(12/07 13:01:30) Claidi Song: q/wave !shorah b’shemtee
(12/07 13:01:43) Claidi Song: Welcome to the 176th All Guilds Meeting!
(12/07 13:01:50) Claidi Song: By the D’ni calendar, today is Leevobro 10 9680 DE.
(12/07 13:01:58) jtrigg: That’s what happens when one has a large Cuckoo Clock
(12/07 13:02:06) Claidi Song: And 13:0:04 ?
(12/07 13:02:16) IwonK passes around cuckoo cookies
(12/07 13:02:21) Claidi Song: If you are new to the Cavern or returning after being away for some time: WELCOME! You have arrived at an exciting time in MOULa!
(12/07 13:02:24) Prad: A large Bahro clock would be nice …
(12/07 13:02:31) Claidi Song: All Guilds Meeting (AGM) meets from 13:00 KI – 13:55 KI on the first Saturday of each month.
(12/07 13:02:32) uru348 passes around cuckoo milk
(12/07 13:02:45) Claidi Song: Times are shown in KI Time which corresponds to the Mountain Time Zone.
(12/07 13:02:47) Prad salutes
(12/07 13:02:54) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ AGM Rules ~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 13:03:02) Claidi Song: To give each speaker all the time they need and have time for a question and answer (Q&A) after each one, there are
(12/07 13:03:06) Cave woman: Hmmmm Birds that produc milk
(12/07 13:03:09) Claidi Song: Five Meeting Rules. Please:
(12/07 13:03:20) jtrigg: bats?
(12/07 13:03:34) Claidi Song: 1. Keep chatter to a minimum while the speakers are talking. Occasional comments or emotes are fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(12/07 13:03:43) Claidi Song: 2. revised – Today, due to a full program, please, Do Not put questions in the AGE Players chat.
(12/07 13:04:00) Claidi Song: Direct Message (DM) questions to me. I will present all questions during the Q&A after each presenter is done. Please, keep DM’d questions brief and on the speaker’s topic. I need to follow the presentations, as well.
(12/07 13:04:20) Claidi Song: 3. Speakers today: please, indicate when you are ready for questions. And indicate when you’re ready for the next question.
(12/07 13:04:38) Claidi Song: 4. If a question requires a long answer, we may need to skip it to stay on track. In that case, please, DM the speaker after they’ve left the platform.
(12/07 13:04:47) Cave woman: bats are mammalss except in the Bible where they are unKosher birds
(12/07 13:04:51) Claidi Song: 5. A summary and the chatlog of this meeting will be published within a few days on the Guild of Messengers website – https://guildofmessengers.org/
(12/07 13:04:56) Claidi Song: Of course, you can start your own chatlog by typing: /startlog
(12/07 13:05:07) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ CAVCON ~~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 13:05:12) Claidi Song: Latest CavFunding Update is October, 2024;
(12/07 13:05:22) Claidi Song: CAV=4.18 Donations covered 285% Reserve at 756%
(12/07 13:05:28) Claidi Song: All we have to do is keep up the great support! So don’t forget CAVCON donations.
(12/07 13:05:32) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/07 13:05:35) Thumbs up from rarified
(12/07 13:05:38) Karel cheers
(12/07 13:05:39) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 13:05:40) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 13:05:46) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:05:46) Dreamer3 cheers
(12/07 13:05:54) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Sad News ~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 13:06:01) Claidi Song beckons you
(12/07 13:06:01) Claidi Song: We received sad news this week. Isa has information on this.
(12/07 13:06:08) Cid. claps his hands
(12/07 13:06:15) Isa =^.^=: hi everyone
(12/07 13:06:31) Isa =^.^=: We received the unfortunate news that a beloved member of our community, Bella1, has passed on. Bella was a fun, enthusiastic, loving, and helpful friend. She was our impromptu DJ during nightly hood gatherings and in the city playing requests for anyone listening.
(12/07 13:06:45) Isa =^.^=: In that spirit of that, we would like to give everyone the opportunity to request a song, or a memory to be read, at the memorial music stream being held for Bella on the 10th of January (15ki-17ki) at the tree/stalagmite in Aegura.
(12/07 13:06:58) Isa =^.^=: Please pass along any requests, or memories, to me via ki mail #11584648 or on discord (isa.2167)
(12/07 13:06:59) shokhootahn Rehn is sad
(12/07 13:07:36) Calum Traveler gives a quiet thumbs up.
(12/07 13:07:38) Claidi Song: Any questions
(12/07 13:07:45) Quill: Will she be added to the Memorial Age?
