(10/01 13:15:11) Calum Traveler: alright, im going to start with the usual starting rules stuff
(10/01 13:15:18) Ereshkigal cheers
(10/01 13:15:19) angelmyst: I have an Obduction vibe
(10/01 13:15:24) Calum Traveler: welcome everyone to this, the OCTOBER AGM!
(10/01 13:15:25) Calum Traveler cheers
(10/01 13:15:34) Cody Herd cheers
(10/01 13:15:39) skyisblu cheers
(10/01 13:15:42) Ereshkigal: The sky reminds me of Veelay
(10/01 13:15:56) Diranda waves hello
(10/01 13:16:00) Calum Traveler: welcome one and all to Fahets: Highgarden, a wonderful age written by our own Keith Lord!
(10/01 13:16:03) Calum Traveler: more from him in a bit
(10/01 13:16:07) Diranda claps her hands
(10/01 13:16:07) skyisblu: Bravo!
(10/01 13:16:13) EthanEver cheers
(10/01 13:16:18) Calum Traveler: as usual, the standard AGM rules.
(10/01 13:16:20) Cody Herd: clap
(10/01 13:16:20) Calum Traveler: Don’t press the-
(10/01 13:16:21) Calum Traveler: uh
(10/01 13:16:24) Calum Traveler: hrm!
(10/01 13:16:28) Calum Traveler: we dont have a blue button this week
(10/01 13:16:28) ondine claps her hands
(10/01 13:16:29) Ereshkigal: No blue button this time
(10/01 13:16:31) skyisblu: LOL
(10/01 13:16:31) Finley Harlow claps his hands
(10/01 13:16:36) Ankh-Anapa: All the safer, then?
(10/01 13:16:37) Christian Walther: Yellow button?
(10/01 13:16:43) Doobes: Heh, that’s one benefit of this field trip, I suppose!
(10/01 13:16:48) Calum Traveler: right, so, keep the usual /clap spam to a minimum during the speakers talking,
(10/01 13:16:51) angelmyst: dont mess wiith the eggs
(10/01 13:17:01) Ereshkigal: Is that a yellow buttn or a fire
(10/01 13:17:03) Calum Traveler: let ’em say their words, and PM me any questions you may have.
(10/01 13:17:08) Calum Traveler: ill add to queue
(10/01 13:17:39) Calum Traveler: speakers! when i call your names ensure /autoshout is enabled.
(10/01 13:17:57) Ereshkigal: I waant t grw my turnips and peas here
(10/01 13:18:21) Ereshkigal: Such a great garden area
(10/01 13:18:26) Calum Traveler:
(10/01 13:18:51) shokhootahn Rehn: Calum, are we speaking in place instead of standing in a specific spot?
(10/01 13:18:51) Calum Traveler: alright, so… since we’re having a bit of a delay, ill hold off my usual announcements for a bit and instead get to our overdue first speaker, skyisblu who had a quick announcement!
(10/01 13:19:01) Calum Traveler: nah, it’ll be freeform
(10/01 13:19:04) Calum Traveler: just say your piece
(10/01 13:19:12) Calum Traveler: and make sure you have /autoshout enabled
(10/01 13:19:18) Doobes: Like talking around a campfire.
(10/01 13:19:31) Diranda: Yep!
(10/01 13:19:41) skyisblu: Hi everybody! I am holding cooking sessions once a month in the Guild of Caterers Hood. It is a chance for us to get together, learn a new recipe and talk food, which I know we all love to do in cavern
(10/01 13:19:43) Prad: autoshout required?
(10/01 13:19:45) Wyrm: very dark garden, what grows here Mushrooms
(10/01 13:19:50) Zeke365 hands everyone smores
(10/01 13:19:59) Calum Traveler: yes, please turn on /autoshout
(10/01 13:20:08) Doobes: Aside from lore, food is definitely a popular subject. Hehehe.
(10/01 13:20:15) skyisblu: October’s cooking session is this coming Monday at 12 KI. This time around, I will be delving into the techniques to making a good risotto. It is a dish that is often regarded at complex and relatively hard to make, but I am hoping to show how simple it can be, once you know how.
(10/01 13:20:36) Ereshkigal: ‘The sun will surely rise at some point
(10/01 13:20:40) skyisblu: The cooking session will be live-streamed via Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/skyisblu_is_me/
(10/01 13:20:58) skyisblu: I know it is not an ideal time for everyone, so if you miss the live stream, the video, as well as accompanying recipes, are always available on my website, https://www.cookingsessionswithsky.blogspot.com and that includes all previous cooking streams.
(10/01 13:20:59) michaeltv: Thats awesome
(10/01 13:21:16) skyisblu: An important note: The sessions are done in both English and French
(10/01 13:21:20) michaeltv: Thats awesome
(10/01 13:21:38) skyisblu: Oh, and during this cooking session, since there will be a lot of stirring and idle time, I’ll be able to answer more questions about cooking in general, so if you have any, now is the time to ask away! I look forward to chatting with all of you on Monday!
(10/01 13:21:59) Calum Traveler: no questions in queue, any for skyisblu?
