(11/05 13:00:07) Calum Traveler: shorah, all, welcome to this, the NOVEMBER All Guilds Meet for 2022! If this is your first time attending- WELCOME! You’ve chosen a great time to be here, and welcome to the Cavern of D’ni! If you’re a returning face, welcome back.
(11/05 13:00:13) Calum Traveler: if you want to chatlog, /startlog
(11/05 13:00:16) Calum Traveler: to stop, /stoplog
(11/05 13:00:21) Hektor Riven: Thanks.
(11/05 13:00:37) Dni_seeker 5: zero
(11/05 13:00:37) Calum Traveler: the time is now 1300, and so we will begin
(11/05 13:00:55) Calum Traveler: first off, the rules
(11/05 13:01:01) Calum Traveler: dont press the blue button.
(11/05 13:01:11) rarified snickers
(11/05 13:01:22) Calum Traveler: keep /clap spam and other remarks to a minimum while the speakers are talking
(11/05 13:01:22) IwonK snatches the Snickers
(11/05 13:01:30) Calum Traveler: if you have a question, PM me, and ill add it to queue,
(11/05 13:01:34) Dni_seeker 5 snickers
(11/05 13:01:36) Wyrm: blue button?
(11/05 13:01:43) Calum Traveler: if we’re short on time, a question will be skipped.
(11/05 13:01:47) Calum Traveler: yes, the blue button behind me
(11/05 13:01:53) Calum Traveler: dont press it while we’re doing AGM-y things
(11/05 13:01:59) Calum Traveler: save the button pressing for after the show 😉
(11/05 13:02:30) Calum Traveler: the Bahro say its time for recent news!
(11/05 13:03:00) Calum Traveler: in case you missed it, October’s AGM was held in the newly released area, Highgarden, part of Tweek’s/Keith Lord’s Age, Fahets.
(11/05 13:03:15) Calum Traveler: it was a bit of a rapid fire release and AGM all on the same day
(11/05 13:03:16) Calum Traveler: ^^;
(11/05 13:03:29) Calum Traveler: a nice detour from the usual, but i think i prefer Kirel for the AGMs, eheh
(11/05 13:03:53) Calum Traveler: If you havent been yet, you can find Highgarden in Chiso Preniv, on one end of the book ring.
(11/05 13:04:01) Calum Traveler: MYSTERIUM NEWS:
(11/05 13:04:13) Calum Traveler: officially, we now have our DATES
(11/05 13:04:26) Calum Traveler: June 30th, to July 2nd, 2023
(11/05 13:04:50) Calum Traveler: its a taaaad early compared to some years, but spokane is apparently a HAPPENING town in late july and early august
(11/05 13:05:10) Calum Traveler: we did the best we could on securing a date and are working on finalizing the hotel
(11/05 13:05:33) Calum Traveler: 2023 marks the MYST franchise’s 30th anniversary with MYST’s release,
(11/05 13:05:43) Calum Traveler: so the theme of this year’s mysterium will be…
(11/05 13:05:45) Calum Traveler: drumroll
(11/05 13:05:53) Calum Traveler: “The Evolution of Myst”
(11/05 13:06:00) Rabbit cheers
(11/05 13:06:12) Calum Traveler: we aint just talkin the singular game here, we mean the universe as a whole!
(11/05 13:06:15) Boywhith: and… a new RIVEN!
(11/05 13:06:24) Ereshkigal cheers
(11/05 13:06:28) Calum Traveler: from Myst to Exile to EOA to MYST to Real Myst ME to MYST to…
(11/05 13:06:29) Calum Traveler: well
(11/05 13:06:30) Calum Traveler: RIVEN
(11/05 13:06:31) Calum Traveler: yes
(11/05 13:06:38) Calum Traveler: but more on that in a minute 😉
(11/05 13:06:43) Speed_Freek512: <3
(11/05 13:06:47) Calum Traveler: finishing up Mysterium News
(11/05 13:06:55) Calum Traveler: submissions are now OPEN:
(11/05 13:07:12) Calum Traveler: the TSHIRT Deadline is January 7th,
(11/05 13:07:34) Calum Traveler: the event submission deadline is APRIL 29TH
(11/05 13:08:15) Calum Traveler: the September prompt winner was LaughingPineapple with a depiction of Atrus sleeping at his desk.
