Halloween Drop-In Party
Monday, October 31, The Guild of Authors and Artists are hosting a “Halloween Drop-In Party and Nanowrimo Kickoff” event in the New Guild of Messengers Pub in the Cavern!
Starting at 1300KI and running until Midnight KI, the Guild of Authors and Artists would love everyone to stop by and say hello! We will be holding a variety of events, with live streaming music provided by Ereshkigal and near Midnight, the Nanowrimo folks will be counting down to November 1, when Nanowrimo begins!
We invite everyone to come in ‘Closet Cosplay’ or the Silliest Outfit you can figure out from your Closet!
We will be having some impromptu events and if you have an idea for an activity you’d like to provide or suggest, please let Diranda or Ereshkigal know.
Some events we’re planning include:
- Sharing Traditions about Halloween or Other Holidays From Around the World: A group chat where you can share your tradition or holiday from your culture or country with everyone.
- Group Masquerade: Show off your ‘costume’ or silly outfit in a procession through the Pub!
- Celebration of Riven: Share memories of playing Riven with everyone!
There may be surprise visits from Storytellers and more, so please feel free to drop in any time and say hello!