(02/02 13:00:36) Korov’ev: Hahr rahm gah shorat, and welcome to the 106th All Guilds Meeting!
(02/02 13:00:41) Lama Kni: nobody kill anybody here i think
(02/02 13:00:43) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:00:45) Max: yeah.. could men bad consequences for us… killing somthing
(02/02 13:00:57) Korov’ev: In the D’ni calendar today is Leevosahn 26, 9674, and the time is 8:03:02
(02/02 13:01:04) J’Kla: Cyan would be upset
(02/02 13:01:11) Korov’ev: As usual, I’ll remind you the 5 Meeting Rules:
(02/02 13:01:19) Korov’ev: 1. Please *keep chatter to a minimum* while speakers are talking. The occasional comment or emote is fine, but be respectful and let the speaker finish.
(02/02 13:01:30) Korov’ev: 2. If you have a question for a speaker, please don’t ask it directly: PM it to me. Be sure a “?” is somewhere in it to properly log the question in the queue.
(02/02 13:01:32) Max zips his lips
(02/02 13:01:33) Night-Tripper: also groundhogs day
(02/02 13:01:48) Korov’ev: 3. Speakers, please indicate when you are done speaking and ready for questions, and when you’re ready for the next question.
(02/02 13:01:58) Korov’ev: 4. If a question requires a long explanation, we may have to skip it to keep things moving. In that case, you can always PM any speaker once they’ve left the stage.
(02/02 13:02:06) Korov’ev: 5. A summary and a chatlog of the Meeting will be published in the next few days on the Guild of Messengers’ brand new site: https://guildofmessengers.org/
(02/02 13:02:21) Korov’ev: Of course, you can start your own chatlog with “/startlog”.
(02/02 13:02:39) Korov’ev: So, next week Uru Live will be NINE year old!
(02/02 13:02:48) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(02/02 13:02:52) Acorn1: Wow!
(02/02 13:02:54) Rabbit cheers
(02/02 13:02:55) Korov’ev: That’s more than it ever did under both Ubisoft and Gametap.
(02/02 13:02:58) Tai’lahr cheers
(02/02 13:03:05) Tai’lahr: Combined!
(02/02 13:03:16) Max: we’re persistant here!
(02/02 13:03:17) Night-Tripper: hurrah
(02/02 13:03:21) Korov’ev: Are we going to miss this occasion to have a big party? Of course not
(02/02 13:03:33) bella1: woo hoo
(02/02 13:03:37) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:03:37) Korov’ev: Let’s hear about what’s being planned from… Minasunda!
(02/02 13:03:43) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:03:45) Max claps his hands
(02/02 13:03:46) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:03:46) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:03:47) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/02 13:03:50) PodHopper claps his hands
(02/02 13:03:50) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:03:50) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 13:03:51) etelka claps her hands
(02/02 13:03:52) Grandbad claps
(02/02 13:03:53) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 13:03:53) MorganLapahie claps her hands
(02/02 13:03:59) mafasa claps his hands
(02/02 13:04:02) Floyd says “YAY”
(02/02 13:04:03) Max throws confetti all over the stage…
(02/02 13:04:07) Mirphak claps and say shorah to all
(02/02 13:04:09) Minasunda: Shorah, Dear Explorers – very soon we’re celebrating the 9th anniversary of MOULa! :))
(02/02 13:04:09) Lama Kni: so mutch people!
(02/02 13:04:17) Lama Kni does a dance
(02/02 13:04:22) Minasunda: You are all cordially invited. :))
(02/02 13:04:28) Mirphak: 39 people
(02/02 13:04:39) Minasunda: Next Friday….
(02/02 13:04:51) Minasunda: starts with the “Opening Ceremony” with Ghaelen at 12 KI in the Wachters Pub…
(02/02 13:05:05) Minasunda: This is followed by “Davides Myst Music” in the Hall of Kings at 13 KI…
(02/02 13:05:22) Minasunda: and “Fils Live Show” at 15 KI in Mir-O-Bots Cleft.
(02/02 13:05:36) Minasunda: Saturday….
(02/02 13:05:49) Minasunda: starts 13 KI with the “Nulp Dance Show” in Mir-O-Bots Relto afterwards DanceParty and Yoda’s Light Show with new wonderful efects.
(02/02 13:06:03) Minasunda: followed at 16 KI by the “Karaoke Show” in the Karaoke Hood
(02/02 13:06:18) Minasunda: Sunday….
(02/02 13:06:33) Minasunda: at 10 KI the “Explorer Memorial” in the Kahlo Pub in Mir-O-Bots city…
(02/02 13:06:45) Minasunda: followed by the “Radio Free D’ni” Show at 11 KI in the Magic Great Tree Pub.
(02/02 13:06:59) Minasunda: The conclusion will be made by Mister Magic 13 KI in the Magic Great Tree Pub with another great light show from our Yoda.
(02/02 13:07:12) Minasunda: In the forum you will find the detailed information about each event: https://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=29118
(02/02 13:07:27) Minasunda: If you do not know what your local time is at the given KI time, you can look here: http://www.florestica.com/hpotd/timezones.html
(02/02 13:07:42) Minasunda: In addition, I have already sent the detailed event plan as a KI mail to many of you. If you do not have it yet and would like it, please PM me after the AGM.
(02/02 13:07:58) Minasunda: any questions?
