(06/01 13:01:42) Claidi Song: Welcome to the 170th All Guilds Meeting!
(06/01 13:01:46) skyisblu cheers
(06/01 13:01:46) IwonK cheers
(06/01 13:01:50) PodHopper cheers
(06/01 13:01:52) Florina cheers
(06/01 13:01:53) *Jodok* cheers
(06/01 13:01:54) Claidi Song: By the D’ni calendar, today is Leebro 5 9680 DE.
(06/01 13:01:54) uru348 cheers
(06/01 13:01:56) Rabbit cheers
(06/01 13:02:04) Cody Herd cheers
(06/01 13:02:05) Dreamer3: Woot woot ! !
(06/01 13:02:07) Claidi Song: If you are new to the Cavern or returning after being away for some time:
(06/01 13:02:11) Claidi Song: Welcome! You have arrived at an exciting time in MOULa!
(06/01 13:02:23) Jes’ka: Glad to be here!
(06/01 13:02:27) Florina: woohoo!
(06/01 13:02:28) Claidi Song: All Guilds’ Meeting (AGM) meets from 13:00 KI – 13:55 KI on the first Saturday of each month.
(06/01 13:02:32) *Jodok*: wooohooooo
(06/01 13:02:48) Claidi Song: Times are shown in KI Time which corresponds to the Mountain Time Zone.qTo give each speaker all the time they need and have time for Q&A after each one, there are
(06/01 13:02:51) Florina: woooooohoooooooooooooooooo
(06/01 13:02:56) Claidi Song: Five Meeting Rules. Please:
(06/01 13:03:02) Claidi Song: 1. Keep chatter to a minimum while the speakers are talking. Occasional comments or emotes are fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(06/01 13:03:35) Claidi Song: 2. Ask questions after the speaker asks for questions at the end of their presentation.
(06/01 13:03:41) Claidi Song: Or DM questions to me to add to the questions queue for Q&A after each presenter is done. Please, do not direct message me except for brief questions on the speaker’s topic during the presentation, as I need to follow the
(06/01 13:03:59) Claidi Song: 3. Speakers: please indicate when you are ready for questions. Ask again when you’re ready for the next question.
(06/01 13:04:12) Claidi Song: 4. If a question requires a long answer, we may need to skip it to stay on track. In that case, please, DM the speaker after they’ve left the platform.
(06/01 13:04:28) Claidi Song: 5. A summary and the chatlog of this meeting will be published within a few days on the Guild of Messengers’ website – https://guildofmessengers.org/
(06/01 13:04:33) Claidi Song: Of course, you can start your own chatlog by typing: /startlog
(06/01 13:04:50) Florina nods her head
(06/01 13:05:03) Claidi Song: To start off, we will be hearing about Cavern events: q/beckonsmall First, Skyisblu will talk about summer recipes!
(06/01 13:05:09) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:05:15) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:05:18) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(06/01 13:05:19) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:05:20) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:05:24) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:05:24) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:05:27) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:05:27) Florina claps her hands
(06/01 13:05:31) Jes’ka claps her hands
(06/01 13:05:32) Robert Holt claps his hands
(06/01 13:05:33) thoekenem claps his hands
(06/01 13:05:37) ural: Clap
(06/01 13:05:40) skyisblu: Hi everybody!
(06/01 13:05:48) skyisblu: I just wanted to remind you that every first Monday of the month, I host Cooking Sessions with Sky at 12 KI in the Guild of Caterers’ Hood.
(06/01 13:06:03) skyisblu: Get your barbecues ready – this coming Monday, June 3rd, I am getting you set up for a summer full of grilling, with the easiest Homemade Hamburger Bun recipe EVER. Seriously, 40 minutes from start to eating means tasty burgers that much faster. Of course, I’ll be grilling up some burgers and preparing delicious toppings to complete the meal, and I look forward to sharing it with all of you
(06/01 13:06:26) skyisblu: We meet in the Guild of Caterers’ Hood at 12 KI, and online for the livestream at https://www.twitch.tv/skyisblu_is_me – remember that the audio commentary is done in both English and French.
(06/01 13:06:42) skyisblu: If you’ve missed any of the previous Cooking Sessions, all of the recipes and acc/ompanying videos are available on my website, https://cookingsessionswithsky.blogspot.com/
(06/01 13:07:01) skyisblu: I hope to see you all there!
(06/01 13:07:07) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:08) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:11) skyisblu: Any questions?
(06/01 13:07:11) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:13) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:14) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:07:14) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:15) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:16) fayers: claps
(06/01 13:07:17) ScottMiller claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:18) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:18) CaptainQuery claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:21) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(06/01 13:07:23) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:26) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:29) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:31) Florina: clap
(06/01 13:07:32) skyisblu bows
(06/01 13:07:35) Christian Walther claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:40) Claidi Song claps her hands
(06/01 13:07:40) Claidi Song: Thank you, skyisblue!