(12/07 13:07:51) Claidi Song: Yes
(12/07 13:07:53) Isa =^.^=: we have passed on a bio to Doobes, yhes
(12/07 13:07:57) rarified: As soon as I get the update.
(12/07 13:08:14) Isa =^.^=: thanks all
(12/07 13:08:15) Claidi Song: And to the pub memorial
(12/07 13:08:18) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 13:08:21) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 13:08:25) Cid. claps his hands
(12/07 13:08:26) Claidi Song: I mean the one in Kahlo Pub
(12/07 13:08:28) rarified quietly claps his hands.
(12/07 13:08:29) Claidi Song thanks you
(12/07 13:08:29) Claidi Song: Thank you, Isa!
(12/07 13:08:29) Maurus claps his hands
(12/07 13:08:35) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:08:41) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Mysterium ~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 13:08:49) Claidi Song beckons you
(12/07 13:08:49) Claidi Song: Welcome to the stage, Calum!
(12/07 13:08:54) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 13:08:57) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:00) Quill claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:01) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:02) Edua claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:02) Maurus cheers
(12/07 13:09:03) rarified claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:07) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:07) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:10) Karel claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:12) Davide claps his hands
(12/07 13:09:12) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/07 13:09:14) Calum Traveler: sorry eddie
(12/07 13:09:21) Dreamer3: Behave, Eddie!
(12/07 13:09:25) Claidi Song: Eddie, sit still
(12/07 13:09:34) shokhootahn Rehn: lol
(12/07 13:09:38) Calum Traveler: first off, I’d like to say: Thank You to everyone who came to the Emporium’s release yesterday
(12/07 13:09:52) rarified: Great event.
(12/07 13:09:59) *Jodok* nods his head
(12/07 13:10:01) shokhootahn Rehn: indeed
(12/07 13:10:03) Calum Traveler: we had a few mild KI-Chat bugs where some private DMs wound up dropped to age chat, and one annoying line jumper, but… beyond those OOC annoyances,
(12/07 13:10:07) Dreamer3: : – )
(12/07 13:10:15) Calum Traveler: The IC release went as smoothly as possible!
(12/07 13:10:15) Claidi Song: Wonderful new age!
(12/07 13:10:20) rarified: Did you ever catch them?
(12/07 13:10:28) Calum Traveler: i know who, but he’s a known troll, rarified
(12/07 13:10:35) Calum Traveler: i wont benefit his name for being publicized.
(12/07 13:10:44) Calum Traveler: its attention he wants. im not gonna give him the recognition he wnats.
(12/07 13:10:49) Maurus nods
(12/07 13:10:57) Dreamer3: Dang right
(12/07 13:11:08) *Jodok* applause
(12/07 13:11:26) rarified: Always something unpleasant in a cavern.
(12/07 13:11:37) Calum Traveler: id also like to say that the OOC technical side of the release went by absolutely smoothly as well
(12/07 13:11:41) Emrai: The Emporium is really well done. Kudos.
(12/07 13:11:42) Claidi Song: Not usually
(12/07 13:11:46) Calum Traveler: so on all fronts, we had a very successful release!
(12/07 13:11:47) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/07 13:11:56) jtrigg: A Grue most likely
(12/07 13:11:56) Edua claps his hands
(12/07 13:12:04) *Jodok* cheers
(12/07 13:12:24) Calum Traveler: i’d like to also say, thanks for being patient with us for the very long wait for the update,
(12/07 13:12:36) Calum Traveler: i hope everyones been enjoying it,
(12/07 13:12:48) jtrigg thumbs up
(12/07 13:12:51) Calum Traveler: although, i am aware of a few minor bugs that slipped past us, i’m happy to report nothing game breaking made it in
(12/07 13:13:17) Calum Traveler: just a few minor visual gaffs and some collisions that need to be adjusted to be kickables only, I think
(12/07 13:13:42) rarified thanks Calum Traveler for cataloging the issues
(12/07 13:14:06) Calum Traveler: all that said, the next quarter for the update has been opened, though nothing new has been pushed through *quite* yet, we are working on a few things that will probably come up in the new year
(12/07 13:14:25) Calum Traveler: for example, a few folks, such as myself and Tweek, are hoping to hold our first RAPID AGE DEVELOPMENT contest in January!
(12/07 13:14:37) Beachy: Where is everyone
(12/07 13:14:42) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(12/07 13:14:53) Beachy: Nvm I see
(12/07 13:14:57) Calum Traveler: the theme will be “Pod Age,” where we will provide aspiring age developers with a Pod Shell file either for .blender or .3dsmax,
(12/07 13:15:32) Calum Traveler: we’re not looking for anything MOULa ready, just a fun little way to spend some time.