(11/05 13:08:32) Calum Traveler: the October Prompt, Spooky, has closed, and the November prompt is “Fall”
(11/05 13:08:38) Calum Traveler: make of it what you will 😉
(11/05 13:09:11) Calum Traveler: finally, there was some discord housekeeping over at the Mysterium Discord
(11/05 13:09:25) Calum Traveler: if you havent joined and want to, you can now use this handy dandy perma link: https://discord.gg/mysteriumcon
(11/05 13:09:42) Calum Traveler shuffles note cards…
(11/05 13:09:52) Calum Traveler: Now, onto the big thing…
(11/05 13:09:58) Calum Traveler: one could say its Wahrk Sized.
(11/05 13:10:07) Speed_Freek512: 😀
(11/05 13:10:30) Calum Traveler: on October 31st, Cyan released a teaser video showcasing the Riven Logo, confirming that CYAN is indeed working on a modern remake of RIVEN
(11/05 13:10:39) Calum Traveler: no release date is yet to be revealed
(11/05 13:10:48) judyg: ??????
(11/05 13:10:52) judyg: wow!!!!!
(11/05 13:11:00) MindWalker cheers
(11/05 13:11:01) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(11/05 13:11:06) Boywhith cheers
(11/05 13:11:07) Speed_Freek512 cheers
(11/05 13:11:11) Calum Traveler: you can find the video on Cyan’s Youtube channel, if you havent seen it yet 😉
(11/05 13:11:17) Dni_seeker 5 is not that happy about there not being a /pumpfist
(11/05 13:11:47) rarified notes an opening in the artist roster for an animator
(11/05 13:11:53) judyg: lol@dni
(11/05 13:12:12) Calum Traveler: alright… in Story News…
(11/05 13:12:22) judyg thinks a “passout” command would be fun
(11/05 13:12:28) Calum Traveler: The Rei’schu expedition was held over the Discord, and I think that Unwritten styled event went pretty well,
(11/05 13:12:29) Rabbit starts to laugh
(11/05 13:12:56) Calum Traveler: there are transcripts available on our story forums https://dniexplorer.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=8
(11/05 13:12:58) Calum Traveler: but
(11/05 13:13:04) Calum Traveler: these will not just be THERE!
(11/05 13:13:28) Calum Traveler: in the next update, the first draft of these transcripts will be added to Eder Naybree- a temporary home until their permanent resting place is ready
(11/05 13:13:43) Calum Traveler: so you WILL be able to read these four hefty tomes in-game should you wish to 🙂
(11/05 13:14:13) Dni_seeker 5: still no /pumpfist
(11/05 13:14:16) Calum Traveler: finally, speaking on the matter of that update….
(11/05 13:14:23) Calum Traveler: rarified? care to come up and talk on it?
(11/05 13:15:38) rarified: Yes, something is coming. Dates have been set. Loosely.
(11/05 13:15:47) Calum Traveler makes a ‘sssh’ for the audience
(11/05 13:16:04) rarified: Your team of artists, programmers, and janitors were very weary after the
(11/05 13:16:23) rarified: bit update of last summer, so they took things easy this time and combined
(11/05 13:16:37) rarified: the time of the third and fourth quarters.
(11/05 13:17:01) rarified: There are new ages. New places to poke at. And fixes.
(11/05 13:17:02) Dni_seeker 5: And the Great Shaft? I have been looking forward to that since I first visited Kirel…
(11/05 13:17:18) rarified: Put a pin in the shaft, for later. 😉
(11/05 13:17:33) Calum Traveler: Shaft is… likely 2023,
(11/05 13:17:39) Calum Traveler: no set dates or confirmations yet
(11/05 13:17:44) rarified: So we’ve just frozen the contributions for the next release, and have started
(11/05 13:17:54) rarified: full testing on the Minkata shard.
