Guild of Writers Releases Korman 0.11

The Guild of Writers released a new version of Korman, the age exporting plugin for Blender 2.79b (compatibility with 2.80 is still in the works). This release primarily focuses on bugfixes and improving existing features, with 64 commits and about 1,600 lines of code changed since the previous version.

Changes in this release:

  • Added a help menu for Korman (Thanks to Deledrius for authoring this patch)
  • Added support for exporting font/text objects (Thanks to JulyForToday for co-authoring this patch)
  • Added support for tying object animations to SDL variables (Thanks to Doobes for co-uthoring this patch)
  • Added the ability to animate the material diffuse color
  • *Added the Blending modifier
  • Added the option to specify a proxy object for triangle mesh colliders
  • Added toolbox operators for toggling double-sided mode on meshes (Thanks to Doobes for authoring this patch)
  • Added toolbox operators for toggling packaging of sounds (Thanks to Doobes for authoring this patch)
  • Changed the exponential fog export option from `SetExp2` to `SetExp`. (Thanks to Doobes for authoring this patch)
  • Changed the export of Myst Online: Uru Live files to not apply any form of encryption
  • Fixed a crash in the exporter when baking vertex colors to objects that share a single mesh data block
  • Fixed a serious issue in which exporting with a DECIMATE modifier on a Plasma Object would cause very bad problems (Thanks to TikiBear for authoring this patch)
  • Fixed a serious issue in which the toolbox enable/disable Plasma Object operators would change the page of objects enabled outside of Korman
  • Fixed a traceback in the Add Lamp Flare operator (Thanks to Deledrius for authoring this patch)
  • Fixed an issue in which material animations would not export with the correct duration if the Blender FPS was not set to 30 FPS (Thanks to TikiBear for co-authoring this patch)
  • Fixed an issue in which new sounds under 4 seconds in length might not play in Path of the Shell
  • Fixed an issue in which objects with alpha vertex paint might not be sorted into a blending span (Thanks to Paradox for authoring this patch)
  • Fixed an issue in which responders might get stuck due to the way Blender internally sorts the node links
  • Fixed an issue in which sound volume animations did not function as expected
  • **Fixed many issues preventing runtime lighting from affecting objects
  • ***Fixed many issues with physicals (eg colliders and regions) parented to animated objects (eg subworlds)

If you never used Korman, or need a refresher, there are wiki tutorials available.

You can read the full release forum topic by clicking here.

Keep checking back here for more Age building news!


MOULa: 46116 • Deep Island: 194197 • Minkata: 132812 • Gehn: 137074

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