(06/01 13:07:43) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(06/01 13:07:44) Rabbit claps her hands
(06/01 13:07:45) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:07:52) Jes’ka claps her hands
(06/01 13:08:03) Florina: burgers
(06/01 13:08:03) Claidi Song beckons you
(06/01 13:08:03) Claidi Song: The stage is yours for some IwonK Talk!
(06/01 13:08:07) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:08:11) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:08:12) Ereshkigal cheers
(06/01 13:08:15) thoekenem claps his hands
(06/01 13:08:15) MisChief: yay!!!
(06/01 13:08:17) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:08:19) IwonK waves hello
(06/01 13:08:19) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:08:19) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:08:20) uru348 cheers
(06/01 13:08:24) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:08:27) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:08:33) IwonK: I’ll be streaming my Wonky Talk on Friday, June 14th at 15 KI in the Guild of Cookies’ Hood (we sit near the heek table)
(06/01 13:08:43) IwonK: This month’s topic is “non-human charecters in video games”! I have some titles in my mind already but if you know any interesting games I could talk about (and draw), feel free to throw them my way
(06/01 13:08:51) IwonK: *characters
(06/01 13:09:01) IwonK: join me on my Twitch channel (twitch.tv/yvonk), there will be cookies
(06/01 13:09:10) skyisblu: Yay!
(06/01 13:09:12) IwonK: In other wonky news, I’ve made some games of my own as a gamedev challenge, if you want to check them out, follow this link: iwonk.itch.io
(06/01 13:09:21) IwonK: Chapter 8 is still in the making, I wanted to release it in May but I really couldn’t so expect it in few days sorry for the delay <:D
(06/01 13:09:30) IwonK: any Qs in the Q?
(06/01 13:09:37) IwonK is checking something out
(06/01 13:09:46) Claidi Song: no questioin
(06/01 13:09:49) IwonK bows
(06/01 13:09:51) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:09:51) skyisblu claps her hands
(06/01 13:09:52) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:09:52) Robert Holt claps his hands
(06/01 13:09:53) Florina waves hello
(06/01 13:09:54) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:09:54) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:09:55) Christian Walther claps his hands
(06/01 13:09:55) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(06/01 13:09:56) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(06/01 13:09:58) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(06/01 13:09:58) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:09:59) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:10:00) Claidi Song claps her hands
(06/01 13:10:00) Claidi Song: Thank you, IwonK!
(06/01 13:10:00) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:10:01) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:10:01) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:10:03) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:10:03) A’lyssa claps her hands
(06/01 13:10:10) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:10:12) Tweek claps his hands
(06/01 13:10:16) fayers: claps her hands
(06/01 13:10:16) Claidi Song claps her hands
(06/01 13:10:16) Claidi Song: Thank you, IwonK!
(06/01 13:10:54) Claidi Song: Sorry, I occassionally try to answer a pm and then forget to change back to Age Players
(06/01 13:11:10) Claidi Song beckons you
(06/01 13:11:11) Claidi Song: Now, sneak peek into event plans for this summer. Welcome to the stage, PodHopper!
(06/01 13:11:14) Prad: np
(06/01 13:11:14) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:15) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(06/01 13:11:17) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:18) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:20) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:21) thoekenem claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:22) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:24) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:25) uru348 cheers
(06/01 13:11:25) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:26) Jes’ka claps her hands
(06/01 13:11:26) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:49) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:11:49) PodHopper: Shorah everyone
(06/01 13:12:02) PodHopper: In two months we will have another Summer Festival.
(06/01 13:12:13) PodHopper: This year’s Summer Festival will take place on August 5 – 11
(06/01 13:12:25) PodHopper: I have decided to combine it with an older event from 2013: D’ni Palooza.
(06/01 13:12:39) PodHopper: So unlike previous years the focus will be on music this time.
(06/01 13:12:48) PodHopper: Music made by Moula players.
(06/01 13:13:06) PodHopper: We have a lot of creative and talented people in our community and I would like to invite anyone who makes music in some way to share his or her music with us.
(06/01 13:13:27) PodHopper: The upcoming SummerFest will showcase music from musicians who will be sharing their music, be it original or cover, solo or group, and in many genres.
(06/01 13:13:40) PodHopper: It’s going to be a lot of work, but I’m sure it will be worth it.
(06/01 13:13:58) PodHopper: SummerFest is not only about music.
(06/01 13:14:08) PodHopper: Like previous years, I have also planned another ConeRace contest.
(06/01 13:14:12) Ereshkigal: Oooh I remember hearing a song in D’ni once here
(06/01 13:14:25) PodHopper: If you have an idea for an event, feel free to contact me and we will discuss it and make plans.