(10/01 13:22:04) -Mowog-: Thanks, Sky!
(10/01 13:22:20) skyisblu: Thanks everybody
(10/01 13:22:22) Calum Traveler: alllrighty then.
(10/01 13:22:26) shokhootahn Rehn: Will you try to approximate some D’ni dishes?
(10/01 13:22:31) Calum Traveler: thank you sky!
(10/01 13:22:41) Ereshkigal: Do we know any D’ni dishes
(10/01 13:22:43) EtienneG claps his hands
(10/01 13:22:44) uru348 claps his hands
(10/01 13:22:45) Calum Traveler: now then, for the usual announcements…
(10/01 13:22:48) ondine claps her hands
(10/01 13:22:49) Calum Traveler shuffles notes…
(10/01 13:22:59) Calum Traveler: first up: MYSTERIUM!
(10/01 13:23:01) skyisblu: I am working on a parallel project with some D’ni inspiration, Rehn
(10/01 13:23:10) michaeltv: Oooooo
(10/01 13:23:10) shokhootahn Rehn: Yay!
(10/01 13:23:15) Calum Traveler: the uploads of videos to Youtube has been completed
(10/01 13:23:20) jtrigg: mushroom pie!
(10/01 13:23:22) Zeke365 knows 2 dni dishes to
(10/01 13:23:39) Calum Traveler: you can find the whole playlist at https://www.youtube.com/user/MysteriumCon
(10/01 13:23:52) Calum Traveler: survey highlights!
(10/01 13:24:04) Calum Traveler: the commitee thanks everyone who’s participated in the end of con survey
(10/01 13:24:36) Calum Traveler: meowwolf went over well, and we’ll be looking into future similar locations
(10/01 13:24:46) Calum Traveler: Cavern Feud was WELL received as well,
(10/01 13:25:00) Calum Traveler: if we can get more questions we might do it again next year!
(10/01 13:25:06) skyisblu: yay!
(10/01 13:25:22) Calum Traveler: finally, a number of people have asked for ASL translation or Captions. we’re looking into the feasability of these.
(10/01 13:25:36) Calum Traveler: an ASL translator may not be in our budget for next year, however.
(10/01 13:25:44) Calum Traveler: we’re looking into captions as well.
(10/01 13:26:17) Calum Traveler: august’s prompt was “Travel” and the winner of august is Laughing Pineapple’s piece of the siblings consulting a map
(10/01 13:26:27) Calum Traveler: MYSTERIUM 2023 NEWS
(10/01 13:26:34) Calum Traveler: as you all likely have heard- next year is SPOKANE
(10/01 13:26:48) michaeltv claps his hands
(10/01 13:26:56) Calum Traveler: we’re looking to hammer down an official date soon, but i can confirm we’re looking at specific weekends at the moment
(10/01 13:27:11) Cave woman: Well spokane for Mysterium
(10/01 13:27:19) Calum Traveler: as per our survey, many folks are okay with dates in late june, early july,
(10/01 13:27:29) Calum Traveler: so it may be somewhere in that time frame next year.
(10/01 13:27:35) tatayet waves hello
(10/01 13:27:35) Crewcut leans right
(10/01 13:27:42) Calum Traveler: wait for a future blogpost for confirmed dates.
(10/01 13:27:44) michaeltv: Excellent!
(10/01 13:27:44) maluhia leans left
(10/01 13:27:44) Eternal Seeker: where on hell is Spokane :))
(10/01 13:27:49) Calum Traveler: Washington,
(10/01 13:27:52) Calum Traveler: it’s Cyan HQ town
(10/01 13:27:54) Calum Traveler:
(10/01 13:27:56) vid: What the heck is a blog?
(10/01 13:27:57) Prad: spoke A-N-E
(10/01 13:28:06) Calum Traveler: https://mysterium.net/
(10/01 13:28:13) Prad: yeah Cyan HQ
(10/01 13:28:14) Calum Traveler: finally, announcing the CHAIRS for 2023
(10/01 13:28:32) vid: I hope they’re comfortable ones.
(10/01 13:28:38) michaeltv: big news day
(10/01 13:28:40) Calum Traveler: Elliot “Taniith” Borenstein, and Kelly “Rayne” Coston
(10/01 13:28:41) Ereshkigal: Should be something special done for next year’s mysterium, if it’s held at Cyan
(10/01 13:28:54) michaeltv claps his hands
(10/01 13:29:00) Calum Traveler: you all know Taniith and Kelly, they’ve been long stays from Mysterium for years now.
(10/01 13:29:26) Calum Traveler: september’s creativity prompt, “Rest” has closed, and a winner will be selected later,
(10/01 13:29:32) Calum Traveler: october’s prompt is “Spooky”!
(10/01 13:29:46) Calum Traveler: tis the season!
(10/01 13:29:57) IwonK: ;]
(10/01 13:30:02) Calum Traveler: Zeke365 asks about guests needing to be vaccinated for next year,
(10/01 13:30:08) Calum Traveler: it’s a bit too early to say for certain at this stage,
(10/01 13:30:09) Ahno: spooky… what else
(10/01 13:30:13) Calum Traveler: but id consider it likely.