(02/02 13:08:20) Lama Kni: no
(02/02 13:08:34) Rabbit starts to laugh
(02/02 13:08:36) shokhootahn Rehn: .ril
(02/02 13:08:37) Franklife claps his hands
(02/02 13:08:37) Korov’ev: Lama Kni, please go back
(02/02 13:08:39) Minasunda: then I wish us all a lot of fun at the Anniversary :))) Thank you
(02/02 13:08:45) Lama Kni: thanks for all
(02/02 13:08:48) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:08:48) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:08:50) Max: ah… you invite any from the CYAN HQ, Mina?
(02/02 13:08:53) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:08:53) Tweek claps his hands
(02/02 13:08:54) Minasunda bows
(02/02 13:08:54) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 13:08:57) Lama Kni bows
(02/02 13:08:57) A’lyssa claps her hands
(02/02 13:08:58) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/02 13:08:58) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 13:08:58) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:08:58) Max claps his hands
(02/02 13:08:59) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 13:08:59) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:09:02) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 13:09:03) etelka claps her hands
(02/02 13:09:03) rarified claps his hands
(02/02 13:09:03) Floyd says Thank You to Minasunda
(02/02 13:09:04) MagicYoda claps his hands
(02/02 13:09:06) Mirphak claps his hands
(02/02 13:09:07) Kayara claps her hands
(02/02 13:09:08) Night-Tripper claps his hands
(02/02 13:09:08) MorganLapahie claps her hands
(02/02 13:09:09) Korov’ev: Thank you Minasunda!
(02/02 13:09:09) J’Kla claps his hands
(02/02 13:09:12) Aristocat thanks mina
(02/02 13:09:19) Rabbit: thanks Min!
(02/02 13:09:21) Minasunda: yes Cyan had a invitation
(02/02 13:09:28) shokhootahn Rehn: Thanks, Min!
(02/02 13:09:32) Max: great!
(02/02 13:09:36) Korov’ev: And that’s NOT all for this month, by far
(02/02 13:09:38) bella1: thanks mina!
(02/02 13:09:43) Korov’ev: More musical events are being planned…
(02/02 13:09:52) Night-Tripper: how about the Dni refugees let them know
(02/02 13:09:53) Grandbad claps his hands
(02/02 13:09:53) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:09:54) Korov’ev: Let’s hear about them from… Max!
(02/02 13:09:59) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 13:10:03) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:10:03) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:10:04) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/02 13:10:05) Max: oh… that’s me
(02/02 13:10:06) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:10:07) rarified claps his hands
(02/02 13:10:08) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:10:08) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 13:10:08) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:10:09) Mirphak claps his hands
(02/02 13:10:10) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:10:11) Lama Kni: nice to meet you all!
(02/02 13:10:14) MagicYoda claps his hands
(02/02 13:10:15) Night-Tripper: yea Max
(02/02 13:10:17) Korov’ev: yeah, it`s you
(02/02 13:10:22) Lama Kni: NAMASTE
(02/02 13:10:25) Max: got hit by lag…
(02/02 13:10:34) Lama Kni waves hello
(02/02 13:10:35) shokhootahn Rehn:
(02/02 13:10:46) Max: So… I have a couple of Musical Events to inform you all about… Please wait with any questions you might have till I’m done…
(02/02 13:11:03) Max: The Sunday Music Sessions took a ‘Pause’ for a recharge… or to ‘Reload’ for a while… But the Sessions will continue again at the end of February… So the next Session [#12] will be on Sunday Feb. 24th… And more dates will be added to that later on…
(02/02 13:11:29) Max: The theme this time on 24th is “From Cover to Cover”… And I will mostly play [if not all of it] “covers”… And again, any suggestions or requests for great “covers” to play are most welcome!!!
(02/02 13:12:01) Max: Now… over to another music thing that has become a Yearly Event… The International Women’s Day on March 8th [this year a Friday]… When we’ve always played music, all with & by female artists or groups…
(02/02 13:12:28) Max: This time I’d encourage All Our Female Explorers… girls & women or DJ’s [wannabees] to STEP UP!…
(02/02 13:12:55) Max: SO… MAKE a Tracklist & PLAY… It’s easy to stream, and RFD crew or Me can help you out with the details on that!
(02/02 13:13:13) Max: OR… MAKE a Tracklist… THEN any of us resident DJ’s [who are on the URUTUNES] could play that for you…
(02/02 13:13:33) Max: OR… JUST make requests or suggestions for tracks to PLAY… And I can compile a session or two & play it all…
(02/02 13:14:08) Max: OR… ANY Combo of these three…
(02/02 13:14:24) Max: I’ll put up some more detailed Info regarding all of this on the MOULa Forums soon’ish…
(02/02 13:14:41) Max: And lastly…
(02/02 13:14:55) Max: As time flies quickly around here… We have the International Mother Earth’s Day coming up soon… That’s on April 22nd… I think we can promise you all…
(02/02 13:15:20) Max: Something… 22nd is a Monday. So maybe the weekend 19th to 21st & 22nd is best suited for good measures for any Events… But more on that around April’s AGM…
(02/02 13:15:48) Max: and that’s enough for now, I think… any questions?
(02/02 13:15:55) Korov’ev: Our next question is from Kayara.
(02/02 13:15:55) Korov’ev: [Kayara] Do you mean female solo artists or female-only groups or also groups with maybe a female singer?
(02/02 13:16:12) Max: all of that counts, sure
(02/02 13:16:50) Max: or duets male/female is ok too, I think
(02/02 13:17:08) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:08) Korov’ev: Thank you Max!