(11/05 13:18:15) rarified: As I posted on the Cyan #moul-technical-issues channel, we always can
(11/05 13:18:33) rarified: use more people to test, if they’re not put off by experiencing spoilers
(11/05 13:18:40) rarified: before a reveal on MOULa.
(11/05 13:18:52) rarified: If you are interested, do two things:
(11/05 13:19:10) rarified: 1) Sign up for an account on Minkata at https://foundry.openuru.org
(11/05 13:19:24) rarified: 2) Join the OpenUru Discord server, especially the #test channel.
(11/05 13:19:43) rarified: Testing on Minkata will continue until late this month when if all
(11/05 13:19:59) rarified: is well, we will deliver the update to Cyan and it will go to their
(11/05 13:20:07) rarified: test server, often called “staging”
(11/05 13:20:22) rarified: Testing will continue there for about two weeks, and coordinating
(11/05 13:20:40) rarified: with Chogon of Cyan, it will then be deployed early-mid December.
(11/05 13:20:59) rarified: So that’s when to put your D’ni antennae on and keep listening.
(11/05 13:21:26) rarified: For the Descent shaft, a very preliminary set of Descent areas
(11/05 13:21:44) rarified: are already being tested on the Minkata alpha test shard.
(11/05 13:21:59) rarified: But development has mostly been put on the back burner until
(11/05 13:22:06) Dni_seeker 5 needs a /pumpfist
(11/05 13:22:22) rarified: more effort can be dedicated to it. As CT says, probably some
(11/05 13:22:25) rarified: time in 2023.
(11/05 13:22:48) rarified: That’s the current state off the update pipeline to MOULa.
(11/05 13:23:04) rarified: If you had attended Mysterium or watched the session videos,
(11/05 13:23:25) rarified: I reaffirmed a committment to bringing the backlog of improvements
(11/05 13:23:45) rarified: to the game client from the Guild of Writers to MOULa. This iteration
(11/05 13:24:01) rarified: as often happens RL took a significant fraction of time, but someone who
(11/05 13:24:18) rarified: won’t be named has kept pointing sharp opjects in my direction to
(11/05 13:24:26) rarified: remind me, so I haven’t forgotten.
(11/05 13:24:29) Rabbit starts to laugh
(11/05 13:24:49) rarified: I hope to get an early “draft” of the new client on yet another Minkata
(11/05 13:25:05) rarified: shard the first quarter of next year, to start the migration process.
(11/05 13:25:27) rarified: I guess that’s all I have to announce. Questions? (Aside from Descent
(11/05 13:25:32) rarified: or /pumpfist 😉 )
(11/05 13:25:37) Calum Traveler: the only question in queue is regarding Eder Naybree
(11/05 13:25:49) Calum Traveler: and to that i can say, yes, I’ve attempted a fix to cull lag on older machines.
(11/05 13:25:58) Calum Traveler: we have that in testing this quarter on Minkata,
(11/05 13:25:58) Thumbs up from Ereshkigal
(11/05 13:26:07) Calum Traveler: so give it a look and see if your lag issues have subsided,
(11/05 13:26:43) neurovac: Thank you, rarified!
(11/05 13:26:44) rarified: Thank you all for support. Have a good holiday this month!
(11/05 13:26:45) rarified bows
(11/05 13:26:45) Calum Traveler: LividLiquid Asks: What kind of client improvements can we expect in that update? (Assuming the mentioned new client)
(11/05 13:27:01) rarified: This update, only some fixes
(11/05 13:27:09) rarified: The next update, too much for me to type.
(11/05 13:27:13) Calum Traveler: yep
(11/05 13:27:22) Calum Traveler: the huru conversion is… many years worth of fixes
(11/05 13:27:26) Calum Traveler: too much to list all at once
(11/05 13:27:28) Rabbit: tough Dni_seeker it isn’t spam
(11/05 13:27:30) Calum Traveler: we’d be here all day doing it XD
(11/05 13:28:21) Calum Traveler: …Sighs one last question from shokhootahn Rehn, would the adjustments include additions or removals of in-game coliders? no.
