07/06 13:03:02) Korov’ev: 3. Speakers, please indicate when you are done speaking and ready for questions, and when you’re ready for the next question.
(07/06 13:03:09) Korov’ev: 4. If a question requires a long explanation, we may have to skip it to keep things moving. In that case, you can always PM any speaker once they’ve left the stage.
(07/06 13:03:26) Korov’ev: 5. A summary and a chatlog of the Meeting will be published in the next few days on the Guild of Messengers site: https://guildofmessengers.org/
(07/06 13:03:35) Korov’ev: Of course, you can start your own chatlog with “/startlog”.
(07/06 13:04:01) Korov’ev: PSA: as Mysterium is just a month away, the next Meeting will be on Saturday 10th!
(07/06 13:04:14) Korov’ev: So…
(07/06 13:04:26) Korov’ev: Almost in secret, four new Ages have been released in recent times.
(07/06 13:04:37) Korov’ev: In April, it was two small but atmospheric ones:
(07/06 13:04:49) Korov’ev: Kahntinoy, by Rich, and Fena Barel, by Wodan and Hans.
(07/06 13:05:02) Korov’ev: Both Ages has been in the works for many years, and are now available on Deep Island and for offline Uru!
(07/06 13:05:22) Korov’ev: Be sure to read the (numerous) journals 🙂
(07/06 13:05:38) Korov’ev: At the end of June, it was Terahgrahm and Zahlto, both by Semjay.
(07/06 13:05:52) Korov’ev: Both are (much) larger than they look at first 😉
(07/06 13:06:10) Korov’ev: Terahgrahm was actually announced two years ago, and is now available through the usual channels,
(07/06 13:06:24) J’Kla: All ages are bigger on the inside like the Tardis
(07/06 13:06:27) Korov’ev: while Zahlto is new, with many nice aesthetic upgrades to the KI, T-shirts, bookmarks…
(07/06 13:06:50) Korov’ev: pity the shop owner is away, so you can only look 😛
(07/06 13:07:14) Korov’ev: Also, secret passages. Many secret passages!
(07/06 13:07:25) Korov’ev: For technical issues, Zahlto is not yet on Deep Island, but should be soon.
(07/06 13:07:46) Korov’ev: And now, the Cyan & Mysterium corner!
(07/06 13:08:04) Korov’ev: Let’s start with Firmament…
(07/06 13:08:11) Korov’ev: The Firmament campaign is continuing on Fangamer, with new stretch goals: https://fulfillment.fangamer.com/kindling/firmament
(07/06 13:08:33) Korov’ev: The first one, developer commentary, has almost been reached.
(07/06 13:08:53) Korov’ev: Also, all Kickstarter backers who pledged at tiers $250 and higher should have received the Proof of Concept;
(07/06 13:09:02) Korov’ev: which, it’s worth repeating, is not quite a demo, the actual game might look different.
(07/06 13:09:15) Korov’ev: Moving to Mysterium…
(07/06 13:09:23) Korov’ev: We have a schedule! https://mysterium.net/schedule/
(07/06 13:09:38) Korov’ev: It’ll be a packed weekend, including a visit to Cyan on Saturday.
(07/06 13:09:51) Korov’ev: On Friday, there’ll be two special guest signatures blocks.
(07/06 13:10:00) Korov’ev: Signatures are free, but you’ll need to bring your own photos or signature sheets (up to three per visit, but you can redo the queue).
(07/06 13:10:10) Korov’ev: You can take a photo with one of the guests, but it’ll have to be a quick selfie on your phone, out and ready to go.
(07/06 13:10:25) Korov’ev: The hotel is booked solid at this point (about 200 attendees!); there’s a handful of rooms at a nearby overflow hotel available.
(07/06 13:10:28) bella1: I will stay
(07/06 13:10:43) Korov’ev: Now, after Russell Brower, Chuck Carter, Jack Wall and Tim Larkin, two more special guests have been announced!
(07/06 13:10:58) Korov’ev cheers
(07/06 13:11:01) Korov’ev: The first one is: Marty O’Donnell!
(07/06 13:11:05) Omiahn cheers
(07/06 13:11:10) Korov’ev: Marty has worked on everything from Flintstones Kids commercials to the multi-award-winning Halo games series.