(02/02 13:17:11) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:17:11) Floyd bows to max
(02/02 13:17:13) A’lyssa claps her hands
(02/02 13:17:14) Max: ok
(02/02 13:17:15) PodHopper claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:15) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:17:16) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:17) Grandbad clap
(02/02 13:17:17) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:17) rarified claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:17) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:18) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:19) Max bows
(02/02 13:17:23) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 13:17:23) Franklife claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:25) Lama Kni: Inga Rumpf ATLANTIS
(02/02 13:17:26) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:17:27) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 13:17:33) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:17:42) Korov’ev: While people are partying, the Guild of Hax– Writers has been busy scheming…
(02/02 13:17:57) Rabbit: ooooooh
(02/02 13:17:59) Korov’ev: and their latest plot produced a new version of Korman, the Age creation plugin for Blender!
(02/02 13:18:09) Acorn1: Yay!
(02/02 13:18:14) TGMChrist: Great
(02/02 13:18:15) Korov’ev: Version 0.08 focuses on ease of use and intuitive extensions of existing functions;
(02/02 13:18:24) Korov’ev: you can now copy/paste modifiers, pack Age Python scripts automatically, and generate the Journal files automatically.
(02/02 13:18:25) Night-Tripper: ?
(02/02 13:18:32) Rabbit: is there anything intuitive about blender?
(02/02 13:18:42) Korov’ev: very handy, technical stuff
(02/02 13:19:00) Lushun: cool
(02/02 13:19:05) J’Kla: Only when you have been using it a few years
(02/02 13:19:12) Rabbit starts to laugh
(02/02 13:19:13) Korov’ev: they do love to change the GUI from time to time
(02/02 13:19:15) Night-Tripper will stick to exploring
(02/02 13:19:31) Korov’ev: For more info, check the forum thread at https://forum.guildofwriters.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6982
(02/02 13:19:49) Korov’ev: And speaking of Age creation, this year has had a promising start, with plenty of new Ages been announced!
(02/02 13:19:51) Grandbad will just stick
(02/02 13:20:09) Korov’ev: Not only that, but things are (somewhat) moving on the Intangibles front, the project to complete Cyan’s Ages and bring fan Ages to MOULa.
(02/02 13:20:24) Night-Tripper: allright
(02/02 13:20:26) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:27) Korov’ev: Let’s hear about it from… Tweek!
(02/02 13:20:29) Acorn1: Ooh!
(02/02 13:20:33) bella1: awesome
(02/02 13:20:33) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:20:35) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:35) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:36) MorganLapahie claps her hands
(02/02 13:20:36) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 13:20:36) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:37) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:20:37) rarified claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:37) Max: now you’re talking…
(02/02 13:20:38) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:20:38) Mirphak claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:38) PodHopper claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:40) etelka claps her hands
(02/02 13:20:41) Kayara: yay!
(02/02 13:20:41) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:42) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:20:42) Grandbad claps
(02/02 13:20:43) Max claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:44) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:44) Kayara claps her hands
(02/02 13:20:45) Franklife claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:46) TGMChrist: Tweek you are the best.
(02/02 13:20:50) Floyd claps his flippers
(02/02 13:20:51) MagicYoda claps his hands
(02/02 13:20:51) MindWalker is excited!
(02/02 13:21:05) Tweek: Greetings programs!
(02/02 13:21:16) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/02 13:21:28) Night-Tripper checks his program
(02/02 13:21:29) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:21:31) Grandbad laughs
(02/02 13:21:32) Tweek: It’s true, I come with Intangibles news…shock..horror and all that jazz.
(02/02 13:22:00) Rabbit is turning purple
(02/02 13:22:08) Korov’ev: D`ni jazz, that is
(02/02 13:22:18) Max: I kinda like jazz nowadays…
(02/02 13:22:22) Tweek: So modeling work on the Gateway Nexus has now been completed. I am currently just doing some final checks over it to make sure nothing is missing or messed up before I send it to Hoikas and Del to hook up.
(02/02 13:22:40) Rabbit exhales
(02/02 13:22:59) Tweek: For those of you who may not be aware, the Gateway Nexus was one of several projects being worked on that will serve as an access point for fan content on Cyan’s shard.
(02/02 13:23:03) Acorn1: Woot!
(02/02 13:23:13) Rabbit cheers
(02/02 13:23:26) Floyd says OMG!
(02/02 13:23:27) Korov’ev: (and a key one, too)
(02/02 13:23:28) TGMChrist cheers
(02/02 13:23:28) Night-Tripper throws money
(02/02 13:23:47) Tweek: I know things have been moving at a very slow pace. It’s frustrating for not just you guys but for us building the stuff too.
(02/02 13:23:50) Max: over here N-T… me too
(02/02 13:24:22) Tweek: I’ve recently posted some in game screenshots over at my Age Building page on FB – https://www.facebook.com/agesoftweek/
(02/02 13:25:01) Aristocat is drinking some milk
(02/02 13:25:08) Tweek: And Rawa was nice enough to assist on helping to form some of the lore behind the Gateway Nexus
(02/02 13:25:20) Rabbit cheers
(02/02 13:25:22) Lushun:
(02/02 13:25:30) Kayara: wooooot
(02/02 13:25:30) cjherkeless: wow.
(02/02 13:25:31) TGMChrist: WOW
(02/02 13:25:36) Grandbad passes the mints around
(02/02 13:25:36) Max: oooowh… amazing! how’s RAWA doing?
(02/02 13:26:06) Tweek: He’s not 100% still. You can keep up with how he’s doing on his Caring Bridge page.
(02/02 13:26:38) Tweek: So despite the seemingly standstill atmosphere behind Intangibles, stuff is still moving forward
(02/02 13:26:57) Acorn1: Great news! Thanks, Tweek!
(02/02 13:27:06) Korov’ev cheers
(02/02 13:27:07) Grandbad claps
(02/02 13:27:09) Max: indeed great news!