(10/01 13:30:17) Calum Traveler: we required it this year,
(10/01 13:30:20) vid cheers
(10/01 13:30:23) Cave woman: Octobeer is National Bat Appeciation Monh
(10/01 13:30:24) Calum Traveler: full vac, and 1 booster,
(10/01 13:30:44) Calum Traveler: more information on covid requirements will be posted as we get a better idea of how 2023 is looking
(10/01 13:30:47) tatayet leans right
(10/01 13:30:47) ondine leans right
(10/01 13:30:57) tatayet leans left
(10/01 13:30:59) Calum Traveler: for now, id expect something similar to this year, median average,
(10/01 13:31:06) tatayet leans right
(10/01 13:31:08) Calum Traveler: it could either loosen or get tigheter, depending on how things go.
(10/01 13:31:12) Prad likes ‘bat ppreciation month’…
(10/01 13:31:27) Calum Traveler: more news as its available.
(10/01 13:31:29) Calum Traveler shuffles notes
(10/01 13:31:34) Calum Traveler: moving onto local, Cavern news…
(10/01 13:31:37) Finley Harlow: Grandpa Joe aside, I’m all in favor of mask mandates
(10/01 13:31:41) Calum Traveler: He says, while not standing in the cavern at all today,
(10/01 13:32:38) Raiga Olir laughs heartily
(10/01 13:32:41) Calum Traveler shuffles notes again…
(10/01 13:32:45) Calum Traveler: right, Okay.
(10/01 13:32:52) Calum Traveler: Story News!
(10/01 13:33:07) Catchen: Yesssss story news
(10/01 13:33:13) Calum Traveler: as you know, I’ve been talking up the Rei’schu delegation talks for a while now,
(10/01 13:33:13) skyisblu cheers
(10/01 13:33:20) Catchen claps her hands
(10/01 13:33:23) Calum Traveler: well, we’ve finally gotten some news on that.
(10/01 13:33:31) Calum Traveler: as i said at the town hall, I started a discord to organize all of this
(10/01 13:33:51) Calum Traveler: the OOC to that IC is that this discord channel is where the actual negotiations are going to be happening, due to scheduling conflicts between our ambassadors
(10/01 13:34:01) Calum Traveler: several people had conflicting availability days
(10/01 13:34:31) Calum Traveler: so, instead of holding an incavern session where some folks were likely to miss out on it,
(10/01 13:34:45) Calum Traveler: i made the discord channel to hold a sort of ‘ongoing’ unwritten session,
(10/01 13:35:12) Calum Traveler: during our trial run so far, we’ve already written a massive amount of words between us, so it seems to be working good enough im opening the door wide for a mass audience to view
(10/01 13:35:35) ondine leans left
(10/01 13:35:41) Calum Traveler: https://discord.gg/FPTKRfWe3w
(10/01 13:35:42) Mak Raves leans right
(10/01 13:35:49) Calum Traveler: you can find the discord channel through that link.
(10/01 13:36:31) Calum Traveler: note: presently it is set up that only the diplomats can post in the active story channels, but i have a few side channels for folks to talk and discuss in.
(10/01 13:36:39) Calum Traveler: anyone can view any main channel, however
(10/01 13:36:53) Calum Traveler: if you’re not into watching folks talk over discord, dont worry
(10/01 13:37:08) Calum Traveler: these logs will be transcribed into a series of journals that will be brought into MOULa
(10/01 13:37:15) Prad: oh so it’s a separate discord channel from ‘Cyan’, ‘MOULa events’ and ‘OpenUru’… okay…
(10/01 13:37:24) Calum Traveler: yes, it was easier to manage that way, prad,
(10/01 13:37:33) Ereshkigal: It’s a separate server
(10/01 13:37:58) Calum Traveler: atleast in terms of moderation, it’ll be easier as its own thing.
(10/01 13:38:12) Calum Traveler: if this all goes over smoothly, we may continue using it for future rei’schu negotiation stuff
(10/01 13:38:30) Prad: Okay seems that negotiation task has grown in some way… okay…
(10/01 13:39:06) Calum Traveler: riiight, moving on from the rei’schu stuff,
(10/01 13:39:12) Calum Traveler: Eder Naybree released last September,
(10/01 13:39:16) Calum Traveler: as im sure you’re all aware
(10/01 13:39:23) Calum Traveler: and here we stand in Highgarden!
(10/01 13:39:31) Prad: can navigate, much age visitors… I dont think we have crtashed…
(10/01 13:39:42) Calum Traveler: i can’t say when the next age will release exactly, but i can say it will be Eder Bahvahnter,
(10/01 13:40:03) Calum Traveler: yes, another garden age.
(10/01 13:40:09) Ereshkigal: Oooh, nice!