(07/06 13:11:11) TOOO cheers
(07/06 13:11:35) Korov’ev: Myst fans, however, will know him as the sound designer for Riven… and for the ytram.
(07/06 13:11:48) Korov’ev: These days, Marty is co-founder and co-owner of Highwire Games in Seattle.
(07/06 13:11:57) Korov’ev: The other special guest is: cyantist Kha’tie Postma!
(07/06 13:12:09) Korov’ev: In the early 2000s she was Ubisoft’s Community Manager for the Myst games. After Myst V and the Uru sequels launched, she moved to other studios.
(07/06 13:12:09) bella1: yay
(07/06 13:12:22) Korov’ev: Since the Myst 25th Kickstarter, she has been working with Cyan as a community, social media and marketing management consultant.
(07/06 13:12:44) Korov’ev: Regarding panel topics, and other submissions, more info will come soon.
(07/06 13:12:52) Korov’ev: There will also be a Writing & Art Table for fan creations!
(07/06 13:13:08) rarified: Live stream?
(07/06 13:13:36) Korov’ev: Likely
(07/06 13:13:50) thoekenem starts to laugh
(07/06 13:13:54) Korov’ev says DOH!
(07/06 13:13:54) Omiahn: lol
(07/06 13:14:02) Teej: uh oh
(07/06 13:14:05) rarified: Cat on the keyboard!
(07/06 13:14:15) Korov’ev: Give Rehn a tranquilizer! 😀
(07/06 13:14:18) bella1: It’s bella’s cat
(07/06 13:14:26) TGMChrist: Is he drunk?
(07/06 13:14:27) TOOO: (dramatic music!)
(07/06 13:14:30) Omiahn: 🙂
(07/06 13:14:30) bella1: I sold him my cat lol
(07/06 13:14:56) bella1: Just joking y’all
(07/06 13:15:00) shokhootahn Rehn: Sorry about that
(07/06 13:15:09) Frobozz: vg
(07/06 13:15:15) TOOO: Ye Olde lag Monster?
(07/06 13:15:15) Korov’ev starts to laugh
(07/06 13:15:15) Korov’ev: Then again, I was about to invite you to the stage!
(07/06 13:15:24) shokhootahn Rehn says DOH!
(07/06 13:15:57) shokhootahn Rehn:
(07/06 13:15:58) shokhootahn Rehn: I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(07/06 13:16:08) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(07/06 13:16:19) shokhootahn Rehn: On the surface, I have finished moving. Yay!!! I am still putting things away and finding forever homes for everything. As a result there will not be any daytime classes until further notice. They *should* be able to return sometime in the fall. Night time classes, however, are unaffected.
(07/06 13:16:53) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(07/06 13:17:03) Handyman Henry: good for you nice job
(07/06 13:17:10) shokhootahn Rehn: Also, I use Magic Bot’s (KI #27527) advertisements to announce last-minute changes to class times.
(07/06 13:17:26) shokhootahn Rehn: You can get those advertisements by adding him as a buddy and then sending him a PM with the word: advert
(07/06 13:17:44) shokhootahn Rehn: If Magic Bot is not on-line, you can also PM Mimi Bot (KI #71459) the word, as well.
(07/06 13:18:08) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session. I will announce the availability of daytime classes on the Hood imager when they are ready to resume.
(07/06 13:18:34) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes avaible on Monday and Thursday nights, sgtarting at either 20:00 KI time or 21:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule.
(07/06 13:18:47) shokhootahn Rehn: *starting
(07/06 13:19:09) shokhootahn Rehn:
(07/06 13:19:10) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(07/06 13:19:22) Korov’ev: none in queue
(07/06 13:19:32) shokhootahn Rehn:
(07/06 13:19:34) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(07/06 13:19:46) shokhootahn Rehn: Due to my traveling, Story Night – Europe is at a different stage of the history than is original Story Night.
(07/06 13:19:59) shokhootahn Rehn: For Story Night – Europe, we will continue with the events from The Book of D’ni. Please note, I will only be telling the story of the events. No puzzle spoilers will be given out during the story related to any of the games.
(07/06 13:20:24) shokhootahn Rehn: Please note that, due to traveling, there will be no Story Night – Europe on July 27.
(07/06 13:20:57) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe will resume on August 3.
(07/06 13:21:18) shokhootahn Rehn: For original Story Night, we will be continue with the events in the game of Myst IV: Revelation. No puzzle spoilers will be given out during the story.