(11/05 13:28:35) Calum Traveler: what they would include is an update from PhysX2.something to PhysX4
(11/05 13:28:53) rarified: So collisions may (will) behave differently in some places.
(11/05 13:29:05) Calum Traveler: which includes some rewriting of avvie handling to be closer to what it was in CC, but the actual physical coliders wont be changed,
(11/05 13:29:36) Calum Traveler: mind you, that’s still a bit down the road.
(11/05 13:29:46) shokhootahn Rehn: Whew… and thanks!!
(11/05 13:29:54) Calum Traveler: alright….
(11/05 13:29:59) caver1: Define goliders.
(11/05 13:30:09) caver1: Coliders
(11/05 13:30:19) Calum Traveler: coliders: the physical objects you walk on/into.
(11/05 13:30:19) rarified: You can’t walk through a wall
(11/05 13:30:43) Calum Traveler: Ro”Jethhe asked a question if the server may stop supporting anyone using windows 7… that’s a complicated question.
(11/05 13:31:01) Rabbit: ooooo DEAR
(11/05 13:31:04) Calum Traveler: Windows 8 and older are already end of life per microsoft,
(11/05 13:31:04) rarified: I’ve diverged from the GoW on that.
(11/05 13:31:07) Rabbit cries
(11/05 13:31:17) Hektor Riven: I’d be interested in that too…
(11/05 13:31:21) Speed_Freek512: Bit of a security issue there
(11/05 13:31:30) rarified: While GoW is forward looking and confining their client to run on suppored versions of Windows,
(11/05 13:31:31) Ro”Jethhe: Well a couple URU Shard stopped supporting Windows XP
(11/05 13:31:57) Wyrm crys over missing XP
(11/05 13:31:57) rarified: I’m going to try to continue building MOULa/Minkata clients to be as backward compatabil
(11/05 13:32:08) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(11/05 13:32:12) Calum Traveler: essentially, anything older than win 8.1 is something you probably dont want to be using much anyways,
(11/05 13:32:15) Rabbit: thank you rarified!!!
(11/05 13:32:21) rarified: compatible as possible. It depends on what programming constructs are being used
(11/05 13:32:26) rarified: in the GoW code.
(11/05 13:32:28) judyg: bless you rarified
(11/05 13:32:39) Calum Traveler: but please do note that after a point, even while we keep trying to support older machines, there will be a time when it isnt feasible any more.
(11/05 13:32:51) Rabbit nods her head
(11/05 13:32:54) Ro”Jethhe is sorta bummed…
(11/05 13:32:55) rarified: I can’t at this time say how far back that will reach. But that is a checklist on my builds.
(11/05 13:33:06) Superabbit: The refurbished Dell Optiplex is your friend
(11/05 13:33:10) Ereshkigal wonders when her 12-year-old laptop will finally catch fire
(11/05 13:33:20) Rabbit starts to laugh
(11/05 13:33:20) Ro”Jethhe starts to laugh
(11/05 13:33:21) Calum Traveler: i think windows 7 is still plausible in our compatability measures?
(11/05 13:33:33) rarified: It should be.
(11/05 13:33:35) Calum Traveler: but if you’re still on WinXP i really wouldnt keep playing URU on it,
(11/05 13:33:41) Calum Traveler: i mean, its possible, but…
(11/05 13:33:52) judyg: i have windows ten. am i good for now?
(11/05 13:33:54) jtrigg: my Toshiba did last year!
(11/05 13:33:54) rarified: I know of ONE person who played on XP. The Cyan ages worked, but
(11/05 13:33:55) Calum Traveler: i think only one person still has an active WinXP machine for testing?
(11/05 13:34:11) Calum Traveler: yeah, fan ages ground to a halt on XP.
(11/05 13:34:11) rarified: going to the fan ages. Can you say “taffy”?