(10/01 13:40:14) Calum Traveler: we were on something of a garden kick this year lol
(10/01 13:40:31) Calum Traveler: less a garden quarter, more ‘garden year’? XD
(10/01 13:40:37) uru348: Garden binge
(10/01 13:40:39) Dni_seeker 5: Its name looks like “beast-something-tree”
(10/01 13:40:41) Calum Traveler: yes, a garden binge,
(10/01 13:40:42) Ahno: no problem about garden ages, they’re cool….
(10/01 13:40:45) Zeke365: @Calum must have green thumb
(10/01 13:40:50) vid: Can we consider Naybee and Highgarden to be the standards moving forward? They’re incredible high water marks.
(10/01 13:41:02) Calum Traveler: speaking of future updates,
(10/01 13:41:06) -Mowog-: Agreed.
(10/01 13:41:16) Calum Traveler: rarified couldnt be here this week due to travel obligations, so ill make the announcement for him instead
(10/01 13:41:22) [X-Geek] Alhon [TCT/OTF]: Seconded.
(10/01 13:41:23) Calum Traveler: ahhem.
(10/01 13:41:29) shokhootahn Rehn wonders if we time-traveled back to the 8100s DE?
(10/01 13:41:56) Prad: noooo… wanna ages with puzzles too… lol… (panic, sweat)…. :/
(10/01 13:42:06) Calum Traveler: Due to the exhaustion many of us felt after the push for Q2 this year, combined with Mysterium rush, and also the whole, general… Chaotic mess that can be Surface Life?
(10/01 13:42:24) Calum Traveler: we on the dev team have decided to combine Q3 and Q4 into one quarter for the end of 2022,
(10/01 13:42:40) Calum Traveler: this will be landing sometime in early December,
(10/01 13:43:10) Calum Traveler: it may not be a whooole lot like some of us were planning
(10/01 13:43:28) Calum Traveler: and yes, some things will end up being pushed into ’23 that were planned for somewhere in these two quarters, but, well…
(10/01 13:43:35) Calum Traveler: quite frankly we’re all in need of the break!
(10/01 13:43:41) Doobes: Such is the nature of the beast.
(10/01 13:43:46) Calum Traveler: and real life, for some of us, has continued to be a mighty pain.
(10/01 13:43:54) Calum Traveler: see Rarifieds absence
(10/01 13:43:54) Yali: yes indeed
(10/01 13:44:05) Calum Traveler: he planned on being here but, he was delayed in traveling due to unforeseeable circumstances.
(10/01 13:44:34) Calum Traveler: regarding other planned upgrades and updates as mentioned in the mysterium dev panel this year,
(10/01 13:46:01) Calum Traveler: the Minkata Delta Plan may still launch sometime this year, but due to the aforementioned case of Surface Obligations, no progress yet has been made on setting up the server. however, some background plans on ensuring that the Minkata Server can remain running in case of emergency have been made.
(10/01 13:46:20) Calum Traveler: essentially, preparing for the worst incase of emergency.
(10/01 13:46:35) Calum Traveler: not what time was expected to be spent on, but a necessary thing regardless.
(10/01 13:46:52) Calum Traveler: i was told i could say the words “Dockerized Minkata” in regards to that?
(10/01 13:47:15) Calum Traveler: im not quite sure what that means exactly in this case, but i believe it means a portable server in worst case scenarios?
(10/01 13:47:22) Calum Traveler shrugs
(10/01 13:47:37) Prad: Dockable tells me something
(10/01 13:47:40) Calum Traveler: colorado has had its fair share of dangerous fires this last year
(10/01 13:47:51) Calum Traveler: some came close to myself, and rarifieds locations multiple times,
(10/01 13:48:24) Calum Traveler: checks over notes…
(10/01 13:48:40) Calum Traveler: Ill tease one highlight of the next/end of year quarter for this year,
(10/01 13:48:48) Darryl Pogue: Dockerized Minkata: Essentially a pre-built virtual machine snapshot of the Minkata server that anyone could set up and easily run
(10/01 13:48:54) Thumbs up from Calum Traveler
(10/01 13:49:03) Calum Traveler: ty for the translation, darryl,
(10/01 13:49:25) Calum Traveler: tease for this next quarter is….
(10/01 13:49:42) Calum Traveler: “Yall have made that fountain in Naybree into a tree by sitting on it… so I got some decorations to make it into a tree.”
(10/01 13:50:01) Calum Traveler: i hope you all will enjoy its gleaming glory when the time comes
(10/01 13:50:17) Calum Traveler: alright, wrapping up the dev side of things…
(10/01 13:50:33) Zeke365 waiting on all these drum rolls
(10/01 13:50:34) Calum Traveler: Darryl Pogue! you wanted to say something?
(10/01 13:50:41) Darryl Pogue: !shorah It’s really great to see the turnout today for the release of Fahets Highgarden.
(10/01 13:50:50) Doobes nods
(10/01 13:50:52) Darryl Pogue: I have a few quick things I’d like to highlight from the Uru development side.
(10/01 13:51:07) Darryl Pogue: Firstly, as Calum mentioned, the videos from this year’s Mysterium panels have been posted to the MysteriumCon channel on YouTube.