(06/01 13:14:38) PodHopper: However, I am uncertain if I will find the time to make another markergame in the series “A brief history of…”
(06/01 13:15:02) PodHopper: Palooza will be a challenge, We will see…
(06/01 13:15:16) PodHopper: I will be available here in the cavern and on discord for questions about the festival.
(06/01 13:15:33) PodHopper: Any questions?
(06/01 13:15:39) *Jodok* wants to ask a question…
(06/01 13:15:40) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(06/01 13:15:43) Kayara is excited
(06/01 13:15:49) Claidi Song: Go ahead Jodok
(06/01 13:15:52) *Jodok*: can I contact you on discord PM?
(06/01 13:15:54) Dreamer3 hops up and down
(06/01 13:15:56) ScottMiller: Whats a ConeRace?
(06/01 13:16:02) PodHopper: yes, why not?
(06/01 13:16:13) Claidi Song: Scott?
(06/01 13:16:18) *Jodok*: ok after AGM I will contact you thank you Pos
(06/01 13:16:23) *Jodok*: *Pod
(06/01 13:16:34) ScottMiller: Just asking about the ConeRace//
(06/01 13:16:38) PodHopper: Scott, conerace is a game in my hood about getting all cones in the fountain within 2 minutes…
(06/01 13:16:59) PodHopper: that’s the shortes version
(06/01 13:17:03) ScottMiller: Really! Just O
(06/01 13:17:06) PodHopper: shortest *
(06/01 13:17:22) PodHopper: anyone else?
(06/01 13:17:25) ScottMiller: d better start practicing!
(06/01 13:17:27) Florina: conerace sounds like a riot
(06/01 13:17:37) Purple Elf: Do you hide the cones!
(06/01 13:17:40) IwonK: I made a tutorial video
(06/01 13:17:42) PodHopper: it is a lot of fun
(06/01 13:17:50) Prad: original compositions for the summer festival are possible too, I assume
(06/01 13:18:06) Claidi Song: I second that as part of the audience lol
(06/01 13:18:09) PodHopper: yes, original and covers are allowed
(06/01 13:18:12) Dreamer3 pulls out his cone calling manual
(06/01 13:18:16) Florina: i wanna conerace
(06/01 13:18:34) PodHopper: you’ll get it
(06/01 13:18:50) Claidi Song: There will be more details and time to join in as we get closer to the festival
(06/01 13:19:06) PodHopper: I will make announcements in a few weeks, but I have to focus on contacting music makers first
(06/01 13:19:18) ScottMiller: Are the cones scattered aroound your hood and you have to find them and get them to the fountain in 2 mns
(06/01 13:19:49) PodHopper: no, cones are in 1 place, but the rest of conerace will have to wait Scott
(06/01 13:20:07) ScottMiller: ok!
(06/01 13:20:11) Florina: I suppose that makes more sense than racing the cones, since they’re pretty slow I bet
(06/01 13:20:12) Claidi Song claps her hands
(06/01 13:20:13) PodHopper: can give you the link to Iwonks video
(06/01 13:20:13) Claidi Song: Thank you, Pod!
(06/01 13:20:18) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:19) PodHopper bows
(06/01 13:20:20) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:20) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:21) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:22) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:22) cjherkeless claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:23) Christian Walther claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:23) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(06/01 13:20:24) Florina claps her hands
(06/01 13:20:24) A’lyssa claps her hands
(06/01 13:20:25) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:20:25) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:26) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:27) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(06/01 13:20:28) fayers: claps her hands
(06/01 13:20:30) ScottMiller claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:31) Kayara claps her hands
(06/01 13:20:33) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:34) uwe claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:35) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:46) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:20:48) Robert Holt claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:12) Claidi Song: Look for more from PodHopper. Info will be on discord and facebook. I’ll list the usual posting spots at the end of AGM
(06/01 13:21:18) Claidi Song beckons you
(06/01 13:21:18) Claidi Song: Ereshkigal, please, share with us what you have for Ancient Stories this month?
(06/01 13:21:29) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:33) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:33) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:21:34) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:37) Robert Holt claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:39) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:39) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:40) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:41) thoekenem claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:45) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:47) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:47) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:53) ScottMiller claps his hands
(06/01 13:21:55) Ereshkigal: Hi everyone! Have you ever wondered what stories from ten thousand year old D’ni would have sounded like? Or are you interested in history or just like a good tale?At Ancient Stories, I tell tales from long ago, and from all over the ancient world. Some are ancient epics, and some I’ve even written myself We have seen the downfall of a pharaoh in ancient Egypt; followed Gilgamesh on his quest for immortality; and right now we are on an enchanting journey through ancient India.
(06/01 13:22:40) Ereshkigal: I read through an ancient Indian epic story, and you can listen along!