(11/05 13:34:17) Ereshkigal: Even I don’t have winxp on this one…
(11/05 13:34:23) judyg: taffy?
(11/05 13:34:28) judyg: hahahaha!
(11/05 13:34:29) Rabbit: I have an old laptop with XP on it – could try it
(11/05 13:34:30) rarified: molasses
(11/05 13:34:31) Calum Traveler: try: walking through molassas?
(11/05 13:34:40) Ro”Jethhe: LAG judy
(11/05 13:34:42) Calum Traveler: quick sand at your feet?
(11/05 13:34:46) Calum Traveler: lag city.
(11/05 13:34:51) Ro”Jethhe nods his head
(11/05 13:34:52) judyg: 😀
(11/05 13:34:58) Rabbit: get molasses every time I go to Eder Naybree
(11/05 13:35:01) Calum Traveler: as mentioned with Naybree, older machines and some outliers have lag issues there.
(11/05 13:35:03) Wyrm: I have XP but hsd s java problem with moul
(11/05 13:35:11) Calum Traveler: ive tried my best to cull it where i can,
(11/05 13:35:16) rarified: To be fair, your fan ages have more sophisticated modelling than Cyan was able to use.
(11/05 13:35:28) Calum Traveler: and to think i tried to keep naybree simple!
(11/05 13:35:33) Rabbit starts to laugh
(11/05 13:35:33) Calum Traveler: no lag until i had the water -_-;
(11/05 13:35:44) Calum Traveler sighs tiredly
(11/05 13:35:48) Boywhith: My old maxine has XP… but I don’t play MOULa on that one.
(11/05 13:35:48) Wyrm: Wnere is naybree ?
(11/05 13:35:54) Calum Traveler: you can find it in Chiso Preniv,
(11/05 13:35:57) Calum Traveler: on the ring of books,
(11/05 13:36:01) Wyrm: ok
(11/05 13:36:08) Calum Traveler: (Opposite Highgarden)
(11/05 13:36:22) rarified: Oh, yes. We’re going to be at the stage where some books on the ring
(11/05 13:36:24) judyg: Cal! it’s still awesome! don’t sell yourself short! bravo!
(11/05 13:36:32) rarified: will be moving to shelves or other locations to make room for
(11/05 13:36:34) rarified: new ages.
(11/05 13:36:42) Calum Traveler: im not selling myself short here, lol. just saying, i tried my best to keep it lag free
(11/05 13:36:52) Calum Traveler: turns out real time water waves make for heavy lag on some machines.
(11/05 13:36:52) rarified: So it may be a biit of a treasure hunt in Chiso in the near future.
(11/05 13:36:59) Calum Traveler: and that’s before you add reflections
(11/05 13:37:03) Rabbit: maybe at some point shelf labels might appear?
(11/05 13:37:07) Ro”Jethhe leans forward.
(11/05 13:37:19) judyg: i still say, BRAVO!”
(11/05 13:37:21) Wyrm likes labels !
(11/05 13:37:29) Calum Traveler: moving along from the development side of things…
(11/05 13:37:32) Calum Traveler: our next speaker is….
(11/05 13:37:33) rarified still has a Dymo labelmaker
(11/05 13:37:37) Calum Traveler: Tehlrov K’hris!
(11/05 13:37:39) Rabbit starts to laugh
(11/05 13:37:39) Calum Traveler beckons you
(11/05 13:38:01) Tehlrov K’hris waves hello
(11/05 13:38:19) Tehlrov K’hris: Hello, fellow explorers! As you might already know, Myst has an official RPG called Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst and Beyond.
(11/05 13:38:33) Tehlrov K’hris: More information on how to play the game and how to purchase can be found at http://www.unwrittenrpg.com
(11/05 13:38:51) Tehlrov K’hris: A campaign using Unwritten called Unwritten: Strange Seeds has been played for several months now.
(11/05 13:39:10) Tehlrov K’hris: It as also been streamed on InkSpark’s Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/inksparktv
(11/05 13:39:32) Tehlrov K’hris: There will be a new short campaign being held called Unwritten: Read Between the Lights!