(10/01 13:51:17) Darryl Pogue: You can watch the Uru Dev & Age Builders panel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s4LzDh1bn8
(10/01 13:51:25) Darryl Pogue: Spoiler: There might have been some news about progress on a macOS version mentioned in that panel
(10/01 13:51:47) Diranda claps her hands
(10/01 13:51:54) Darryl Pogue: Secondly, today is the first of October, which is also the first day of the annual Hacktoberfest event.
(10/01 13:51:54) michaeltv: oh word
(10/01 13:52:01) Darryl Pogue: Hacktoberfest is a month-long event that encourages people to contribute to open-source software projects. Make 4 contributions and you can earn a free T-shirt.
(10/01 13:52:12) Darryl Pogue: Last year, we saw 41 contributions to Uru-related open-source projects, including the game client and game content itself, but also the korman Blender plugin for Age Building, the DIRTSAND Uru server, and other tools.
(10/01 13:52:24) Darryl Pogue: The H’uru team welcomes contributions to any of our repositories on GitHub: https://github.com/H-uru
(10/01 13:52:33) neurovac: ah well.
(10/01 13:52:37) Darryl Pogue: If you’re not a coder, you can still contribute in the form of bug reports and feature requests! Let us know about little bugs you’ve seen, or things to improve the usability and quality of life when playing Uru.
(10/01 13:52:56) Darryl Pogue: You can find help and support (including suggestions for first-time contributors) in the OpenUru #code-dev channel on Discord: https://discord.gg/FNhavaZ8Wk
(10/01 13:53:31) Darryl Pogue: (and just to be clear, the hacktoberfest T-shirt is a real-world physical shirt… but maybe an Uru shirt is also an idea for a contribution :P)
(10/01 13:53:40) Darryl Pogue: I’m looking forward to seeing the contributions we get this year. Thanks
(10/01 13:53:41) Calum Traveler: hey, im all for more wardrobe items
(10/01 13:53:48) Calum Traveler: no questions in queue
(10/01 13:53:50) Calum Traveler: any for darryl?
(10/01 13:54:24) Calum Traveler: none?
(10/01 13:54:28) Calum Traveler: alright, thank you Darryl Pogue!
(10/01 13:54:52) Calum Traveler: moving right along… Keith Lord~! say some words about your age
(10/01 13:55:55) Keith Lord: Well for those who may have missed it Highgarden has now been released. You can find the Book in Chiso.
(10/01 13:56:20) Keith Lord: I am accutely aware we are currently within said Age, but when I asked Calum for a slot we were still planning on having AGM in Kirel.
(10/01 13:56:53) Keith Lord: I also wanted to thank you all for turning up for it. It meant a lot to me and to share this place with you guys.
(10/01 13:56:53) Doobes: AGM in a fan Age…another first.
(10/01 13:56:54) Ahno: Ah there is the book… I must have missed it…
(10/01 13:57:25) Keith Lord: Happy to take any questions if anyone has any.
(10/01 13:57:41) Darryl Pogue: Breathtaking, isn’t it?
(10/01 13:57:44) Ereshkigal: It’s an amazing Age, Keith
(10/01 13:57:54) Doobes: Someone asked about the origin of the statues here earlier.
(10/01 13:57:57) Raiga Olir: Gorgeous
(10/01 13:58:07) Doobes: And yes, absolutely amazing.
(10/01 13:58:13) jtrigg: i presume that there will be future additions to Chison books, but as theb pedestals are now full, How will they be accomodated?
(10/01 13:58:32) Ereshkigal: Lots of shelves
(10/01 13:58:39) Doobes: Older Books will be rotated out to the shelves while new ones will feature promenently on the pedestals.
(10/01 13:58:50) jtrigg: TYVM
(10/01 13:58:57) Keith Lord: The statues were a gift from a D’ni artisan called Tommen. We found him stranded upon an Age many years ago after he fled the Fall. The Statues were a thankyou for freeing him.
(10/01 13:59:01) Doobes: *prominently
(10/01 13:59:16) Doobes: Ooo, nice!
(10/01 13:59:28) Raiga Olir: Is there a reason the coordinates keep jumping?
(10/01 13:59:42) Keith Lord: EthanEver – I do not know if the Bahro are aware of this Age.
(10/01 13:59:55) Prad: Aaahhh okay so the statues are themselves originally foreign to this age… if I understand right…
(10/01 14:00:02) Calum Traveler: oh, huh- i didnt realize there were coordinates here.
(10/01 14:00:14) Doobes: D’ni-made instead of from the surface.
(10/01 14:00:20) Keith Lord: Raiga Olir – I have yet to recalibrate the Marker that is located within Fahets “prime”.
(10/01 14:00:48) Calum Traveler: ah, it’s ‘scrambled’ coordinates- that’d be why its jumping. pesky thing…
(10/01 14:00:54) Prad: coordinates, Calum? write them down, they could be a puzzle… !
(10/01 14:01:01) Keith Lord: Prad> Correct. We decided to add the statues to this area.
(10/01 14:01:36) vid: A place of promience. An excellent home for then.
(10/01 14:01:49) Doobes: Absolutely.