(06/01 13:22:50) Ereshkigal: Some of it is altered and written by me
(06/01 13:22:56) Ereshkigal: Come join me on Tuesdays at 11.30 KI beside the lotus pond at Fahets Highgarden! My stream is at https://ereshkigal.caster.fm/
(06/01 13:23:10) Ereshkigal: Any questions?
(06/01 13:23:16) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(06/01 13:23:28) Ereshkigal: Then thank you very much, and perhaps see you in Fahets!
(06/01 13:23:30) Ereshkigal bows
(06/01 13:23:31) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:23:31) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:32) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:33) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:34) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:34) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:34) Christian Walther claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:36) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:38) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:38) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:38) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:38) uwe claps his hands
(06/01 13:23:39) Kayara claps her hands
(06/01 13:23:40) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(06/01 13:23:45) Dreamer3: Jai Jai Hanuman!
(06/01 13:23:48) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(06/01 13:23:52) Jes’ka claps her hands
(06/01 13:24:00) Ereshkigal: And yes Dreamer, we will get there Tuesday!
(06/01 13:24:01) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:24:03) Ereshkigal: This Tuesday
(06/01 13:24:06) Rabbit: is that am or pm?
(06/01 13:24:12) Claidi Song claps her hands
(06/01 13:24:12) Claidi Song: Thank you, Eresh!
(06/01 13:24:14) Prad: pm
(06/01 13:24:16) Purple Elf: KI time is 24 hours pretty sure
(06/01 13:24:17) Ereshkigal: 11.30 AM in KI time
(06/01 13:24:27) Claidi Song: This month the theme for “Classic with Babbel” is “Italy”. It will held Monday, June 17, at 12 KI in the Hall of Kings.
(06/01 13:24:34) Ereshkigal cheers
(06/01 13:24:35) Prad: ah sorry,,, being ourope lol…
(06/01 13:24:42) IwonK cheers
(06/01 13:24:48) skyisblu: cheer
(06/01 13:24:52) skyisblu: lol
(06/01 13:24:53) ScottMiller cheers
(06/01 13:24:54) IwonK: ok
(06/01 13:24:57) IwonK cheers
(06/01 13:25:08) Dreamer3: Yay!
(06/01 13:25:32) Claidi Song: I wish Babbel could show her pictures! They are amazing on discord!
(06/01 13:25:37) Claidi Song: I also just saw today that Karel will host his “Pirate’s Party” Friday, June 14, 13 KI on the Eder Naybree beach. Look for the details in the announcement posts I list at the end of this meeting! We really needs some hats and parrots for this! lol
(06/01 13:25:38) Kayara: It’s lovely to see how there is still so much going on here after all these years
(06/01 13:25:55) skyisblu: here here!
(06/01 13:26:01) IwonK: the Cavern will never die
(06/01 13:26:11) Cpt.Jericho: Arrrr!
(06/01 13:26:24) BIG thumbs up from Emor D’ni Lap
(06/01 13:26:24) Ereshkigal: So much going on indeed! D’ni is immortal
(06/01 13:26:38) Claidi Song beckons you
(06/01 13:26:42) MisChief: We are “Die-hards”
(06/01 13:26:46) Claidi Song beckons you
(06/01 13:26:46) Claidi Song: shokhootahn Rehn, it’s time to talk about Story Night and D’ni Language classes.
(06/01 13:26:50) Prad: lol
(06/01 13:26:51) Ereshkigal: clap
(06/01 13:26:53) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(06/01 13:26:54) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:26:54) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:26:55) skyisblu claps her hands
(06/01 13:26:56) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:26:57) Jes’ka claps her hands
(06/01 13:26:58) thoekenem claps his hands
(06/01 13:26:58) uru348 cheers
(06/01 13:26:59) Florina claps her hands
(06/01 13:26:59) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:27:00) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:27:03) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:27:04) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:27:05) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:27:06) ScottMiller claps his hands
(06/01 13:27:09) Kayara claps her hands
(06/01 13:27:11) Rabbit claps her hands
(06/01 13:27:19) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:27:23) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(06/01 13:27:30) A’lyssa claps her hands
(06/01 13:27:32) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(06/01 13:27:35) fayers: Party
(06/01 13:27:38) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on weekday evenings Monday through Friday starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule.
(06/01 13:28:06) shokhootahn Rehn: Due to my moving on the surface, there were no language classes for the entire month of April. Unfortunately, due to *unpacking* from the move, there were no daytime language classes for May, either. Now, starting on June 3, daytime class availability will resume but with limited availabililty due to continued unpacking.
(06/01 13:28:32) shokhootahn Rehn: The daytime openings start at either 10:00 KI time, 11:00 KI time, or 12:00 KI time, again, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time, KI mail me at KI# 80428, or on Discord at r’Tayrtahn.