(12/07 13:15:52) rarified: … and encourage new artists!
(12/07 13:15:56) Calum Traveler: the idea is to have folks who might want to dip their toes into age creation have a project they can work on!
(12/07 13:16:19) Calum Traveler: more information will be announced at a later date.
(12/07 13:16:28) Beachy: I am way too busy but I played around with blender a bit as a kid
(12/07 13:16:32) Calum Traveler: speaking of Dates!
(12/07 13:16:34) Calum Traveler: MYSTERIUM!
(12/07 13:16:46) Calum Traveler: you’re probably aware already, but incase you missed it
(12/07 13:16:58) Calum Traveler: the dates for the 2025 Mysterium is AUGUST 1st Through 3rd
(12/07 13:17:32) Calum Traveler: the writing and artwork table is open for submissions as well
(12/07 13:17:45) Calum Traveler: they will be accepting submissions until JULY 15TH
(12/07 13:18:13) Calum Traveler: finally, the current Mysterium Creativity Prompt theme is “Hearth” and will be accepting submissions until the end of December.
(12/07 13:18:25) Calum Traveler checks KI for the time…
(12/07 13:18:38) Calum Traveler: right then, I think that’s it for me
(12/07 13:18:40) Calum Traveler: any questions?
(12/07 13:18:57) Edua shrugs
(12/07 13:19:02) fayers leans left
(12/07 13:19:11) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(12/07 13:19:13) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 13:19:14) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:16) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(12/07 13:19:17) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:18) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:18) rarified claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:18) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:20) Karel claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:20) Cid. claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:20) Calum Traveler: right then! I hope everyone has a happy December, and Happy Holidays!
(12/07 13:19:23) Davide claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:23) Quill claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:24) Emrai claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:24) Calum Traveler bows
(12/07 13:19:25) Theo claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:26) uru348 claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:29) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/07 13:19:29) Claidi Song: Thank you, Cal, the Mysterium report and much more!
(12/07 13:19:29) LividLiquid cheers
(12/07 13:19:31) ural claps his hands
(12/07 13:19:36) Calum Traveler: yw
(12/07 13:19:38) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~ Explorer’s Emporium ~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 13:19:39) rarified looks forward to skiing in Serenne
(12/07 13:19:40) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/07 13:19:44) Claidi Song: In case anyone is unaware, there is a newly opened fan created Age here in MOULa.
(12/07 13:19:56) Quill cheers
(12/07 13:19:56) Claidi Song: We are very fortunate that the creator of “Explorers’ Emporium!” with us today to talk about creating her URU Ages.
(12/07 13:19:57) jtrigg: i’ll be sitting on the beach, having a few coldies
(12/07 13:20:02) Claidi Song beckons you
(12/07 13:20:02) Claidi Song: Welcome to the platform, Semjay!
(12/07 13:20:02) Dreamer3: Woot woot ! !
(12/07 13:20:07) Robert Holt cheers
(12/07 13:20:08) rarified claps his hands
(12/07 13:20:09) Maurus cheers
(12/07 13:20:12) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/07 13:20:13) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/07 13:20:14) Emrai cheers
(12/07 13:20:14) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 13:20:14) Karel claps his hands
(12/07 13:20:16) Quill claps his hands
(12/07 13:20:17) Korov’ev claps his hands
(12/07 13:20:20) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:20:22) *Jodok* aplause
(12/07 13:20:24) Claidi Song: Of course, there will be No Spoilers in the discussion.
(12/07 13:20:24) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:20:25) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/07 13:20:27) philipgr claps his hands
(12/07 13:20:30) Claidi Song: I’m sure there will be questions for Semjay. To prevent total chaos:
(12/07 13:20:36) Claidi Song: Do Not put any questions in the public AGE PLAYERS chat.
(12/07 13:20:43) Claidi Song: Please, DM non-spoilery questions ave for Semjay to me. I will present all questions in the Q&A at the end of this interview.
(12/07 13:20:49) Claidi Song: Briefly stated questions, please.
(12/07 13:20:50) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 13:20:56) Claidi Song: Thank you very much for being here today, Semjay!
(12/07 13:21:06) Claidi Song: Starting off, Semjay,when and how did you discover MOULa?
(12/07 13:21:15) jtrigg: Nicely done Semjay
(12/07 13:21:19) Semjay: Thank you for having me, Claidi.