(10/01 14:01:50) Keith Lord: Given they were a gift to the Third Path council we thought it a good place for them to be in the council’s rest area.
(10/01 14:02:10) Keith Lord: Tommen has visited this area and was happy to see them in situ
(10/01 14:02:22) Doobes: Are the fish native to this Age or were they brought in?
(10/01 14:02:29) Keith Lord: They are native
(10/01 14:02:36) Christian Walther: The one over there looks a bit unstable… make sure it’s not knocked over by a butterfly.
(10/01 14:02:53) Zeke365: lookes like there trapped under ice
(10/01 14:03:03) Doobes: Well, enough people here now…we could just heave that thing back upright.
(10/01 14:03:15) Calum Traveler: not it
(10/01 14:03:22) vid: The Gang Damages a D’ni Artifact
(10/01 14:03:22) Calum Traveler: i do enough heavy lifting as it is XD
(10/01 14:03:30) Maurus laughs
(10/01 14:03:32) Calum Traveler: well, keith’s KI has crashed again
(10/01 14:03:36) Calum Traveler: so we’ll move on
(10/01 14:03:42) Calum Traveler: and thank him for his time
(10/01 14:04:19) Calum Traveler: a quick message from Cody Herd: he’s requesting people use Cody Herd’s (3) Hood rather than Cody Herd’s (2) hood.
(10/01 14:04:39) Prad: flying butter is not heavy lifting lol…
(10/01 14:04:40) Calum Traveler: apparently the link in the nexus is being odd with Hood (2)?
(10/01 14:04:55) Calum Traveler: some folks are crashing going there, it sounds like
(10/01 14:04:59) Calum Traveler: so, yeah, heads up there.
(10/01 14:05:15) Calum Traveler: next speaker…
(10/01 14:05:17) Calum Traveler: Diranda~!
(10/01 14:05:26) Ahno: okay thanks for that cody info…
(10/01 14:05:44) Diranda waves hello
(10/01 14:05:52) Zeke365: as long as you move a little bit you should not crash
(10/01 14:05:57) Diranda: I just wanted to let everyone know that the Guild of Authors and Artists is hosting National Novel Writing Month in the Cavern this year. We’re having our first Nano related meeting on October 7, 1300 KI at the New GoMePub, so if you’re interested in learning what it’s about, please feel free to visit!
(10/01 14:06:14) Thumbs up from Diranda
(10/01 14:06:20) Ereshkigal cheers
(10/01 14:06:33) Calum Traveler: nanowrimooo…
(10/01 14:06:35) Thumbs up from shokhootahn Rehn
(10/01 14:06:49) Keith Lord: At least getting back here is quicker when you don’t have to queue
(10/01 14:06:50) Ereshkigal: Why are people linking to Cody Herd’s hood?
(10/01 14:06:57) Calum Traveler: to visit?
(10/01 14:06:58) Calum Traveler shrugs
(10/01 14:07:04) Calum Traveler: why does anyone link to any hood?
(10/01 14:07:07) neurovac: Why not
(10/01 14:07:22) Calum Traveler: moving along…
(10/01 14:07:26) Calum Traveler: ive only got one last speaker,
(10/01 14:07:30) Prad: Highgarden is new to me… I stay
(10/01 14:07:36) Calum Traveler: shokhootahn Rehn!
(10/01 14:07:58) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, I have two separate announcements. One is for the D’ni Language Class and the other one is for r’Tayrtahn’s Story Night.
(10/01 14:08:10) shokhootahn Rehn: First, the language classes…
(10/01 14:08:22) shokhootahn Rehn: There are evening classes available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, starting at 20:00, 21:00 or 22:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule. There are daytime openings Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, starting at either 12:00 KI time, 13:00 KI time, or 14:00 KI time, depending on the student’s schedule. Contact me by PM to set up a day and a time.
(10/01 14:08:34) shokhootahn Rehn: Though, daytime availability is subject to change with little or no notice.
(10/01 14:08:54) shokhootahn Rehn: If you are going to contact me by KI-mail, remember to inclue your KI #.
(10/01 14:09:05) shokhootahn Rehn: I can be found on Discord at r’Tayrtahn#1317.
(10/01 14:09:31) shokhootahn Rehn: As always, current students can find last-minute updates to class times on the left-hand imager.
(10/01 14:10:20) shokhootahn Rehn: There are, currently, two students progressing through the lessons.
(10/01 14:10:52) shokhootahn Rehn: The Guild of Instructors’ Hood will be open and public unless a class is in session.
(10/01 14:11:01) shokhootahn Rehn: Are there any questions?
(10/01 14:11:20) shokhootahn Rehn: Moving on…
(10/01 14:11:30) shokhootahn Rehn: The second announcement is about r’Taytahn’s Story Night.
(10/01 14:11:44) shokhootahn Rehn: Today is the story of the last king of D’ni: King Kerath. Starting next week and continuing for the month of October will be the stories of the years between the kings and the story of the Fall. The story of the Fall will be told through the book, Myst: The Book of Ti’Ana.