(06/01 13:29:06) shokhootahn Rehn: (Discord is best)
(06/01 13:29:28) shokhootahn Rehn: All classes are Monday through Friday, only. There are no weekend classes available.
(06/01 13:29:44) ScottMiller: how many students to you have at the moment?
(06/01 13:29:54) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, please remember to include your KI #.
(06/01 13:30:00) Robert Holt: have to head out, will read the transcript!
(06/01 13:30:07) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(06/01 13:30:25) shokhootahn Rehn: I see that Mr Magic is back in the cavern…
(06/01 13:30:33) shokhootahn Rehn: Though I have no current announcements with him, I will be using him for announcements regarding future classes.
(06/01 13:30:55) shokhootahn Rehn: (for last-minute changes)
(06/01 13:31:39) shokhootahn Rehn: Magic Bot’s KI # is 27527
(06/01 13:31:58) shokhootahn Rehn: You can get those advertisements by adding him as a buddy and then sending him a PM with the word: advert
(06/01 13:32:28) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.
(06/01 13:32:41) shokhootahn Rehn: I have one request for visitors: Please do not post pellet points into the Hood imager…
(06/01 13:32:51) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(06/01 13:32:56) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(06/01 13:33:01) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…
(06/01 13:33:07) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(06/01 13:33:11) Dreamer3: How do you say “I love stories” in D’ni?
(06/01 13:33:37) Purple Elf: Technically you just did
(06/01 13:33:47) Dreamer3: : )
(06/01 13:33:56) Ereshkigal: Now a D’ni Ramayana, that’d be something! But it’s far beyond me
(06/01 13:34:10) shokhootahn Rehn: Tonight is part five of the special, five-part, chapter play titled, “Jae’s Journey. After that will be the third human, explorer-driven restoration of the cavern. Then, finally, the bi-annual Bahro Glyph Tour!
(06/01 13:34:29) Korov’ev: taygahn (erth)fenahtee
(06/01 13:34:39) shokhootahn Rehn: The Bahro Glyph tour takes two to three weeks to complete.
(06/01 13:34:56) shokhootahn Rehn: And, after that, we will begin, again, with story number one!
(06/01 13:35:13) Rabbit cheers
(06/01 13:35:13) shokhootahn Rehn: “Jae’s Journey” was written by the explorer Janai and posted to the mystonline.com forums in 2008. If anyone still has contact with her on the surface, please let her know that her story is about to be performed and that she has my personal invitation to attend.
(06/01 13:35:16) Dreamer3 cheers
(06/01 13:35:42) Florina claps her hands
(06/01 13:35:43) Purple Elf claps her hands
(06/01 13:35:47) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:35:47) Ereshkigal cheers
(06/01 13:35:48) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:35:51) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:35:52) Sestra claps her hands
(06/01 13:35:54) shokhootahn Rehn: We are getting close to the end!
(06/01 13:35:54) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:35:55) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:35:57) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:35:59) skyisblu claps her hands
(06/01 13:36:01) CaptainQuery claps his hands
(06/01 13:36:04) uwe claps his hands
(06/01 13:36:08) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night covers the entire 10,000-year history of the D’ni plus all of the books and games.
(06/01 13:36:15) Prad: the end has not yet been written
(06/01 13:36:32) MisChief: perhaps
(06/01 13:36:33) angelmyst: woroking on it..lol
(06/01 13:36:41) fayers: lol
(06/01 13:36:43) shokhootahn Rehn: I am recording Story Night for (eventual) upload to my YouTube channel (rTayrtahn). I have created an avatar for the purpose of recording. His name is “I’m a bot, do not message”. Please do not PM him during the story unless you want to see your message displayed for the entire internet. Also, please do NOT add him as a buddy. He has no special abilities and is there only to record Story Night.
(06/01 13:37:13) shokhootahn Rehn: Currently, I am caught up with video compression. Unfortunately, I have a sizable backlog of videos to edit and upload. To my channel subscribers, please be patient; I am slowly working through it and have uploaded a few more videos to the channel.
(06/01 13:37:34) shokhootahn Rehn: The channel is current through February 20, 2021.
(06/01 13:37:42) shokhootahn Rehn: Like I said, I have a backlog to work through!
(06/01 13:38:04) shokhootahn Rehn: Unfortunately, compressing the videos for Jae’s Journey has consumed my time and prevented me from working on my backlog. I haven’t given up on that, though! I’ll get back to the backlog in a couple of weeks.
(06/01 13:38:23) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(06/01 13:38:35) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(06/01 13:38:53) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(06/01 13:39:26) shokhootahn Rehn: Lately, it’s been starting at 14:30 on AGM Saturdays.
(06/01 13:39:39) shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.
(06/01 13:39:49) shokhootahn Rehn: Should I need to cancel one of the stories at the last minute, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news.