(02/02 13:27:11) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:27:12) etelka cheers
(02/02 13:27:14) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:27:14) Tweek: Secondly, Eder Fahsee. For those of you who were at the AGM last month you will be familiar with Eder Fahsee, to those of you who weren’t Eder Fahsee is an Age I have Written to celebrate Myst’s 25th Anniversary.
(02/02 13:27:14) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:27:16) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(02/02 13:27:22) Theo cheers
(02/02 13:27:31) Tweek: We are taking written submissions from the explorer community chronicling their first interactions with Myst and the impact it had on their lives. If you’re interested in contributing to this project please check out http://dniexplorer.com/fahsee and if you wish to submit something you can do so via the contact form on that page.
(02/02 13:27:43) Tweek: Deadline for submissions has now been pushed back to the 9th of March 2019 to give people a bit more time to submit something.
(02/02 13:28:19) Lama Kni claps his hands
(02/02 13:28:22) bella1 cheers
(02/02 13:28:26) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:28:34) Tweek: And lastly, an interim build of Fahets is due for release soon.
(02/02 13:28:34) Lushun: great impact on my life, sure
(02/02 13:29:11) Korov’ev: Our next question is from Theo.
(02/02 13:29:11) Korov’ev: [Theo] So, where will that Gateway Nexus be installed first?
(02/02 13:29:48) Tweek: This interim build is based on the first version of Fahets but with updated textures and geometry to bring it more in line with the newer build. This interim build is a stop gap before I release the version 2 which makes the Age a lot larger.
(02/02 13:30:24) Tweek: The Gateway Nexus when Hoikas and Del have done their stuff will be sent over to the Open Uru guys for testing before moving to Cyan’s shard
(02/02 13:31:27) Tweek: Any other questions?
(02/02 13:31:39) Korov’ev: Our next question is from Theo.
(02/02 13:31:40) Korov’ev: [Theo] That shard of Cyan’s being Minkata Shard or Here?
(02/02 13:31:47) Tweek: Here
(02/02 13:31:50) Floyd: Sounds like I should be funneling my money over to you other than 59 volts?
(02/02 13:32:03) Korov’ev: so Minkata, then MOULa
(02/02 13:32:08) Tweek: Yes
(02/02 13:32:23) Theo cheers
(02/02 13:32:25) Korov’ev: possibly Gehn before that?
(02/02 13:32:49) Tweek: Don’t know Gehn just adds Fan Ages anyway..so they probably wouldn’t need the Gateway
(02/02 13:33:08) Korov’ev: right
(02/02 13:33:17) Tweek: Especially seeming they are more selective on what Ages they add.
(02/02 13:34:02) Korov’ev: hopefully less than that
(02/02 13:34:12) Korov’ev: oops
(02/02 13:34:25) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:25) Korov’ev: Thank you Tweek!
(02/02 13:34:30) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:34:30) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:31) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:34:32) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:32) Night-Tripper claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:32) Theo claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:32) cjherkeless claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:33) rarified claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:33) MindWalker claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:33) etelka claps her hands
(02/02 13:34:34) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:35) MindWalker cheers
(02/02 13:34:35) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 13:34:36) Mirphak claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:36) CaptainQuery claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:37) PodHopper claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:38) MorganLapahie claps her hands
(02/02 13:34:39) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:34:40) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:34:41) Floyd: me sends kudos to Tweek
(02/02 13:34:44) Max claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:44) Grandbad claps his hands
(02/02 13:34:44) radioflux throws roses
(02/02 13:34:46) Mirphak: thank you Tweek
(02/02 13:34:48) A’lyssa claps her hands
(02/02 13:34:49) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 13:35:03) Kayara claps her hands
(02/02 13:35:06) Korov’ev: But there’s more!
(02/02 13:35:15) Korov’ev: Writer matthornb recently posted on Facebook about the five (5) Ages he’s been working on: Sevkor, D’ni Temple, Eder Vikae, Nay’elas, and Alepahnay.
(02/02 13:35:21) Floyd: no way!!!!
(02/02 13:35:36) Korov’ev: Part of D’ni Temple (area 1) is already available for offline and online visitors, but will be vastly expanded with areas 2 and 3;
(02/02 13:35:52) Rabbit: when?
(02/02 13:35:53) Korov’ev: you might have heard about Sevkor in discussions about porting fan Ages into MOULa, as one of the proposed ways to access them (the more the better, I’d say);
(02/02 13:35:53) Night-Tripper: where?
(02/02 13:36:07) Korov’ev: Eder Vikae, Nay’elas, and Alepahnay are all new Ages, loosely inspired by old concepts.
(02/02 13:36:25) Aristocat is looking forward
(02/02 13:36:30) Korov’ev: Very SoonTM
(02/02 13:36:35) Night-Tripper is panting with excitment
(02/02 13:36:37) Korov’ev: On top of that, he’ll release a Unity remake of Sehv T’devokan, his standalone game, including a version that can be played in a web browser.
(02/02 13:36:54) Korov’ev: He is planning to release them very soon for offline Uru and any shards willing to host them (as Korman allows to easily export for both types).
(02/02 13:37:08) Rabbit: wow
(02/02 13:37:17) Korov’ev: You can read more about matthornb’s creations at: http://www.mystfanart.org/myfanart.html
(02/02 13:37:29) Rabbit wonders about the endlessly elastic definition of ‘soon’
(02/02 13:37:36) Korov’ev: Speaking of fan Ages, the ultimate goal is to get them on MOULa itself!