(07/06 13:21:35) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(07/06 13:21:46) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(07/06 13:22:08) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later. Again, I use Magic Bot to advertise changes to Story Night times for both Europe and original.
(07/06 13:22:42) shokhootahn Rehn: Times for original Story Night (Saturdays at 23:30 KI time) are unaffected by my traveling. However, they are affected by power outages due to thunderstorms… which, unfortunately, ’tis always the season. Should this be the case, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news. 🙂
(07/06 13:23:14) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(07/06 13:23:32) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender so it must be added to the body of the text.
(07/06 13:24:08) shokhootahn Rehn: Some have sent messages to be added but have not included their KI mail so they were unable to be added.
(07/06 13:24:51) shokhootahn Rehn: That also applies to those who would like to take the language classes.
(07/06 13:25:00) shokhootahn Rehn: Also, I use Magic Bot’s (KI #27527) advertisements to announce last-minute changes to Story Night times.
(07/06 13:25:20) shokhootahn Rehn: Again, Story Night – Europe will begin 30 minutes after the conclusion of today’s AGM or at 14:00 KI time, whichever is later.
(07/06 13:25:34) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(07/06 13:25:38) Korov’ev: 14:00, probably 🙂
(07/06 13:25:40) bella1: yAY
(07/06 13:25:41) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(07/06 13:25:41) Teej claps her hands
(07/06 13:25:46) TGMChrist claps his hands
(07/06 13:25:47) Rabbit claps her hands
(07/06 13:25:48) Omiahn claps her hands
(07/06 13:25:50) Korov’ev: none in queue
(07/06 13:25:50) bella1 claps her hands
(07/06 13:25:56) Theo claps his hands
(07/06 13:25:57) Korov’ev claps his hands
(07/06 13:25:57) Korov’ev: Thank you Rehn!
(07/06 13:25:58) shokhootahn Rehn:
(07/06 13:26:00) TOOO claps his hands
(07/06 13:26:01) shokhootahn Rehn bows
(07/06 13:26:02) rarified claps his hands
(07/06 13:26:03) PodHopper claps his hands
(07/06 13:26:04) thoekenem claps his hands
(07/06 13:26:05) Christian Walther claps his hands
(07/06 13:26:09) J’Kla claps his hands
(07/06 13:26:31) Sleeper Jan claps his hands
(07/06 13:26:45) Korov’ev shrugs
(07/06 13:26:45) Korov’ev: And with that, it’s already time to wrap up this Meeting!
(07/06 13:26:53) Korov’ev: Here is the summary of this month’s events (times in KI time)…
(07/06 13:26:59) Korov’ev: A calendar is also present in the left imager of the Guild of Messengers’ Hood;
(07/06 13:27:04) Korov’ev: if you find a mistake, please PM me here or on the forum so I can correct it.
(07/06 13:27:17) Korov’ev: The Guild of Greeters’ Hood is staffed Monday-Saturday 13:45-14:15, if you need hints or info about the Cavern.
(07/06 13:27:23) Korov’ev: Sun 7 & 21 @ 13:00: Radio Free D’ni, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(07/06 13:27:28) Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 13:00: Meeting Place Gatherings, in Meeting Place’s Hood
(07/06 13:27:34) Korov’ev: Every Wed @ 12:00: NULPsday, in German NULP’s Hood
(07/06 13:27:39) Korov’ev: Every Fri @ 16:00: Triosity Radio, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/Fil]
(07/06 13:27:46) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 14:00: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Nights, in Tsahno’s Hood
(07/06 13:27:53) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 16:00: Karaoke Parties, in Karaoke’s Hood
(07/06 13:28:23) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 23:30: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Nights, in Tsahno’s Hood
(07/06 13:28:29) Korov’ev: And…
(07/06 13:28:35) Korov’ev: The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday, August 10 at 13:00 KIT
(07/06 13:28:41) Korov’ev: The second Saturday, because there’s Mysterium 😉
(07/06 13:28:47) Korov’ev: Please consider donating to Cyan, to keep the Cavern open: http://www.mystonline.com/en/donate
(07/06 13:28:52) Korov’ev bows
(07/06 13:28:52) Korov’ev: And with that, this Meeting is ended. Thank you all for coming, see you next month!