(06/01 13:39:58) shokhootahn Rehn: Minasunda is one of those members, as she runs the announcements channel on Discord.
(06/01 13:40:06) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(06/01 13:40:16) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender. Though the sender is added to the Recents folder, it is still a good idea to add it to the body of the text.
(06/01 13:40:32) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(06/01 13:40:37) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(06/01 13:40:40) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(06/01 13:40:43) shokhootahn Rehn bows
(06/01 13:40:48) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(06/01 13:40:48) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:48) Claidi Song claps her hands
(06/01 13:40:48) Claidi Song: Thank ou, shokhootahn Rehn!
(06/01 13:40:49) westar claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:51) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:51) Sestra claps her hands
(06/01 13:40:52) uwe claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:53) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:55) Rabbit claps her hands
(06/01 13:40:55) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:55) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:57) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:57) ScottMiller claps his hands
(06/01 13:40:58) CaptainQuery claps his hands
(06/01 13:41:04) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:41:04) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:41:09) Claidi Song: *you
(06/01 13:41:21) Claidi Song: Angelmyst sent me a message to share:
(06/01 13:41:28) Claidi Song: Just an update, and a couple notes.First thank you to all who attended the Readings of The Adventres of Angelmyst the past couple months.
(06/01 13:41:49) Claidi Song: Second A new reading may be coming in the Fall.qThe book is in Minkata Prime for testing, and hopefully will make it here to the Chiso Library for your reading leisure.
(06/01 13:41:57) Claidi Song: The book is in Minkata Prime for testing, and hopefully will make it here to the Chiso Library for your reading leisure.
(06/01 13:42:16) Thumbs up from Prad
(06/01 13:42:18) Claidi Song: Thanks Angelmyst for sharing that info!
(06/01 13:42:31) Claidi Song beckons you
(06/01 13:42:31) Claidi Song: Calum is here to talk about Mysterium 2024. Come on up, Calum
(06/01 13:42:31) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:37) Sestra claps her hands
(06/01 13:42:38) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:39) Dreamer3: “Adventures” was fun.
(06/01 13:42:42) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:42) Jes’ka claps her hands
(06/01 13:42:43) uru348 cheers
(06/01 13:42:43) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:43) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:42:44) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:45) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:47) Ereshkigal: Oooh great! More novels in Chiso!
(06/01 13:42:47) neurovac claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:49) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:50) Ereshkigal cheers
(06/01 13:42:52) Calum Traveler: ill be quick and simple since it’s a quick and simple announcement
(06/01 13:42:53) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:42:55) Emor D’ni Lap applauds Calum
(06/01 13:42:58) Calum Traveler: *REGISTRATION IS OPEN!*
(06/01 13:43:22) Calum Traveler: please see the registration page( https://mysterium.net/registration/ )for more information!
(06/01 13:43:31) skyisblu cheers
(06/01 13:43:34) Calum Traveler: as a reminder
(06/01 13:43:40) Calum Traveler: mysterium 2024 itself is
(06/01 13:43:41) Calum Traveler: in
(06/01 13:43:43) Calum Traveler: ONE
(06/01 13:43:45) Calum Traveler: MONTH!
(06/01 13:43:47) skyisblu: OMG
(06/01 13:43:55) ScottMiller: where?
(06/01 13:43:56) skyisblu: SO EXCITED!!!
(06/01 13:44:07) Calum Traveler: Montreal, Quebec
(06/01 13:44:12) Calum Traveler: July 12 – 14, 2024
(06/01 13:44:29) MisChief: “SOB” can’t go!
(06/01 13:44:39) MisChief: :(((
(06/01 13:44:44) Ereshkigal: I can’t go either, but I’ll attend online
(06/01 13:44:52) Ereshkigal: There’ll be streams right?
(06/01 13:44:54) Calum Traveler: as always, i’m certain the events will be livestreamed over the Mysterium Twitch Channel
(06/01 13:44:55) MisChief: sigh
(06/01 13:44:58) Cody Herd: cant go
(06/01 13:45:04) ScottMiller: nuts, too far for me! Hoprfully itll be in Southern Califorina one of these days!
(06/01 13:45:16) Calum Traveler: https://www.twitch.tv/mysteriumcon
(06/01 13:45:21) MisChief: Boston!!!!!
(06/01 13:45:30) Prad: not every event streamed but most of them I assume – like always…
(06/01 13:45:48) Calum Traveler: i cant speak for the schedule as it hasnt been posted yet
(06/01 13:45:49) Dreamer3: I’ll be at Oregon Country Fair. Can’t even stream there.