(02/02 13:37:37) Night-Tripper: lol
(02/02 13:37:38) Lushun: lol
(02/02 13:37:49) Korov’ev: The last step before that is getting them to Minkata.
(02/02 13:38:03) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:03) Korov’ev: So, let’s hear the latest news from OpenUru’s shard from… rarified!
(02/02 13:38:06) Night-Tripper: need beta testers?
(02/02 13:38:07) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 13:38:13) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:38:13) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:38:13) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:14) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:15) Kayara claps her hands
(02/02 13:38:16) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:17) Acorn1 cheers
(02/02 13:38:17) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:19) etelka claps her hands
(02/02 13:38:19) Viktor Riven claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:20) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:38:20) Mirphak claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:23) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:24) cjherkeless claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:25) MagicYoda claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:27) MindWalker claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:30) Lama Kni claps his hands
(02/02 13:38:46) Kayara: Sounds like our writers are quite busy right now
(02/02 13:38:50) rarified: Shorah, all!
(02/02 13:39:09) Mirphak: shorah rarified
(02/02 13:39:16) rarified: It’s been a long time — far too long — since I last took an opportunity
(02/02 13:39:25) Max: it’s like we’ve got a second X-mas…
(02/02 13:39:55) Floyd: begotten bootie
(02/02 13:40:02) rarified: to talk to you.
(02/02 13:40:22) rarified: [Apologies for some duplicates sent to individuals, it’s my first time cut-n-pasting]
(02/02 13:40:46) rarified: Today, I’d like to give what I’m calling a “State of Minkata” report.
(02/02 13:40:58) Floyd: yay
(02/02 13:41:05) rarified: There are many reasons for delays in development on the Minkata
(02/02 13:41:25) rarified: shard including the fact that the game server MOSS needed to
(02/02 13:41:54) rarified: be rebuilt. For more details on that, please see my post at
(02/02 13:42:09) rarified: http://forums.openuru.org/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=1017
(02/02 13:42:22) rarified: Now for the current “State of Minkata”.
(02/02 13:42:35) rarified: Since the beginning of the year I have been able to spend a fair amount
(02/02 13:43:00) rarified: of time trying to narrow down the possible causes for the Minkata bug that
(02/02 13:43:10) rarified: people have encountered since last fall about age state not being saved.
(02/02 13:43:25) rarified: See http://forums.openuru.org/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=1012
(02/02 13:43:31) Acorn1: Yup!
(02/02 13:43:36) rarified: During this time I’ve disabled all previously existing accounts
(02/02 13:43:45) rarified: on Minkata, which makes it much easier to debug things with a new
(02/02 13:43:55) rarified: Vault. Minkata is still locked down today. The existing Vault has
(02/02 13:44:04) rarified: been saved and I will try to restore it when I’ve fixed the bug.
(02/02 13:44:13) rarified: I am continuing to work on it, now with a fairly consistent schedule of
(02/02 13:44:21) rarified: time each week. I don’t know what the problem is yet, so I can’t give
(02/02 13:44:27) rarified: you a schedule on a fix. I do know I have a few more days of work before
(02/02 13:44:36) rarified: I can test an updated MOSS.
(02/02 13:44:44) rarified: I’ve written about these issues in more detail in my post and hope that
(02/02 13:44:52) rarified: the coders in the community will take a look and see if they have any
(02/02 13:44:59) rarified: suggestions or assistance they can offer.
(02/02 13:45:06) rarified: Once these issue can be resolved, more testing will be needed and then
(02/02 13:45:14) rarified: I have some fan created content ready for testing.
(02/02 13:45:20) Acorn1: Ooh!
(02/02 13:45:21) rarified: So in conclusion, I’m saying that while you have not heard anything
(02/02 13:45:30) rarified: from me about Minkata and Fan Content for a long time, there has been
(02/02 13:45:39) rarified: considerable work being done to reach the point where we can deploy
(02/02 13:45:45) rarified: it in a testing framework. And once that barrier has been broken,
(02/02 13:45:52) rarified: the community can start working with Cyan to finish the bridge to MOULa
(02/02 13:46:02) Floyd: we can break it again
(02/02 13:46:02) rarified: Thank you.
(02/02 13:46:04) Lushun:
(02/02 13:46:08) Viktor Riven: \clap
(02/02 13:46:11) Acorn1 cheers
(02/02 13:46:12) etelka claps her hands
(02/02 13:46:13) Tweek claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:13) Viktor Riven: XD
(02/02 13:46:13) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:46:15) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:46:15) Thumbs up from Rabbit
(02/02 13:46:16) Viktor Riven claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:17) Night-Tripper claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:17) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:17) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 13:46:18) Mirphak claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:18) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:18) Grandbad claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:21) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:21) A’lyssa claps her hands
(02/02 13:46:22) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:23) Sleeper Jan claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:23) Kayara claps her hands
(02/02 13:46:23) bella1 cheers
(02/02 13:46:24) Viktor Riven claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:26) Lama Kni claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:27) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:28) Korov’ev: Thank you rarified!
(02/02 13:46:41) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:46) Adrians Great Exploration claps his hands
(02/02 13:46:50) rarified: Any questions? I already received a suggestion to fix the formatting on my post
(02/02 13:47:15) Korov’ev: how to play on Minkata (when it will be back)?
(02/02 13:47:22) MagicYoda claps his hands
(02/02 13:47:35) rarified: As I mentioned, I don’t know exactly when Minkata will open back up.
(02/02 13:47:55) rarified: But when it’s ready, I’ll announce that in the OpenUru Minkata forum
(02/02 13:47:59) Floyd twiddles his ages in anticipation
(02/02 13:48:07) Acorn1: thanks for all your hard work, rarified!