(10/01 14:12:24) shokhootahn Rehn: I am recording Story Night for (eventual) upload to my YouTube channel (r’Tayrtahn). Please do not PM me during the story unless you want to see your message displayed for the entire internet.
(10/01 14:12:44) shokhootahn Rehn: Currently, I am caught up with video compression. Unfortunately, I have a sizable backlog of videos to upload. To my channel subscribers, please be patient; I am slowly working through it.
(10/01 14:13:10) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night is held in the public neighborhood of Tsahno’s Hood every Saturday.
(10/01 14:13:23) Prad: PM to other story night members might be okay. Only not to r’Tayrtahn…
(10/01 14:13:39) shokhootahn Rehn: Original Story Night is held at 23:30 KI time on Saturday night. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 23:00 KI time.
(10/01 14:14:01) shokhootahn Rehn: Story Night – Europe is held at 14:00 KI time on Saturday afternoon. We start gathering at the hood’s fountain starting at 13:30 KI time except for AGM Saturdays, when it starts at 14:00 KI or 15 minutes after the AGM, whichever is later.
(10/01 14:14:29) Prad: (… unless… you visible to whole internet… you know … :D)
(10/01 14:14:31) shokhootahn Rehn: Today it will be about 14:45
(10/01 14:14:44) shokhootahn Rehn: I also post changes on the left-hand imager in the hood.
(10/01 14:15:01) shokhootahn Rehn: Should I need to cancel one of the stories at the last minute, I will try to aprise one or two of my regular audience members of the situation so they can spread the news.
(10/01 14:15:47) shokhootahn Rehn: Minasunda is one of those members, as she runs the announcements channel on Discord.
(10/01 14:16:00) shokhootahn Rehn: The stories are told using voice so you will need to have your speakers or headsets on.
(10/01 14:16:41) shokhootahn Rehn: Calum, has the KI been modified, yet, to include senders of KI mail to the Recents folder?
(10/01 14:16:46) Calum Traveler: yes
(10/01 14:17:13) Calum Traveler: though it may take a few tries if you have a full recents list and need to empty a few names out
(10/01 14:17:33) Calum Traveler: its on the to-do list ^^;
(10/01 14:18:14) Calum Traveler: annnd our friend has poofed.
(10/01 14:18:18) Calum Traveler: woops.
(10/01 14:18:26) Calum Traveler: he’s on his way back.
(10/01 14:18:26) vid: zzzzWHAP
(10/01 14:18:35) Prad: to some kind it has… users uncomfortable with that method have already reported issues… to be told they are features…
(10/01 14:18:45) Maurus: there seem to be a lot of micro-wormholes opening up here in fahets
(10/01 14:18:57) Calum Traveler: yes, there’s an issue with the KI that it doesnt remember seen messages
(10/01 14:19:15) Calum Traveler: that causes a bit of an… consant clog of the recents list for some folks who like it empty and clean.
(10/01 14:19:37) Calum Traveler: but that’s looong been an issue, the KI not remembering what messages its seen already
(10/01 14:19:44) Calum Traveler: it’s why it blinks at you every time you boot it up,
(10/01 14:19:47) Calum Traveler: or open incoming folder.
(10/01 14:19:58) Calum Traveler: it’s on the to-do list to fix >>;
(10/01 14:20:38) Calum Traveler: so yes, incoming senders to recents, intentional!
(10/01 14:20:42) Calum Traveler: a feature!
(10/01 14:20:50) Calum Traveler: constantly doing that every time you open the KI? Bug!
(10/01 14:20:54) jtrigg: A Block clear function would be useful
(10/01 14:20:56) Prad: everythings alright you can’t make everyone happy and decisions are mostly being made in majority democratic decisions…
(10/01 14:21:16) Calum Traveler: to be fair it’s just an extant issue with the KI that needs addressing anyways
(10/01 14:21:40) Calum Traveler: shokhootahn Rehn rejoins us!
(10/01 14:21:54) shokhootahn Rehn needs a moment to breathe!
(10/01 14:21:58) Prad: okay back to talk
(10/01 14:22:16) jtrigg: Did Parker hit the escape key?
(10/01 14:22:25) shokhootahn Rehn: Anyway, we hope to see you at Story Night!
(10/01 14:22:31) shokhootahn Rehn: Any questions?
(10/01 14:23:02) shokhootahn Rehn thanks you very much!
(10/01 14:23:40) Prad: he thought the escape key would open the door of his escape vehicle…
(10/01 14:23:55) Calum Traveler: alright i think that’s it for this month’s AGM!
(10/01 14:23:58) jtrigg: the Door into Summer
(10/01 14:24:00) Calum Traveler: its been a doozy!
(10/01 14:24:04) Calum Traveler: OH
(10/01 14:24:04) Zeke365 wonders if there an escape the room age leaking somewhere
(10/01 14:24:07) Calum Traveler: right
(10/01 14:24:08) Calum Traveler: wait
(10/01 14:24:10) Calum Traveler: hold onnn
(10/01 14:24:17) Calum Traveler: i have a surprise last minute speaker
(10/01 14:24:20) Calum Traveler: iwonk~!