(12/07 13:21:36) Semjay: I played URU CC when it came out but couldn’t enter MOULa because we didn’t have the internet at home then. I missed all the “live” events and joined much later after the game restarted online.
(12/07 13:21:48) Claidi Song: What is your background in creating 3D environments?
(12/07 13:22:05) Semjay: My background is in the creative arts. I have no experience in computing, coding or 3D modelling – I am just an enthusiastic amateur.
(12/07 13:22:26) Claidi Song: When did you begin creating URU Ages?
(12/07 13:22:40) Semjay: 2015
(12/07 13:23:03) Claidi Song: You already have several Ages in the Deep Island shard. Including the age we know as “Explorers’ Emporium”. Please, tell us about those Ages and what the inspiration was for each of them.
(12/07 13:23:17) Semjay: Terahgrahm was my first attempt at Age-building. It was inspired by an Egyptian Temple dnd map. It’s a sandbox Age where I tried out different things. But I wanted to share it with others. Making it an URU Age was the perfect way to do this. But I do not intend bring this to MOULa.
(12/07 13:24:42) Semjay: Sorry, please wait
(12/07 13:26:08) Semjay: Zahlto is the early version of Explorers Emporium.
(12/07 13:26:21) Semjay: I overheard someone complaining that there were no shops in the Cavern so I decided to make that the starting point.
(12/07 13:26:45) Semjay: But, the shop itself is merely the “tutorial” area for the rest of the adventure. I had to make quite a few changes and compromises to make it suitable for multi-players in MOULa.
(12/07 13:27:00) Semjay: The version on Deep Island is how it was intended – as a single player experience.
(12/07 13:27:41) Semjay: Tovaht and Ahreesen Melim came next and are available to play on Deep Island. They both have the same puzzle that I “dressed up” differently. I am hoping that I can convert one or both of them for inclusion to MOULa soon…
(12/07 13:28:04) Calum Traveler is looking forwards to testing days…
(12/07 13:28:08) Claidi Song: Sounds wonderful!
(12/07 13:28:14) Claidi Song: Another of your ages is here in MOULa, as well as in Deep Island. Tell us about “Kalamee”, please.
(12/07 13:28:24) Emrai claps his hands
(12/07 13:28:35) Dreamer3 nods his head
(12/07 13:28:46) Semjay: Kalamee is an Age from Cyan’s “Intangibles” collection of unfinished Ages.
(12/07 13:29:23) Semjay: There are actually two Kalamees :a long, linear valley and the small, q-shaped cwm that I finished off. At the time, I knew that someone else was working on the linear valley so I took the small one.
(12/07 13:29:50) Semjay: There is lots of concept art and documents about the linear valley and I was careful not to include anything from them in my version of Kalamee.
(12/07 13:30:05) Prad: I remember the long linear from some concept art design documents …
(12/07 13:30:18) Semjay: This meant that I was able to go my own way with it, put in my own story and puzzles.
(12/07 13:30:26) Yali: I remember a big tortoise shell like hut structure
(12/07 13:30:51) Semjay: In fact, I took the model and deleted about 80 percent of it and rebuilt it! The only things remaining that were made by Cyan are the lumpy hills, the pointy obelisks, the crumpety trees, the DRC landing pad and the animals.
(12/07 13:31:32) Claidi Song: That is a lot of work! A major element of Cyan’s games is environmental storytelling. You are exceptional at creating environments that tell their story without need for explanations. How do you design the details of your environments to tell their story? What are the challenges in crafting environmental storytelling?
(12/07 13:32:14) Semjay: For me, the story is always character driven – put someone in a strange environment and see what happens. I like to keep things a bit vague, for example, my characters Sam and Pip – are they male or female? Friends? Lovers? Have they ever actually met? (They seem to communicate via post-it notes!) U R U so YOU decide. I am also mindful of people who play the game but don’t speak English at home so I try to have as little written text as possible and keep it visual if I can.
(12/07 13:33:31) Claidi Song: You also incorporate puzzles in the environment that flow naturally with the story throughout the Age. How do you go about building puzzles into an Age that fits into and carries the storyline?
(12/07 13:33:41) Semjay: I create it in reverse. I think about the ending and then work out how the player will get there. What things will interrupt their journey? What will they need to know to get there?
(12/07 13:33:59) Claidi Song: Explorers’ Emporium has just opened here in the MOULa shard. I want to note that it will also soon be added to The Open Cave (TOC) shard which is now updated to the same version as MOULa. What was most challenging about preparing Explorers’ Emporium for MOULa?