(02/02 13:48:10) rarified: http://forums.openuru.org/viewforum.php?f=108
(02/02 13:48:12) Korov’ev: excellent!
(02/02 13:48:27) rarified: As to how to play on Minkata, go to our “Foundry” home page
(02/02 13:48:36) rarified: at http://foundry.openuru.org
(02/02 13:49:09) rarified: [Please don’t try to sign up until I announce it works :D)
(02/02 13:49:26) rarified: Any other Qs?
(02/02 13:49:29) PodHopper: hope you find a fix soon… (again that word…)
(02/02 13:49:36) rarified: Soon ™
(02/02 13:49:41) Rabbit starts to laugh
(02/02 13:49:45) Korov’ev: none in queue
(02/02 13:49:52) bella1 sighs
(02/02 13:50:05) Tai’lahr: Thanks for all your hard work on this, rarified.
(02/02 13:50:07) rarified: Ok. Post questions on the OpenUru forums if they pop up.
(02/02 13:50:10) rarified bows
(02/02 13:50:12) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:13) shokhootahn Rehn claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:15) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:50:15) MagicYoda claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:16) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:50:17) Rabbit cheers
(02/02 13:50:17) PodHopper claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:18) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:18) Franklife claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:18) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 13:50:18) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:50:20) radioflux claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:20) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:21) Lama Kni bows
(02/02 13:50:21) A’lyssa claps her hands
(02/02 13:50:22) Mirphak claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:22) MindWalker claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:22) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:23) Max claps furiously
(02/02 13:50:23) Theo claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:24) Melis claps her hands
(02/02 13:50:26) Adrians Great Exploration claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:26) Tweek claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:26) bella1 cheers
(02/02 13:50:26) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:27) Aristocat claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:27) MorganLapahie claps her hands
(02/02 13:50:42) Lama Kni claps his hands
(02/02 13:50:44) Korov’ev: And now it’s time for some Cyan news!
(02/02 13:50:52) shokhootahn Rehn cheers
(02/02 13:50:52) Korov’ev: (brace yourselves for a wall of text)
(02/02 13:51:03) Korov’ev: The #Myst25 DVDs have all been shipped; if you don’t have yours yet, you should try contacting support@cyan.com (although sending more than one is of no use and might contribute to slowing down things). Cyan will reach out to any backers whose DVDs are being returned due to various delivery issues.
(02/02 13:51:28) Night-Tripper: just got my prize
(02/02 13:51:36) Korov’ev: Inkwells and linking books are being shipped separately, as doing otherwise would have delayed shipping by several months for everyone, with an increased chance being damaged. If you do receive damaged rewards, or with missing pieces, contact support@cyan.com and include pictures of the damages.
(02/02 13:51:58) Tweek: Got my Myst books the other day..they are stunning.
(02/02 13:52:06) Rabbit: oui Jan
(02/02 13:52:15) Korov’ev: (still waiting mine…)
(02/02 13:52:21) Korov’ev: If you haven’t received the physical rewards, don’t panic; if you have the tracking information, first try contacting your local post office. US backers are getting their books and inkwells a few weeks later than other countries.
(02/02 13:52:23) rarified taps foot.
(02/02 13:52:48) Korov’ev: Canadian backers are also getting the DVDs later than most other countries, in some cases after the books. If you haven’t received them yet, don’t lose hope, and try contacting your local post office.
(02/02 13:52:57) Aristocat treasures his myst books
(02/02 13:53:12) Korov’ev: Also, some backers have reported getting a virus alert when they tried to plug their linking books into their computers. It’s not clear how serious the alerts are yet; putting the specific file in a Windows 10 virtual machine didn’t produce any suspicious activity.
(02/02 13:53:18) Rabbit: the problem is Canada Customs
(02/02 13:53:34) Night-Tripper: sigh
(02/02 13:53:39) Korov’ev: It appears that only specific batches have them, and it’s been difficult to get informations from the production factory. The investigation is still ongoing.
(02/02 13:53:53) Aristocat hates virus
(02/02 13:53:55) Night-Tripper: Chinese New year
(02/02 13:53:59) Korov’ev: Some backers never finished the Blackbox survey, or completed it long after the due date; their rewards will shipped from Cyan directly, but only after all those who did complete their surveys got them.
(02/02 13:54:04) Sleeper Jan: need a hammer?
(02/02 13:54:05) Floyd: Build a Wall
(02/02 13:54:37) Tweek: Don’t need to build a Wall, there’s a perfectly good one in Gahreesen that’s going unused.
(02/02 13:54:46) Tai’lahr: hehe
(02/02 13:54:48) Night-Tripper: right on
(02/02 13:54:51) Korov’ev: And that`s it for #Myst25
(02/02 13:55:02) Floyd: I disagree that wall cannot be used
(02/02 13:55:15) Korov’ev: Now, we have an update on the D’ni Classes and Story Night, from Instructor Rehn!
(02/02 13:55:18) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:22) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:23) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 13:55:24) Melis claps her hands
(02/02 13:55:25) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:26) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 13:55:26) bella1: yay
(02/02 13:55:26) Ro”Jethhe claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:28) Kayara claps her hands
(02/02 13:55:28) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:28) rarified claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:29) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 13:55:29) Aristocat claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:30) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 13:55:31) Mirphak claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:31) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 13:55:33) MagicYoda claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:35) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:37) Franklife claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:42) PodHopper claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:43) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:44) Lama Kni claps his hands
(02/02 13:55:49) Ro”Jethhe: Barho claps his hands
(02/02 13:56:04) Korov’ev: Rehn?