(11/05 13:39:50) Tehlrov K’hris: This campaign will be hosted by Zekh who will be our Game Master, and will have three players/characters:
(11/05 13:40:13) Tehlrov K’hris: Pritika Chatterjee – a well read teacher with an eye for solving mysteries, played by Ereshkigal
(11/05 13:40:36) Tehlrov K’hris: Mikito “Mike” Takahashi – a curious nomadic encyclopedia with a heart, played by Tehlrov Kh’ris (me)
(11/05 13:40:52) Tehlrov K’hris: and Carmen Durand – an eclectic art school dropout, played by belle
(11/05 13:41:15) Tehlrov K’hris: The first session will be held by us on the 19th November, 2022 at 12:00 KI and will last about three hours. We plan on meeting for approximately 4 or 5 sessions.
(11/05 13:41:33) Tehlrov K’hris: We will be meeting in-cavern in an undisclosed location, but if you find us, please refrain from text or voice chat as we will need both to play the game.
(11/05 13:41:42) Tehlrov K’hris: “So what does this have to do with me” you ask? The good news is that you can still listen in on the gameplay!
(11/05 13:42:01) Tehlrov K’hris: The campaign will also be streamed live on Tehlrov Kh’ris’s Twitch channel at http://www.twitch.tv/tehlrovkhris
(11/05 13:42:10) Rabbit: cool
(11/05 13:42:15) Tehlrov K’hris: Same time: 19th November, 2022 at 12:00 KI. That’s just two weeks from now.
(11/05 13:42:28) Tehlrov K’hris: I plan on starting the stream 30 minutes earlier to make sure everything’s working as planned or technical difficulties.
(11/05 13:42:47) Tehlrov K’hris: What will the story be about? None of the players know; only the Game Master knows, so you’ll be just as surprised as the rest of us.
(11/05 13:43:02) Tehlrov K’hris: Come join us and be a fly on the wall as we read between the lights and journey from the surface down underground into D’ni!
(11/05 13:43:14) Tehlrov K’hris: That’s it from me.
(11/05 13:43:15) Calum Traveler: sounds fun! no questions in queue.
(11/05 13:43:21) Tehlrov K’hris waves goodbye
(11/05 13:43:28) Calum Traveler: thank you, khris!
(11/05 13:43:52) Calum Traveler: our next speaker… you know her, you love her… you eat her cookies! iiiiits…. IwonK!
(11/05 13:43:59) Calum Traveler beckons you
(11/05 13:44:10) Ro”Jethhe wants COOKIES.
(11/05 13:44:17) IwonK: I’lll be quick 😀
(11/05 13:44:21) IwonK: oh, right…
(11/05 13:44:21) LividLiquid cheers for COOKIES
(11/05 13:44:31) IwonK passes around COOKIES
(11/05 13:44:34) IwonK: :
(11/05 13:44:36) Ro”Jethhe thanks you
(11/05 13:44:36) IwonK: 😀
(11/05 13:44:45) uru348 passes around MILK
(11/05 13:44:46) IwonK: I’ll be streaming my Wonky Talk on Friday, Nov 18 at 15 KI in the Guild of Cookies’ Hood (we sit by the heek table)
(11/05 13:44:46) Rabbit is suddenly hungry
(11/05 13:44:54) IwonK: This month’s topic is spooky/horror games! I have some titles in my mind already but if you know any interesting games I could talk about (and draw), feel free to throw them my way 🙂
(11/05 13:45:00) Ereshkigal: Cookiemonster has entered the chat 🙂
(11/05 13:45:04) IwonK: join me on my Twitch channel (twitch.tv/yvonk), there will be cookies 🙂
(11/05 13:45:12) Rabbit cheers
(11/05 13:45:16) IwonK: that’s all from me 😀
(11/05 13:45:19) IwonK bows
(11/05 13:45:22) Calum Traveler: no questions in queue
(11/05 13:45:24) judyg: YAY!!!!!