(12/07 13:34:36) *Jodok*: it was added today (sorry for interruption)
(12/07 13:34:50) Semjay: Testing was tough! The testers’ first loyalty is to the game (of course) and they want it to be the best it possibly can. But they insisted that certain things were changed or removed and that was quite hard emotionally.
(12/07 13:35:09) Semjay: The most challenging thing was making it suitable for more than one player. The main puzzle had to be completely redesigned, while keeping it as close to the original as possible. This is because it was possible for your mischievous friend to lock a door, leave the game never to return, and you’d be unable to finish the puzzle.
(12/07 13:35:35) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(12/07 13:35:35) Claidi Song: I suspect we all have such ‘mischievous friends’ around.
(12/07 13:35:47) Claidi Song: Alright, time for Questions: Please, DM me your questions
(12/07 13:35:52) Claidi Song: Sestra sent her question to me earlier because she could not come to AGM: “Semjay, is there a new Relto Page in the Explorers’ Emporium? I saw Ella’s checklist included ordering them.”
(12/07 13:36:04) Semjay: No
(12/07 13:36:58) Prad: there is a method to graphically illustrate nonlinear puzzles to figure out ‘deadlock’ paths …
(12/07 13:36:58) Claidi Song: Q from oops I lost the name. Can the NW corner of room in basement be accessed?
(12/07 13:37:29) Semjay: The “red” room is closed for the moment.
(12/07 13:37:52) Maurus raises an eyebrow
(12/07 13:37:59) Claidi Song: Q from oops I lost the name. Can the NW corner of room in basement be accessed?
(12/07 13:38:06) Calum Traveler: repeated q >>;
(12/07 13:38:21) Claidi Song: Q from Caver 1: Can we have permission to explore past the No Entry Private sign?
(12/07 13:38:28) Edua is a bit puzzled…
(12/07 13:38:45) Semjay: U R U so you decide!
(12/07 13:38:54) Calum Traveler: some very polite explorers here, hehe.
(12/07 13:39:31) Claidi Song: Q from Quill: Is there any chance that there will someday be a public instance of the Emporium? A public 9-5 store would be fun. What was kept in the cages? Footprints a bit bear-like
(12/07 13:39:33) Maurus recalls the hint Yeesha gave about Gahreesen
(12/07 13:39:40) Dreamer3: Woody Guthrie said he saw a sign that said no trespassing, but on the other side it didn’t say anything
(12/07 13:39:50) fayers: Will we be able to get new KI band and Tshirts soon
(12/07 13:40:00) Beachy: Nice reference Dreqmer
(12/07 13:40:06) Claidi Song: Hold on everyone
(12/07 13:40:06) Beachy: Dreamer
(12/07 13:40:31) Claidi Song: Q from Philipgr: Whate is “cwm”?
(12/07 13:40:43) Semjay: The old version (called Zahlto) will remain on Deep Island.
(12/07 13:41:38) Semjay: A cwm (pronounced coom) is the head of a glaciated valley.
(12/07 13:41:50) neurovac: a ‘cwm’ is Welsh for a type of valley
(12/07 13:42:05) Claidi Song: Rarified: My card we rejected
(12/07 13:42:14) Claidi Song: What can I do?
(12/07 13:43:02) Claidi Song: Maybe you shouldn’t use a Monoply card
(12/07 13:43:10) shokhootahn Rehn roars with laughter
(12/07 13:43:12) rarified:
(12/07 13:43:16) *Jodok* starts to laugh
(12/07 13:43:32) jtrigg: Go to jail, go directly to jail ……..
(12/07 13:43:34) Dreamer3: lol
(12/07 13:43:39) Claidi Song: Q from Cid: Wax there an answer to Quill’s question about a public instance?
(12/07 13:43:47) shokhootahn Rehn hands rarified a pradnureetee
(12/07 13:44:01) Claidi Song: *Was
(12/07 13:44:06) Prad: c’glaciated valley’ reminds on another project in the making (according to a mysterium panel): Venalem.
(12/07 13:44:15) Semjay: You can share your book.
(12/07 13:44:38) Claidi Song: Yes, and there will be Mir-o-Bot for events
(12/07 13:44:54) Claidi Song: Alright, 2 questions more, anyone?
(12/07 13:45:32) caver1: Trespassing is wrong. I will avoid trespassing.
(12/07 13:45:37) Calum Traveler: not a Q, but id just like to say, good job on the work, Semjay.
(12/07 13:45:51) Thumbs up from Karel
(12/07 13:45:52) Maurus: hear hear
(12/07 13:45:53) Semjay: Thank you!
(12/07 13:45:57) Frobozz claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:00) LividLiquid: Agreed!