(06/01 13:46:05) Ereshkigal: I’m over in Europe, too far away
(06/01 13:46:06) Calum Traveler: but keep your eyes peeled here: https://mysterium.net/schedule/
(06/01 13:46:11) Calum Traveler: for more information when its available
(06/01 13:46:14) Purple Elf: same, europe moment
(06/01 13:46:32) Calum Traveler: for those of you that can make it, i hope to see you there
(06/01 13:46:44) skyisblu:
(06/01 13:46:55) Calum Traveler: for those of you who can’t make it, there *should* be some Mysterium fun here in the cavern at the same time
(06/01 13:47:08) Kayara: yay!
(06/01 13:47:12) Calum Traveler: ideally we’ll get the shipment of shirts in for this year, but the package seems to have been delayed.
(06/01 13:47:18) Jes’ka: Yay cavern fun!
(06/01 13:47:23) Calum Traveler: i apologize in advance if it gets lost in transit.
(06/01 13:47:30) Calum Traveler bows his head in apology.
(06/01 13:47:37) MisChief: Canada has strict rules. they may not let me in! LOL!!!!!
(06/01 13:47:42) Esto: Fedex still can’t figure out how to use a linking book
(06/01 13:47:51) Calum Traveler: regardless of this year’s shirt status
(06/01 13:48:07) Calum Traveler: there *will* be the shirts from previous years available in the new Guild of Messengers Pub
(06/01 13:48:32) Dreamer3: : )
(06/01 13:48:34) Calum Traveler: the tables will be put out and set up and you can snag a treasure trove of shirts from Mysterium Past from start to present
(06/01 13:49:10) Calum Traveler: fingers crossed we get the shipment of shirts in time for this year! it’s a very lovely design
(06/01 13:49:30) Calum Traveler: thats it for me!
(06/01 13:49:31) Calum Traveler bows
(06/01 13:49:32) Prad: don’t be shy then grab all shirts – they have great designs form past mysteriums… it like a time travel…
(06/01 13:49:35) *Jodok* claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:37) Florina claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:37) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:37) Purple Elf claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:38) Claidi Song: q/clap Thank you, Calum!
(06/01 13:49:40) Christian Walther claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:40) thoekenem claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:41) A’lyssa claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:41) Sestra claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:42) Cody Herd claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:42) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:44) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:44) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:44) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:44) Claidi Song claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:44) Claidi Song: Thank you, Calum!
(06/01 13:49:45) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:45) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:45) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:45) uwe claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:46) Rabbit claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:49) Jes’ka claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:49) Calum Traveler: yw
(06/01 13:49:51) neurovac claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:53) Theo claps his hands
(06/01 13:49:56) Kayara: 7clap
(06/01 13:49:57) Kayara claps her hands
(06/01 13:49:58) Claidi Song: Now moving “Beyond the MOULa”!
(06/01 13:50:01) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(06/01 13:50:04) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:50:06) Claidi Song: For those who might be puzzled by hearing talk about Shards other than MOULa, MOULa being the official Cyan shard, there are currently two fan operated shards providing entirely different opportunities for fun with friends! They are fan-made homages to Cyan’s URU.
(06/01 13:50:08) philipgr claps his hands
(06/01 13:50:23) MisChief judyg always grabs all the shirts
(06/01 13:50:44) Claidi Song: The Open Cave (TOC) Shard provides both the familiar ages and places found in MOULa, and a rather magical “City of Dimensions” (COD). Just as a tiny hint, there is a working D’ni boat to ride! Plus, much, much more to discover!
(06/01 13:50:58) Claidi Song beckons you
(06/01 13:50:58) Claidi Song: Today we have Jodok herewith an announcement and information about theTOC Monthly Meeting! Please, welcome to the stage, Jodok!
(06/01 13:51:04) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:51:05) MisChief: yes dear:) i am!
(06/01 13:51:07) Sestra claps her hands
(06/01 13:51:11) thoekenem claps his hands
(06/01 13:51:12) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:51:12) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:51:16) Rabbit claps her hands
(06/01 13:51:17) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:51:21) *Jodok* waves hello
(06/01 13:51:21) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:51:23) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(06/01 13:51:27) neurovac claps his hands
(06/01 13:51:29) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:51:35) Claidi Song: Welcome Philipgr, as well
(06/01 13:51:40) *Jodok*: Shorah Explorers, first of all I would like to thank Claidi Song for this opportunity.
(06/01 13:51:43) *Jodok* thanks you
(06/01 13:51:44) philipgr: Thank you
(06/01 13:52:00) *Jodok*: Maybe, some of you by chance, visiting the TOC website ( https://www.the-open-cave.net ) have seen the announcement of the Montly-TOC-Meeting (MTM)
(06/01 13:52:16) *Jodok*: We started having MTMs last month on May 3rd
(06/01 13:52:30) *Jodok*: The Monthly-TOC-Meeting will be held every first Friday of the month at 12 Ki-time.