(11/05 13:45:25) Calum Traveler: thanks iwonK!
(11/05 13:45:27) IwonK waves goodbye
(11/05 13:45:45) Ro”Jethhe passes Rabbit a carrot cake.
(11/05 13:45:46) Calum Traveler: finally, one of our long term speakers with his usuals…
(11/05 13:45:47) Rabbit drools
(11/05 13:45:48) Calum Traveler: shokhootahn Rehn!
(11/05 13:45:54) Calum Traveler beckons you
(11/05 13:46:33) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(11/05 13:46:47) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(11/05 13:46:56) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on weekday evenings, starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule. There are daytime openings Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, starting at either 12:00 KI time, 13:00 KI time, or 14:00 KI time, again, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time.
(11/05 13:47:32) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, remember to inclue your KI #.
(11/05 13:47:50) shokhootahn Rehn: I can be found on Discord at r’Tayrtahn#1317.
(11/05 13:47:59) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(11/05 13:48:28) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.
(11/05 13:48:59) Superabbit: I have not
(11/05 13:49:18) shokhootahn Rehn: I have one request for visitors: Please do not post pellet points into the Hood imager…
(11/05 13:50:17) shokhootahn Rehn: One of my former students, Yutiel is listed on that imager. I have refrained from posting pellets to maintain her name at the top as a form of memorial
(11/05 13:50:49) Rabbit: awww
(11/05 13:50:55) Calum Traveler smiles sadly
(11/05 13:50:56) shokhootahn Rehn: She was a great student and became a close friend, in the process.
(11/05 13:50:59) Boywhith: What a nice gesture…
(11/05 13:51:26) shokhootahn Rehn: Another explorer who left us way too soon.
(11/05 13:51:32) Rabbit nods her head
(11/05 13:51:38) Calum Traveler nods his head
(11/05 13:51:38) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(11/05 13:51:42) Calum Traveler: none in queue
(11/05 13:51:45) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…
(11/05 13:51:52) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(11/05 13:52:05) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe and original Story Night are in synch so you will hear the same story at night as you do in the afternoon.
(11/05 13:52:19) shokhootahn Rehn: A few weeks ago, we started the story of The Fall as told in Myst: The Book of Ti’Ana. This is a multi-part story that will last for about three more months.
(11/05 13:52:54) shokhootahn Rehn: I am recording Story Night for (eventual) upload to my YouTube channel (r’Tayrtahn). Please do not PM me during the story unless you want to see your message displayed for the entire internet. 😉
(11/05 13:53:22) shokhootahn Rehn: Currently, I am caught up with video compression. Unfortunately, I have a sizable backlog of videos to edit and upload. To my channel subscribers, please be patient; I am slowly working through it. 🙂
(11/05 13:53:23) EthanEver cringes
(11/05 13:53:50) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(11/05 13:54:00) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(11/05 13:54:14) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 15 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(11/05 13:54:36) shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.
(11/05 13:54:49) shokhootahn Rehn: Should I need to cancel one of the stories at the last minute, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news. 🙂
(11/05 13:55:07) shokhootahn Rehn: Minasunda is one of those members, as she runs the announcements channel on Discord.
(11/05 13:55:29) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(11/05 13:55:53) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender. Though the sender is added to the Recents folder, it is still a good idea to add it to the body of the text. 🙂
(11/05 13:56:23) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(11/05 13:56:31) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(11/05 13:56:33) Calum Traveler: no questions in queue
(11/05 13:56:36) shokhootahn Rehn bows
(11/05 13:56:42) Calum Traveler: thank you!
(11/05 13:56:48) Rabbit: is popcorn available?
(11/05 13:56:58) Calum Traveler: alright, in closing, i received a KI mail with a bunch of questions, unrelated to any specific topic
(11/05 13:56:59) IwonK passes around popcorn cookies
(11/05 13:57:01) philipgr claps his hands
(11/05 13:57:03) Calum Traveler: but ill cover it briefly here
(11/05 13:57:10) Hektor Riven: Thank you 🙂
(11/05 13:57:20) judyg: Callum! great show!! Bravo!!!