(02/02 13:56:08) Night-Tripper: er flutters his wings
(02/02 13:56:10) Max: he’s having a nap?
(02/02 13:56:27) Korov’ev: r`Tayrtahn?
(02/02 13:57:19) Sleeper Jan: maybe
(02/02 13:57:25) shokhootahn Rehn: As usual, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(02/02 13:57:37) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(02/02 13:58:04) shokhootahn Rehn: Two more students for the current session have completed the 101 class!
(02/02 13:58:11) Rabbit cheers
(02/02 13:58:23) shokhootahn Rehn: There are still a few groups, at various stages learning the alphabet, time, and the suffixes.
(02/02 13:58:33) shokhootahn Rehn: while classes are in session, the Guild of Istructors’ Hood will be closed. As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(02/02 13:58:39) bella1 cheers
(02/02 13:58:51) shokhootahn Rehn: Also, I use Magic Bot’s (KI #27527) advertisements to announce last-minute changes to class times.
(02/02 13:59:08) shokhootahn Rehn: You can get those advertisements by adding him as a buddy and then sending him a PM with the word: advert
(02/02 13:59:09) shokhootahn Rehn:
(02/02 13:59:26) shokhootahn Rehn: If Magic Bot is not on-line, you can also PM Mimi Bot (KI #71459) the word, as well.
(02/02 13:59:40) shokhootahn Rehn: I am in the Hood most days at 10:00 KI time and 20:00 KI time for those students who have questions regarding the current lesson.
(02/02 13:59:57) shokhootahn Rehn: I’ll be announcing more graduates of the current classes at a future AGM.
(02/02 14:00:05) Rabbit cheers
(02/02 14:00:07) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(02/02 14:00:08) shokhootahn Rehn:
(02/02 14:00:31) Korov’ev: none in queue
(02/02 14:01:03) shokhootahn Rehn: I guess not. Moving on…
(02/02 14:01:06) shokhootahn Rehn:
(02/02 14:01:11) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(02/02 14:01:12) Lama Kni bows
(02/02 14:01:26) shokhootahn Rehn: Due to my traveling, Story Night – Europe is at a different stage of the history than is original Story Night.
(02/02 14:02:04) shokhootahn Rehn: For Story Night – Europe, we will be finishing the events from The Fall.
(02/02 14:02:38) shokhootahn Rehn: Please note: due to the MOULa 9th anniversary, there will be no Story Night – Europe next week. Story Night – Europe will resume on February 16… barring any last-minute travel plans. You can always check the left imager in the Hood, the bots, or the forums… though, I don’t always remember to post updates in the forums.
(02/02 14:02:55) Mirphak: good night GB, take care
(02/02 14:03:12) shokhootahn Rehn: For original Story Night, we will be continue with the events in the game of Myst.
(02/02 14:03:25) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(02/02 14:03:35) Sleeper Jan: nini GB
(02/02 14:03:40) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(02/02 14:04:07) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 30 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later. Again, I use Magic Bot to advertise changes to Story Night times for both Europe and original.
(02/02 14:04:32) shokhootahn Rehn: Times for original Story Night (Saturdays at 23:30 KI time) are unaffected by my traveling. However, they are affected by power outages due to thunderstorms… which, unfortunately, ’tis always the season. Should this be the case, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news.
(02/02 14:04:59) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(02/02 14:05:19) shokhootahn Rehn: r’Tayrtahn announces the start of Story Night through buddy chat. If you would like to receive the announcements, please send r’T a KI mail (with your KI number included in the text) and he’ll add you to his buddies list. His KI number is 58324. KI mails do not identify the KI number of the sender so it must be added to the body of the text.
(02/02 14:05:55) shokhootahn Rehn: Some have sent messages to be added but have not included their KI mail so they were unable to be added.
(02/02 14:06:17) shokhootahn Rehn: Also, I use Magic Bot’s (KI #27527) advertisements to announce last-minute changes to Story Night times.
(02/02 14:06:44) shokhootahn Rehn: We hope to see you there!
(02/02 14:06:47) shokhootahn Rehn: As an aside, both events (lessons and Story Nights) are listed on the GoMe calendar at https://bit.ly/GoMe_cal
(02/02 14:06:57) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(02/02 14:07:01) Korov’ev: yes
(02/02 14:07:05) Korov’ev: Our next question is from Floyd.
(02/02 14:07:05) Korov’ev: [Floyd] question….when do the stories start over from the beginning?
(02/02 14:07:47) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is episodic, in nature. THere are a total of 104 stories, taking a full two years to complete.
(02/02 14:08:19) Korov’ev: it`s a long run!
(02/02 14:08:33) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night Europe is on story #50 and original Story Night is on story #67
(02/02 14:09:00) shokhootahn Rehn: So… we are about half-way through.
(02/02 14:09:15) Korov’ev claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:15) Korov’ev: Thank you Rehn!
(02/02 14:09:20) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 14:09:20) Acorn1 claps her hands
(02/02 14:09:21) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:22) Massygo claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:22) TGMChrist claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:23) Melis claps her hands
(02/02 14:09:24) Adrians Great Exploration claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:24) Kayara claps her hands
(02/02 14:09:24) Rabbit claps her hands
(02/02 14:09:25) Lushun claps her hands
(02/02 14:09:25) PodHopper claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:26) thoekenem claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:26) A’lyssa claps her hands
(02/02 14:09:28) rarified claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:28) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 14:09:29) Rabbit cheers
(02/02 14:09:30) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:31) Theo claps his hands
(02/02 14:09:42)
(02/02 14:09:46) shokhootahn Rehn: As an aside, I have been holding Story Night on a regular basis since October of 2007.