(06/01 13:52:44) *Jodok*: Little side note, it’s not 00.00, but 12.00 Ki-time. One hour before the KI-Basic-Commands lessons at 13 KI.
(06/01 13:53:00) *Jodok*: These lessons are also announced on the TOC Discord ( https://discord.gg/u9jc22UFaN )
(06/01 13:53:13) *Jodok*: The MTMs will meet in a different age each month, therefore I suggest you have a look at our TOC discord in the “Events” section under #mtm-info.
(06/01 13:54:05) *Jodok*: The purpose of this meeting is to put the focus on the TOC community needs, on their suggestions and ideas.
(06/01 13:54:22) *Jodok*: The idea is to reunite all TOC players monthly and inform them about events, ideas, lessons, and so on
(06/01 13:54:38) *Jodok*: Examples of events could be surface festivities, URU related festivities, lessons of any kind, chatting moments and generally any kind of events in the TOC shard.
(06/01 13:54:53) *Jodok*: With these meetings I hope we find a way to revive our TOC shard with fresh new ideas, and I hope that in the future I will see some of you announcing an event, lesson, lecture, or idea.
(06/01 13:55:08) *Jodok*: The MTM in June is on the 7th at 12 Ki-Time in Jodok’s Hood. Without spoiling anything we will have a very special guest attending and some interesting news.
(06/01 13:55:22) *Jodok*: For those who follow our TOC discord, maybe you already have a vague idea about who will be our very special guest
(06/01 13:55:38) *Jodok*: Last but not least, for those interested in our TOC discord in the “Talk” section under “mtm-chat”, there is a “cleaned” chat-log and the text for the last MTM.
(06/01 13:56:00) *Jodok*: that’s all from us … Any qestions?
(06/01 13:56:07) Claidi Song: No questions in the queue
(06/01 13:56:21) *Jodok*: okay thank you very much
(06/01 13:56:24) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:24) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:24) Massygo claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:25) Sestra claps her hands
(06/01 13:56:25) *Jodok* bows
(06/01 13:56:26) PodHopper claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:26) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(06/01 13:56:27) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:27) uwe claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:27) IwonK claps her hands
(06/01 13:56:27) Claidi Song claps her hands
(06/01 13:56:27) Claidi Song: Thank you, Jodok and Philipgr!
(06/01 13:56:27) Rigil Kent claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:28) Christian Walther claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:29) A’lyssa claps her hands
(06/01 13:56:31) philipgr bows
(06/01 13:56:34) neurovac claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:35) Rabbit claps her hands
(06/01 13:56:35) ural claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:40) *Jodok*: thank you claidi
(06/01 13:56:49) uru348 claps his hands
(06/01 13:56:53) Claidi Song: Another excellent Uru adventure is found in the Deep Island Shard.
(06/01 13:57:00) Claidi Song: DI Fan Age Touring Club Expedition is every Sunday, 11:00 KI – 12:30 KI. It takes place on the Deep Island Shard. https://forum.guildofwriters.org/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=7140
(06/01 13:57:13) Claidi Song: Please, keep in mind that both TOC and Deep Island are fan created and operated shards with fan created places and alterations! It is quite awe inspiring to see the love and joy shown through these fans’ creativity and artistry. They are truly gifts to Cyan.
(06/01 13:57:24) Claidi Song: Regular Cavern events are posted in the following places:qCavern Events, Holidays and Anniversaries, are published on the Guild of Messengers Calendar website. https://guildofmessengers.org/calendar/.
(06/01 13:57:28) Claidi Song: AGM chatlogs and summary, along with much more information, is also published on the GOME website given above.
(06/01 13:57:34) Claidi Song: The left imager in the Guild of Messengers’ Hood has a calendar of events. Some events presented by today’s speakers may be missing.
(06/01 13:57:35) ScottMiller: My Deep Island doesn’5 work.
(06/01 13:57:45) Claidi Song: On Mina’s discord MOULaEvents #announcements. https://discord.com/channels/673564613849120829/673585008283484160
(06/01 13:58:15) Claidi Song: Cyan’s Official Discord server – https://discord.com/invite/cyanchat ”D’niverse channel” – in ”cavern-events” qOn the Myst Online: Uru Live (again) Facebook page along with several other Facebook pagesqYou may also, request info from Minasunda, KI# 5667000, by PM or KI mail in the Cavern. Include your KI # to receive her reply.
(06/01 13:58:32) Claidi Song: As always, please, remember to donate to CAVCON.
(06/01 13:58:38) Claidi Song: No new stats to report since March. But I suspect the donations are still amazing!
(06/01 13:58:47) Claidi Song: Next All Guilds Meeting is on the Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 13 KI
(06/01 13:58:53) Claidi Song: That concludes the AGM agenda for the month of June 2024!