(12/07 13:46:01) Calum Traveler: working things out for Co-Op is hard, but it was well worth it
(12/07 13:46:01) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 13:46:01) Claidi Song: Q: future relto page?
(12/07 13:46:02) Emrai claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:03) philipgr claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:05) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:05) rarified claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:10) Korov’ev: and good job on getting rid of the spiders
(12/07 13:46:10) Davide claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:10) Claidi Song: Thank you so much, Semjay, for sharing your ages with us here in MOULa. Your time, creativity and effort is truly appreciated! Thankyou for sharing this insight into what is involved in your creation process. We are looking forward to your future fan age contributions.
(12/07 13:46:14) Cave woman: I assumed that aince the door is open we can enter
(12/07 13:46:15) jtrigg claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:16) Claidi Song: Everyone who hasn’t had a chance to explore Semjay’s newest age, Explorer’s Emporium, I guarantee you will love it. And also it is well worth exploring Semjay’s Deep Island ages !
(12/07 13:46:21) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:21) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/07 13:46:21) Claidi Song: Thank you again, Semjay!
(12/07 13:46:25) Cid. claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:28) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:28) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:29) Maurus claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:32) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:32) rarified: It is sharable, right?
(12/07 13:46:33) Theo cheers
(12/07 13:46:35) Quill claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:35) Brooketh claps her hands
(12/07 13:46:36) Karel claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:36) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Deep Island Expedition ~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 13:46:38) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:38) Calum Traveler: it is sharable yes
(12/07 13:46:42) Claidi Song beckons you
(12/07 13:46:42) Claidi Song: Korov’ev has an announcement about a relevant excursion in Deep Island tomorrow.
(12/07 13:46:42) ural claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:46) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:46) uru348 claps his hands
(12/07 13:46:48) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(12/07 13:46:49) fayers: Claps, Great job Semjay & helpers
(12/07 13:47:04) Edua claps his hands
(12/07 13:47:05) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/07 13:47:14) Korov’ev waves hello
(12/07 13:47:14) Korov’ev: Shorah all Just a quick announcement:
(12/07 13:47:15) philipgr claps his hands
(12/07 13:47:29) Korov’ev: as many of you know, in the shady alleys of the Deep Island shard we go visit ye olde fan Ages, every Sunday at 11 KI time. 235 expeditions, so far!
(12/07 13:47:31) Dreamer3: Shor, Kor : – )
(12/07 13:47:45) Korov’ev: (incidentally, I was trying to paste text DI-style)
(12/07 13:47:58) Korov’ev says DOH!
(12/07 13:47:59) jtrigg: i have been unable to access Deep Island
(12/07 13:47:59) Claidi Song:
(12/07 13:48:05) Korov’ev: We are currently mid-way through the large, industrial Age of Elsewhere, by Denost. However…
(12/07 13:48:18) Korov’ev: to celebrate the opening of the Explorers’ Emporium, tomorrow we’ll take a detour to Zahlto and to Terahgram!
(12/07 13:48:27) Thumbs up from Korov’ev
(12/07 13:48:27) Korov’ev: And hopefully Semjay will also be there
(12/07 13:48:39) Dreamer3: Cool!
(12/07 13:48:41) Semjay: Yes, I will!
(12/07 13:48:47) Korov’ev cheers
(12/07 13:48:50) Korov’ev: As for Tovaht and Ahreesen Melin, they will be the subject of future expedition.
(12/07 13:48:54) Claidi Song cheers
(12/07 13:48:59) Korov’ev: As usual, we’ll start in the shard’s only hood (which you can reach quickly by typing “/hood”).
(12/07 13:49:08) Korov’ev: You can find more info and guidelines at https://forum.guildofwriters.org/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=7140
(12/07 13:49:18) Korov’ev: And that’s all I got!
(12/07 13:49:28) Korov’ev bows
(12/07 13:49:28) Korov’ev: Back to my seat!
(12/07 13:49:29) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:30) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:31) Karel claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:33) rarified claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:33) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:34) Davide claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:35) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:38) Eolus claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:38) philipgr claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:40) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:40) ural claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:41) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:42) rarified: Eddie!
(12/07 13:49:46) Theo claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:47) Korov’ev: oops
(12/07 13:49:49) Korov’ev starts to laugh
(12/07 13:49:50) uru348 claps his hands
(12/07 13:49:52) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/07 13:49:52) Claidi Song: Thank you, Kor!