(10/01 14:24:25) Diranda cheers
(10/01 14:24:28) IwonK: I’ll be quick
(10/01 14:24:29) Theo cheers
(10/01 14:24:30) Ereshkigal cheers
(10/01 14:24:39) Prad: don’t miss story night or uru karaoke if youre interested
(10/01 14:24:44) IwonK: I’ll be streaming this month on October 14th at 15 KI
(10/01 14:24:47) Minasunda: Prad if you want to hold a speak, let it calum know – but let the speakers do theyr part
(10/01 14:24:54) IwonK: place: Guild of Cookies’ Hood
(10/01 14:24:57) Prad: story night right after this meeting
(10/01 14:25:03) IwonK: topic: Cyan Games!
(10/01 14:25:11) IwonK: link:www.twitch.tv/yvonk
(10/01 14:25:12) caver1: Is there an online library of AGM chat logs?
(10/01 14:25:14) Ereshkigal: Ooooh, great!!!
(10/01 14:25:31) IwonK: I’ll make the Guild of Cookies public at about 1h before the stream
(10/01 14:25:35) IwonK: there will be cookies
(10/01 14:25:38) IwonK: see you then!
(10/01 14:25:41) IwonK bows
(10/01 14:25:43) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(10/01 14:25:45) Aurelias claps her hands
(10/01 14:25:54) Diranda claps her hands
(10/01 14:25:58) Christian Walther claps his hands
(10/01 14:26:00) Calum Traveler: right then, wrapping things up…
(10/01 14:26:08) Calum Traveler: normally chatlogs get posted to the guild of messengers website
(10/01 14:26:20) Calum Traveler: but i think korovev is traveling so he hasn’t gotten to them?
(10/01 14:26:32) caver1: Thanks.
(10/01 14:26:37) Calum Traveler: for the time being im crossposting to my blog and linking on cyanchat discord
(10/01 14:26:51) Calum Traveler: OH KAY One MORE last minute last minute speaker
(10/01 14:26:58) IwonK:
(10/01 14:26:58) Maurus laughs
(10/01 14:27:00) shokhootahn Rehn: lol
(10/01 14:27:00) Calum Traveler: Superabbit
(10/01 14:27:07) Superabbit: Oh, hello
(10/01 14:27:12) Superabbit: Thank you calum
(10/01 14:27:37) Superabbit: I just wanted to announce creation of the Musicians Guild Hood
(10/01 14:27:43) Sasha <3: oooh
(10/01 14:27:59) Superabbit: I started it to promote connection between musicians in the Cavern
(10/01 14:28:00) Zeke365 dont forget the Cavern Tours are Oct. 29 at 11:00ki (will double check that)
(10/01 14:28:00) Sasha <3: count me in
(10/01 14:28:06) Maurus: hey nice!
(10/01 14:28:30) Superabbit: Also to promote fan-created music for fan-created Ages
(10/01 14:28:40) Ereshkigal: oh, nice!
(10/01 14:28:44) shokhootahn Rehn: Cool!
(10/01 14:29:02) Superabbit: There actually was a minor D’ni Guild for musicians
(10/01 14:29:08) Superabbit: This is a tribute
(10/01 14:29:27) Sasha <3: I’d worked on music for this age, but it didn’t get included. Guess I didn’t hit the mark. It’s been a busy month
(10/01 14:29:45) Superabbit: Links to streams and bandcamp pages can be posted to the left imager, etc
(10/01 14:29:54) Superabbit: Or just a place to hang and chat
(10/01 14:30:14) Superabbit: Also, we have a Delin
(10/01 14:30:28) Calum Traveler: its been a very busy several months ^^;
(10/01 14:30:57) Ereshkigal: Sahsha: maybe Keith justforgot to turn it on somewhere?
(10/01 14:31:26) Calum Traveler: any questions for Superabbit?
(10/01 14:31:38) Superabbit: See me if you want to join, or just stop by
(10/01 14:31:41) Sasha <3: I don’t know. I’ll have to ask him when I have a chance
(10/01 14:31:47) Calum Traveler: no? okay,
(10/01 14:31:50) Calum Traveler: thank you Superabbit!
(10/01 14:32:05) Calum Traveler: on that note im going to wrap it up.
(10/01 14:32:07) Sasha <3: nice seeing everyone!
(10/01 14:32:11) Calum Traveler: its has been. a day
(10/01 14:32:14) Superabbit: LOL
(10/01 14:32:19) IwonK: it’s still going
(10/01 14:32:20) Calum Traveler: thank you all for coming
(10/01 14:32:25) Calum Traveler: dont forget to donate to the cavcon
(10/01 14:32:26) Sasha <3: Thank you!
(10/01 14:32:34) Calum Traveler: im going to go edit a monster of a chatlog…
(10/01 14:32:35) Christian Walther: Thank you Calum
(10/01 14:32:40) Calum Traveler: and get some food.
(10/01 14:32:44) Calum Traveler: have a good day, all!
(10/01 14:32:47) Calum Traveler bows