(02/02 14:10:02) Rabbit: wooooooooowww
(02/02 14:10:05) bella1 chhesr
(02/02 14:10:06) Floyd: you are a trooper
(02/02 14:10:10) Lushun: /clap
(02/02 14:10:16) shokhootahn Rehn bows
(02/02 14:10:18) Rabbit: a trouper indeed!
(02/02 14:10:18) Tai’lahr: That’s dedication!
(02/02 14:10:20) Sleeper Jan: well done
(02/02 14:10:23) Lama Kni claps his hands
(02/02 14:10:24) Acorn1: amazing!
(02/02 14:10:27) Franklife claps his hands
(02/02 14:10:30) bella1: and thank you
(02/02 14:10:31) Minasunda claps her hands
(02/02 14:10:33) Davide claps his hands
(02/02 14:10:40) Korov’ev: indeed!
(02/02 14:10:41) Adrians Great Exploration claps his hands
(02/02 14:10:41) shokhootahn Rehn: Just doing my little part to heplp keep the dream alive, Tai.
(02/02 14:10:50) Lushun:
(02/02 14:10:57) Tai’lahr: You’ve contributed quite a bit, Rehn!
(02/02 14:11:00) Korov’ev shrugs
(02/02 14:11:00) Korov’ev: And with that, it’s time to wrap up this Meeting!
(02/02 14:11:07) Korov’ev: Here is the summary of this month’s events (times in KI time)…
(02/02 14:11:12) Floyd: long meeting this time
(02/02 14:11:13) Korov’ev: A calendar is also present in the left imager of the Guild of Messengers’ Hood;
(02/02 14:11:20) Korov’ev: if you find a mistake, please PM me here or on the forum so I can correct it.
(02/02 14:11:32) Korov’ev: Monday 4 is the Gehn Shard’s 7th anniversary (happy birthday!)
(02/02 14:11:45) Tai’lahr claps her hands
(02/02 14:11:47) Korov’ev: Friday 8 is of course the 9th anniversary of the self-hosted Myst Online: Uru Live (again).
(02/02 14:11:53) Sleeper Jan claps his hands
(02/02 14:11:55) Korov’ev: Friday 15 is both D’mala’s 13th and Gametap-MOUL’s 12th anniversary.
(02/02 14:11:56) Lushun: happy BD
(02/02 14:12:02) Korov’ev: Thursday 28 is Leevotar 17 in the D’ni Calendar, the day of the abdication of King Kerath (in 679 BC) and the beginning of the rule by the Council of Elders.
(02/02 14:12:13) Korov’ev: Now, for what’s going on in the Cavern:
(02/02 14:12:20) Korov’ev: The Guild of Greeters’ Hood is staffed Monday-Saturday 13:45-14:15, if you need hints or info about the Cavern.
(02/02 14:12:25) Korov’ev: Sun 3 & 17 @ 13:00: Radio Free D’ni, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(02/02 14:12:26) Floyd (I’m on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/02 14:12:30) Korov’ev: Sun 10 @ 10:00: Explorer Memorial, in Mir-o-Bot’s Kahlo Pub [www.urutunes.com/KGOH]
(02/02 14:12:36) Korov’ev: Sun 10 @ 11:00: Radio Free D’ni Special, in Magic Great Tree Pub [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(02/02 14:12:42) Korov’ev: Sun 10 @ 12:45: Magic Light Show, in Magic Great Tree Pub [www.urutunes.com/RFD]
(02/02 14:12:43) Night-Tripper (I’m on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/02 14:12:47) Korov’ev: Every Sun @ 13:00: Meeting Place Gatherings, in Meeting Place’s Hood
(02/02 14:12:53) Korov’ev: Every Wed @ 12:00: NULPsday, in German NULP’s Hood
(02/02 14:13:00) Korov’ev: Fri 8 @ 12:00: 9th Anniv Opening Ceremony, in Watcher’s Pub [www.urutunes.com/KGOH]
(02/02 14:13:06) Korov’ev: Fri 8 @ 13:00: Davide’s Myst Music, in Hall of Kings [www.urutunes.com/mretahleeo]
(02/02 14:13:12) Korov’ev: Fri 8 @ 15:00: Fil’s Live Show, in Mir-o-Bot’s Cleft [www.urutunes.com/Fil]
(02/02 14:13:17) Korov’ev: Every Fri @ 16:00: Triosity Radio, in Ae’gura Plaza [www.urutunes.com/Fil]
(02/02 14:13:34) Korov’ev: Sat 9 @ 13:00: 9th Anniv Nulp Dance Show, in Mir-o-Bot Relto
(02/02 14:13:40) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 14:00: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Nights, in Tsahno’s Hood (except on the Anniversary week)
(02/02 14:13:45) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 16:00: Karaoke Parties, in Karaoke’s Hood
(02/02 14:13:51) Korov’ev: Every Sat @ 23:30: r’Tayrtahn’s Story Nights, in Tsahno’s Hood
(02/02 14:13:58) Korov’ev: And…
(02/02 14:14:03) Korov’ev: The next All Guilds Meeting is planned for Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 13:00 KI time
(02/02 14:14:07) Acorn1: Thanks for hosting the AGM, Korov’ev
(02/02 14:14:11) Korov’ev: Please consider donating to Cyan, to keep the Cavern open: http://www.mystonline.com/en/donate
(02/02 14:14:17) Korov’ev bows
(02/02 14:14:17) Korov’ev: And with that, this Meeting is ended. Thank you all for coming, see you next year!