(12/07 13:49:53) jtrigg: My attempts to get access ahve repeatedly fallen on deaf ears
(12/07 13:49:57) Calum Traveler: roll on’
(12/07 13:49:59) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 13:50:04) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ “Wonky Talks” ~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 13:50:10) Brooketh claps her hands
(12/07 13:50:12) Claidi Song beckons you
(12/07 13:50:12) Claidi Song: IwonK has drawn up some plans for a “Wonky Talks” Christmas Edition!
(12/07 13:50:17) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:50:20) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 13:50:24) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:50:36) LividLiquid cheers
(12/07 13:50:41) rarified claps his cookie and instantly regrets it
(12/07 13:50:44) IwonK waves hello
(12/07 13:50:54) IwonK: I’ll be streaming my Wonky Talk on Friday, December 20th at 15 KI in the Guild of Cookies’ Hood (we sit near the heek table)
(12/07 13:51:04) IwonK: This month’s topic is “Christmas”!
(12/07 13:51:05) jtrigg: Oh crumbs
(12/07 13:51:20) IwonK: This year, I won’k be drawing any Christmas-themed games but the games YOU want me to draw so if you have any games that you’d like me to include in the stream, let me know in the game or on discord
(12/07 13:51:39) IwonK: join me on my Twitch channel (twitch.tv/yvonk), there will be cookies
(12/07 13:51:51) IwonK: In other wonky news, I’ve made some games of my own as a gamedev challenge, if you want to check them out, follow this link: iwonk.itch.io
(12/07 13:52:18) IwonK: the challenge is still on it’s taking me much longer to work on it because of house chores, work and my new school
(12/07 13:52:26) IwonK: any Qs in the Q?
(12/07 13:52:35) Claidi Song: No questions
(12/07 13:52:37) IwonK: because I have some As
(12/07 13:52:42) IwonK bows
(12/07 13:52:42) IwonK: ok
(12/07 13:52:43) Claidi Song: q/clap Thank you, IwonK!
(12/07 13:52:44) Calum Traveler: A shaped Cookies?
(12/07 13:52:45) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(12/07 13:52:46) Calum Traveler:
(12/07 13:52:48) Karel claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:49) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:50) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:51) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:51) Cid. claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:51) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:52) rarified claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:53) Davide claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:53) Edua claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:54) Quill claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:54) IwonK: hold on to that thought, Cal
(12/07 13:52:55) Eolus claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:56) philipgr claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:56) ural claps his hands
(12/07 13:52:58) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/07 13:52:58) Claidi Song: Ereshkigal had a RL thing come up just before AGM. That pesky RL!
(12/07 13:53:01) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/07 13:53:04) Calum Traveler: drat!
(12/07 13:53:06) Claidi Song: She asked me to let you know that there are “D’ni Fairytales” to be found and read around Elonin.
(12/07 13:53:11) Claidi Song: Be sure to look for them and enjoy a bit of what the D’ni might have read at bedtime or for enjoyment.
(12/07 13:53:39) Claidi Song: RL also struck so Sky couldn’t come today so she has sent a message:
(12/07 13:53:47) Calum Traveler: (there’s several volumes to find! catch them all!)
(12/07 13:53:47) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:53:51) Claidi Song: Sky says: “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there in person, but I want to thank everyone who has attended any of this past year’s Cooking Sessions with Sky – it has been a year full of delicious food and wonderful conversation. And we capped off the year in style last Monday, with a wonderful recipe for a Christmas-inspired Victoria Sponge Cake, in honour of the grand opening of the Explorers’ Emporium, and its owner, Ella Darrington.”
(12/07 13:53:58) Claidi Song: Sky says: “I will be back with even more recipes and cooking next year, starting the first Monday in February. If you are searching for any of my previous recipes or videos from the live cooking sessions, you can find them all at https://cookingsessionswithsky.blogspot.com/”
(12/07 13:54:03) Claidi Song: Sky says: “Until then, see you all around the cavern!”
(12/07 13:54:07) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 13:54:12) Claidi Song: The subject for the December Classical with Babbel broadcast is “Christmas Requests”.
(12/07 13:54:17) Eolus claps his hands
(12/07 13:54:18) Claidi Song: Babbel reports, “Given the requests, I’m still doubting whether
(12/07 13:54:27) Claidi Song: The show date is: December 16, 12 KI with the support act beginning fifteen minutes earlier. “Or as long as there will be people,” Babbel adds.
(12/07 13:54:35) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ D’ni Language Class and Story Night ~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 13:54:36) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(12/07 13:54:39) Claidi Song beckons you
(12/07 13:54:39) Claidi Song: shokhootahn Rehn, the stage is yours!