(11/05 13:57:31) Calum Traveler: the questions come from Hektor Riven… A general question regarding if there’s documentation on the new ages and other additions added since Chiso Preniv,
(11/05 13:57:58) Calum Traveler: to cover in brief, i dont believe any new walkthrough specifically has been created since the beginning of updates?
(11/05 13:58:24) Calum Traveler: what i will say is that there have been additions that are a bit under the radar for the sake of explorer discovery
(11/05 13:58:32) Calum Traveler: things such as new clothing, or relto pages
(11/05 13:58:37) Rabbit: oooooh
(11/05 13:58:49) Calum Traveler: these may be hidden in places that are new, or hidden in places that are familiar,
(11/05 13:59:09) judyg: roar!!!!!
(11/05 13:59:11) Emor D’ni Lap: in places
(11/05 13:59:19) Hektor Riven: Thank you!
(11/05 13:59:19) judyg starts to laugh
(11/05 13:59:31) Hektor Riven: I’ll keep my eyes open then!
(11/05 13:59:36) Calum Traveler: 😉
(11/05 13:59:45) Calum Traveler: youll never quite know for sure when something new might pop up.
(11/05 14:00:06) Calum Traveler: most major aditions such as new ages will usually have an announcement of some sort, however
(11/05 14:00:06) judyg starts to laugh
(11/05 14:00:18) Calum Traveler: but smaller things? yeah… keep your eyes peeled,
(11/05 14:00:30) Calum Traveler: you never know when you might be awared something in your closet for some milestone achievement 😉
(11/05 14:00:30) Speed_Freek512: Time to start searching!
(11/05 14:00:38) Rabbit: yep
(11/05 14:00:39) shokhootahn Rehn: Or if a journal gets updated?
(11/05 14:00:41) Hektor Riven: I love hidden things and easter eggs!
(11/05 14:00:41) judyg again, roars
(11/05 14:00:45) Calum Traveler: or if a journal gets updated, yes,
(11/05 14:00:52) Rabbit: cool
(11/05 14:00:54) judyg: with a smile!
(11/05 14:01:07) Calum Traveler: i will say that the last major update did include some hidden goodies
(11/05 14:01:18) Calum Traveler: so if you havent found them yet… you might want to get looking 😉
(11/05 14:01:24) Rabbit loves goodies
(11/05 14:01:34) judyg: yum!!!
(11/05 14:01:55) Calum Traveler: on that note, ill close this month’s AGM with our CAVCON stats
(11/05 14:02:06) Calum Traveler: October, 2022—–This looks like a repeat of the repeat of last month!—–CavFunding = 99%CAVCON = 3.0Extra expenses = 0%Reserve = 519%Population = 46,130 (increase of 374)Unique visits = 1,344 (running average is 1,351)
(11/05 14:02:14) ScottMiller: Give us a hint where they can be found please!
(11/05 14:02:21) Speed_Freek512 cheers
(11/05 14:02:33) Calum Traveler: as always, if you’re donating, you know the place, and if you don’t and want to donate you can find it aaaat…
(11/05 14:02:50) Calum Traveler: https://mystonline.com/en/donate/
(11/05 14:02:57) Calum Traveler: a hint?
(11/05 14:03:03) Emor D’ni Lap: thanks for the PSA Calum
(11/05 14:03:05) Calum Traveler: oh… okay, ill give one hint for a well hidden one…
(11/05 14:03:26) Calum Traveler: “Seeds can be found where they are often stored at the end of a long day.”
(11/05 14:03:31) Calum Traveler: 😉
(11/05 14:03:45) Hektor Riven: I love riddles! Thank you! That will be more than enough!
(11/05 14:03:49) Calum Traveler: let’s see if any of you can puzzle that one out heheh
(11/05 14:04:06) Calum Traveler bows
(11/05 14:04:14) Calum Traveler: thank you for coming, all!