(12/07 13:54:42) Edua is a bit puzzled…
(12/07 13:54:46) rarified claps his hands
(12/07 13:54:51) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 13:54:54) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/07 13:54:59) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/07 13:55:05) ural claps his hands
(12/07 13:55:09) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(12/07 13:55:10) philipgr claps his hands
(12/07 13:55:14) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(12/07 13:55:19) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on weekday evenings Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule.
(12/07 13:55:32) shokhootahn Rehn: There are daytime openings starting at either 10:00 KI time, 11:00 KI time, or 12:00 KI time, again, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time, KI mail me at KI# 80428, or on Discord at r’Tayrtahn.
(12/07 13:55:36) shokhootahn Rehn: All classes are Monday through Friday, only. There are no weekend classes available.
(12/07 13:55:44) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, please remember to include your KI #.
(12/07 13:55:51) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(12/07 13:56:13) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.
(12/07 13:56:19) shokhootahn Rehn: I have one request for visitors: Please do not post pellet points into the Hood imager…
(12/07 13:56:24) shokhootahn Rehn: As I’ve said, before, one of my former students, Yutiel, is listed on that imager. I have refrained from posting pellets to maintain her name at the top as a form of memorial. It’s why I haven’t posted pellet points above 168345: it was to keep her name at the top of the list.
(12/07 13:56:31) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(12/07 13:56:54) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…
(12/07 13:56:59) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(12/07 13:57:12) shokhootahn Rehn: Tonight, we will continue with the storiess of the kings with the 22nd king, King Ishek. The rest of the month we’ll talk about Kings Ji, Dimath, and Yahbleshahn
(12/07 13:57:27) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night covers the entire 10,000-year history of the D’ni plus all of the books and games, as well as the three human attempts at the restoration of D’ni!
(12/07 13:57:46) Prad: King Ayo Ishek
(12/07 13:57:57) rarified: A LONG story
(12/07 13:58:16) shokhootahn Rehn: Since this year’s December holidays fall mid-week, there will be stories for the entire month
(12/07 13:58:59) *Jodok* cheers
(12/07 13:59:04) shokhootahn Rehn: Since this year’s December holidays fall mid-week, there will be stories for the entire monthStory Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(12/07 13:59:25) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.oops
(12/07 13:59:27) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(12/07 13:59:37) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(12/07 13:59:48) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(12/07 13:59:59) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(12/07 14:00:05) Dreamer3: You can bring a blanket and lay down during the stories. Very comfy. : – )
(12/07 14:00:06) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/07 14:00:06) Claidi Song: Thank you, shokhootahn Rehn!
(12/07 14:00:12) rarified claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:15) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 14:00:15) Edua claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:15) shokhootahn Rehn bows
(12/07 14:00:15) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:16) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:16) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:16) Davide claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:17) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ AGM – January 4, 2025 ~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 14:00:18) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:19) Karel claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:19) philipgr claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:23) Claidi Song: ~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Holidays ~~~~~~~~~~
(12/07 14:00:25) uru348 claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:28) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/07 14:00:29) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/07 14:00:29) Claidi Song: Thank you to all of today’s participants!
(12/07 14:00:31) neurovac claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:34) IwonK claps her hands
(12/07 14:00:34) Eolus claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:35) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(12/07 14:00:37) Claidi Song thanks you
(12/07 14:00:37) Claidi Song: Thank you to everyone for coming to AGM!
(12/07 14:00:37) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:38) Calum Traveler: thanks for hosting!
(12/07 14:00:39) Quill claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:42) Claidi Song needs a moment to breathe!
(12/07 14:00:43) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:44) rarified: Thank you Claidi Song!
(12/07 14:00:44) ural claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:45) Davide claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:46) Frobozz claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:50) Korov’ev claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:50) Musica3 claps her hands
(12/07 14:00:51) *Jodok*: thank you
(12/07 14:00:52) IwonK: see you at r’Tay’s
(12/07 14:00:52) Claidi Song bows
(12/07 14:00:55) Brooketh claps her hands
(12/07 14:00:55) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:56) Edua claps his hands
(12/07 14:00:57) Lucario1829 cheers
(12/07 14:00:58) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/07 14:01:02) LividLiquid claps her hands
(12/07 14:01:04) rarified looks for crumbs…
(12/07 14:01:07) Dreamer3: clap
(12/07 14:01:12) Wyrm claps his hands
(12/07 14:01:14) Eolus claps his hands
(12/07 14:01:15) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/07 14:01:18) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(12/07 14:01:18) Claidi Song: I’m off to take a nap